Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 27 Are you ready?



Looking at these silly children, Chen Jie couldn't help but feel happy: Do you really regard me as a wrongdoer!? Humph, time, what I lack now is enough time. Don't think that I don't know what you think and want to treat me as a wrongdoer! Humph, but your arrival has brought me enough development time to Little Redbird University. As long as you give me enough time, my strength and my power will soon rise to a level beyond your reach. Do you want to leave then? Crossing the river and tearing down the bridge? Hey hey, let's talk about it! I'm afraid that even if I chase you away, you won't leave!

I don't ask when Chen Jie became such an easy shield for others...

"My subordinates, come with me! We need to evacuate!" Chen Jie achieved his goal and said proudly, "Of course, we still need to do something before retreating."

Chen Jie proudly brought this team of bodyguard evolutioners back to the station of the little red bird and began the final preparations before retreating. Of course, there was also a small test of Chen Jie, a small test on the way to retreat.

Watching Chenjie chu go for a walk and take so many evolutionists back to the Little Redbird station without even greeting, the rest of the school's evolutionists were stunned by Chen Jie's feat!

Even Bao Jiafang, Wang Wei and even Chen Lu, who believed in Chen Jie the most, were stunned. I really didn't expect that Chenjie chu would take such a tour and bring back such a huge team of masters!

Moreover, it seems that it has been compiled by Chen Jie...


Go to the meeting alone, and even collect a lot of masters alone... There doesn't seem to be much such thing in my mind. It seems that Napoleon is the only one!

Although he knew that these people had no way to go, and although he knew that these people had no way, Chen Jie did it so simply, and everyone still felt a little surprised.

At this moment, the admiration of Little Red Bird University for Chen Jie deepened a little.

Is it really charismatic?! Even if there is, does Chen Jie have this personality charm?

It seems that Chen Jie's character has indeed reached the point of omnipotent and angry! Or Chen Jie's strength, Chen Jie's wisdom subdued this group of masters with a series of highly complex behaviors.

Anyway, Chen Jie's omnipotent view has deepened a little in the hearts of the people of Little Red Bird University.

"In the future, we will all be our own people and family." Chen Jie said proudly, "Gentlemen, you will be the 4th Brigade of the School Guard in the future. Every day, 30 masters will take turns on duty to protect our classmates. In addition..."

Chen Jie was rude and began to assign tasks directly.

Everyone pinched their noses and agreed strangely.

"Yes, that's it. By the way, I didn't tell you anything. You need to go out with me to do something later!" Chen Jie laughed.

"What's the matter!? Is it dangerous?"

"Haha, it's a small thing! Little things!"


At this moment, a building (temporarily named as the Administrative Building) is a dignitary and dignitaries of the Hangzhou government, military, and business circles, and various elite evolutionaries are conducting a medal ceremony. It is a drunken fan, singing and singing and dancing.

On the other side, when the sky is getting darker and the night is approaching, several sneaky figures are approaching the administrative building where the award ceremony is being held under the leadership of Chen Jie...

"It's 817..." Chen Jie looked at his watch and then looked up at the brightly lit building, with a sneer on his face...

At this time, the fans are still drunk. No wonder the withdrawal team from Hangzhou in the previous life has withdrawn to Nanjing. This is all because there is a good leader.

In a place composed of trees and pavilions on the right side of the administrative building where the ball was held, a group of people were squatting against the night and some obstacles to observe the door of the central administrative building not far away.

"There are two directions to enter. Of course, the main entrance is okay, but someone is guarding it. From there, we bypassed the small pond and went to the back door of the building. I noticed it just now. There are only two teams of soldiers guarding there.

At this moment, this group of people are Chen Jie, who has some unknown purposes, and Wu Miao and Ding Huating, who are pulled into the thief ship by him and can't go down. There are also several small red bird martial arts evolutionists who seem to be afraid that the world will not be chaotic and are addicted to martial arts.

A total of 13 people are hiding here at this moment, waiting for Chen Jie's next action.

"Say, what should I do? Are we going to go in and grab your girlfriend out now? At this moment, Wu Miao's young man, obviously twice as old as his normal age, had a twitching expression on his face. Obviously, he was expressing his dissatisfaction with being pulled into the thief ship by Chen Jie, which was his way to revenge on Chen Jie.

"I said there was no girlfriend in it! Today, I just came to save the backbone of our little red bird. Oh, well... Forget it..." Chen Jie has repeated this question many times, but it seems that Wu Miao, Ding Huating and others don't believe it at all, or they just want to take a good look at Chen Jie's excited expression to relieve their depressed mood.

"I know, not a girlfriend, but a lover? Right, Brother Chen!" Wang Wei, a little fat man, also came to tease Chen Jie. He covered his mouth and smiled softly. His big eyes, which seemed to be able to speak, seemed to make fun of Chen Jie's inaction to treat women.

"Can we not talk about this problem?" Chen Jie's forehead blue veins rise, and he always feels that it's a mistake to let himself follow these shameless people, although he has their place...

What kind of people are these!?

"Ode, get to business first, and what you want to say when you go back!"


As Chen Jie said, there were only two teams of soldiers guarding at the back door with guns. Although they have guns, looking at their laziness, Chen Jie and others understand that this is easy to solve. Here, the author said that you are in a lot of wine, eating delicious and spicy food. I will blow the northwest wind outside and show you a hairy door. I also hope that you guys will look at it carefully and it will be good to see it for you. Ps: These two pairs of patrolling soldiers are new recruits, and there are other military elite evolution troops protected in the banquet hall.)

"Do it!" Chen Jie nodded to Xia Chenfei.

Then Xia Chenfei's spell suddenly flew without wind. Just as Wu Miao and Chen Jie's newly accepted younger brothers were surprised, the two teams of miscellaneous soldiers standing at the back door suddenly stiffened, and then lay down on the ground stiffly like a puppet pulled by the line.

These people have been hit by Xia Chenfei's spell and have fallen asleep.

Chen Jie motioned Wu Miao and Ding Hua to be nervous, saying that this was just a talented power awakened by Xia Chenfei, which was too normal.

After looking at the no one else around him, he immediately rushed out and waved to Wang Wei, Wu Miao and others over there, signaling them to come quickly.

"Chenfei and Wang Wei, you two took our school to take off the clothes of this group of people first, and then deal with it, and prepare to enter the meeting with me!"

"Wu Miao and Hua Ting, you are responsible for the installation and detonation of the bomb. Whether we can successfully rescue our compatriots and pave the way for the future victory and escape depends on your performance this time."


Wang Wei, a little fat man, also nodded, and then entered the central administrative building from the back door with Xia Chenfei and the martial arts idiots of Little Red Bird University. Then Chen Jie, who stayed in place, looked at it and made sure that they had all gone in. After no one left here, a cold light flashed in his eyes...

Seeing that the friends he brought were moved one by one, Chen Jie also turned around and entered the administrative building where the dance was held, and then found the six people waiting for him hidden at the entrance of the corridor.

There is a helicopter, but it can't be used. It will be found as soon as it is used!

And I don't know exactly where to go, take the stairs! Chen Jie gave a motion, and then walked directly to the top first.

The administrative building where the award ceremony was held has a total of eight floors, of which the lower five floors are various commercial offices, various windows and branches of various banks in China.

Then the third floor from the sixth floor to the eighth floor is the office of Hangzhou Saier Group - the center of ZJ Distribution Group. The eighth floor is mainly the honor wall of some group deeds exhibition and a super conference room that can hold a large-scale conference of 3,000 people.

Saier Group is worthy of being a top-notch giant group in Hangzhou. Even if it is a small ZJ subgroup company, the three floors are very large, not only the office, but also half of the venue is various rooms.

It is modeled on the construction and configuration of star hotels, which is used by some group leaders for daily rest. Of course, it has been targeted by the outside world before, saying that it is a place.

So Chen Jie and others climbed all the way to the sixth floor. Fortunately, they did not meet anyone on the way. After successfully arriving at the sixth floor, Chen Jie motioned everyone to stop.

"You get ready here. I'll go to the top! Be careful not to be found! You know the consequences of being discovered. After Chen Jie gave a command to several people, regardless of whether they listened or not, he went directly to the conference room on the eighth floor at the top of the dance.

"All right!" Everyone sighed depressedly, "I thought there was a fight here!"

"A group of martial arts idiots, there will be many opportunities for you to fight in the future. Be careful!"

"Well, you should also be careful!"

And Wang Wei, who stayed at the entrance of the sixth floor, looked at each other face to face. Finally, they had no choice but to start exploring and arrange various traps.

In fact, Chen Jie doesn't have to worry at all. At this time, except for the large number of people on the eighth floor where the award ceremony was held, the other floors were very quiet and there were few people.

I don't know if many people have prepared to go to the dance, or go outside to kill zombies and strengthen themselves.

Anyway, Chen Jie successfully arrived at the top floor of the tenth floor.

He received the news that the award ceremony was held on the eighth floor, but it was not clear where it was. As for why Wang Wei and others and even Wu Miao, the former military company commander, come up to rescue Song Qianwen, Zhou Hang, He Minghao and other elite evolutionists of Little Red Bird University, the reason is actually very simple.

Details! Chen Jie was simply going to make Wu Miao and others create a sensation and act as bait to attract attention. He did it himself!

Retreat! The guarantee when retreating, I believe that the traps carefully made by Wang Wei and others will make the military suffer a lot.

