Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 12 Haven't you learned a lesson, shoot me



"Good! Everyone retreated in order. Students with guns and brothers in the army, shoot and kill these giant rats!"

After all, people's physical strength is limited. Those who were found by Zhou Hang also felt that their physical strength was consumed a lot after being killed for a while. If they continue to fight, I'm afraid they will all die here.

However, there are so many guns pointed at them in the rear. Although they feel that the strength of wielding weapons is getting smaller and smaller, they are becoming more and more dangerous, but they can only keep fighting in front, silently praying in their hearts that the tyrants behind can retreat as soon as possible.

Finally, after fighting for a long time, they finally heard the retreat order issued by Zhou Hang.

In fact, Zhou Hang also doesn't want these people to die without any value from the bottom of his heart.

Population! At the end of the world, it is also a very precious resource. Almost all the men who have just been brought out by him are young men. Although they are the objects of their own power, they are worthy of death.

But Zhou Hang doesn't want to waste their lives easily. In fact, one of the biggest reasons why Zhou Hang made this decision is that Chen Jie is seriously injured and his life and death are uncertain.

Born in a political family, he was born to be a hero. He knew that if the Little Red Bird University showed a little fatigue and a little unbearable at this moment, the government army, which had long been looking forward to it, would quickly cut the big cake of Little Red Bird University.

Therefore, although he did not deal with Chen Jie very well, and although he knew how many people would hate and even hate him at this moment, he did not hesitate to make a decision to kill the monkey.

Of course, the facts also prove that his choice is very correct. At this moment, a few vague black figures have been hidden in a dark corner on the left side of the defense line of Little Red Bird University. They are five third-order evolutionists sent by Li Qiang, the commander of the army, who are ready to black hands with Little Red Bird University at any time. ( Ofcourse, in fact, Chen Jie is far from being as hurt as people think. At this moment, he just wants to see those people who have bad intentions hidden in and outside the school)

"Now listen to my command to retreat in order, withdraw!" Zhao Jie, who obtained the consent of many leaders of Little Red Bird University, began to roar.

As for the poor scum who were caught by Zhou Hang, after hearing the order to retreat, they abandoned their shields and steel knives in their hands and turned their heads to the position here and fled back. In this rush, they also killed more than 300 rats. Each person's physical strength was consumed a lot. With the passage of time, the fierce blood inspired by being forced to a dead end also began to cool down.

Zhao Jie shouted at the scum brothers who fled back: "Come here and squat down!! Who dares to run around and shoot on the spot!"

If you let this group of people run around, I'm afraid that they will not only escape from here, but also impact the defense line that has gradually healed as before.

In the roar and scolding of the two tyrants, Zhao Jie and Zhou Hang, under the threat of the guns of a platoon of soldiers, those scum who had not escaped, all ran to the designated position very honestly and squatted down with their heads in their hands.

"The first, second, third and fourth close teams come with me!" He Minghao took a look at the approaching mutant mouse group and finally launched the order of a general attack.

Because of the presence of military personnel, the actual leaders of Little Redbird University such as He Minghao and Song Qianwen did not dare to expose the strength of Little Red Bird University too much, so they only dispatched four teams, and 300 evolutionary strongmen followed He Minghao and launched a charge towards the huge group of rats.

Evators are evolutionists. Even if these evolutionists are not the most powerful of Little Redbird University, and even some of them are low-level beings who have just become evolutionists. Their combat effectiveness is far from comparable to that of the group of scum just now.

Under the leadership of He Minghao, Zhou Hang, Li Dongwei and Shang Haobin, the four school guard teams quickly broke into the oncoming rat tide striker and madly killed any giant mouse they could see in front of them. Whether it was an ordinary mutant black mouse or a second-order elite mutant purple rat, it was a Knife, followed by a knife, until it is completely cut down.

He Minghao, Zhou Hang, Li Dongwei and Shang Haobin are the leaders of the four school guards. If they enter no one's land, no mouse can stop their blow, even the second-order elite purple giant rat.

Soon after the four melee teams led by He Minghao and four others joined the battle, the giant rat forwards who fought against the defense front line of the evacuation team were cut around like tofu by the evolutionists of the school guard, constantly dying and dying.

Of course, the soldiers of the army have not stopped fighting at this moment. Under the leadership of Zhao Jie, the current second commander of the army, the soldiers are also trying their best to clean up the zombies that have not yet come into contact with the defense line in order to further reduce the endless wave of black rats from the rear. Great pressure.

Finally, before the physical exhaustion of the four melee teams, He Minghao and his entourage finally killed all the mouse fronters who had just broken the defense line caused by the retreat of the scum and rushed into the defense line. However, every soldier in the melee team has consumed a lot of physical strength and gasped heavily.

"Finally, I can take a breath!" Killing the last purple mouse that rushed into the defense line, Zhou Hang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now you don't have to worry about the two-sided attack of the mouse!"

Unfortunately, before he could really take a break, the mutant mice in the rear had quickly followed the pace of the striker and fight with the little red bird warrior defending the front line at this moment.

The number of mutant rats is really too huge. Even though the scum brother resisted the first wave of mutant rat attack frenzy, even though Zhou Hang and others have eliminated thousands of mice that rushed into the defense line of Little Red Bird University just now, even though a large number of mice were penetrated by bullets fired by soldiers and were eliminated. Compared with the sea-like group, the mice are just like a drop in the sea, and there is no decrease at all.

Looking at the continuous approach of those huge mutant rats, the leaders of other folk forces who were suppressed by Zhou Hang and Zhao Jie with strong force could no longer resist the pressure brought by the rats and drove to the original road one after another.

A Toyota SUV started quickly, secretly drove out of the defense line and rushed into the mutant mouse group and began to soar. One mutant mouse after another was hit by a Japanese Toyota car and broke the civil war and splashed around. However, there are also more and more mutant mice rushing towards the Toyota car like a spirit cat. Before long, the Toyota car was full of mutant mice, completely blocking the realization of the driver, and the car could no longer start.

In a minute and 50 seconds, at a distance of 130 meters, the Toyota SUV that suddenly evacuated the defense line plunged into the field on the roadside and could no longer move.

Countless mutant mice were attracted by it and devoured the small Japanese luxury car worth more than 300,000 yuan.

With bursts of harsh and sharp sounds, the steel frame of the thin Japanese car was soon bitten by the sharp teeth of the mutant mice. The mutant mice got in one by one and bit the people in the car. Immediately, there was a sad sound of sadness from the car, and blood splashed on the glass of the car. The car vibrated and immediately stopped.

This Toyota SUV is like the epitome of other cars. As soon as those fleeing cars rushed into the mutant rat group, they were swallowed up by the mutant rat group, screaming one after another.

As for those ignorant people who don't know whether to live or die, not to mention the end of those who run wildly on 11 roads alone. Each of them is dead without a dead body!!

The sharp teeth of those mutant rats can saw thin steel plates. Even if the weakness of the king of land warfare such as infantry chariots and tanks can be bitten away by the mutant mice for a long time, not to mention those ordinary vehicles and even thin small Japanese vehicles that can kill people at any time.

At this time, Chen Jie finally began to lose his temper. Why is there such an ignorant general, and his mind is full of paste everywhere!

Chen Jie began to roar loudly: "Idiot, don't run away! The little red bird has taken good care of me one by one. If anyone dares to escape again, he will shoot me and sw a knife. I see which fool dares to escape. They don't want their lives and don't implicate others!"

Under the crazy shooting of Chen Jie's machine gun, the ignorant retreaters were finally broken and the pace of retreat slowly stopped.

All kinds of light and heavy guns guarding the army next to the retreating team immediately spit out fire. The machine guns and various vehicle-mounted machine guns on the infantry chariots left by the military pioneers also opened fire one after another under the use of the evolutionists of Little Red Bird University. Of course, there was also a platoon of soldiers brought by Zhou Juncheng. They also picked up the submachine guns in their hands and began to spit out fierce fire tongues. At this time, Chen Jie also had to secretly say good luck for the so many soldiers Zhou Juncheng came to provoke. Without the fire support of this platoon of soldiers, I'm afraid the loss of this retreat team and even the survivors of Little Red Bird University would be even greater!

The dense bullets formed a fiery red steel barrage that took away any life. The black tide formed by the black mutant mice was cut fiercely by a fiery steel knife. Countless mutant mice were shot into a sieve, and a strong mutant rat died.

It's just that the number of mutant mice is too large. Even under the blockade of the powerful metal barrage, more than 100 scattered elite mutant purple rats passed through the blockade of the barrage, rushed into the crowd and began to slaughter.

