Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

A point on the blueprint

Night! Wei Dong, Xu Zheng, Ye Fei. Ye Fan had another boring meeting. After sorting out the day's work, he dragged his tired body away again!

In the morning, there was no bird's speech, only accompanied by a slight chill, blowing away everyone and killing again...

Near noon, everyone's stomachs were a little sour, sleepy and hungry. After half a day of killing, everyone's spirit has entered a downturn! After cleaning up a convenience supermarket, Wei Dong led the team to take a break and ate some simple food hastily. Half an hour later, he rushed to the battlefield again, and the team members who followed him shouted bitterly!

The team drove to the small and famous river trading building in the town, and Weidong held up a high-power telescope to observe it carefully. A string of data blurted out, and Ye Fei was busy recording. In a moment, I sorted out a simple distribution map of the Huanhe Trade Building!

Several people began to carefully discuss the next action plan! Xu Zheng was born as a soldier and had a unique vision and agility. He first said, "Captain, this is the entrance to the building, here, and here." His fingers flew, marking one by one that "these places are the entrances of the building. Maybe before the end of the world broke out, there was a peak of the flow of people, and the entrances were not closed in time, resulting in a large number of corpses. Entering the room to find food for living people, fortunately, the survivors inside closed the corridors above the 3rd floor as soon as they woke up. I have lived here for several years and have a clear view of the situation inside. The clothing area on the first floor, the electrical appliance area on the second floor, and the distribution of furniture, food and so on the third floor. I believe there must be a few survivors in it!! Wei Dong was stunned when he heard the existence of the survivors and asked, "Xu Zheng, you said there are still survivors here, and there are some chances!" Wei Dong then expressed his thoughts: "Our team has progressed to the point of a bottleneck, and now we need a large number of survivors to join our base to continue to strengthen the team and replenish fresh blood!" Xu Zheng may not have thought deeply about this matter, and his expression was dark. He said, "Captain! I am not a dereliction of duty, but only a week after the catastrophe, most of the survivors can't stand the attack of hungry zombies and walk alone towards the gathering place of ZF broadcasting. Our team can only rescue those comatose and lonely refugees. It's really not easy!" When Wei Dong heard the reason, he calmly softened his words and comforted Xu Zheng and said, "I don't mean to blame everyone. After all, this is a difficult thing to get results!" Ye Fei continued, "Captain! In fact, there was a trend of attaching ZF agglomerations in the early base, but they lacked mobility tools, and there were many variables on the way and a long way! If it hadn't been for the disturbance of defection!"

Wei Dong stroked his forehead and had a headache and said, "I know the situation. In the future, pay more attention to the internal trends of the base. If you are outside, you must first settle inside, and the internal stability must be guaranteed!"

Xu Zheng and Ye Feiqi nodded! After the episode, we will continue to study the plan to recover the Huanhe Trade Building!

After a discussion and debate, a complete set of plans came out!

Xu Zheng's team is slightly weaker and is responsible for the task of lucing the enemy. And he led Ye Fei's battle group 1 to attack the interior of the building after Xu Zheng's success! After all, now the bird gun has changed its gun, which is much stronger than the previous team, and has been able to have positive contact with the current small corpses!

Wei Dong pulled the two closer, stretched out his wrist, and looked at the watch! End! Action!

Du! The watch made a crisp sound, and the action began. Xu Zheng led the team members next to the sound and rushed out one after another!

Wei Dong closely watched the corpses in the front and back room in the rear! En! Plan an orderly progress! Most of the corpses on the street have been pulled by Xu Zheng's seduction team, and the No. 100 zombie wandering on the first floor of the building was obviously shocked and dragged the remnants to pour out in the direction of Xu Zheng!"

Xu Zheng opened a long front with two groups of members, first rushed to a few meters of the corpse group and launched an offensive. After one blow, he immediately mobilized his body to retreat in the opposite direction. The contemptated zombie population was extremely annoyed and raised their blood claws to invade their strangers!

A wave of people came into contact with the corpse tide, detached, and the sea tide went back and forth like tide!

Xu Zheng shouted through the walkie-talkie and took the opportunity to solve the blocked corpse in front of him and shouted, "Captain! The members of our group have lured the corpses to Wenchang 2nd Road! Please give instructions!"

Wei Dong replied, "I understand! Two-thirds of the corpses inside the building have not moved. I hope your group will stick to it!"

Captain Xu Zheng! I understand! If I stay here for a while, the difficulty on your side will be slightly reduced!"



In the telescope, most of the corpses of the building were obviously dispatched under the seduction of Xu Zheng. Turning to Xu Zheng's direction, he could only vaguely capture the distant back. Wei Dong analyzed in his heart: "Now, Xu Zheng's corpses have gone away, and the corpses inside the building have been moved out. The rest should be some disabled and weak generals! Xu Zheng's seduction effect is no longer effective. Don't do any more meaningless futility. Now mobilize Xu Zheng's group to quickly move closer to himself and throw off the rear tail! Join the battle of the strong attack in the building!" He took back his thoughts, picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered, "Xu Zheng led your group members back to quickly return to the team and follow Ye Fei's group into the building. You should quickly get rid of the corpses behind you!" We are waiting for your support in the building!"

"I understand!!!!" Xu Zheng!

Wei Dong said to Ye Fei, "Ye Fei! Xu Zheng has come closer to us. Now it's time for us to perform. Let the team members know and get ready!"

"Ye Fei! Captain! It's time to act!"



Wei Dong took the lead in killing, pulled out a heavy axe behind him, and made an axe spin in his hand while running! The thick hair between the eyebrows floated with the wind, and the cold wind in autumn and winter drove the clothes behind him to propped up and drove forward coolly.

En! Wei Dong first noticed a corpse in the northeast corner in front of his body and entered his own eyes. The zombie's body is extremely fast, and it is obviously a high-speed mutaphre. It seems that this corpse hides the powerful corpses in the group, hehe! Wei Dong squeezed the corners of his mouth slightly, and his cheeks showed a look of contempt. His body under his feet accelerated a little, shouting wind!

The powerful corpse saw this, and the happy color was full on the vague and ferocious blood face. Wei Dong met him fearlessly, and the two sides looked at each other as if they were dead, and did not avoid it! Four or five meters away from both sides, the blood claws of the powerful corpse's right arm did not lose momentum, and the blood claws went straight to Wei Dong's heart. Wei Dong's face suddenly disappeared, and the axe in his right hand turned into a semi-circular axe flower, and the electric light arc was semicircular, and it was irresistibly scratching the zombies. His left head was scarlet scattered all over the ground! The zombie lost the brain center and died! Its inertia is unabated to himself! In his eyes, he collected the sliding point of the zombies on the street. He squatted slightly and jumped easily. The zombie body staddled and fell under his feet.

Wei Dong stopped and sneered at the corners of his mouth. He trampled down the momentum of Mount Tai, and the zombie's head splashed! Puff!!!" Huh? Do you have it?" Move the soles of your feet curiously and take a closer look, hehe! Good harvest! The crystal nucleus of a high-speed powerful corpse appeared in sight, curled down to pick it up, cleaned up the zombie's body and drank! Zombie friends, thank you for your dedication! Ha ha, and your Nike clothes cleaned up the stains on the crystal core for me.

Stand up, and the follow-up team came to his side one after another! Wei Dong did not stop, but stepped up and rushed out of the team again to kill the remaining corpses in front of the Xiamen court.

"Ye! Are there only a few miscellaneous fish left here? After solving the last corpse in front of him, Wei Dong complained regrettedly, "It seems that the value of this Huanhe Building is not low!" Unexpectedly, there is only such a little besieged by a group of corpses!"

At this time, Xu Zheng also came from afar, and everyone was busy, and all the passages of the building were blocked!

Wei Dong began to pay close attention to the grass and trees in the building, and his heart was full of strange uneasiness! I thought that opening the brain domain and using spiritual power to collect every move in the room, the limitation of ability distance, the exploration of spiritual power can no longer move forward on the third floor, simply put away, a large number of boring surrounding environment! At this time, Ye Fei came to report: "Captain! We have blocked all the passages and everything is safe!"

Wei Dong gave a simple hum and called the team to start upstairs!

During the operation, Wei Dong unwittingly asked Ye Fei and Xu Zheng, "Who do you think has more men and women among the survivors of this building?" Xu Zheng replied puzzledly, "Captain! What are you asking? Is there any suspense about the survival of men and women?

Wei Dong smiled and thought: "In the previous life, in the base struggle, the detective only needs to know the proportion of men and women in the base to roughly understand the combat power of this man! If there are a large number of women in a base, the detective can easily understand that the twisted psychology of those in charge of the base are arrogant and luxurious... **2, brutal, imprisoned. In other words, if there are many men in a base, such a hard stubble is still far away. The rule of a male tribe is bound to conquer the heart greedily, and the survival of the base is often based on the war! But such a distorted regulatory base is often a pathological existence. For a short time, it looks like a fierce tiger and beast, but as time goes by, it reveals all kinds of drawbacks and eventually leads to extinction!"

Xu Zheng was very puzzled when he heard this explanation: "Captain! I still understand the first one you said, but I can't understand the second one. How can a base like a strong expedition go to extinction? In ancient history, the Mongol Empire established an empire spanning two continents on the basis of war!" Wei Dong said with a faint smile, "Ha ha! This is very different from that! In the end of the world, we human beings are weak, and those in power will not pay attention to their own situation at all. They will compete for the living space between bases, zombies, foreign beasts, etc. are the real hegemons in the world. We just regain control from them! A force that only wants to survive through war, under the seemingly powerful appearance, in fact, the organization inside has been emptied! Have you ever thought that hegemonism like this will be under greater pressure from zombies and beasts after eliminating all the popular regional base gathering places around it! Death is just around the corner!" After hearing this, Xu Zheng and Ye Fei's chill swept through their hearts!