Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 137 "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" meeting



The sunset is infinitely good, but near dusk. After solving the damn octopus monster, Chen Jie returned to the Hope Base again with the returning Yan Jin group.

In the training ground, fighters are trying to train and develop their potential everywhere. On the side of the city wall, there are still many staff busy, and everything looks so harmonious that they have truly achieved the idealistic society before the end of the world.

Here, as long as you work hard, the guild will give you food, money, and even evolutionary cores for evolution.

Just as those survivors in the hope base are constantly training and evolving to work hard for their own future, and when Chen Jie is happy for the great success of his power, Zhangzhou, Fujian, not far from Chen Jie's hope base, there are several anti-Chinese forces built by young Japanese devils - "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" The senior leaders are holding a secret meeting, and they are secretly negotiating a huge conspiracy against Chen Jie's base.

The leader of "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" said, "I really didn't expect that the leader of the small temple village base on our southwest side would integrate so many forces in such a short week. He not only eradicated the evil extermination religion, but also reorganized the government army of the YW base, so that he not only has a thousand troops, but also has a population development base of tens of tens of thousands. In this way, as long as the future ambition is enough, I'm afraid it will have an impact on our "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" plan! We must send a large army to completely destroy this large base that has not yet formed!"

The "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" Association had dealt a fatal blow to Chen Jie's base, which went out not long ago, making Chen Jie unable to return home. More than 400 reserve fighters at its base were looted by the "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" association and became citizens under the rule of the little Japanese devils.

Even in that battle, because Chen Jie's base had a lot of combat weapons, "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" would capture the equipment of at least one battalion, which was very good to receive.

In that battle, except for a very small number of high-level personnel at the temple village base who narrowly escaped, most of the population and property of the base were looted by them.

If Chen Jie knows about this matter, I'm afraid he will definitely find trouble with "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" in the future!

"First president, I think you are too unfounded!! You should be very clear that Chen Jie's original army, except for a very small number of people, is mostly a mob. How can it be compared with the 100 war elites that our "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" Association has been cultivated for many years!! Moreover, their population base is not large, at most more than 300. What are we afraid of? Besides, those believers of annihilation are purely mobs with hoes, so there is nothing to worry about. As for the army of the YW base, I'm afraid that Chen Jie can't fully integrate it in a short time. I'm afraid that a base doesn't agree with his heart. At that time, I'm afraid that when we don't take action, those of his intentions will pull him back legs, and I'm afraid that he will be too busy at that time!" The second president, Ximen Shu, snorted coldly and said a little unconvincedly.

For the stupid pig Sanlang, who became the first president of the "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" association, he is unconvinced, and this fat pig-like thing can also be the first president.

The unit that Chen Jie has just integrated is indeed a mob, as Chen San said. It has not only not undergone strict military training, but also has no combat experience. It's true that I can't beat the soldiers of the East Asia-Co-Prosperity Association.

"Vice President, your previous words are reasonable, but I don't agree with the latter words!"

Masaji Asai, the third president, said solemnly: "Chen Jie's team is indeed very few, but his subordinates are indeed a mob to remove his initial foundation. But there is a saying that a group of wolves led by a wolf can defeat a group of wolves led by a sheep. With the leadership of Chen Jie, the wolf king, they will soon get enough exercise, and as far as I know, Chen Jie's subordinates also have tiger generals and wise generals such as Liu Wei and Zhou Zheng responsible for training. If you let it go, I'm afraid it's really a bad thing! As long as they have been trained for two or three months, they will be a force that can only fight. I'm afraid we will be really in trouble at that time.

Ximenshu said relaxedly, "It's not the right time for them to grow! The Jiang family on our northwest side has been ready to go for a long time!

I'm afraid that at that time, the first person who will conflict with them will be the Jiang-style family on Taiwan Island, who are all about recovering the mainland. This time, they finally entered the mainland openly and competed for hegemony again, and they would let the Chinese team develop and grow under their eyes. I want to say that Chen Jie's hope that the base will develop and grow better, and that they will become stronger, so as to better reduce the pressure from our Jiang family. After all, we have crossed the sea, and our power in this continent is far less powerful than that of the Jiang family.

The Jiang family is the biggest enemy of the current "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" association. Jiangsu and Zhejiang were the starting place of Lao Jiang during the Anti-Japanese War. What's more, it is useless to say that Fujian is so close to Taiwan Island, and how deep Taiwan Island's penetration into Fujian is.

In terms of strength, wheel-view and wheel development, it will be difficult to compete with the "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" on the land of Fujian.

According to the current form, if there are no major problems within Lao Jiang's lineage, they will become stronger and stronger. At that time, the "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" meeting in Fujian will become weaker and weaker. I'm afraid that it will inevitably be one of the three choices of submission, relocation or death.

Seeing Lao San's opposition to his opinion, the stupid pig Sanlang's face immediately sank. He said coldly, "But I'm afraid Chen Jie is not a good tea! As far as I know, soon after entering the Huang Yangmei base, he ruthlessly killed the original owner Shen Xiaodong and armed him. If we don't destroy him before his wings are abundant, I'm afraid that he will pose a heavier threat to us! You should know that he is not that kind of miscellaneous troops now. He is a hero with great righteousness, enough development potential and enough ambition! If it goes on like this, won't he kill us and swallow us when his wings are full? What's more, we once had a deep blood feud with him. Although he doesn't know now, how can you guarantee that he will never know? After all, there is an old Chinese saying, 'If you want people not to know, you can't do it!"

Hearing this, the senior officials of the East Asia-Co-Prosperity Association were silent. Chen Jie killed Shen Xiaodong as soon as they met, forcibly confiscated the military power of Huang Yangmei Base, and also issued a massacre order to those high-level officials who held power in the YW base. All this shows that he is absolutely a ruthless person, which makes the leaders of the "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" association worry. Chen Jie is an enemy of Lao Jiang's lineage, but how can he be sure that he will definitely be an ally of the "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" Association?

Masaji Asano's eyes flashed and made an extremely vicious suggestion: "Why don't we kill him now?" Then how about swallowing his people? In this way, our "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" will have three regiments of equipment, more than 10,000 people. At that time, we will occupy the territory. Even if Lao Jiang sends all his troops to attack, we can repel it.

As soon as Masaji Asano's words came out, many senior officials of the "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" meeting were moved. If Chen Jie can be killed and his deployment can be annexed, the strength of the East Asia-Co-Prosperity Association will be doubled. In the end of the world, everything is empty except for your own strength. Fighting with other forces and annexing the deployment of other forces, such a thing as "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" will not have been done.

He raised his eyebrows under the Ximen tree and said awe-inspiringly, "No! Asano, in front of Chen Jie's failure to find that we are enemies, we must not do such a move. A rash attack will attract hatred, not to mention such a powerful enemy. We "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" will never be able to do such a ruthless thing. Don't mention this anymore. The next time you mention this matter, we will deal with it directly.

Hearing Shu Wenyan's words, several of the senior officials of the "East Asia-Co-Prosperity" meeting smiled with relief, and some were relieved. After all, not everyone is a wolf.

"Yes!! President!!" Masaji Asano answered with some shame and was silent.

Zhongjing Mao, who is responsible for managing logistics, said: "First president! Lao Jiang sent someone to collect the protection fee for 300 evolutionary nuclear weapons from us. Shall we give it or not?

The stupid pig Sanlang smiled and said, "Of course, after all, they have protected us for so long. This time, we will not only give pleasure, but also send him an additional message to tell Lao Jiang about Chen Jie's pulse. At that time, they will make peace, and they will decide by themselves, and we just need to wait to watch the good show. If he wants it now, then give it back to him. We can't chill the hearts of our allies.

Zhongjing Trade nodded a little reluctantly: "Yes!"

That's more than 300 evolutionary cores, which can represent 300 soldiers who can evolve! After understanding the role of the evolutionary nucleus, this is an extremely powerful help.

When giving the things in his hand to Lao Jiang, Zhongjing Trade is naturally a little reluctant.

After discussing a few more things at that meeting, the rest of the senior officials of the East Asia-Co-Prosperity Association retreated one after another, leaving only two presidents of the East Asia-Co-Prosperity Association, Ximen Shushita and Masano.

They want to come up with a good plan for Chen Jie and Lao Jiang to fight to the death. At that time, they can compete with each other and the fishermen will benefit.

