Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 320 Differences

Jiang Ting is very depressed. Originally, she called the old magic doctor to let Liu Yao go out to work at ease. As a result, just because she didn't control herself for a while, Liu Yao was more worried about herself and became more afraid to leave her side. Even if she made a lot of promises to him afterwards, he still seemed to be with me, as if he really wanted to stay with her half a step until the end of the world. Really, she won't run...

Liu Yao naturally saw Jiang Ting's mood clearly, but he still didn't want to leave her. Of course, things outside are important. Whether it is to save the life of King Jing's mansion or for the future of the two of them, Liu Yao needs to be fully prepared. However, those things don't need to be done by him. All he can do is lay out secretly and guide all the disadvantages in a good direction.

In fact, it is not only the young emperor on the Dragon Throne that can really determine their life and death, but also the general trend of the world. Now that the eldest prince's rebellion has been put down, Lingnan County has not fallen, and this "potential" is still on the royal palace. Therefore, it is impossible to connect the whole royal palace with only one bastard who has been expelled from the house.

However, even so, Liu Yao did not dare to rest assured. He must try his best to prepare for everything. Because if he doesn't do it, someone may take advantage of the situation and make those disadvantages more unfavorable.

And Jiang Ting is so depressed because she understands the seriousness of the matter. Of course, she knew that Liu Yao was not doing nothing, but she didn't want him to get enough rest at night after accompanying her all day. Forced to laugh during the day and think about it at night, which is definitely a bad habit that is not conducive to health preservation. Because she was so tired that she didn't want him to become like this.

"If you really want to reassure me, then tell me everything." Finally, when Liu Yao's smile was solemn when she faced her, Jiang Ting decided not to bear it anymore. Since she can't persuade him, let's share it with him. She looked at Liu Yao seriously and said, "Tell me how you plan to get rid of the crime. Also, how is the battle outside going? I haven't been out of Xiyuan these days, and I don't know what's going on in the royal palace. Are they still noisy, third and fourth uncles? Have you explained the seriousness of the matter to them... Tell me all this. I don't want to continue to be kept in the dark."

The smile on Liu Yao's face condensed and slowly turned into a wry smile: "Tinger, don't you believe me?"

"I believe you." Jiang Ting replied, "But I don't want to be kept in the dark all the time. If you don't say it, I can only ask others. Liu Yao, I'm your wife, not your canary. No matter what happens, you should tell me to discuss with me, and not all decisions by yourself.

Liu Yao lowered his head and thought for a while before he replied, "Okay, I'll tell you."

With that, he stood up and put down the card in his hand. This is something Jiang Ting got out to relieve boredom, but now he can't relieve boredom no matter how much he plays.

"Let's go."

Jiang Ting was stunned: "Where are you going?"

"There are some things that are really difficult to tell you directly. Let me have a look first." Liu Yao reached out and took Jiang Ting and took her out of Xiyuan.

Liu Yao took Jiang Ting to the Dongyuan of Wangfu and went straight to the yard where the imperial concubine Ye lived. Jiang Ting looked at the desolate yard in surprise and asked Liu Yao, "How did this happen here?" Aren't people cleaning all the time? How..."

"There is no one left." Liu Yao quietly looked at the yard that had shown a declining scene and said, "It turns out that the slaves served here have been released."

"Why let it out? Liu Xi's wife and children are locked here. Jiang Ting finally found another strange place. The yard is not only desolate, but also too quiet, so quiet that it gives people a gloomy feeling.

Yes, people have died here.

Jiang Ting subconsciously got closer to Liu Yao, grabbed his hand and asked, "They... have you changed places? Or have they all been released?"



"Liu Xi's wife and children are all dead." Liu Yao looked down at Jiang Ting, and his eyes were full of complex emotions: "Your girl is called red pomegranate. Not long after you let her out, she sneaked into the house again and quietly hid here. On the day the prince was buried, she didn't know what she had done to poison them all.

"Red can it be?" Jiang Ting covered her mouth and exclaimed, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

"Yes, I can't believe it. She didn't use poison at all. She slowly poisoned people with the combination of daily ingredients. It's really amazing. Liu Yao sighed, not knowing whether he was sighing or sympathizing.

"How come? How could..." Jiang Ting just felt unbelievable. Hasn't she released the red pomegranate? How can she come back? Moreover, even if Liu Xi deserves to die, his wife and children are innocent. That red pomegranate, which has always been shy and lovely, how can it be?

Jiang Ting only felt cold and in a trance. She still can't accept such a ruthless thing.

"Why? Why did she do that?"

"...for revenge." Liu Yao hugged her and whispered.

Yes, the red pomegranate would cause her to shed her child, but she was coerced by others. But later, the family of the red pomegranate was killed. The person who threatened the red pomegranate finally found out that it was the hand of Ye Sidefei. But the death of Ye's side concubine made the whole thing complicated and confusing, breaking all the clues. Because if Ye Sidefei really harms her for the position of the son of the world, she should not commit suicide. If not, why did you arrange the red pomegranate chess piece at the beginning? However, in any case, the death of the Hongliu family has nothing to do with Ye Sidefei.

No, isn't Ye Sidefei dead? The enemy who killed the red pomegranate's relatives is dead. What else does she want to avenge? Is it because of yourself? Because he lost his child, Hongdu was so jealous that he did such an extreme thing...

Jiang Ting began to fall into deep self-reproach. If she hadn't released the red pomegranate so easily, such a thing would not have happened now. It was she who was too reckless to cause such a bad result...

"Tinger, I don't blame you. It was Liu Xi who planted the cause first and killed her family to cause such a tragedy. Liu Yao sighed and hugged her tightly, which was heartbroken. He didn't want to tell her, but if he didn't tell her the truth, he would be even more unable to face her. Because he still wants to do an equally cruel thing with the red pomegranate.

"Where is the red pomegranate and red pomegranate now? Take me to see her!" She must ask the red pomegranate why she did such a cruel thing. Isn't it wronged and debt-headed? Why kill innocent people?

Okay, I'll take you to see her. However, I told you about it because I wanted her to do something for me. However, the girl is now begging for death and doesn't listen to me..." Liu Yao paused, gritted his teeth and said the whole sentence: "Tinger, I want you to persuade her to help me."

"What do you want her to help you?" Jiang Ting's voice trembled a little.

Liu Yao looked at Jiang Ting calmly, took a deep breath, and then slowly said, "There is a person, I have to get rid of her. And red pomegranate is the best choice.