Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 74 Leader, are you afraid of mice?



The back door of the Mastiff Garden does not have a road leading to the Siqian Village Base, but only a soil path to YW City built in 1978. If Chen Jie and others want to return to the base, they must take a detour, and the traffic is extremely inconvenient.

Of course, everything has positive and negative sides. Because the path behind the mastiff garden has been abandoned for a long time, and the bottom of the mastiff garden is a suburb and sparsely populated, the zombies blocking the road are far less than the front door. Chen Jie and others have not encountered much obstacles except for taking a long detour.

"Be careful, two alien lickers and zombies will attack at seven o'clock!" Liu Wei, who was in charge of vigilance, suddenly shouted, and two alien predator zombies who didn't know where they came from were catching up with their cars at high speed.

"Everyone shoot intensively, Brother Zhang, you two father and son are responsible for fighting the fire, and I am responsible for accurate shooting. Be sure to stop these two zombies!" Chen Jie drove intently and shouted at his brothers in the back seat without looking back.

The continuous qiang sound resounded under Chen Jie's order. Because the zombies are not surrounded in all directions, but two small bosses who follow closely, the shooting space behind the dirt car is limited, and it can only accommodate up to five people at a time, including Zhou Zheng and Liu Wei. Two divine hands. The firepower formed by three crooked machines, a grenade qiang and a Barrett heavy sniper qiang also completely suppressed the dodge space of the alien licker zombies. No matter how they jump, they can't catch the food on the car. Of course, as time goes by, Two alien licker zombies are also getting closer and closer to the car!

"Bum! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Six consecutive sounds were completely different from the crooked machine qiang. Two alien predator zombies jumping in the air fell to the ground. One was shot through the head with a grenade qiang and exploded to death, and the other was broken by Zhou Zheng with Barrett's seven-star beads and could no longer move.

"Good qiang method!"

"I have always known that the leader and Zhou Lian's qiang method is awesome, but I didn't expect Brother Zhang's qiang method to be so awesome!"

"Yes, Godqiang hand, Godqiang hand!"

"Brother Zhang, awesome, awesome!"


With the pause of qiang, there were bursts of cheers on the truck full of people. Looking at the disappearing corpses behind the rear of the car, everyone's nerves after a day can finally relax temporarily.

"Brother Zhang, you and Wang Long were originally from the same base. Do you know where this road goes?" Chen Jie looked at the increasingly shabby path and asked, is this direction obviously getting farther and farther away from the base of the temple village?

"Oh, this road was supposed to go to National Highway G11, but it was later opened by highway. In addition, this road was built earlier. At the beginning, it was a bean curd project. After a long time, the maintenance cost was even higher than the construction of a new road. Coupled with the opening of G12 National Highway and H783 provincial highway, this road It has been abandoned, so there are relatively few cars, so it is not well known to everyone. Zhang Qiang's voice came from behind the car.

Chen Jie thought for a moment and said solemnly, "I can't go back. I don't know how many zombies are surrounded! In the future, we will try to be as quiet as possible. You see, we have been surrounded several times!"

Zhou Zheng stuffed the cigarette he had just taken out again and said with a smile, "Yes, you'd better be careful in the future, and don't make any special smell, otherwise the zombies can also smell it!"

"Yes! For example, the smell of blood!"

"Haha, in the future, you can't go out during a woman's period!"

"Haha, my sister-in-law is so cute!"

When everyone heard this, they remembered their experience and couldn't help laughing and joked about the fact that they didn't forget to watch the head of the prison during their sister-in-law's period.

"Go, go, go! What are you talking about one by one? How many of you are going to die without your sister-in-law!" Liu Wei was usually careless, but he was a careful person. He waved his hands to keep others from laughing. Then after thinking about it, he said seriously, "Lean commander, don't pay attention to these little bastards. Your sister-in-law will be fine. You can rest assured."

"It's okay. I showed it to Sixiao. Her body seems to be changing. As long as it's over this period of time, it will be fine." At this moment, Chen Jie felt that his heart was a little tired and painful, but he did not refuse the kindness of his brothers. He endured the sadness in his heart and did not tell Zhao's actual situation to worry everyone.

"Bear by the way, leader, shall we get on the highway like this? We can't turn around on the highway. Shall we drive all the way to YW?

"Haha, you idiot!" Zhou Zheng knew that Chen Jie was not feeling well, so he laughed and scolded Liu Wei to divert Chen Jie's attention. "It was the past that you can't turn around. Who cares about the problem of turning around now!" The Ministry of Transport doesn't know if anyone has survived yet! As long as we get to YW City and find the right direction, we can't go home!"

"Uh, I forgot!" Liu Wei rubbed his head shyly, sat on the board, slowly rested and stopped talking.

Others are also exhausted after a day of fighting. After laughing for a while, he fell asleep against the carriage.

Looking at the snoring in the carriage, Chen Jie smiled. These brothers are really too hard today. After fighting with people and zombies, they have not rested. Let them have a good rest now.

So he stopped silent and drove steadily on the path towards the highway.

With the deepening of the moonlight, the slag truck slowly broke away from the winding path and drove back onto the road. The cars on the road were not blocked together. It seems that the soldiers under Wang Long should have collectively cleaned up the way to the south. This guy is quite good at leaving a way for himself, but it's a pity , I died early, but I took advantage of myself.

"This guy has finally done a good thing!" Chen Jie smiled and continued to drive his car on the open road. Soon, he came to the front of the high-speed toll station.

The roadblock of the high-speed toll station has been completely damaged. Chen Jie drove the car smoothly and stopped on the edge of a guardrail, and then shouted to the people behind the carriage, "Get up!"

"What's going on!" Liu Wei, who had been careless and could not wake up than the sky, was the first to wake up with a weapon and shouted, "Who, commander, Wang Long and the others have come to the night attack again!" Don't worry, I'm a 7th-order evolutionist! My force is superb, and my method is amazing. If I come back again, I will really kill it! ..." The relationship was completely sleepy, and he thought he was fighting with Wang Long and others in the Mastiff Garden.

Even if the others were not woken up by Chen Jie just now, they were awakened by Liu Wei's roar, and they raised their weapons one after another and were on alert.

"Huh? It's okay!" After being alert for a moment, Zhou Zheng grabbed his head and asked doubtfully.

"There is no enemy, but there is a situation!" Chen Jie cried and laughed at the group of men behind the car and scolded, "I'm driving, and you TNND are still sleeping so soundly! Get up and move things! This period should be Wang Long's soldiers fighting here and encountering zombies in a car accident. Time is running out. Move away quickly! I have an ominous feeling!" After saying that, the car did not turn off, opened the side door and jumped down.

Everyone woke up like a dream and quickly climbed out of the trunk and followed Chen Jie with a weapon. In the end of the world, the weapon is your own life, but you have to carry it with you.

"Let's move together!" Chen Jie pointed to the highway and said, "Don't move it neatly. Push these two cars away and throw them directly down the highway, as long as the car passes through." Then he inserted Wang Long's cyan staff into his back and took the lead.

The two cars that had an accident on the highway are the same as Chen Jie's cars, which are dozens of tons of slag trucks. They are huge and have extremely high tonnage. Even Chen Jie can't push them away alone, but fortunately, this time there are not only more than 40 young and strong evolutionist soldiers, but also Chen Jie and Zhang Qiang. A superevolution existed, and in less than ten minutes, a gap for cars to enter and exit was removed by them.

"Okay! Everyone get in the car!" Chen Jie patted the dust of his hands and climbed into the driver's seat again. When everyone got on the car again, he said with a smile, "The next step is simple. Everyone can have a good rest and call you when you get home!" There are few people on the highway, and there should not be too many zombies blocking the road.

The roar of the car resounded in the silent night again. Chen Jie drove on the highway in an orderly manner, and there was no accident along the way. About two hours later, the car turned right from the fork road of the long expressway to Ziwei East Road, and soon after. The car finally returned to Chen Jie's first toll station in YW City.

Looking at the high-rise buildings not far away, Chen Jie finally breathed a sigh of relief. YW City is almost there, and he can go home soon!

"'s not right!"

Chen Jie exclaimed in surprise. In the dense and towering steel jungle of YW City's business district, countless creatures the size of local dogs suddenly drilled out and rushed to Chen Jie's dirt truck like a flood.

Chen Jie was secretly alert, hurriedly took off the register gear, took off the telescope hanging around his neck, and observed carefully...

I saw the dog-sized creature: the sharp mouth and long beard, the teeth were extremely sharp, the four feet were on the ground, the claws flashed iron-blue cold light, the body was bloated, and there was a slender tail behind it...

"WCNLM, it's a mouse again! It's still this kind of green mouse!"

Looking at such a familiar appearance, Chen Jie can't distinguish the species of these creatures. It's the mouse that everyone shouted to fight, just the head...

"Zhang Qiang, Zhou Zheng, Jiqiang ready! A lot of mice came out of the business district. Chen Jie immediately passed on his discovery to Zhou Zheng and others, with a trace of incredibleness and fear in his tone.

"Haha! Chen Jie, I didn't expect you to have something to be afraid of! Aren't you afraid of such powerful zombies? Are you afraid of mice? It's unbelievable..."


"I didn't expect that Team Leader Chen Jie would be afraid of mice!! ......”

Zhang Qiang's hands were squinting and talking nonsense. Hearing that Chen Jie, who had always been fearless, was actually afraid of mice, not only began to laugh.

I just heard Chen Jie's nervous shouting and panicked. I thought what had happened!

"Shut up!" The special forces, who were laughing, suddenly heard a cold shout at Liu Wei: "How many, how many?"

"A lot! ...Many! More than the last time I met, I can't count it!" Looking at the increasing number in his sight, Chen Jie's voice trembled a little, and his throat swallowed with difficulty. He stammered: "Every... every... is... as big as a local dog!"

"I'll take care of your grandma, grab the armrest and protect yourself. I'm going to speed up. I'm not responsible for falling down! Target, the building ahead!"

The special forces, who were stunned, suddenly heard an anxious shout from the walkie-talkie...

"Immediate! All!"

"Quick! Hurry up! Hurry up! ......”

Chen Jie's crazy roar kept coming from the driver's seat. Hearing his nervous tone, even the most stupid people knew that something had happened. They pulled the armrests one by one and began to stabilize their swaying body...



(ps: Please click, recommend, collect, subscribe. Recently, my grades have been relatively bleak, and I hope all of you who read the book will support Junlin!)