Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 16 Secret Collusion

Gui's mother sent Fusheng out and wanted to persuade her to say a few words. She knew that her girl had some meaning to the young master of the Su family when she was a child, but now that she has become old, even her cousins should be more scrupulous. What's more, her girl will not know her wife's plan. She will be a royal daughter-in-law. However, at a glance at Qin Yunzhuang's happy eyes, she bit her tongue and endured it. It's a taboo for the eldest girl to say bad luck when she is happy.

Su Chenghai's big fortune attracted him a lot of praise. Almost in an instant, the whole lieutenant's mansion knew that there was a generous, handsome and magnificent cousin in the house. After dinner, Aunt Liu took the decision to let Su Chenghai stay first.

At night, the goose-like snow fluttered down again.

In Cuixuan's courtyard, a tea bowl fell to the ground, and Dou Qing'e blushed and didn't want to look at Aunt Liu.

"Oh, cousin, I just let my cousin live there." In the morning, Dou Qing'e was absent, and Su Chenghai only came to visit Liu and Chang. He didn't know what method he had used to make Liu open his mouth and promise to let him stay in the lieutenant's mansion temporarily.

"Bah, I dare not be your cousin," Dou Qing'e said sulkingly, "If it hadn't been for the fact that the eldest grandfather of your two families was a cousin, and your mother would come and begged me when I was about to get married, saying that you were a maid in the lieutenant's mansion and let me take good care of it, otherwise, I would have taken care of your stomach at that time. The seed has been knocked out."

Aunt Liu looked low and heard Dou Qing'e say a vicious sentence, "In the future, even if it's private, don't call my cousin, let alone let others know."

"I don't know," Aunt Liu quickly waved her hand, "I didn't mention it in front of Yu Wan and Yu Zhao."

Dou Qing'e withdrew her eyes doubtfully, "Well, I'm afraid that you idiot will take chicken feathers as an arrow. If I'm not here, I will really think of myself as half the master of the house and dare to make the decision on everything." This circle went back to Su Chenghai again.

"Sister, there is a reason for me to let him stay." Aunt Liu's eyes turned flexibly and lowered her voice and said, "The young master's action is very generous. I heard that just gave ten taels of silver to the maid who went to greet him. You see, even my aunt, as soon as he took action, it was the boss, a black pearl, or Dongqin's side."

"Well, I bought you with a little money." Dou Qing'e has always been not ashamed of Aunt Liu, who is open-eyed to money.

"Where," Aunt Liu said patiently, "I heard earlier that the young master came to Beijing to do business. I also thought that a medical student didn't know anything about business, but now I'm afraid that he is so rich that there is a good way to make money."

"Joke, is our lieutenant's office still short of money?"

It's not because your precious daughter once fell in love with Su Chenghai, and you are afraid of bad things. Aunt Liu thought so in her heart and still smiled flatteringly, "Sister, what if this way to make money has something to do with the powerful in Beijing?"

"What do you mean?" Dou Qing'e suddenly became alert.

Knowing that there was a play, Aunt Liu quickly whispered in Dou Qing's ear for a long time, and then encouraged her to say, "This is a small thing to make money. If you can get a relationship with those royal family in business, it is equivalent to paving the way for cloud makeup, isn't it?"

"Oh, will you think so well about cloud makeup? Aren't Yu Wan and Yu Zhao also going to get married? Dou Qing'e's eyes narrowed, and her abacus was unusually good.

"Oh," Aunt Liu looked distressed. "Sister, it's too heartbreaking for you to say so. Yunzhuang is also my niece. Yuwan and Yu Zhao are also the biological sisters of Yunzhuang. Everyone is a family. This Yunzhuang has been good. Yuwan and Yu Zhao can also marry a good family with the face of Yunzhuang. Sister, don't you think so? ?"

This is true. Dou Qing'e has some confidence in her heart, but she still said, "Well, let me think about it. This investment business is not a joke. Besides, the master has always looked down on merchants, and you don't be too flamboyant."

Aunt Liu said sweetly several times, "Yes." It was he who twisted his waist and went out of the yard happily, eager to let his two daughters see her black pearls.

After Aunt Liu left, Dou Qing'e specially called Gui's mother next to Qin Yunzhuang to come in and specially instructed Qin Yunzhuang to stay away from Su Chenghai.

"Did you listen to me?" Dou Qing'e looked at Gui's mother's thoughtless look and was a little angry, "At least it's my dowry maid. Now she is also an old man in the lieutenant's mansion. I don't understand any rules at all. Really, there is no one around me who makes me comfortable now."

Mother Gui quickly knelt down and buried her head low. It seemed that she had struggled for a long time before raising her head tremblingly and said, "My maidservant, I have something to report."

It snowed all night. The next morning, there was already a thick layer. Qin Yunuan got up early and saw Tong's cold red face sweeping the snow in the yard.

"It's cold, isn't it?" Qin Yunuan leaned against the door frame wrapped in a cotton cloak and greeted Tonger. "Come on, drink some hot water to warm up."

"It's not cold, and Tong'er shook his head. "When I was in my hometown, the snow was much bigger than this. I swept the snow in the yard alone."

Tong'er was a few months younger than Qin Yunuan. When she first saw Tong'er, Tong'er was begging for food on the street with a hornless thick porcelain bowl. It was Qin Yunuan's mother, Yang, who saw the pity and took it back. Her father Qin Zhi not only did not dislike it, but praised "Yang's benevolence and kindness."

But such a "benevolent" person died inexplicably in the door of this conspiracy.

I don't know if it's because of the appearance of the young master. Today's breakfast was particularly rich. A small plate of pickled radish, a small plate of green vegetables, two bowls of millet porridge, and four steamed buns made Qin Baochuan clapped his hands.

"Sister, you eat this steamed bun and shrimp." Qin Baochuan sensiblely pulled half of the shrimp into Qin Yu's warm bowl and shouted soon, "Sister, you can taste this again. There is crab roe in it." With that, he pulled half of the steamed buns.

With four steamed buns and four fillings, Qin Yunuan is not as exquisite as Dou Qing'e's. She knows very well that these must be leftover steamed buns from yesterday, but when she saw Qin Baochuan eating happily, her heart also warmed up.

In the middle of the meal, the mistress Dou Qing'e sent someone over and said that she had set a table for the young master to receive a banquet in the flower hall at noon. Please be sure to be present.

It took half a day before she thought of picking up the wind. Qin Yunuan thought to herself, but she had thought that Dou Qing'e would look down on this business cousin who was driven out of the house by the Su family, but since she set up, it proved that for Dou Qing'e, her cousin was still useful.

Dou Qing'e never does anything meaningless, Qin Yunuan knows very well.

"Girl, let's wear the dress sent by the young master yesterday." Tong'er looked at Qin Yunuan happily.

"Naive girl, that one is silk, which is worn in summer. Do you want our girl to get sick from the cold?" Man'er also learned from Liao's mother and shouted, "Study girl."

"Let's wear this," Qin Yunuan put a lotus-colored skirt on the bed, and then lined with a mirror flower silk, which looked soft and elegant. "Today, I don't want to steal the limelight of my second sister."

Qin Yuwan, the second girl of the Qin family, inherited Aunt Liu's style. She is only afraid that her clothes are not beautiful enough and the hairpins on her head are not bright enough. She always dresses like a colorful pottery at a young age. Dou Qing'e has never liked it, but it is best to take it out to make a foil for Qin Yun's makeup.

The big pear wood round table in the flower hall has been set up. When Qin Yuwarn arrived, Chang Shi had already sat down with Qin Baoduan. Chang Shi had a beautiful and literary appearance, thin eyebrows, like water-like apricot eyes. Qin Baoduan in his arms was only three months old, just at the age of sleepiness.

"Auntie came so early." Qin Yunuan smiled and said, "In his previous life, Chang Shi knelt down and pleaded for himself. He knew this intention.

"Yu Nuan is coming," Chang Shi smiled sweetly, leaned over the body of the baby in his arms without any hesitation and defense, and said, "Come on, Yu Nuan hasn't seen Bao Duan yet. Do you want a hug?"

"No, I'm clumsy. I'm afraid I can't hold it well." Qin Yunuan knew that Chang would not harm her, but it was difficult to protect the others. Looking at the maids who were still busy in the flower hall, if something happened to happen to Baoduan, Chang was sad and he could not escape the blame. He was always proud of others.

Aunt Liu also came one after another with the second girl Qin Yuwan and the fourth girl Qin Yuzhao. Qin Yuwan restrained a lot this time and did not dress so pompous. Qin Yuzhao still looked like a smile. She just giggled at everything she said outside that the fourth girl in the lieutenant's mansion was a fool. It seems that it was also a little According to this, it is no wonder that Aunt Liu particularly valued Qin Yu's lateness.

Dou Qing'e was the last to arrive. She looked solemn and went straight into the table. She glanced sideways and couldn't help exhorring when she saw the sleeping Baoduan in Chang's arms, "Baoduan is still small and can't blow the wind. What are you doing here? The master came late to get a son, and he is going to be ruined by you." After saying this, Aunt Chang is like Baoduan's stepmother, and she can't see that Chang has a son.

"Yes." Chang Nuodi answered and quickly ordered the wet nurse to take the treasure back.

Qin Yunuan's heart sank and thought that her mother was really in a good mood today. She just heard Dou Qing'e ask herself, "Where's Baochuan? Why didn't you come? Today, I'm going to wash the dust for the young master of the Su family.

"Baochuan was sick and was afraid that his mother would be infected, so he stayed in the yard and didn't come." Qin Yunuan said respectfully and politely. Today, dragons, tigers, fish and snakes have arrived. How dare she let Baochuan follow her to flow through this muddy water?

"Oh." Dou Qing'e snorted coldly and saw Qin Yuzhao laughing like a fool, which made her feel even more unhappy. This morning, she received a letter from the master's family, which was a greeting as usual, but at the end she mentioned a sentence, and this time she brought more people back. Humph, what else can there be? It's nothing more than a fox Meizi who wants to be the aunt of the captain's mansion.

Thinking of this, Dou Qing'e became more and more unhappy. She directly urged Aunt Xiu next to her and said, "Where's the young master? Why haven't you come yet? Go and urge him. Although the visitor is a guest, what's wrong with a large family waiting for him as a foreign junior?

When the words fell, there was a clear and calm voice outside the flower hall, "The younger generation is late. Please forgive me and my two aunts."