Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 90 You really miscalculated



"Leader, tell me, as long as you say a word, I will immediately make them unable to survive and die! Since you have become a traitor, you must have the awareness of failure to be a traitor.

"Whatever, it's up to you! Anyway, you can do whatever you want!"

As soon as Chen Jie finished speaking, the traitors couldn't help trembling and begging trembling. Some of them may not be afraid of death, but there is absolutely no one who is not afraid of being tortured slowly by Chen Jie.

God knows how this group of people will deal with themselves!? If you want to say that people in this world are easy to hate, it is an ungrateful villain, a traitor who has lost profits and righteousness. Unfortunately, their group of people have been hit by both. They don't want to suffer the kind of torture that is worse than death like Huang Xiaobo and others. You know, Huang Xiaobo and others are still wailing!

" spare your life, spare your life! I have money, and I exchange it for my life!"

"Brother, my wife is very beautiful. I'll give her to you. Please spare my life!"


"Whoever makes a sound again, I will kill him directly! In addition, at this time, he didn't forget to betray his wife and give him a drunken and cruel punishment. Don't let him die so easily. I want him to be worse than Huang Xiaobo!"

Chen Jie looked at his former teammates with a blank face, warned indifferently, and then turned his head to discuss with Zhou Zheng and others, "What do you think we should do with these people!" After Chen Jie's warning, the traitors dared not make a sound again. They lowered their heads one by one, as if they were ready to accept the sentence, and their bodies trembled even more fiercely.

At this time, if you speak well, it is difficult to escape into the end of the scum camp. If you can't say it well, it's like the one just now. Life is worse than death, and life is worse than death. At this time, it is the best choice to listen to say anything and quietly wait for the sentence.

Liu Wei, Chen Hui and Zhou Zheng looked at each other silently. Although the people in front of them betrayed the base, they were also teammates who had fought side by side. If they are killed directly, they really can't open this mouth. But if you let them go like this, everyone is also unwilling! Is it really a scumbag?

But the scum camp has suddenly accepted so many ambitious and powerful heroes. Will they turn against the guests in the future? Will something like this happen again today?

Just as Liu Wei was softly preparing to plead for those people, Zhou Zheng pulled his clothes behind him, "Wait!"

Then there was a surprising scene: Zhang Qiang stepped forward in Liu Wei's surprised eyes and said to Chen Jie, "You are not an indecisive person. What are you hesitating about? Kill it! They can betray you once, and they can betray you twice!" As soon as his cold voice came out, the traitors knew that they were no longer lucky, as if they had been drained by fear and collapsed to the ground. Several people even had a faint coquettish smell, which seemed to be scared to pee in their pants.

"Okey, you arrested these people. You can do what you want to do! Do other brothers have any other ideas? Chen Jie touched his chin and smiled playfully, and then looked at Chen Hui and several of his arrested teammates. Chen Hui and his old team members with a clear conscience are fine, but many of the other official team members shuddered after looking at him and lowered their heads and did not dare to speak. Those who could not stand the intimidation and temptation had their own small calculations before.

"Well, since no one is talking, that's it!" Chen Jie's voice suddenly became cold, and then he turned to Chen Hui and others and said, "They arrested you, so it's up to you to send them on the road!" After saying that, he turned around and took Liu Wei and Zhou Zheng out of the villa and began to search for materials in this small gathering place.

"This..." Liu Wei looked at Chen Jie leaving without hesitation and hurriedly prepared to catch up and ask clearly. He thought that Chen Jie's worst thing was to expel these people from the combat team and merge them into the scum camp, but who knew that it was such a decisive order. After all, this was a brother who lived and died today!

"Big..." But before he took two steps, he was stopped by Zhou Zheng.

"Since you have done something wrong, you should have the awareness of doing something wrong. Since Chen Jie said to kill, and it is not you who operate this matter, why do you have to mind your own business!" Zhou Zheng looked at Chen Jie's back, shook his head faintly, and said to Liu Wei, "Life is not a game. Everyone should be responsible for what he does!"

After saying that, he passed by Liu Wei, came to those traitors who closed their eyes and waited to die, and pulled out his Mitsubishi military thorn. With the continuous white light flashing, more than a dozen traitors fell to the ground with their necks covered, and Zhou Zheng's pretentious white suit was also stained with the red blood sprayed out. From the massacre to the end, no one begged for mercy and resisted. Since seeing Huang Xiaobo's miserable end, they understand that not resisting is at most a happy death. And resistance is better than death!

It was not until then that Liu Wei came to his senses and looked at the traitors who had not yet completely broken. He grabbed Zhang Qiang's collar, but he didn't know what to say. I could only sigh heavily and loosen my hands. He walked towards Chen Jie with his men angrily. As soon as he walked out of the door, he was shocked by Huang Xiaobo's appearance. The guy is still alive. The super vitality of the evolution made him suffer the most painful at this time. When his blood vessels burst, he flowed a lot of blood from the surface of his body, which looked very ferocious and horrible. A pair of eyes that exploded because of the virus attack left only a white eye, like a devil suffering in hell, who wanted to die but could not be freed.

"Hey!" Liu Wei sighed deeply, let Huang Xiaobo and walked to Chen Jie's side. At this time, Chen Jie was sitting on a long iron stool by the aisle, with his back against the wall, with his eyes slightly closed and not saying a word.

"Do you want to ask me why I killed?" Looking at Liu Wei's sympathetic face, Chen Jie took a deep breath and said lightly, "Actually, I don't want to kill them. It's just that I have to kill!" Speaking of this, he paused, then rubbed his head in pain before continuing to say, "First of all, from the standpoint of a leader, I can't let go of the person who betrayed me so easily! Only two days after I left, they dared to rebel and almost killed you all. If I let them go this time, wouldn't it be more unscrupulous if someone wants to betray me in the future?

"However, they were instigated by Huang Xiaobo! They are just coerced and lured! After all, they are our brothers!" I remember that those people used to eat and drink with themselves, drink together, and fight together. Liu Wei felt a little uncomfortable. The betrayal of his comrades-in-arms did make him sad, and he was also murderous. But seeing their pitiful bowing appearance after they were captured, he couldn't help recalling the years when they had trained together and fought side by side.

"They hid their identities and were ready to rebel. My departure only created an opportunity for them!" Chen Jie suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the team members behind Liu Wei with cold eyes and said, "I know that many of you thought I was dead in the past few days when I left, and you all held your own thoughts. I don't blame you, but I hope that the next time you are thinking about it, first confirm whether I am alive or not!" He knew that the whole team had always taken himself as the backbone. And once you disappear and your life and death are uncertain, you will definitely be unstable. Looking at the twinkling eyes of the official team members, he couldn't help but be glad that he returned early. Otherwise, I'm afraid those official team members will do something stupid!

"I don't think so!" Hearing Chen Jie's words, Liu Wei quickly shook his head and looked at Chen Jie without fear, with a serious look on his face.

"Of course I know you don't think so!" Chen Jie stood up, patted him on the shoulder and said, "But your men are not sure. Has anyone said anything to you these two days when I was away?"

"What did you say?" Liu Wei touched his head and recalled. Soon, his face suddenly became gloomy, and he nodded to Chen Jie and said, "There are indeed a few people who have told me something. If you are not here, I should have made the decision, but I have scolded them back." After saying that, he turned around and stared at several team members. It seemed that they were the ones who said these words to him.

"Well, this is the first time I leave the team. It's inevitable that some people will think nonsense. Forget it this time!" Chen Jie shook his head and didn't want to pursue this matter any more. Now that the team is unstable, he must quickly stabilize the army. So he then said to everyone, "Regarding what Huang Xiaobo said about the evolutionary crystal nucleus, I admit that I do have it, and there are many enough for each of you to use. But so what? I did it all with my life. Am I your nanny? Do I want to give my things to you selflessly? I have personally contributed enough to the base. Why should I take it out selflessly? Want to evolve, want to evolve the core, exchange things for things, and exchange achievements for contributions. You should know that the strong can never grow up in the greenhouse. He needs to thrive in the flames of war, so don't expect my selfless dedication. You know, the stronger you are, the more likely you are to live together. How can I do such a favorable thing? After saying that, he slowly walked to Huang Xiaobo, sighed gently and said, "It's a pity that you rebelled against the gentleman's belly with a careful heart! Otherwise, it may not take long for the crystal core to deal with you in a just way. After all, you are my appointed logistics supervisor.

Huang Xiaobo did not hear Chen Jie's words, and his hearing system has been completely destroyed by the angry biochemical virus. Now he is almost a vegetable with a little self-consciousness, and he can't even scream except for a slight trembling. Of course, he can still feel the severe pain and the flow of blood.

"Okay! Let's not talk about this!" Feeling the heavy atmosphere, Chen Jie clapped his hands and said energetically, "This time, the harvest of our team's attack on the Mastiff Garden is so-called great. It not only wiped out a force that has a strong hostility to us, but also brought back many friends. We have united with Zhang Qiang and others." Speaking of this, he said to Chen Hui and others who had been silent: "This time, Zhang Qiang in our team, his strength is not inferior to me before evolution. At present, at least at present, he is the second master of our base!"

Chen Hui was still silent, while the little fat man Wang Wei hesitated for a moment and was ready to walk to Chen Jie, but was pulled by Zhou Zheng. Chen Jie knew that it was his order to slaughter the traitors, which made Wang Wei, who had always been warm in his heart and a little kind, have a trace of disapproval with Chen Jie.

"Chen Jie... No, commander, will the battle team be expanded this time?" As soon as Chen Hui heard the words of recruiting many friends, he immediately came out of his dark mood and jumped to Chen Jie at a speed that did not match his body, with a longing face.

"Haha, don't worry, expand, and expand!" Chen Jie patted Chen Hui on the shoulder and laughed at those friends who were still uneasy: "I said I wouldn't pursue it. What's more, you just think about it and didn't do anything wrong. Besides, didn't you also fight when Huang Xiaobo betrayed? You know what I say about one's nature. Don't worry, let's choose weapons together!"

When everyone heard Chen Jie's reassurance, they finally put down their minds slightly. This incident made them more convinced that no matter what adversity Chen Jie fell into, as long as he did not die, it was better not to make any crooked thoughts. Otherwise, Huang Xiaobo, who is still struggling, and the corpses in the base are the best identification.

After this battle, the original instability in the team was completely eliminated. As long as Chen Jie is still alive, the team can continue to develop steadily and harmoniously. And Chen Jie himself is more assured to practice the six magic skills with all his strength, hoping to practice killing moves as soon as possible and sweep all directions!



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