Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 119 Brother Sleeping on My Upper Bed



One batch of mutant zombies rushed into the protective line, and another batch was killed, but the zombie army opposite the city wall seemed not to see it at all, and one mutant zombies kept throwing out of the thick green fog.

With the passage of time, the green fog that could have been faintly identified seemed to have expanded and thicker. Almost half of the land under the city wall could not be seen, and the spread of the green fog seemed to be very fast. In the blink of an eye, the moat under the wall and a large area beside the moat was Surrounded by fog.

The situation of the moth of Hanoi is not visible, but the sound of water and the sound of silk came faintly. However, all this is very hidden. The base members who are desperately resisting on the wall are desperately resisting the attacks of mutant zombies and do not pay attention to the situation here at all. Even if individual observers found it, they could not see the situation inside through the heavy fog. The battle continued, but Chu Yang found that there were more and more mutant beasts, and the species became more and more widespread.

Suddenly, a dense sound came from far and near. Chuyang and the observers in charge of command on the position looked up and almost lost their spirits.

In the direction of the riverbank, countless washbasin-sized black water masses are falling rapidly.


The hoarse sound of observers was transmitted in various loudspeaker alarms, but it was too late.



More than half of the black water balls fell on the second wall, and half of them fell into the fortresses of the combat troops on the wall.


Put cold water into the strong oil, and the strong fortress made of reinforced concrete is melting rapidly. Some soldiers were contaminated with even a little black water, and their whole body twitched and fell to the ground, screaming heartbreakingly. A few seconds later, their original place became small pits. The small pit is full of black**.

This is a high-concentration virus** comparable to Wangshui, which can not only kill enemies, but even corrode steel bars and even cement.


These flying zombies are so horrible that the black water is as powerful as any large-caliber shell. Even some of the zombies that hit under the wall were infected with those viruses** and turned into a pool of black water, not to mention more vulnerable human beings.

"Withdraw, continue to withdraw. Retreat to the last line of defense!"

At this moment, Chuyang could not disobey the military order and directly grabbed the walkie-talkie and issued the military order.

Chuyang was very unwilling. He had prepared for this battle for a long time, but no one expected that the zombie advance was so fast that most of Chuyang's previous arrangements had become furnishings.

Now we can only rely on the artillery troops in the rear, but Chu Yang is not sure whether it is useful and how much it can play.

Originally, I thought that with 3,000 well-trained regular troops in hand, 30,000 follow-up troops and the newly harvested artillery, they could kill all directions, but when he saw this nameless mutant zombies that could fly and blow up, Chu Yang's confidence suddenly fell to the bottom.

But no matter what, spell it

This kind of zombies that can fly and spewed out strong acid are exactly the corrosion zombies that Chen Jie inadvertently saw in the last battle of the last life. However, the fragile corrupt zombies gathered together and became such an unconventional combat team. I'm afraid that not only Chu Yang, but also Chen Jie, who had seen such zombies, did not expect them. It will form such a deterrent.

Is this a whole air force carrying a bacterial bomb? Isn't this a trap?

"Focus on gunfire, aim at the red mutant zombies flying over, and all snipers are in place to fire independently. Don't keep me with heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft machine guns!"

Chu Yang shouted loudly, and the gunfire that paused for a few seconds became more violent. But everything is too late.

Five or six waves of corroded black water fell into the moat water in front of the city wall, and the whole river surface several kilometers long turned black. From time to time, huge mutant fish jump out of the water, but none of them is complete. As for those small mutant fish and injured low-level mutant zombies, I'm afraid they will become a pool of black water in the first place.

There were bursts of gunfire on the river, and the sound of cannons rumbled.

Everyone's faces are pale. If these black water balls fall on the wall where they are, how many people can survive?

"Beware of concealment"

Suddenly, a sad air defense alarm came from the observation post in front of him. Chu Yang looked up, then threw down the telescope three steps and walked two steps, and jumped into the bunker next to him.

One second later,



The purple-black "spear" with a length of more than two meters and a thin egg turned the first protective wall and part of the position behind it into a huge hedgehog.

This rain of spears came so suddenly that there was little time to reflect on everyone.

More importantly, this purple-black spear is extremely sharp, and the top of the bunker more than one meter thick has been easily penetrated, but the force has been exhausted. Except for a few unlucky people who have been pierced through their heads, others are all falsely shocked.

However, those soldiers who couldn't dodge were not so lucky. The dense spears nailed them to the ground alive. Before the formal engagement with the zombie army, large pieces of blood have filled the first wall.

I don't know how much the machine guns and ammunition placed above the first wall were damaged by the black spear.

"Hear leader, what is this? Do we resist... Do we resist?

A front-line commander looked at Chu Yang with a pale face, and the latter also looked frightened: "Yes, we will definitely resist. As for what this thing is, I don't know. Maybe this is another mutant zombie! Since there are flying zombies, it should be possible for this kind of mutant zombies with long-range strike means. In fact, these are not the most important, and we can deal with them one by one. It's just a pity that with the green fog in front of us, we can't even carefully observe where these black spears come from. This is the most deadly.

"Yes" Feng Ji nodded in a cold sweat. When he jumped into the bunker just now, he accidentally stepped on the air and almost broke his foot.

"Order all troops to withdraw from the first protective wall and immediately withdraw to the second protective wall. Inform the artillery in the city not to save me artillery shells, and shoot out as many as they are! Hit it out!"

Chu Yang's face is extremely ugly. He seems to have some hunch. I'm afraid it's not easy to pass this time...

On the other side, the location of Wang Pengkai, who had just been swept by a burst of artillery, is such a scene.

Looking at the bloody wings on the ground, I knew that the biggest loophole in the defense arranged by Gu Zewu today has appeared, and it has become inevitable for zombies to break into the base.

Looking at the corpses everywhere, I only felt as if I had no goal for a moment. My whole body seemed to be drenched from head to foot by a basin of ice water, cool from the outside to the inside. I paid so much and sacrificed, but I still couldn't get back the fate of the base to be broken. I had a sense of self-determination in my muddle. Fortunately, the king in the soil not far away. Peng Kai's call for help woke him up.

Wang Pengkai was very lucky. His whole body was buried in the soil, but he did not suffer much harm. When Deng Jianguo forcibly endured the pain of his broken arm and dug him out of the mud pit, the two collapsed on the ground back to backs, and the repeated encounters made them extremely weak.

The originally white land is now full of holes, and there are black craters everywhere. Wang Pengkai wiped the blood on his face that he didn't know whether it was a zombie or a comrade-in-arms. He looked around and thanked him, "Captain Deng, thank you! Is it just the two of us left?"

Deng Jianguo smiled bitterly and said, "Ha ha, thank you. If there is no miracle, I think it will be the two of us!"

Wang Pengkai was stunned for a moment and looked at the crater in front of him and said thoughtfully, "Is it the base that ordered the attack?"

Deng Jianguo nodded helplessly and asked, "Is there a second base nearby?" Who else can launch such a large-scale shelling?

Seeing Wang Pengkai's face in pain, Deng Jianguo couldn't bear it for a moment and sighed, "Think about it. This is the fate of the soldier. At least we are still alive now, aren't we?"

"Live, live!"

Wang Pengkai looked at Deng Jianguo confusedly and opened his lips, but finally swallowed the words that came to his mouth, but there was another thought in his heart: "Yes, we are still alive. Since he is alive, some people will definitely pay for it. Revenge, we must revenge.

Just when Deng Jianguo and Wang Pengkai were silent, not far from them, a team of nearly 30 people was rapidly approaching them. They walked like flying and ran like cheetahs for food. The momentum was quite amazing. They took a shadow on the empty wilderness and crossed several princes in the blink of an eye. The journey is much faster than those zombies running wildly.

Fee the slight vibration of the ground, Deng Jianguo and Wang Pengkai looked up in the direction of the movement at the same time. In a trance, I don't know when a long snow-white dragon began to rise on the horizon. The two were shocked and got up quickly to see clearly.

Approaching, approaching, Deng Jianguo and Wang Pengkai finally saw the figure in front of the dusty dragon. Looking at the momentum like ten thousand horses galloping, Wang Pengkai asked worriedly, "Captain Deng, aren't you a zombie again?"

Wang Pengkai can't worry about running at such a speed. He really can't remember who can do it except zombies.

Deng Jianguo himself was also playing drums in his heart, and he could only comfort him with lack of confidence: "I don't think so. Let's take a look!"

Before long, the team got closer, and the momentum synchronized with it became stronger. There was more killing, bloody and violentness in the compelling momentum, just like the last charge of thousands of troops and horses on the battlefield.

When the team of nearly 30 people finally stopped in front of Deng Jianguo and Wang Pengkai, the two of them opened their eyes and were stunned. When they saw their clothes clearly, Wang Pengkai couldn't help whispering, "I wipe, what a strong team!!"

I saw this group of black scarf masked, **'s eyes outside, faintly revealing a bloody and violent murderous intention, wearing a set of half-body scale armor neatly. From the dark luster that constantly reflected, you can see at a glance that this set of scale armor is extraordinary, and an ellipse of unknown texture is tied to the right arm. The round shield, with a cold weapon of different shapes straddled around his waist, from the dark red marks looming on their scales, shields, sharp edges and a bloody smell, Deng Jianguo immediately judged that this was a team that had fought many times on the killing field.

From the moment they stood in front of Deng Jianguo and Wang Pengkai, they felt that they had become the sheep targeted by hungry wolves. They did not dare to move, struggle, dare not resist, and even breathed slowly, for fear of anger.

When the people standing at the front of the team took the initiative to separate and came out of a bloody Shura-like blood-red figure, the momentum of the whole team instantly climbed to the peak.

Deng Jianguo secretly glanced at the ferocious strange blade behind the leader and was shocked by the intensity of blood on it. He tried to lighten his tone and asked respectfully and cautiously, "Your Excellency?"

At this time, an extremely familiar indifferent tone came out from under the black scarf of the leader: "Brother Pengkai, haven't you seen him for a few months, don't you recognize the brother in the upper bunk?"



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