Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 114 Forget your mother when you have a daughter-in-law



Chen Jie glanced at Cao Jue and said, "Yes, I'm the new owner of this base. My name is Chen Jie!"

Cao Jue took out a box directly from his arms and handed it to Chen Jie and said indifferently, "Since you have come here! Presumably, the pervert and fool on Qingluan Peak should have been killed by you. Pujiang County should also fall under your control. I am a smart person, and from then on, I will turn to you! This is the Cao Jue No. 1 evolutionary liquid I developed. After taking it, ordinary people without evolution can directly reach the level of third-order evolution. Evolutionists below level 10 will also gain a significant improvement by taking this superevolution fluid and randomly obtain the evolution of an unknown skill. Of course, each person can only take one of this evolutionary liquid, and it has no effect if you take too much. Here are three of Cao Jue's No. 1 evolutionary liquid that I just developed, just take it as my name!"

Chen Jie took the box and opened it. There were indeed three super evolutionary liquids he took from Qingluan Peak.

Chen Jie asked, "Did you study this evolutionary liquid?"

Cao Jue said proudly, "Of course!! I am a genius. If there is material, I can develop something more awesome than this evolutionary liquid.

Chen Jie looked at Cao Jue and said directly, "Can we continue to make this evolutionary liquid? I want the manufacturing process of this evolutionary liquid!"

Compared with such a small amount of super evolutionary liquid, Chen Jie wants to get the manufacturing method of the super evolutionary liquid. With the manufacturing method of the super evolutionary liquid, he will be able to improve the combat effectiveness of his masters in batches in the future.

Cao Jue handed a document that had been prepared to Chen Jie without any hesitation: "No problem! This is the refining method of Cao Jue No. 1!"

Chen Jie opened the document and looked carefully. He saw how to refine Cao Jue's No. 1 evolutionary liquid in the document. The main raw material of Cao Jue's evolutionary liquid is the heart blood of the earth-level mutant beast. In addition to the heart blood of the earth-level mutant beast, it is also necessary to use the brain marrow of zombies above the ninth level, add a mutant plant called Gui Mochou, a star source with the ancient dragon blood line mutant beast, and add some other ordinary potions to refine. Cheng.

In that document, various steps and matters that need to be paid attention to are recorded in detail. As long as this document and sufficient materials are added, Chen Jie will be able to refine Cao Jue's No. 1 evolutionary liquid in batches.

Chen Jie asked, "Do you have these two rare things, such as earth-level mutant beasts and heart-blooded ghosts?"

Cao Jue pointed to a corner of the laboratory and said, "From left to right over there, don't worry about ghosts."

In the corner of the laboratory, dark and ink-like vines are wrapped around a small tree, and there are several zombies under the tree. Those dark vines are ghosts.

"What about the blood of the ground-level mutant beast?"

"Well, I don't have much blood in my stock, and I don't know how I got it on Qingluan Peak. I only have a small bottle of blood here."

"Okay! It's better than nothing!"

The three main materials for refining Cao Jue 1 evolutionary liquid, except for the star source with the ancient dragon blood mutated beast, other materials are complete. Of course, some materials are relatively rare.

When Chen Jie saw Cao Jue's cooperation, he was very happy and promised with a smile: "Very good! What are your requirements! As long as it's not too much, I can satisfy you!"

Cao Jue thought for a while, and a touch of enthusiasm flashed in his eyes and said, "I don't have any special requirements either!" I like to study zombies, mutant beasts, and mutant plants. Let me stay here and continue to study these things! Please give me advanced zombies, various mutant beasts, and mutant plants for research. I can give you the results of the research, and you can use them as you want. But one thing is that when using my research results, you must use my name!! When you use Cao Jue No. 1 Evolution Liquid for others, please be sure to use the name Cao Jue No. 1 Evolution. In the future, I must make the name Cao Jue resound all over the world!! Beyond Einstein and Newton, become the world's number one scientist!"

Chen Jie looked at Cao Jue with a fanatical face and agreed: "Yes!!"

Those names are extremely important to those scientists who like names. But for Chen Jie, it's okay. He doesn't care what Cao Jue's No. 1 evolutionary liquid is called. He only cares about the effect of the evolutionary liquid.

Cao Jue pointed to the researchers and said indifferently, "Hmm! By the way! My research institute can't cut off the power! There are also various evolutionary nuclei and various diets. Their families are all here, please treat their families well. If they have physiological needs, you can arrange for them to solve them.

Personal freedom will definitely be restricted by conducting confidential research here. Cao Jue also saw very thoroughly and did not force him to leave the research institute, but proposed to ask Chen Jie to help the man with no family in the research institute to solve physiological problems.

Chen Jie looked at Cao Jue and said with a smile, "No problem!" Cao Jue, do you need a few beautiful assistants for you?

Cao Jue said indifferently, "No need!! In the third dimension, I am only interested in men, and I am not interested in women in the third dimension! If you have a more beautiful man, you can send it here. I'm gay.

Chen Jie looked at Cao Jue and was a little speechless. He never thought that a fanatical researcher was still a Gay.

"Okay! Nothing, please get out of here. Of course, if you want to watch, please keep quiet. I'm going to start working!" Cao Jue did not consciously leave Chen Jie and went directly to the microscope to observe, as if a piece of mutant animal meat under the microscope paid more attention to him than a beautiful woman.

Chen Jie asked Cao Jue directly, "Wait, let me ask, since you have the blood of the earth-level mutant beast in your hand, is the star source of the earth-level mutant beast in your hands?"

Cao Jue directly opened the box on one side, took out a red crystal as red as blood, and threw it into Chen Jie's hand carelessly: "You mean this? If you don't say it, I will almost forget it! We can't study the star source of this earth-level mutant beast for the time being. I found that no one can absorb its energy. A human who swallowed it pulled it out directly, even on Qingluan Peak. At the same time, it is incompatible with various drugs, and even Wang Shui cannot corrode it. Here you are!"

Chen Jie quietly collected the star source of the earth-level mutant beast into the treasure bag.

As a reborn person, he knows that the star source of the earth-level mutant beast is of great benefit to the advancement of mutant beasts. If he can subdue a strong mutant beast and use the star source of this ground-level mutant beast to promote it to a ground-level mutant beast or even a sky-level mutant beast, then he will have mastered a great trump card!

Chen Jie took out a glass bottle full of life-saving fruit juice from his arms and handed it to Cao Jue: "This is an evolutionary liquid that can make people become evolutionists!"

When Cao Jue heard the words, he quickly took the bottle of life-saving fruit juice and smelled it, and then stretched out his tongue to lick it. There was a strange light in his eyes. He grabbed Chen Jie's clothes and shouted, "Is there anything else? Give me more!! This is not enough to study!!"

It is an extremely magical treasure that can save lives, promote the rapid healing of wounds, and even make people a mutant plant that hopes to become an evolutionist. Cao Jue has been in this laboratory for a long time and has studied more than 150 kinds of mutant plants, but it is the first time he has heard of and seen such a strange mutant plant liquid with his own eyes.

Evolvers are the darlings after the world's mutation. They have more advantages than ordinary evolutionists. Accepting all kinds of things is also much faster than ordinary people.

After Chen Jie became an evolutionist, his learning ability has also made considerable progress. Although he is not more than those naturally awakened evolutionists, he is also far beyond ordinary evolutionists.

After Cao Jue learned that this was a magical medicine that could become an evolutionist, he, who had always been indifferent, couldn't help but become out of his temper. This is a medicine that can make people evolve. If he can rely on these drugs to develop ways to make people evolve, his name will write a glorious page in human history! At the thought of such a thing, Cao Jue's blood was excited and boiling.

Chen Jie took out all the life-saving fruits in his arms and handed them to Cao Jue: "That's all that's left!! However, I only think of these as fruits, and the taste is quite good. Although it is not effective enough to make people become an evolutionist, it can also strengthen people's physical quality. I will send it to you if you want it in the future.

"Great!! Great!!" Cao Jue ran to the experimental platform excitedly with several life-saving fruits given by Chen Jie and began the experiment. As for Chen Jie, who brought those life-saving fruits to him, he forgot them.

Chen Jie glanced at Cao Jue and strolled around the laboratory. In that laboratory, all the researchers were busy and no one paid attention to him. He looked at it for a while, but he couldn't see anything, and immediately left the laboratory.

Chen Jie ordered to Long Xiaosheng: "Long Xiaosheng, you go and ask Zheng Minghe to bring 15 masters here to garrison. From now on, this villa is listed as a forbidden place. Without my order, no one is allowed to kill it directly if there is a robber!"

Cao Jue's laboratory is also very important to Chen Jie. Whether it is able to make ordinary people without evolution directly reach the level of third-order evolutionists. Evolutionists below level 10 will also get a significant improvement by taking this super evolutionary liquid and randomly obtain the evolution of some unknown skill. Cao Jue No. 1 evolutionary liquid or other evolutionary fluids under study are crucial. No matter which force is controlled, it is a huge card. Chen Jie will never allow others to get the secrets of those evolutionary liquids!

"Yes!" Long Xiaosheng felt awe of heart and responded quickly.

Chen Jie turned around and left Cao Jue's laboratory.

As soon as the headquarters of the annihilation of the divine religion was broken, the stubborn forces in Pujiang County were immediately swept away, and the whole Pujiang County immediately settled down.



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