Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 43 The King of Rat Seeks Revenge



How to supplement? There are not so many troops here, and so many arms can be collected for us.

"Idiot, isn't it a small town in front of you, police station, don't tell me that the police station is unarmed!"

"No, Chen Jie, I think it's better to forget that! If I don't meet the army earlier, I always feel inexplicably uneasy. Moreover, in such a small town, the police station should not have too much arms! Even if there is, I'm afraid it's just light arms such as pistols!" Jiang Yuning rarely had a conflict with Chen Jie and consulted Chen Jie in a gentle voice.

"That's okay, then let's go straight to the unknown military road!"

According to the route proposed by Song Qianwen, their party will first retreat 5 kilometers and then cross a hill. There is a passage that is usually closed and not open to the public, and only opens when the military needs to. There is a first-class highway directly connected to the suburbs of the provincial capital Ninghai City. The end of the road is not far from the mountain where our Redbird students are stationed.

Of course, there is still a long way to go to the entrance and exit of that road, at least 5,000 meters on the way. Fortunately, at this moment, the Hangzhou military was in a hurry by the sudden zombies and had no time to pay attention to Chen Jie and others. Otherwise, even if there was a secret military road to retreat, it must not be too smooth for Chen Jie's six people to escape.

The road to retreat was calm. In addition to passing through a provincial road with parking lots, restaurants and other facilities with a slight threat on the way back, the vehicles had a good journey, and there was about 1 kilometer to reach the end of the military road and meet the red bird compatriots.

"I was lucky that I didn't meet the army in Delhang City, and I didn't meet that terrible mutant animal. At the current speed, in another 2 minutes, we can reach the end of the intersection mentioned by Mr. Song. Wang Wei, a little fat man, cracked his mouth and laughed.

"No, it's not. It's too quiet. It's too quiet.

"It's not good to be quiet. Do you still want to attract zombies with noise?"

"Be careful. Chen Jie pressed down the little fat man who was driving in front of him and pulled the handbrake on the car to prevent movement.

Just now, Chen Jie had a feeling of facing demonized mutant zombies, which is a life-threatening warning.

"You women stay here! Wang Wei, get out of the car with me." This was Chen Jie's first reaction, and then he opened the door and jumped out. At the same time, an alloy sword appeared in his hand.

"It seems to have been pressed just now" Wang Wei also jumped out of the cab.

However, at this moment, Chen Jie has carefully checked around the ground along the headlights of the commercial car. Through the light of the headlights, he can find the bones of white-boned human beings on the ground.

This shocked everyone. First of all, several girls hugged each other with pale faces. Wang Wei, the little fat man, said that he was not afraid, but his face was not good, but at least he was a man. Although his face was not good, he did not return to the car, but took a step forward and came behind Chen Jie.

"Seeing that many people died here before..."

The first thing Chen Jie saw was the bones that had just been crushed by the vehicle. These bones are not too old and still feel very textured. Only a few may have been crushed by heavy objects, coupled with the wind and sun, rain and snow, and now they have turned into powder.

And in front of him, Chen Jie actually saw a skeleton full of human bones with a flashlight. At least within the range of the flashlight, you can see the bones left behind by dozens of people after death.

"What the hell is going on here? Why is there so much bone in a good way here, and it should be a human bone that has just died. It shouldn't be!"

Looking at so many dead people, and from the perspective of only bones left, it must have happened here, and then so many people died.

No one, because there is at least a certain amount of time for what happened here. It is textured, which means that the time of the matter is not very long, at least not more than a year. There are many bones of the dead, which means that a lot of extraordinary things have happened here. However, now people don't have the energy to explore what happened at the beginning.

"Speed to get on the car, this is not a place to stay for a long time. I hope my hunch is wrong!"

get on the car again, and then because the ground is full of human skeletons, the vehicle drives very slowly.

Along the way, the bones are broken, complete and powdery. What happened on the last kilometer? How many people have died?

Of course, this is just a midway episode. Although the road is a little uneven due to various human bones, there is still a day to exit. After finally bumping into the dense plants at the exit, I finally saw the sunshine.

This is already a small forest on the outskirts of Ninghai City, not far from the mountain where the little red bird is stationed.

"Finally, I'm out of that damn place. You stay first. I'll go down and smoke a cigarette to calm down."


People around looked at Chen Jie strangely. But Chen Jie didn't gnaw, just listened with his ears sideways.

A minute later, Chen Jie looked around doubtfully.

No sound!" Is it the wind?" There is no wind tonight, and that sound...

Suddenly, at the moment when Chen Jie was distracted, a black shadow rushed out of the grass and trees on the hillside, and then rushed to Wang Wei, who stepped on the lower half of his feet at an unresponsive speed.

"Dodge!" Without thinking about it, Chen Jie cut at the shadow with a knife, and the sense of crisis that had only before when he met the demonized mutant zombies rose again.

"How's it going? Have you been caught?"

"For good, Brother Jie reacted in time and didn't catch it."


Suddenly, a sad scream cut through the tranquility of the woods. Then there was a deep whining, which made the people around him extremely nervous.

"What's the situation? What's going on?" Chen Jie grabbed Wang Wei's shoulder and asked loudly.

"It's the shadow just now. It's so fast that I can't see it clearly... Ah... It caught my leg again."

"You guys stay inside, and I'll lead the monster away." Chen Jie's face turned pale. He pushed the injured little fat man Wang Wei under the car and shouted, "You act on the opportunity and evacuate to the red bird immediately."

"But, big brother? You?" Chen Lu shouted anxiously.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm the biggest here, and I'll make the decision." After saying that, Chen Jie jumped off the Buick without looking back.

Chen Jie's speed was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he ran to the road full of human bones just now.

"You withdraw, and I will come to you."

"Bear care!"

Xu Yuqing looked at Chen Jie with a straight face without any hesitation. She turned on the machine, lit the fire, started, and started the car to quickly withdraw to the place where the little red bird was stationed.

The screams sounded from time to time, sometimes one, sometimes two times. Listening to the more and more frightening screams, the gunshots that had been obviously much weaker, and Chen Jie was extremely anxious.

He knew that the stupid little fat man who followed him was about to see the Lord.

Another scream, and a dark shadow came out of a small tree next to Chen Jie. The speed was so fast that no one could react. By the time Chen Jie wanted to wave the knife, the shadow had long disappeared.

A dark light flashed,


The little fat Wang Wei's head flew to the sky.

The body that lost its head moved forward twice with inertia and hit the road full of ashes, causing a lot of dust.

"It's you!" Chen Jie was stunned.

A mouse!

A dark mouse!

A mouse the size of a domestic cat!

A giant mouse still dripping blood on its claws!

A golden fur has been injured by Chen Jie and turned into an extremely strange black and purple mouse!

At this time, Chen Jie understood that the shadow ghost was not a ghost, but a mouse that had been injured by himself.

The mouse came back to seek revenge!

"Fuck, when you encounter this kind of intelligent animal in the future, you must change your previous tactics and chase it to the end. Otherwise, you will suffer a big loss. It's not a good thing to be targeted by such a traceless guy!" Chen Jie thought secretly.

"Didn't I just hurt you and kill a group of your little brothers? As for "

"The waiting military team in Hangzhou did not cause any trouble to its rescue activities, but a mouse let itself fall to this point." Chen Jie wants to cry without tears. What the hell is going on?

At the same time, the shadow that followed along the way paused slightly and landed lightly on a big tree. The only remaining one stared at Chen Jie, revealing an extremely bloodthirsty gaze...

With a "ci", Chen Jie's arm was scratched.

gritting his teeth, Chen Jie ran back to the military road that came from nowhere, and then ran at full speed.

Now, the farther away from this ghost killer, the better.

Although Chen Jie's evolutionary level has been greatly improved, it is the accumulation stimulation of some evolutionary nuclei, and the power in the evolutionary nucleus has not been fully utilized by Chen Jie. Now at the critical moment of life and death, the power hidden in Chen Jie's physical strength has been stimulated bit by bit.

In this way, Chen Jie completed another gorgeous reversal, cutting down and washing the marrow!

If someone calculates next to him, he will find that the first 100 meters Chen Jie took four seconds, the second 100 meters three seconds, and the third and fourth... Chen Jie ran at a speed of more than 100 meters and three seconds.

After passing the vast military road, Chen Jie's speed slowed down, but also maintained a speed of about 100 meters and 10 seconds.

After running for three minutes, Chen Jie has run three kilometers in the direction of the little red bird station. This speed is amazing, but Chen Jie now has no time to consider that he has broken many world records.

Now he is holding an alloy sword, leaning his back against a big tree, looking at the direction of his arrival while pouring water into his mouth.

"It won't go on like this! We have to find a way to solve this stinky mouse!"

