Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 8 Can't shoot you, disgusting "you"



As soon as Wang Shuang heard it, he knew that Hu Kaili and others were here to seize power.

Chen Jie just took down the batch of arms in the deep mountains and swallowed it. It hasn't been long before he digested it. So soon outsiders learned the news.

Wang Shuang is sure that there must be a traitor in the village who leaked information to the outside world.

At this moment, the Huang Yangmei, which has not yet completely digested the batch of arms, has turned it into a huge piece of fat meat, and at this moment, the tiger of the government, which is staring at this fat meat, has begun to extend its claws to Chen Jie.

Wang Shuang is sure that Hu Kaili and his group are definitely salute and then soldiers now. If their requirements are not met, I'm afraid that Huang Yangmei will not usher in the so-called government team but this fully armed infantry battalion.

After a long silence, Wang Shuang finally said slowly, "Huang Yangmei has developed well under the leadership of Captain Chen. We already have a well-run government team and don't need your leadership. So please go back to TS. Of course, our Captain Chen is in favor of the rule of the government. I can promise you on behalf of our team Chen that the Chinese government is the only ruler of China, and even we can provide some materials to the government. However, the new leadership team, I'm sorry, please forgive us for not agreeing.

Hu Kelly said coldly, "Are you sure you can make such a decision on behalf of Captain Chen?"

"I'm sure that our team Chen had given me full authority to take charge of Huang Yangmei's diplomatic affairs when I came out."

"In this case, go back and tell Chen Jie to wash his neck immediately and wait for us to take his life. You tell him that if he surrenders honestly now, I can still spare him for his life if he doesn't surrender. After I wave my troops to break through Huang Yangmei, I will definitely make him live and die. I will give you 30 minutes to tell Chen Jie our decision, and we will conduct field exercises according to your performance in 30 minutes.

What else Wang Shuang wanted to say, but was directly run over by Hu Kelly

Seeing that Wang Shuang was kicked out, Fang Yun smiled at Hu Kaili and said, "Xiao Xue, you are worthy of being the goddess in my heart. Your performance just now is really domineering!"

Hu Kaili's eyes were like electricity, and she stared at Fang Yun fiercely and said, "It's wartime. You should call it Battalion Hu Shen. Besides, Xiaoxue, you can't call it. Chief Fang, please take care of yourself.

Fang Yun smiled and said unnaturally, "Okay, I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Camp Hu, you were really domineering just now! Chen Jie of Huang Yangmei really dares to block the front of our peak camp. He is really looking for his own death.

Hu Kaili's eyes flashed with a firm light and said, "These little warlords who took advantage of the national disaster to stand on the mountain are the most hateful. I will definitely destroy them and let them know the power of the people's army."

Wang Shuang quickly told Chen Jie what Hu Kaili meant, and Chen Jie tidied up his collar and walked slowly in the direction of the wall in front of him.

Huang Yangmei has been swallowed by Chen Jie, which is the foundation of his life. He spent too much energy to take down the arsenal, and he will never spit out the fat meat that has been swallowed.

No matter who wants to take Huang Yangmei from his hands, he must pay the price of bleeding, even if there is a righteous and well-equipped government army opposite.

Chen Jie is not very interested in those government officials who can only fight for power and profit. He will not easily give the meat in his hand to those pig heads.

Of course, he is hostile but not despised. Chen Jie attaches great importance to the local government army, which has great righteousness and holds a lot of resources.

When he came to the front line, Chen Jie saw that the soldiers of a battalion in the distance were very sophisticated and hidden in bunkers, and a famous sniper was hidden in a hidden place. With his sensitive consciousness far beyond ordinary people, Chen Jie could clearly feel that the troops opposite were not the legendary young master soldiers. This is A force that has witnessed blood and fire.

Although there are only one battalion of soldiers over there, Chen Jie knows very well that if the two sides attack, all three of the battalions in his hand are not the opponents of the other camp

"No, we must take the lead." At the first time, Chen Jie launched his stealth and galloping skill, rushed into the field on one side, walked through the grass full of mutant grass, made a big circle, and circled behind Hu Kelly, a battalion soldier.

Behind the military camp, there were two 122mm self-propelled howitzers and a row of soldiers guarding around the two 122mm self-propelled howitzers.

These two infantry fighting vehicles equipped with 122mm self-propelled howitzers are powerful weapons to attack. Those difficult firepower points can be destroyed as long as they are bombarded by two artillery vehicles, and this is also a big killer that destroys the enemy's will to resist. In the shaking shelling on the ground, it is easy to make people fight. The ambition collapsed and fled. Only the most elite army with a strong will to resist can still fight to the death in the shelling

Chen Jie circled around the vicinity of two infantry fighting vehicles and suddenly burst out with two shots at an infantry fighting vehicle with a Katyusha rocket launcher.

The fire flashed, accompanied by a huge explosion, and the two infantry fighting vehicles, which had a great threat to Huang Yangmei, suddenly turned into a big fireball and burst.

Chen Jie's crazy behavior shocked a platoon of soldiers guarding around the infantry chariot, and they raised their guns to shoot at Chen Jie.

The basic skills of military soldiers' shooting are extremely solid, and Na Tao's militia is completely the same. In the dense rain of bullets, even though Chen Jie kept avoiding, many bullets were still shot at him, and then he was forced out by the solid and dense muscles on his body.

Chen Jie rolled away from most of the bullets and shooting. Chen Jie took out pieces of sweet potatoes* and threw them hard at the row of stations. Under his five times the strength of ordinary people, the sweet potatoes * fell into the row of stations and exploded.

Seven soldiers were killed and injured in the violent explosion.

Taking advantage of the cover of the sweet potato* explosion, Chen Jie jumped up and fled to the distance.

On the other hand, Wang Shuang and Liu Wei looked at the huge achievements made by Chen Jie, and a trace of excitement flashed in their eyes. These days, whether it was killing zombies or killing people, the hot-blooded emotions in their hearts slowly burst out.

With such a head, how can they not boil their blood!

"I'll go, you stay! Commando, kill me!" Liu Wei said lightly, and then took the team of evolutionist assault soldiers who asked Chen Jie for special training to rush to the crowd like a tiger out of the cage.


A row of bullets of submachine guns sounded, and then the infantry battalion soldiers who were attracted by Chen Jie lay on the ground wailing or closed their eyes in horror.

And Hu Kelly and Fang Yun were also stunned by the sudden shock!

After all, the prince of a family who has never seen the world, really encounters a battle scene, is the ability to respond on the spot at all? Of course, there was another chief of staff to assist their real wisdom, but unfortunately, the goods were given gameover by Chen Jie for a long time.

At this moment, Hu Kaili and Fang Yun were shocked to see Liu Wei and others who suddenly shot while moving forward.

Isn't it that they are just a group of local steamed buns who are completely disorderly. Although they have obtained a lot of guns and ammunition, they don't really control how to use guns? How can it be so strong!

Although I have a numerical advantage, the gap in the firepower of the other party makes up for this. More importantly, this group of people is so good that they are not on the same level as the team that has just been broken by Chen Jie.

No, we must find a way to stop them!

Anyway, he is also a man. Why did he live in the military compound for several years? Fang Yun's sense of combat is much stronger than Hu Kaili.

Fang Yun quietly turned around and gestured to the gun-held men hiding on the other side of the car, signaling them to release cold guns and kill a few.

At this time, less than half of Fang Yun's men still held guns, and most of them were killed by the sudden attack of Chen Jie's two rockets and Liu Wei's team.

Although the number of Liu Wei's assault team is indeed not very large, under the training of Chen Jie, Liu Wei and even Zhou Zheng, the army king, they have long been veterans. Those who come up first are aimed at those guys with assault rifles and heavy arms. Therefore, Fang Yun's men suffered heavy losses.

Seeing Fang Yun's gesture, those gunmen nodded and began to look for a suitable opportunity, but soon they found that this opportunity did not exist.

Because a guy had just found a shelter and was about to shoot when he appeared a little, his head shattered like a watermelon with a bang! The white brain was mixed with blood and sprinkled all over the ground, and a bloody breath kept spreading around.

On a big tree behind the army, Chen Jie looked at the guy who had just been shot in the head by him and said disdainfully, "Do you want to release a cold gun? You have to ask me if I agree or not!"

Chen Jie's shot directly broke the courage of Fang Yun's men. They are not really fanatics who are not afraid of sacrifice. In the final analysis, they are just a group of ordinary people. Maybe they can still rely on a stream of blood to fight against zombies, or kill a few with guns. But when they really encounter this kind of battle with no chance of winning and can't see the enemy's bullets at all, although their manager has had many bloody and fire battles, their psychological endurance has reached its limit.

Especially those who hid behind Fang Yun and Hu Kelly and did not have guns in their hands. They used to be just plaything young masters and princesses. I have never seen such a scene. In addition, there were no guns in their hands. Looking at the dead people all over the ground, they trembled with fear and trembled all over. .

They never thought that the end result of a rare gold-plated activity would be like this.

"I surrender! Don't kill me!" Finally, a man couldn't stand this psychological pressure and shouted to lie on the ground. He didn't dare to kneel, because Liu Wei's submachine guns had not stopped. If he knelt down, he would easily be swept away.

With an example, other people quickly learned well and shouted to surrender and lay on the ground.



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