Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 94 Boss, we fucked her



In the past, the basketball team had the combat effectiveness of Long Xiaosheng. Those teachers had to rely on the strong combat effectiveness of Long Xiaosheng and the frivolity of Long Xiaosheng. However, they never thought that Long Xiaosheng would fall off the chain at a critical time. So they knew the current affairs and turned to the new one as soon as they saw Chen Jie's combat effectiveness. Master.

The classmates and teachers in the old team were killed by zombies, and Long Xiaosheng did not care at all. He was confident that even if he changed an owner with his strength, the other owner would definitely be inseparable from him. Therefore, he did not respect Chen Jie. Now that he was cleaned up by Chen Jie, he knew that the owner was terrible. Once he has a move, I'm afraid that this fierce owner will cut off his head and kick him as a ball.

Zhang Qiang saw Chen Jie defeat the dragon roar with one blow, and his heart was full of shock and awe: "Chen Jie is indeed a traveler for thousands of miles a day. This skill is powerful again, and it is really more and more unfathomable."

"Fuck, so awesome, even such a powerful monster can't move in his hands. The leader of this team is really terrible."


Looking at the conceited dragon roar giving in front of Chen Jie, the soldiers who followed Zhang Qiang and left Pan Zhou's house were all shocked.

They all know that Chen Jie is very strong, but they don't know how strong he is until they saw that Chen Jie didn't even have the strength to fight back. This is no longer a human, but a pervert!

Chen Jie came to the three prisoners and asked, "What are you?" Tell me honestly that I can let you live."

"Bah, little man!" A prisoner's eyes flashed with hatred and spit

"Since you are so powerful and unyielding, then die!" Chen Jie directly took out the desert eagle and shot the ignorant prisoner in the head.

With a loud bang, the prisoner's head burst like a watermelon, and the red and white splashed directly on the ground, and the headless body fell to the ground feebly.

Looking at Chen Jie's very fierce and decisive bombing of the prisoners, Long Xiaosheng's heart was also slightly chilled, glad that he did not fight against the fierce god, otherwise his head would probably be blown up.

"Who are you? Why are you fighting here? Chen Jie pointed the desert eagle in his hand at the head of another prisoner and asked coldly.

"Gun, don't be excited. I said, I say everything. Don't kill me!" The prisoner who was targeted by Chen Jie was scared to pee his pants. He cried and pleaded loudly while answering Chen Jie's question: "I am Lin Zheng, a believer under the celestial elder of extermination. This time, we came under the order of the celestial elders to hunt these material people who disrespected the rules and slandered our teachings. The elder said that as long as we catch them and give them as sacrifices to the master, we will have countless benefits. Even the leader, as the spokesperson of God, can make us those who have made outstanding contributions to the religion a superior evolutionary warrior.

Another prisoner scolded at Lin Zheng, "Lin Zheng, you traitor, you are competing to betray the religion. You must die. The omnipotent master will definitely make you fall into 18 layers of hell forever, suffer 18 kinds of torture all your life, and you will never live beyond your life.

Chen Jie frowned slightly, looked at another stubborn prisoner, and threw the desert eagle in his hand to Lin Zheng: "Give him to death, and you can live!"

"Fool, you really believe in the so-called divine religion, the so-called god! Brainwashed fool, just go and talk to your godmaster!" After taking over Chen Jie's desert eagle, Lin Zheng struggled for a long time in his heart, and then his face was distorted, roared, and killed his fellow churchmates with a bang. Then he knelt in front of Chen Jie and shouted, "Your Excellency, Lin Zheng is willing to work for you. Please take him in. I know a lot of things about the extermination religion, and I can tell you all about it.

Chen Jie glanced at Lin Zheng and ordered directly, "Ok, from now on, you are my soldier. Now you should tell me everything you know about the destruction of the world."

"Okay, Lord Chen Jie" Lin Zhengyi gritted his teeth and told Chen Jie all the details of the annihilation religion. He was not the kind of brainwashed believer. At this moment, he completely betrayed the master of the past and fell to Chen Jie's side.

The extinction religion is a sect founded by a man code-named Qingluanfeng. Lin Zheng does not know the origin of Qingluanfeng. He only knew that Qingluanfeng had a backlight, invulnerable to knives and guns, and the ability to speak with three ghosts and gods.

With those three powers, Qingluanfeng drew on three scriptures such as Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism and other to organize annihilation of the world, saying that "the heavenly platform collapsed and human nature sank. His god originally wanted to destroy the world and be reborn, but his god repeatedly pleaded and was able to have a glimmer of vitality, so he formed a god of destroying the world and appointed himself as the leader, which was to wash the world. The soul claims to be the apostle of God. He walks on behalf of the gods in heaven and saves the people who believe in him. After death, he can enter the paradise of God. If the soul is immortal and slanders his enemies, he will fall into hell and never live.

The world is like this. Some fictitious things will be that many people will believe that, especially in this end of the world, people's hearts have lost their sustenance, and they are confused and muddle-headed every day. This extinct religion, which came out of nowhere, suddenly made their empty hearts find sustenance, plus the code name Qingluanfeng. The man did have some means. In just a few days, the extermination religion attracted survivors from all directions to join his religion, making this extermination religion a presence with more than 8,000 believers.

The most terrible thing is that Qingluanfeng did not know whether he had done a single job before. His brainwashing ability was quite strong. In a very short time, he developed nearly 3,000 devout devout believers from more than 8,000 followers. For the sake of the god, those crazy believers can even directly dedicate their lives.

In such an end of the world, the power of faith is also an extremely terrible force, especially at the beginning of the end of the world. The so-called voice of God proves that there is indeed a god in this world, which makes many rational people collapse rationally and add people to the annihilation of Qingluanfeng.

This time, 17 of Lin Zheng and his 17 pagans who came out to hunt infidels, 13 of them were crazy believers. And Lin Zheng is the one who keeps awake. Although he is vulgar, he is indeed a clear person, which is the same as the Falun-gong before the end of the world. The annihilation is a cult, but in order to live, he can only become a believer and serve the cult, otherwise what awaits him is the judgment of doctrine, that is death.

A trace of fear flashed in Lin Zheng's eyes and said, "In addition to the unfathomable strength of the leader Qing Luanfeng, in the teaching, the eight elders, 36 Tianang, 72 guardians, 108 masters are high-level evolutionists, and their strength is very terrible. Of course, the most terrible thing in the Extinction God religion is not these elders, guardians, Tian Gang, and altar masters, but the unknown dark court, where are the most fanatical believers in the Extinction God Religion. They are willing to give everything for religion. They are absolute madmen. As long as they are targeted, no matter how powerful the master is, they will It's very troublesome."

Chen Jie continued to ask, "What about the heavy weapons? How many guns are there in the extermination religion? Are there any heavy weapons such as artillery?

Lin Zheng thought for a while before saying, "In the extinction religion, there are not many guns, only about two or three hundred old-fashioned Hanyang-made rifles and more than 60 Wang Ba boxes. As for heavy weapons, I have never seen them at that time. I don't think there should be, or there should be not much. The destruction of the gods is mainly based on the sea of people's tricks, and the crazy believers sacrifice their life to fight as the main way of fighting, and their battles are still dominated by cold weapons.

Chen Jie nodded slightly and turned his head to look at a middle-aged man who was brought over and asked lightly, "Who are you?"

"My name is Mumu, the head of She Autonomous Township, Shangmenlou Village, Anling Township, Xianju County. As for them, they are She people in the same village as mine. We just don't listen to what they say and don't participate in their annihilation. These people couldn't help but attack our She Autonomous Township in Lou Village, which not only robbed us of our food, but also robbed the women and children in our stockade. We finally found these beasts. Isn't this fighting with them!" Mumu looked at Lin Zheng standing aside, and a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes and shouted.

"So that's the case. You can go." Chen Jie listened to Mumu's words and thought for a while. With a wave of his hand, the team members who aimed at the She people immediately put away their guns, and those women and children were also put back to their parents by Chen Jie.

Long Xiaosheng came over and proposed with a frivolous smile, "How about we destroy the god religion? There are more than 8,000 believers in the extinct religion. In terms of population ratio, how can there be more than a dozen top beauties? I know that you don't like this much, but as long as we defeat this god religion, you can harvest a lot of materials and population resources. As for those beautiful women who don't have much ability, just give me a few if you don't like them. Anyway, they also want to make a living outside. It's better to follow me than to follow those villains.

Long Xiaosheng's personal strength is strong, but his control power is zero, and he is focused on the beautiful woman. Then he was easily recruited by Chen Jie and acted as the first scout of Chen Jie's men. No matter how Chen Jie beat him, Long Xiaosheng can't change him. He likes beautiful women.



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