Rebirth of the Doomsday Overlord

mutant beast weapon

"Captain, are you there?" Ye Fan knocked on the door and asked in a low voice.

"Well, Ye Fan is coming!" I responded slowly.

Seeing the dishevelled sheets on his body, he quickly went back to the wardrobe to get a temporary replacement.

He opened the door to welcome Ye Fan and said, "How is the progress of the end of the body of the soul-absorbing demon mosquito?"

After Ye Fan stepped into the house, he looked around it several times with an evil smile as if he was looking for something.

I asked repeatedly in a tight voice, "How's the situation going?"

Ye Fan said "ah" and was slightly stunned. He smiled and replied, "Captain, according to your instructions, the soul-sucking mosquito has been placed in the warehouse inspection area."

"Very good! Take me to have a look! ~~" For the mutant animal species of soul-sucking demon mosquito, he suddenly became curious about it and immediately urged Ye Fan to lead the way.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that Ye Fan did not move, he looked doubtfully in the room.

Ye Fan smiled and asked tentatively, "Captain, are you alone in the room?"

"What do you mean?" I asked questions puzzledly. Looking at the other party's joking look, I realized the meaning.

"Kid, your skin is itchy!" His black face darkened, and he raised his iron fist to pretend to intimidate Ye Fan.

Ye Fan smiled and said evilly, "Oh? That's someone else!" After saying that, the wild hare quickly fled out of the door.

He said secretly in his heart, "This grandson must have ruined my reputation, and even the sensible Ye Fan came to tease himself..."

Looking at Ye Fan, who was far away, no longer staying, he strode to the warehouse waiting area for inspection.

Along the way, I bowed my head and moved with shame under the comments of the members of the base. Qianfu was really uncomfortable when he pointed out and discussed it, and he had no choice but to walk away.

"Captain, you are here!" Ye Fan arrived earlier and came forward to greet him with Shi Jingtian.

He blushed and asked faintly, "Now those soul-absorbing mosquito corpses are there. Show me!"

"This way! ~~" The ground direction of the plastic film spread in front of Ye Fan's finger.

He took three or five steps forward and looked at the bodies of soul-absorbing demon mosquitoes piled together with cold eyes.

Ye Fan pointed to his feet and explained, "I heard from the captain that the flesh and blood of the mutant beast, a heterogeneous creature, has a very magical effect." With that, he added to the covered film: "We saw a large amount of blood and other substances flowing out of the soul-absorbing mosquito under the transportation, so I took my own initiative to bring back the body of the soul-absorbing mosquito with water-absorbing substances."

He smiled faintly and patted Ye Fan on the shoulder and said, "Ye Fan, you are right, but..."

Ye Fan's eyes lit up and asked, "But what is it?"

For this kind of foreword, which can best hold people's appetite, and stop all the work on your side and move closer to yourself.

He cleared his throat and said slowly, "Ye Fan! Although the blood of the soul-absorbing mosquito is a precious substance, the more precious place is not here?

"What?" Ye Fan and Shi Jingtian were stunned and exclaimed.

I said with great interest: "I once said that mutant beasts are not only used for edible purposes, but also many other anti-sky source, just take the bodies of these soul-absorbing mosquitoes in front of us. The most precious use is a pair of iron wings on their shoulders.

Shi Jingtian recalled the tragic battle between the warehouse and the soul-absorbing mosquitoes, and the scene in his mind remembered the means of the attack of soul-absorbing mosquitoes. Captain of the Guard, you said that the soul-absorbing mosquito iron wings are..."

"Yes!" He praised himself, took out the blood soul war knife with his forehead, and cut down the iron wings on the body of the soul-absorbing mosquito.

It took a little effort to chop the dark and hard body, cutting between the soul-absorbing demon mosquito iron wings and the body, and the two teams of murderous weapons fell down brazen iron wings.

At his own instructions, he took a bucket of drinking water to clean it, and the full picture of the soul-absorbing demon mosquito iron wings clearly appeared in front of everyone.

He grabbed the corner of the iron wing with his palm and chopped down the blade against the shelf on the side.

The sharp wing blade of the soul-absorbing demon mosquito iron winged was in front of everyone, and the alloy metal shelf was double-heavy to the two places.

"back~!" He took back the iron wings of the soul-absorbing demon mosquito, and the tip of the wing was inserted with hatred.

The shocking picture of everyone appeared again. The bright iron wings of the soul-absorbing mosquito, which seemed to be as thin as silkworm wings, actually broke through the hard and thick cement floor until it disappeared into a depth.

Although Ye Fan knew it, he was deeply shocked by the picture in front of him, and his fingers beat and said tremblingly, "This... This... What's going on?"

I had known that such a thing would happen. Looking at the base members and Shi Jingtian's subordinates around, he smiled and said, "Weapon-type mutant beasts, and they can only belong to low-end materials."

Ye Fan asked, "Weapon-type variant body limbs as materials needed to build weapons?"

He gave himself a thumbs up and said, "Yes! Generally, the advantage of mutant beasts is the direction of their use. As a population of soul-sucking mosquitoes, iron wings are their most powerful means of attack, so it is certain that iron wings are the best way to build weapons.

Shi Jingtian knew little about what was said in front of him and scratched his greasy fortune and asked, "Captain Guard, what should you do if the soul-absorbing mosquito limbs can be used as weapon materials?"

"Ye! Speaking of the point!" He nodded and explained, "To build a mutant beast weapon, it can't be made according to the traditional method. It can be said to be very simple, which is roughly divided into two types.

He pulled out the iron wings of the soul-absorbing demon mosquito and showed them to everyone to watch, saying, "The material of the mutant beast weapon is different from the original metal material. The production method varies from person to person. There are two methods: raw use and inlay!"

Ye Fan and Shi Jingtian asked sideways about the novel nouns: "Useful, mosaic?"

He played a rotating cold light with the soul-absorbing demon mosquito iron wings in his hand and said, "The raw use is to remove the limbs of the mutant beast and directly use them for combat. The power can only maintain a stable combat effectiveness, which is improved by people's own ability."

"Oh! What's the mosaic method?" Ye Fan asked doubtfully.

He smiled secretly and said with a sadistic look, "Inlay is the general trend of making mutant beast weapons, which needs to start with some details. The mutant population is multi-various, and all kinds of evolved organisms are different. Some of these are very versatile mutant animal materials. Take an Osprey mutant called a polar shadow blood follower, and take off their sharp spear cone mouth and fuse it on the soul-absorbing demon mosquito iron wings. During the process of fighting, the user's ability to hide the polar shadow blood pointed spear cone mouth can make the weapon break through the air resistance on the attack and improve the speed of the shot!"

Ye Fan's eyesight saw the inner secret and asked, "The mosaic method is to combine various mutant beast materials to create the strongest weapons, that is, to attach multiple abilities to it, right?"

He nodded with a smile and agreed, adding, "The mosaic method also includes some modifications. After all, the variety of mutant animal materials, large and small, is a headache. In order to better display the inherent power, users usually make modifications in line with human mechanics."

Looking at Shi Jingtian's exclaimed expression, including his subordinates, he felt that he had said too much, and immediately stopped explaining and ordered Ye Fan to deal with the remaining bodies of the soul-sucking mosquitoes.

He thought darkly in his heart: "Shi Jingtian, as an outsider, he will not worry at all that the other party will tell Shangfeng what is in front of him. If there are subtle signs, I will definitely destroy it."

Shi Jingtian is deeply shocked by this novelty today. The thin soul-absorbing mosquito silkworm wings can actually break the hard ground, which is simply against the existence of all scientific theories.

After the outbreak of the end of the world, various opportunities have prompted people and creatures to change, not all of which are evolving, changing, metamorphing...

Shi Jingtian asked with questions in his heart: "Captain, our camp has encountered some pig-shaped mutant animals a few days ago, which consumed half of the base ammunition before repelling it. It was not long before the body of the mutant beast was swallowed up by the zombies attracted by the sound of gunfire. At that time, I felt strange. The zombies after eating the mutant beast became extremely brave, and the movement speed made the warrior's firepower unable to hit.

When I received Shi Jingtian's statement, I thought to him secretly: "It seems that the momentum of the mutant beast is much faster than in the previous life. The small Tianfu City has suffered the impact of three mutant beasts. It seems that the end of the world will become much more difficult in the future."

Shi Jingtian saw that he was lost in thought, put his big hand in front of him, and asked with a doubtful face, "Captain Guard, what's wrong?"

"None. Nothing!" I denied the panic in my heart.

Shi Jingtian pulled himself down a less crowded place and asked with a serious face, "Captain, I have lived in your base for a short few days and found most of the places that surprised me. ZF knows nothing about the mutant beast incident in front of him..."

I understood the meaning of Shi Jingtian's words and explained it as a long time ago: "I came into contact with a mutant beast not long ago, so..."

After saying that, he was so angry that he forced Shi Jingtian, and his eyes exuded a murderous atmosphere.

Shi Jingtian lived for more than 30 years. In his time experience, he immediately understood his own situation and the identity between the two. He was slightly stunned and said, "So it is!"

Shi Jingtian gradually appeared a little jade beads on his forehead under his own pressure, and he thought in a panic: "It's too dangerous. I almost got killed!"

Seeing that Shi Jingtian understood his heart, he put down his figure and gently revealed the hidden meaning to him. Chief Shi, do you still have to leave for the emergency on this day?

He hugged his arms and thought to himself, "If Shi Jingtian knows that the current affairs will stay, he will recruit him. If he leaves, he can only ruthlessly send him back to his hometown."

Shi Jingtian twitched slightly at the corners of his mouth, and immediately understood what he said. He was sweating all over and quickly said, "No, it's getting late. I'll make plans tomorrow!"

"Good!" Shouting for himself is a kind of triumph for victory.

"The head of the stone will stay for a few days and make plans when it's peaceful outside." He said it playfully.

Shi Jingtian fell in love and nodded and agreed, "Okay!"

He snorted coldly in his heart and said secretly, "Hum! ~~It's still a general knowledge! Shi Jingtian, you will be grateful for today's decision.

Shi Jingtian looked at his distant figure, wiped off the sweat between his forehead and neck with his sleeves, and lamented, "The mud has been rolling for decades, and now it's like a wolf's life."