Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

Step by step

In addition to his own thinking, Xu Zheng led the team members who resisted the zombies in front of him to retreat.

Xu Zheng galloped, the corners of his hair and clothes fluttered, and rushed here from afar. He also shouted, "Captain! Run away and follow the zombies behind you!" Three steps turned into one step and ran quickly. Dozens of team members followed loosely behind him, and the opposite side of the same abandoned armor came over.

"Hm?" Watching Xu Zheng and his party running to the rear where they were, Hawkeye stared at the back of the team. The scattered headlights of the team made the waterway a little more bleak, and slowly caught the situation at the end of the team.

"The group of corpses!" When he caught the situation behind the team, he first exclaimed, his silent eyebrows surged like a sword, and his eyes flashed. The headsless corpses followed Xu Zheng and his party galloped forward.

Xu Zheng quickly added a whip and rushed to his side with a few blinks. They didn't stop, and the two ran forward side by side.

The soles of our feet frequently crisscrossed forward, and took out the gap and asked urgently, "Xu Zheng, there are so many zombies behind us. What the hell happened!"

Xu Zheng just went through a battle, and his breath was no longer peaceful. He gasped with a heavy nasal voice and said, "Captain, I don't know! Originally, it was just a series of zombie attacks, and we rose up to resist the attack. After a while, a large number of small groups of corpses gathered behind the zombies, and we slowly couldn't stand it. At the time of retreat, the zombies had been closed together, which formed so many zombies!"

"From less to more, the corpses..." As I ran and thought, a series of information filled my brain. Could it be that the external corpses found one of the entrances of the passage and then formed a group to enter the waterway? After careful analysis of the message given by Xu Zheng, he slowly understood the reason for the matter: "It must be zombies from the outside the waterway, not the zombies stranded in the waterway. A small number of stranded corpses can't be weathered.

Thinking of this, I secretly panicked: "If there is a large influx of corpses from the outside world, we will face unprecedented difficulties. The soldiers showed the highest combat effectiveness in the narrow waterway, and could only be dragged down and dragged to death by the zombie army! ~~~”

When thinking about the situation in danger, the corpses behind them stepped on the ice faster and pursued faster. The noisy footsteps sounded like a soul-promoting song, urging everyone to speed up their feet and gallop forward.

shouted angrily, "Hurry up! Everyone go back to the waterway exit!" With the zombie army chasing after him, the team members ran forward.

Half of the time, I can vaguely see the burning fire at the exit in the distance. Immediately urge the team members to continue to move forward quickly. The familiar road conditions made the team separate the zombies behind them dozens of meters away. Don't let yourself down.

At the exit, Wang Hu's group of people had built the obstacle near the end, leaving a wide and narrow gap for everyone to pass through.

Wang Hu looked in the direction of Weidong and waved his hand. He shouted, "Here! Here! Come here! ~~”

As the captain, he needs to set an example without fighting to escape. Maintain the order of the team and let the team members pass one by one.

"Ye Fei, where is it? Why didn't I see him!" Looking at the team members who passed in front of him, he suddenly remembered Ye Fei's members.

Xu Zheng came close to report and said, "Ye Fei received a message of support ten minutes ago and has arrived from the southern channel." Thinking of this, Xu Zheng suddenly found that the situation was wrong and muttered, "It shouldn't be! There is no reason why the distance of three or four kilometers is less than such a long time! We should have met a few minutes ago!"

In the face of Xu Zheng's news, Ye Fei has not arrived for a long time. A uneasy mood came to my mind and immediately asked, "Hasn't Ye Fei's call to you ten minutes ago yet?"

Xu Zheng knew the seriousness of the situation, and Tieqing said on his face, "Yes! I don't know. We haven't received a message from him since we called ten minutes ago!" I panicked for a moment. If we can't get in touch, doesn't it mean that Ye Fei's team members are uncertain.

After that, a large number of corpses were pursued, and Ye Fei was missing. For a moment, all the difficulties were in front of him, and he cursed angrily and secretly in his heart, "What is this? The zombie army is chasing after him, and the danger is all in the eyebrows. And Ye Fei's group of team members don't know their whereabouts!"

said angrily, "Xu Zheng called Ye Fei again!"

Xu Zheng did not think about it and quickly took out the walkie-talkie to adjust the channel. Quick and anxious call: "Ye Fei, Ye Fei! Xu Zheng called!..."



Three times in a row, the opposite side is still silent and there is no message. Xu Zheng looked at Wei Dong helplessly and said, "I can't get in touch!" Shouldn't it?"

Without waiting for Xu Zheng to guess, he quickly stopped himself and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Ye Fei is exciting and calm. It shouldn't be very dangerous!" After expounding his point of view, he ordered Xu Zheng, "Xu Zheng, call Ye Fei once a minute without interruption!" After saying that, he patted Xu Zheng on the shoulder. After the last team member passed, the two leaned through together.

Wang Hu strode forward and asked anxiously, "Captain!"

Hang Hu stood up with one hand to signal Wang Hu to stop and immediately ordered: "Everyone block the entrance!"

With his own golden words, everyone's expression brightened and quickly joined the work of building obstacles.

Looking at the busy green team members and the zombies approaching in the distance. In the face of the constant attack and threat of zombies, he did not pretend to be meaningless, and joined the hot busy green together.

Dozens of seconds later, the obstacle has been assembled, and the corpse front zombies have run here with blood pupils and waved their blood claws, followed by the same kind galloping.

"The zombies are coming!" I don't know who shouted all his life, and everyone looked up at the passage.

As the team members looked at it, dozens of zombies hit the obstacle like a fast-moving train. Next, the zombies came one after another, and the rainstorm clicked on the obstacle, giving people a shocking feeling.

I looked at the obstacle in front of me, and every time a zombie crashed into me, the obstacle swayed. The people who watched it were frightening.

I first came to my senses and looked at the demented team members around me. He woke up the crowd loudly and roared, "Don't be stunned. Everyone comes forward to support obstacles with their bodies so that they won't be pushed by the zombies!"

The team members woke up, shook their heads and woke up from the shocking scene in front of them. According to Wei Dong's instructions, accelerate the pace on your feet in front of the impulsive obstacle, and use your arms to support the offensive launched by the opposite zombie.

(Today's second update, there are two more! Where are the red tickets of friends? Brush up the comments and paste them carefully! ~~)