Rebirth of the Doomsday Hero

Chapter 141 like this



With an old man's intuition, Gu Zewu firmly believes that this time is not that simple.

The last time the base was inexplicably attacked by so many zombies, this time the secret infiltration of the man in black, and recently in the southwest direction, the base spy spy one after another. All this shows that this matter is absolutely not that simple. Perhaps, as Gu Zewu thought, all this happened under the planning of some mysterious organization.

Of course, there is no evidence at present, all of which is Gu Zewu's conjecture based on years of experience. Therefore, he can't ask Chen Jie to start a big move, or spy, or guard, or... Because he is actually not even sure about all this, he hastily told Chen Jie, how to make Chen Jie believe in himself!

But now, nothing is a problem. Although all this is still his own conjecture, Gu Zewu, who has reached a strategic alliance with Chen Jie, can finally tell Chen Jie about his conjecture, and at least he can wake up Chen Jie.

"Can you tell me why? Don't tell me that he is the most trusted brother of your subordinates. You believe their bullshit. If so, even if you are a grandfather, I won't give face. Catch and kill!"

"How to say? A very simple mode of thinking. If something happens to the base, think about who is the best for you! Chuyang and others are now the team that your subordinates have just organized, and you are skeptical of them. At this moment, if something happens, who do you suspect the most? Do you doubt them? And what will they do if they overflow? To be relaxed, there is internal discord; to be serious, the base is unstable! This is the prelude to separation! As long as there is a little situation in the base, it will remind people of them. Even if they don't do it, they will be coquettish. In this case, as long as you are a normal person, you will not be so eager to do it. This is simply an active exposure. So, do you think they will do it? At least, as much as I know about them, I don't think they will do that.

"What you said is true, but you have forgotten another possibility: that is, the most dangerous places are often the safest. In other words, maybe your people deeply understand this, and on the contrary, give me an empty plan!"

Gu Zewu was silent. For a long time, he shook his head and said, "No, it's still impossible!" Because they know you too well, they act too fast. According to what I know about them, they will never take such a big risk!"

"What do you say?" Chen Jie said that he didn't quite understand what the old man meant.

"Maybe, as you said, a person's strength, appearance, etc. may change in a short period of time, but his personality! No matter how much it changes, at least in a short time, it will not change much. Therefore, Chu Yang will never do such a thing with his cautious personality. And the previous zombie attack may have been a wolf into the tiger's mouth. They were not so bold. In addition, even if they investigate the latest defense situation of the base, the person who appears should not be a 7th-order evolutionist. They don't have so many powerful evolutionists to waste. And they know the strength of your Black Armor Legion, isn't it obvious that they will send it to your door? Even if they want to spy on the situation, they can send ordinary soldiers..."

"Are you saying that they intended to make this invasion discovered and fail? Are they misleading us? The old man was worthy of being a person who has been in power for decades, and immediately understood the meaning of Chen Jie's words.

If you think about it carefully, indeed, this possibility cannot be ruled out!

Self-pollution, this is a good way to get rid of yourself.

Think about the invader who was caught and then committed suicide, although he has the strength of a seventh-order evolutionist.

But today is different from the past. Chen Jie and the Black Armor Guard appeared in the current base. In the previous base, the seventh-order evolutionist was definitely a master! But now, what is this? Cannon fodder delivered to the door? And it's aboveboard, and you know at a glance that I'm a spy's cannon fodder?

What is this? What's going on?

"Which side will it be? Chuyang? Impossible? Dawn Base? Old Jiang? Or..."

It seems that the old man is also confused. With so many possibilities, he doesn't know whether it will be...

"Is it really just us in the world today?"

Chen Jie's sudden rhetorical question made the old man stunned, and then his face changed dramatically, and his voice was a little uncalated. "You mean..."

"I am a warrior with supreme strength, so I know some secrets that you don't know. Isn't it just our human race and demons in this world? Demon clan? The undead? This all exists, and as far as I know, this biochemical crisis seems to have been deliberately caused by people!"

"Look, we are like this... like this... At that time, as long as the people under you cooperate with me..."

"But will you be too dangerous in this way? Or this plan is a little too..."

"Those who achieve great things must make sacrifices. That's it, and I will send someone to execute it then..." Chen Jiegu opened the door and left without regard to the old man's dull expression.

The old man's eyes were complicated, looking at Chen Jie, who only left a back, and the open conference room door. At this moment, the old man looked extremely tired and had a trace of regret.

Is he wrong? Is it really appropriate to do this? Do this? Does it look too fake?

Will the price be too high!?

And on the other side, Chen Jie didn't consider the old man's idea at all. He did it when he thought of it. He was going to make a decision on those individuals...


"Don't stop me. I've been unhappy with Chen Jie for a long time! When I first came in, I was not a little guy like me, but now I have forgotten my old friend when I am developed. At the beginning, his boy's status was still under me, and I hoped that I would build it with him! Why is he the boss? He can shout. Isn't it just that you took a few more people with the highest level of evolutionary nuclear evolution to become the strongest base? Which big guy here is not an evolutionist? As for him, he really thinks he is the boss! What is this called?

"Don't Chen Jie know that his friend's wife can't be bullied? No, he's not polite." Maybe he really can't accept Chen Jie's violent temper. Chen Hui, a capable general of Chen Jie, has expressed his dissatisfaction all the time. And not only him, but also those little Japanese devils and old Jiang were surprised to see that in a short time, more than 100 people stood on Chen Hui's side, including many evolutionists.

"Chen Hui, you drank too much, don't you know what you're doing?" Liu Wei in the rear didn't know that Chen Jie's real plan was a little anxious, but it was useless.

"Of course I know, I want him to be as good-looking as Chen Jie..."

"You, stop now, or I'll really be rude..."

Is that right? I'd like to try it! Brothers, kill the evil exploiter Chen Jie!"

"Retight, step back! Do you know what you are doing?

"You boy, I've been unhappy with you for a long time. At this time, you still pretend to be a scum and beast!"

At the beginning, more than 30 people clashed at the door, but gradually, it also attracted other survivors and soldiers in the base.

Those people didn't know what had happened, but after being inquired, they also knew why the conflict broke out and dared to resist Chen Jie, a non-human.

It turned out to be a woman! The biggest hatred in the world is the hatred of killing his father and taking his wife. Since Chen Jie can do such a thing, it is no wonder that his subordinates resist him!

"Yes, many female classmates I know have been arrested by this group of scum. Who knows what they took to do? I guess... I feel sorry for my girlfriend who I just talked to!"

The little spies who checked the situation, and the old Jiang spies began to play their role in the crowd.

Because there are too many people, you can't see who provokes the emotions of the crowd

"Nonsense, that's what was said just now, but you said when we arrested someone. I tell you, don't talk nonsense and be careful that you can't live tomorrow.

It was Liu Wei who shouted. In fact, to be honest, he is also a little guilty at this moment. There are so many beautiful women in the base, men, sometimes impulsive. It is also understandable that he has done the same thing himself, and naturally has no confidence to guarantee those people under him...

In the end of the world, everyone is under great pressure, and no one knows whether they will still be alive tomorrow or...

There are many ways to eliminate stress. Women with tobacco and alcohol are the best among them. These days, there is not much tobacco and alcohol, so women are the best way to relieve stress.

And women, to be honest, which group of brothers under them are not three wives and four concubines, enjoying the blessings of all people! Of course, they have high strength and good treatment, but who can guarantee that any brother can't hold back and want to play other tricks! Besides, how can they catch their women as soon as they come here? At this moment, those individuals in the crowd are clearly sovoking discord!

"Return my wife and children and my children! Beat the ** thief. Chen Jie step down. Don't think you can do whatever you want with high strength. I'll tell you that you can't do it.

"Thanks to me, I still regard your Chen Jie as a good brother, and you have done such a rude and shameless behavior. Today, even if I fight for this life, I will also want to settle accounts with you."

Under the leadership of Chen Hui, a well-intentioned person, and encouraged by the spies in the crowd, the mood of the crowd leaning in front of Chen Jie's gate is further increasing.

After all, everyone has a wife and daughter, and there are women they like who can keep their wives and daughters and girlfriends all the way. They are not the kind of men who have no self-esteem and courage.

They were furious at the thought that their beloved woman might one day be taken away by these hungry wolves and then pressed under those men.

Many so-called righteous people are actually angry youths, and they often do things that are harmful to others and themselves in the name of righteousness. More people are followers, and they are often easily incited. As long as these people make them feel a kind of belonging, they are of the same kind, and it is easy to work together. Although it is also easy to differentiate, at least now, before Chen Jie comes out to clarify, these people must be...