Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 64 Beast? Better than beasts?



Zhao Sixiao's wound is in urgent need of treatment!

But Chen Jie has nothing at this moment, and today's Chen Jie is only at the fourth level, and he is also seriously injured. He doesn't have much ability to move, far from the profound skills of his previous life.

There was nothing he could do. Chen Jie had to first carry out some simple emergency medical dressings to restore his mobility. Then Chen Jie began to pound the emergency medicine of the previous life. One evolutionary nucleus, two evolutionary nuclei, three evolutionary nuclei, plus a drop of blood in his fourth-order strength, swaying and combining to form a preliminary rescue magic medicine.

Chen Jie tore open Zhao Sixiao's white interior without avoiding suspicion at all.

I thought I should have no response at this moment. I'm not such a beast!

However, after all, he is a vigorous young man. Chen Jie still looked at the place a little stunned. The dark grass jungle was so charming.

At this moment, Chen Jie, who was still a pure little virgin, looked at this beautiful picture and couldn't help but be stunned, leaving a few drops of bright red nosebleeds on his nose.

After a while, Chen Jie realized it, and then took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. Then he began to use disinfectant cotton and a Swiss army knife that had been burned for a long time, and the gunpowder in the initially mobilized bullet began to treat Zhao Sixiao's wound.

Looking at the charming girl in front of him and the white and seductive body, Chen Jie muttered to himself.

"I really didn't expect that I would pay such a big price to save this woman, and what's more ridiculous is that I didn't even do it for the therapeutic power in my calculation, but for the ridiculous sentence 'Do you know love?' Ha ha! I really didn't expect that I would be so emotional, but the good thing is that although this woman has no combat effectiveness, the healing power is indeed a good thing. There is no price for being sorry for herself and not wasting her feelings too much. It can still be used at critical times, and there is no big loss.

While treating the wound, Chen Jie seemed to talk to himself. I don't know why, but now there are many things as long as I think about them, but he is used to saying them with his mouth.

Maybe this is Chen Jie so that he should not think about Zhao Sixiao's white and human **!

I have to say that Chen Jie has changed a lot after meeting Li Qiang, a predestined enemy. Chen Jie, who had a trace of human nature and was even a little cute, finally began to embark on the road of a dark hero.

Even at this moment, Chen Jie killed his future possible daughter-in-law, Wang Xiaoli's own uncle Wang Chongshan. Looking at Wang Xiaoli's painful appearance, Chen Jie not only did not feel any regret or chagrin, but even vaguely felt a trace of excitement, which was wonderful.

This may be the dark side of human nature hidden in the depths! Black! What a perfect adjective. Once this dark side hidden in the depths of his heart is slightly relieved, the personality that was originally suppressed by him and really belonged to him gradually recovered.

Although he is still so dull, kind, distrustful and lonely, he began to have such a trace of cold blood and a trace of purpose. Now Chen Jie has finally learned to do things and sacrifice a group of people for a group of people. It's just that he really won't hide his behavior. He looks really lonely and cold-blooded.

Chen Jie at this moment still doesn't have such a perfect interpretation of the word belly black!

The wound was treated quickly. Although Chen Jie did not graduate from medical science, he had never eaten pork for so many years and had never seen a pig run away. With such simple wound treatment, Chen Jie's wound dressing can still be easily completed. Before long, Chen Jie treated the wound in a decent manner. Of course, is the dressing as professional and beautiful as a professional nurse? Will it leave an ugly scar on the beautiful skin after the wound is healed? What does it matter to him? It's good to save people!

The biggest wounds have been treated, and other small wounds are trivial. It took less than an hour in total, and Zhao Sixiao's wound basically stabilized.

Then the most important thing is internal injury blood transfusion!

Zhao Sixiao, who lost too much blood, now continues to transfuse blood and supplement nutrients. Chen Jie doesn't know how to do it, but Chen Jie knows that the ** in the evolutionary nucleus will be of great benefit to the recovery and healing of wounds.

In addition, in the previous life, although the legendary life-saving magic medicine was crudely made by himself, at least Chen Jie knew that this would never be a poison. Perhaps it was not as effective as the previous life's rigorous magic medicine made with herbs, evolutionary nuclei, star sources, etc., but it would at least promote the recovery of wounds. It has a certain effect on saving lives and helping the wounded, otherwise Chen Jie would not have spent so much effort to make this magic medicine.

As for blood transfusion, after initially recalling the blood transfusion process in his mind, Chen Jie began to look for blood transfusion equipment in his universal backpack.

Fortunately, the small backpack was not damaged or lost. Chen Jie successfully found a set of blood transfusion equipment.

However, the only thing that is a little dangerous is that Zhao Sixiao's blood type is not clear. Of course, Chen Jie has type O blood. However, it is still dangerous. In case Zhao Sixiao has some special blood types, it will be very bad!

But at this time, Chen Jie has no choice but to fight. If this is really not saved, it can only be said that God is doomed.

I was very lucky. After a period of blood transfusion, I could see that Zhao Sixiao's face was getting better. This shows that the blood transfusion is successful, as long as it continues until she stabilizes.

Since Zhao Sixiao is going to wake up, there is no way now.

When giving Zhao Sixiao a blood transfusion, Chen Jie spent some effort setting up some safety traps as early warning within dozens of meters. It's not a difficult trap. He is proficient in the production of traps, but there are not so many things at this moment. Chen Jie spends so much time patiently arranging traps. After a hurried arrangement, Chen Jie hung some transparent ropes on the trees around him, and then hung some convenient small bells.

Once there is any approach, it can be warned in advance.

In order to prevent all kinds of dangers, Chen Jie did very seriously and made three layers inside and outside. Then he looked at it almost before returning to the huge stone where Zhao Sixiao was lying.

"I really don't know if I owe you in my last life. I can't help but sacrifice my own blood for a woman like you." Looking at the woman in front of me, I couldn't help sighing and smiling bitterly.

The blood transfusion is still in progress, but Zhao Sixiao's breathing has become stable. This is very good. In such a bad environment, Chen Jie actually did a very successful first aid. He felt proud of himself. Of course, hehe!! I really didn't expect that I would put myself in such a dangerous situation for such a woman.

"However, this woman's figure is really good... It's almost comparable to some famous models she has played in her last life..." Looking at Zhao Sixiao, who only looked at a layer of blankets, Chen Jie sighed... What a disaster!

I didn't expect that I would be like this one day! The most ridiculous thing is that this beauty is not your own!!

During the blood transfusion, it soon became dark. Chen Jie was not too hungry all day, so he ate a little high-energy chocolate and some compressed biscuits. Chen Jie eats high-end goods that Chen Lu wholeheartedly chooses for Chen Jie. It is far from ordinary chocolate and biscuits. Although there are few things, the supplement to the body is very good, and the taste is good. At least Chen Jie doesn't feel very hungry at present.

Of course, as a man who returned from the end of the world, Chen Jie has never had any requirements for food, as long as he can fill his stomach and supplement the physical energy lost in his body. And at the end of the world, it's very good to be able to eat enough. Chen Jie will not ask too much. Of course, it would be better to eat well while eating, and the food is more delicious.

Although I'm not very hungry, I also need to replenish my stomach and physical strength! Is there a barbecue in the wild? The environment is good, but Chen Jie will do so unless he really has a brain. Now it is not the quiet and dangerous harmonious society before the end of the world.

Since the end of the world, Chen Jie has discovered the world. It should not be said that the temperature across the country has dropped several degrees. It is still summer, and Zhejiang is only more than 10 degrees, not to mention the night. Looking at Zhao Sixiao, who was still awake, Chen Jie frowned. Although he helped her put a layer of his own clothes under her body and changed two Chen Jie's small coats on it. But looking at her face and her trembling appearance, it seems that the situation has deteriorated? Won't you give me a cold and fever?

Since it has been saved, it will not be Chen Jie's character if it is still halfway.

There was nothing he could do. Chen Jie sat directly on the boulder beside Zhao Sixiao, then hugged Zhao tightly and used his body temperature to help her keep her warm. In addition, a fire was also raised around. Although I don't know if this will attract mutants to attack, it's better than freezing to death!

"This is really a very big test..."

Chen Jie, who got over and hugged Zhao Sixiao, immediately felt a hot body, and the stimulation of such a beautiful, mature and sexy hot body.

Chen Jie is not Liu Xiahui, nor *, not a unique creature of the palace in the feudal period, let alone the new human shemale in the 21st century. The natural reaction of his body made him blush a little, but soon he came naturally. It's just a normal physiological phenomenon.

"Beasts and beasts are not as good as..." How to choose?



(Xingxiong Book Group: 256925309, welcome friends who like this book to join us to discuss Xiaoxiong and give your suggestions. Beautiful women, handsome men, all kinds of complaints. In addition, ask for red tickets, collections, subscriptions, rewards, and all kinds of things. Thank you! Beasts? Better than beasts? This title is the two choices of Junlin last night. In the end, Junlin chose the same choice as Chen Jie! Then what kind of choice will Chen Jie make? In addition, the girl left today. Junlin is indeed an emotional idiot! Everyone who reads the book, click, red ticket, collection, monthly ticket, subscription, reward Shenma to comfort Junlin's vulnerable little heart!)