Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 92 Choice



Sure enough, after Chen Jie left quickly, the officers in the conference room were stunned for a while and left silently. Before leaving, everyone took the document in their hands. Most of the original mercenary regiment leaders and presidents of the Chamber of Commerce were relatively stable and self-considerate people, but Chen Jie's powerful deterrence, coupled with the fact that these people were also more knowledgeable about current affairs, finally followed Chen Jie's instructions after thinking for a long time.

On the other side, Chen Jie is with Zhang Qiang and Zhang Ze, and the three are discussing the future of the temple village base.

"Yes!" Chen Jie suddenly turned his head and said to Zhang Qiang and Zhang Ze, "Zhang Qiang, would you like to join the city guard?"

Zhang Ze agreed without thinking. Zhang Qiang thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. Chen Jie nodded and continued, "Yes, and those soldiers under you, go back and ask them together. If they are willing, just say what I said. I'm going to pull you out and form a field force first!"

"field troops?" Zhang Qiang and Zhang Ze looked puzzled and didn't know what they were doing.

"Yes, the so-called field force is the team of instructors. I am very clear about the strength of the two of you and the soldiers under you. I plan to take you and organize a team of 100 people to go out of the city to hunt zombies. I am the commander. Let Zhang Qiang and Zhou just take you and be willing to follow me first. The middle-level officers together were brought out. After all, in Chen Jie's view, these middle-level officers are generally of absolutely excellent military quality and were only mentioned after the end of the world. In fact, before the end of the world, these people may be a ruffian, but in the era of power supremacy of the end of the world, strength represents power. Chen Jie intends to make this a member of everyone in the base. The base guidelines you know. Chen Jie intends to slowly bring out the battle team step by step by step. After all, you can't say that you will send all people out to kill zombies at once. People always have a slow process of understanding the unknown.

"Ye, we understand. When we go back, we will look for them. Captain, don't worry. No one dares to say. I can guarantee that at least ten of the 15 people will come!" As for the five that were not mentioned, after all, people have their own aspirations, new places, new beginnings, Zhang Qiang and others can't make too many decisions for those brothers.

"Chen Jie, I think you should still consider the varieties of the whole base. I heard that when Huang Xiaobo rebelled two days ago, he ingested a trace amount of biochemical virus gas. This is a hidden danger that must be removed as soon as possible! In addition, I have seen this base. Although this place is easy to defend and difficult to attack, the pattern is too small, and now it has been almost destroyed. Whether in the long or short term, it will not be too beneficial for our development. Are we considering finding and establishing a base again? Zhang Qiang suddenly remembered this and said sincerely to Chen Jie.

"Yes, it's time to re-establish the base."

Chen Jie nodded without too much nonsense. In fact, he knew very well that since he had rebelled against himself, Huang Xiaobo would not leave a way for himself, so the base in front of the temple was completely destroyed. Chen Jie understands this matter, Liu Wei understands, Zhou Zheng and Zhang Ze understand, and even others understand that only Zhang Qiang, a relatively simple guy, can't figure it out.

After sending Zhang Qiang and Zhang Ze away, Zhou Zheng asked, "Chen Jie, how many people do you think will die because of this!"

When Liu Wei heard this question, his face also straightened up. After all, the total population of the base is related to Chen Jie's control over the base and the development scale of the base.

Chen Jie lowered his head, thought for a moment, and then said lightly, "Don't worry, no matter what, we will definitely become the controlling force of ZJ Province. When we follow our steps, more and more people will join us in the future. As long as there are no unexpected situations now, everything will be fine in the future. Chen Jie's eyes seemed to be very profound, which seemed to contain some special meaning.

Chen Jie's impression on others is definitely not a good man, and sometimes it is not an exaggeration to call him a villain, just like he could not hesitate to kill innocent people who hindered him in order to complete the task. However, Chen Jie has a completely different attitude towards his comrades-in-arms or friends. Even if he sacrifices himself, he will not give up the back of his comrades-in-arms to the enemy. For the sake of friends, he can even be the enemy of the whole country.

These are his future people. Will Chen Jie really give up?

Of course, Liu Wei and Zhou Zheng have long expected that if Chen Jie really wanted to take the road of Xiaoxiong, he was likely to ignore the group of survivors who had begun to become zombie by the virus, but that was just a guess in their hearts. They don't know what Chen Jie is thinking and give up? Or spend a lot of money to save these microvariants who don't have much development potential and will become zombies sooner or later.

"I really want to save them, but sometimes, there are things that can't be forced, so you can do it! You should know that there is only one principle: that is, to live, you must have its value!"

Zhou Zheng listened to Chen Jie's decision and only felt that his heart beat suddenly. After Chen Jie went far away, he recovered from the shock, slowly turned around and said coldly without emotion:

The base has been destroyed, and we must look for it again and fight to build a new base. We can't take each of you away safely. I know that no one wants to die, but we are not the savior, and we also have our own things to complete. So if you want to live, let's fight the virus in your body tenaciously. If you are in good physical condition and can obey orders, come to me tomorrow morning. But remember that those who have begun to be infected by the virus are the exception!"

Zhou Zheng's words made the whole camp dead. There were many people who looked at him angrily, their eyes flashed, and confused, but Zhou Zheng ignored their views at all. He still had a cold expression and walked out of the camp without looking back.

When Zhou Zheng returned to his camp to tell everyone about Chen Jie's decision, everyone was really surprised. After all, those were their boss - the people that Chen Jie once protected with his life. That is Chen Jie's capital to dominate in the future!

In the face of everyone's doubts, Chen Jie still answered, "I want to survive in the end of the world by not pity or sympathy, but strength. In the past, I was too pitiful and naive and always fantasized about doing something unrealistic. But now, I, Chen Jie, don't have the strength to save a group of mortal people, let alone the strength to ensure the safety of the whole team after bringing them. I must be responsible for each of your future lives!"

For the time being, I ignore everyone's understanding and sit in place and think deeply.

Soon, Zhang Qiang and others finally finished his barbecue snake meat. When a large group of people gathered around the fire to eat roasted snake meat with relish, Zhou Zhengzhong announced Chen Jie's decision: to rush back to TW City as soon as possible, investigate the situation of zombies there, and then everyone set off to TW City, where they were officially there. Establish a base belonging to his Chen Jie.

Suddenly hearing the news made the team members who thought they would continue to move forward really excited. Liu Wei and others cheered and quarreled for a long time. Chen Jie suddenly wanted to explore the foundation of everyone's strength, and this time everyone became energetic.

Find an open space. Everyone first punched Chen Jie one by one, and then demonstrated their control over the ice and snow in front of Chen Jie. This movement was not small. The ground vibrated repeatedly, and accidentally left a hole in the ground. Those mercenary commanders who had just joined the city guard were afraid of it. Envy, if they didn't know each other and woke up a little late, I guess they would have been buried under Chen Jie, a strong general. Finally, after an evaluation of strength, Chen Jie finally judged that everyone's powers and physical abilities were indeed promoted to the intermediate stage, and the big guys were generally evolutionists of level 6 and 7.

When it was confirmed that everyone had been promoted to more than six-level evolutionists, Liu Wei put Zhou Zheng's shoulder and complained, "Grandma's bear raise a bear. They all went out to fight with the boss. It doesn't matter if the boss gave birth to two levels. Why did you pervert also give birth to two levels? Everyone gave birth to nearly one level, and I gave birth to half of the egg. Level, I used to be better than you, but now I've been surpassed by you. What a bitch!"

His words were despised by Chen Hui and his group of left-behind base soldiers. Is it difficult for you to make progress as a 7th-level peak evolutionist? Do you show off like this? Our group of people haven't gone out and haven't evolved yet!

Of course, Zhou Zheng has another trick for Liu Wei's temperament:

"Actually, don't envy me. Who said you are the ugliest among us! God doesn't like you! The most fierce thing is actually the little fat man Wang-shock, who almost cooled my life!"

Hearing Zhou Zheng's words, others should be, because Chen Jie had not woken up at that time, and everyone talked to Chen Jie about the blow that looked like the birth of Thor. Chen Jie was also shocked.

Listening to everyone's pretending to blame but praising, the little fat man Wang blushed and explained awkwardly, "I don't know what's going on. How to evolve? Even I'm covered up! Maybe I was the cute claw of the Golden Rat King, and I still feel pain!"

"Haha!" The little fat Wang-zhen's explanation made everyone laugh loudly. In fact, he didn't say that everyone knew that this boy was lucky, which just attracted him to be targeted by the Golden Rat King. It was indeed a fortune-telling that he was not killed.

Finally, Chen Jie introduced Zhang Qiang and Zhang Ze, who were sitting next to him, and officially announced that they would be members of Chen Jie's base in the future. Of course, everyone was happy to accept the two people who saved themselves, but Zhou Zheng looked at Zhang Ze with a little wrong, and Zhang Ze was also very painful as soon as he saw Zhou Zheng. This may be the so-called mutual restraint.

is different from Chen Jie's city guard camp, which celebrates the rebirth after the disaster, but the ordinary survivor camp on the other side is completely opposite.

The whole camp is dead, and the atmosphere is extremely dull, sad and depressing. Most of the survivors gathered next to several fires, pale and numbly add wood to the fire, but if you look closely, you will find that there is a painful struggle in their eyes. Occasionally, you can hear low sobs, weak scolding, and reluctant begging in several tents...

More than 100 people who have moved here with Chen Jie and others, whether or not he has been attacked by biochemical viruses, may be the most ruthless choice in their lives in their lives.

Zhou Zheng has said Chen Jie's decision and will leave early tomorrow morning, but he will never take these dying polluted people. If anyone wants to bring them, they will be ruthlessly abandoned.

In the sad atmosphere of parting, the camp bonfire slowly went out, and the survivors in a deeply sad atmosphere gradually fell asleep. Maybe when they wake up, they will find that the end of the world is actually a nightmare.

Of course, not all people choose to give up their relatives and friends and follow Chen Jie. Some of them do have affectionate temperaments, and some people think that Chen Jie is just a test of their temperament. People's way of thinking is always strange and the most unthinkable, so in the middle of night Wait, there are even some people who feel that they can't do it when their relatives and lovers fall asleep, sneak out of the tent, dragging the rickety, weak and lonely figure to the vast and boundless business alone. They don't want to drag down their close relatives, let alone face the pain of parting. .

The cruelty of the end of the world is like this, and he is cruel to himself. How can he save others? Who can be sure that Chen Jie's behavior today is wrong? Maybe one day, these surviving people will be grateful to the boss and understand his good intentions!

