Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 34 and it seems that the sun is rising



In the afternoon, Chen Jie called a total of 136 fighters from the base to the square that was sorted out for everyone to gather. There is still a pile of things next to him.

"Today, we will reassign the team!"

Chen Jie's first words made the people below whisper.

"Don't quarrel! According to the statement in the morning, everyone wants to expand the combat team and increase everyone's remuneration. I can understand this, so now, let's share the team again.

Chen Jie pressed his hand and continued, "We have a lot of people now, and it is impossible to group as simply as before. We initially plan to form three regular combat teams, a scout team and two guard special battle teams. There are 20 people in each team. Each team includes scouts, snipers, machine gun firefighters, riflemen, melee fighters and so on.

"According to the team, the proportion of scouts, snipers, machine gun firemen, riflemen and melee players in each team is different. The conventional combat team has 4 scouts, 2 snipers, 2 machine gun firemen, 8 riflemen and 4 melee members; 10 scouts, 4 snipers, 2 machine gun firemen, 2 riflemen, 2 melee soldiers; 4 scouts, 2 snipers and 2 machine gun firemen of the guard special forces Power, 2 riflemen, 10 melee players. Of course, not everyone just needs to be responsible for their own part. From today on, everyone should learn all kinds of military literacy, all kinds of combat skills, and be omnipotent. They can still do their best in the position except for their own positions.

Chen Jie pointed to Zhou Zheng, Liu Wei and others next to him, and then said, "This is training your military instructors who will guide your shooting and teach you combat experience. Starting from today, instructors will conduct a week of intensive training for you, and a week later, the whole team will select the captain! If you want to be a captain, just practice for me! Do you understand? I don't care if you are recruits and veterans. Now it's the end of the world, but there is no kindness or qualifications to speak of. At that time, I want to be a captain, want high welfare, and look at your own fists. At that time, whose welfare is bad, don't cry with me again.

"I understand!"

"Okay, now divide me into six teams, one team to guard, and the others to train!"

Chen Jie waved his hand. Liu Wei and Zhou Zheng and other veterans divided the big guys into six teams, temporarily appointed several veterans as the captains, and began training on the open space at the entrance of the village.

And Chen Jie called Huang Guoqing aside alone.

"Guoqing, you are the only Lanxiang talented student in our team, and the only mechanical master who can repair and modify various cars. In the future, I will set up a research and development department, and you will be the first member. The task of the R&D department is to study various weapons that are beneficial to us. For example, the reconnaissance aircraft before the end of our world, reloaded bullets, modified firearms, portable chainsaw killing weapons, etc. Although we still have some bullets, they won't last long. We must be self-reliable in the near future. Your first task is to imitate these things. It is best to be able to manufacture a large number of people under our existing conditions, and I will try my best to meet all your needs. In the future, the developing team will take the big guys in the direction of evolution as much as possible. However, your work is still very important. After all, guns play a huge role in large-scale defensive battles.


"Okay, go ahead."

Then Chen Jie came to the village committee hall, and more than 20 women were busy.

"Where's Xiaobo, Mao Xiaojun?"

"Team Chen, wait a minute."

A few minutes later, the woman who had hurt Chen Jie came to Chen Jie: "Captain, are you looking for me?"

"Ye" Chen Jie nodded and said, "Xiaojun, I plan to separate the logistics from the battle in the future. Men will fight out, and you women will need the logistics work. Xiaojun, in the future, all the women in the village will be handed over to you, and I plan to hand over the position of logistics captain to you. In addition to inventorying our materials, food and managing materials, we should also take good care of those children. You are the big housekeeper after the base in front of our temple. Everything here is up to you!"


Mao Xiaojun solemnly gave an unstandard military salute to Chen Jie.

Chen Jie nodded, went back to his small hole, took out a few pieces of paper and pencils, went to a cabin outside the cave, and began to write, "The base ranks are divided according to the ranks of the Qin Dynasty. A total of 20 small levels^... In the base, according to the level of military merit, the meals eaten each meal are different..."

A week passed quickly, and Zhou Zheng and Liu Wei quickly got together with the team members of the base. The open space in front of the village is even more sudden.

In addition to conceiving the team, Chen Jie sometimes goes to the training ground to listen to Zhou Zheng's explanation. After all, he came from a wild road and has a very different idea from a regular trained soldier like Zhou Zheng.

One week has arrived, and it's time to test the results.

All the soldiers stood neatly on the training ground, waiting for Chen Jie's order.


A total of 136 people from six teams began to enter the shooting range.

This test is mainly divided into two parts: first, shooting results, and second, combat skills. In terms of shooting, it is divided into 300-meter lying motion target, 100-meter standing motion target and 100-meter mobile target. The evaluation of combat skills is divided into three categories: fighting, individual combat, and combat ability with zombies.

Half a day passed quickly, and everyone's achievements came out.

After a fierce competition, six battle teams were quickly separated. The captains were Fang Hao, the leader of the team just recruited by Zhao Sixiao, Zhou Zheng, Liu Wei, Huang Xiaobo, Chen Hui and Chen Jie.

"Now announce the personnel appointment of Team Chen. From now on, the establishment of official players will be cancelled. All the team members were transferred to soldiers. Obtain the corresponding supply of materials according to the military rank.

"According to the current armed forces of our department, it is organized into a regiment of 6 companies. The regimental commander is Chen Jie, who is also the commander of the First Guard Special Warfare Company. The deputy commander is Zhou Zheng, who is also the commander of the first conventional combat company. The commander of the first investigation company is Liu Wei. The second conventional combat company commander is Chen Hui. The commander of the third conventional combat company is Fang Hao. The second direct guard special warfare company commander is Zhao Sixiao and deputy company commander Huang Xiaobo.

"Three teams are under the First Guard Special Warfare Company. Captain of the first team..."

"Two teams are under the Second Guard Special Warfare Company. The captain of the first team is..."

"There are two teams under the first conventional combat company. The captain of the first team is...

"..., all combat teams are given priority to each company commander, and each company commander has the first command, but when there is an opinion conflict with Chen Tuan, take Chen Tuan's opinion as the first command order."

After a week, after the whole base finally fell into Chen Jie's hands, Chen Jie's people have broken through the 400-person mark. In this week, the training team did not fall behind the process, cleaned up the zombies in the temple village base, but also searched and rescued many survivors. However, after the end of the world, men are relatively strong and have a higher survival rate. Of the 400 people, nearly 300 are men, and the rest are women and children. If Chen Jie is a poor soldier, he can be a soldier in his full name. Only in that case, there will be a shortage of manpower in other aspects. Therefore, Chen Jie only set up a regiment of 6 companies, with a total of 136 people. Of course, the personnel of each force are understaffed and need to be supplemented one by one in the future.

Chen Jie's direct first guard special combat company has a total of 36 people, which gathers a large number of elite warriors and evolved strongmen. And there are the most veterans who have experienced the war, and the company is also the strongest.

The soldiers in Liu Wei's first reconnaissance company are mostly guarded by Huang Yangmei. Those survivors who fought with zombies and took evolutionary nuclear are far less effective than Chen Jie's first battalion, but they are all evolutionists and have the courage to fight with zombies, only If you need strict training, you can become a good combat power.

The second guard special warfare company under Zhao Sixiao's command is a collection of outstanding evolutionists under Chen Jie, magic power evolutionists, metal power evolutionists, martial arts inheritors such as extraordinary evolutions and evolutionists who have crossed the five levels of grade. These evolutionists are very capable, and their concentrated use is an invincible sharp knife. Murder, blasting, hunting high-grade zombies and mutant beasts, everyone can fight against ten. However, the number of such strong men is also very small. At present, Zhao Sixiao's special battle camp is only 13 people, which is far from causing effective deterrence.

Zhou's first conventional combat company has only 8 veteran evolutions, and most of the rest are newly recruited survivors. The combat effectiveness of melee is far less than that of other teams, and there is still a long way to go.

Commander Chen Hui's second regular combat company is...

The third conventional combat company under the jurisdiction of Fang Hao...

"A week later, everyone acted together and extinguished the axe to see which company was holding back."

As soon as the military reorganization was completed, Chen Jie and Zhao Sixiao's guard special forces company received strict training from the former special forces elite Zhou Zheng and the current super master Chen Jie. The evolutionists of the Guard Special War Company are strong people with high evolutionary level, strong shooting ability, and hunt hundreds of zombies. However, most of them are also born in the wild like Chen Jie. The weak people who kill ordinary zombies can easily crush them with their absolute strength. However, if you want to have no corresponding military literacy and combat skills for cunning human enemies, advanced zombie kings and mutant beasts, it will be of little help to Chen Jie.

For example, Liu Wei's reconnaissance work is difficult to become an excellent scout without strict training and guidance from his predecessors.

Most of the evolutionists in the base are artificial evolutionists. The difference between them and ordinary human beings is that their physical quality after evolution is much stronger than that of ordinary people, although they are not as good as self-awakened evolutionists. As long as they are strictly trained, they can become strong enough to fight against the king of special forces before the end of the world.

In addition to the Guard Special Warfare Company, Chen Jie's other companies have begun regular military training. While fighting, the six Dalian teams began military training under the guidance of officers who had been soldiers before the end of the world excavated by Zhou Zheng and Chen Jie.

For this reason, Chen Jie also opened a military academy and recognized himself as the principal. A few veteran soldiers searched from the survivors served as lecturers to explain various military combat skills to Chen Jie's troops.

Chen Jie was going to train for a few more days, so he took them out to destroy the axe gang.

