Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 31 Yearning

Old Dr. Chen's words were soft, but they were like a tie that tied Dou Qing'e's heart to death. She couldn't breathe. She looked sideways and saw Qin Yunuan waiting indifferently, and a trace of gloom immediately raised between her eyebrows.

"It's you!" Dou Qing'e looked at Qin Yunuan fiercely and said, "You buried the pit and waited for me to jump. Now you are proud? Satisfied? Are you in a good mood?"

Qin Yunuan turned her head slowly. At this moment, Dou Qing'e's look was no different from that of a scolding shrew in her eyes: "Hasn't your mother heard Dr. Chen say that now her father suddenly fainted and is overworked and needs to have a good rest. If her mother wants to quarrel, she will blame Yu Nuannuan, at least she has to wait for her father. Let's talk about it when you wake up and get better."

"Now you have the ability," Dou Qing'e raised the volume. "The means are also tough. It seems that I used to look down on you."

"Mother," Qin Yuuan turned her head. Compared with the unwillingness and viciousness of Dou Qing'e's face, her face looked as pure as a snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain. "Didn't my father say it just now? It was you who shouted Yu Nuan to eat Wushisan, and the person who went to search was also you. It was you who called for Fusheng. How did Yu Nuan hurt you?

What Dou Qing'e couldn't stand was that Qin Yunuan could deal with all her anger so calmly. She was about to wave her arm and slap the little hoof. Unexpectedly, the door suddenly opened, and Dr. Chen stood straight at the door. Seeing Dou Qing's raised palm slightly stunned, she said, "Lord Qin has woke up and said I want to see Miss Qin San.

"Thank you, Dr. Chen." Qin Yunuan lowered her eyebrows and thanked him and walked into the door sideways.

"Did the master say when to see me?" Dou Qing'e's tone suddenly became soft. Even if it was not for herself, she had to whisper for cloud makeup.

Dr. Chen shook his head and sighed, "From the current mood of the adult, it's better not to make the adult angry."

In the room, the fragrance of cats was smoked. The interior furnishings were simple and sparse, elegant and pleasant, and complemented Qin's own literary temperament. Bypassing the screen, Qin Yunuan saw Qin leaning against the edge of the bed.

Qin's face is thin, and there is no blood on the corners of his mouth. The maid is pad a higher soft pillow for Qin, but it seems that she can't pad it well.

"I'll do it," Qin Yunuan took the buckwheat pillow in the maid's hand and ordered the maid to go down first and said, "The buckwheat pillow is beneficial to the waist. My father and mother are always soft pillows. I'm afraid they are not used to it."

Qin Zhi was still a little weak: "What's not used to? When your father and I studied hard in the cold window, even overnight steamed buns were delicious." After saying that, he coughed again and then said, "Actually, Dad knows a little about the situation of you and Baochuan, but although Dad is now called a lieutenant, he can't walk step by step without the support and help of the Dou family, so you should also know that your mother can't do too much."

"Yu Nuan understands." Qin Yunuan lowered her eyes, and she never thought of relying on her father to completely overthrow her mother. She also knew that she would be taboo. What's more, she has never asked for Qin Zhi's understanding and support. Nothing is more important than his hard-won status and power for such a person as Qin Zhi who climbed from a poor student to the current lieutenant.

Qin Zhi patted the back of Qin Yunuan's hand, "There are some things, you'd better put up with it."

"Yu Nuan understands." Qin Yunuan nod her head and said cleverly, but she understood that it did not mean that she wanted to do something, let alone let her be bullied and suppressed by Dou Qing'e. If Qin Yunuan after her rebirth, she still has some illusions about her father's love, but now, these beautiful expectations have come to nothing. In her previous life, her father did not do with her experience. Li, maybe it can be attributed to him who doesn't know the conspiracy behind this inner house, but now, he clearly knows everything, but he still makes Qin Yunuan swallow his anger. Even if it is a commoner, it is for the sake of fame and power status to let his children sell their souls. Qin Yunuan no longer has any delusions about such a father.

As soon as Qin Yuann came out of the room, Dou Qing'e's face became more and more difficult to look.

"Mother," Qin Yunuan said as she went down the steps. "My father has something to bring to you," even though Dou Qing'e turned her head unhappily, Qin Yunuan still smiled and said, "Father said, mother, don't forget the promise you made."

Dou Qing'e suddenly looked up and seemed to feel Qin Yunuan's sarcastic eyes coming like a rainstorm. She turned her head, but only found that Qin Yunuan was just smiling sideways, extremely quiet.

"Mother, as you said, if you slander Yu Nuan, you will worship the Buddha for a month and stay at home." Qin Yunuan saluted respectfully, "My father drank the medicine and fell asleep, and Yu Nuan said goodbye first."

Dou Qing'e stood stiffly in the yard. The bare branches were blown away by the wind. Dou Qing'e only felt that her whole body was wrapped in a layer of chill. This time, she underestimated the enemy. She always thought that Qin Yunuan and her timid mother could generally handle it. Now it seems that she wants to treat Qin Yu. Warm has taken new countermeasures.

Half a wheel of moon hung high in the air, and the jade-colored light shone on Qin Yu's warm and beautiful shadow. Out of the hanging flower door, Qin Yunuan turned his head and saw that Su Chenghai had not actually left. He was leaning against the painted vermilion pillar by the rail. His tall nose bridge and three-dimensional beautiful jaw seemed to be charming against the moonlight. The faint light of the heart.

"Cousin?" Qin Yunuan came forward and whispered.

Su Chenghai did not answer, but looked at the moonlight more and more addictedly. For a long time, he suddenly pointed to the moon and said, "The moonlight tonight is good, cold, and there is a smell of winter."

Qin Yunuan turned his head slightly: "Cousin, when did you come here?"

Su Chenghai's face is obviously drunk, and his eyes are still so clear. "What do you think?" He raised a smile, which made people unable to read his real emotions: "It's probably when my uncle patted the table. I saw that you haven't come out."

"Then you have been waiting outside?" Qin Yunuan was half a test and half determined, and her heart was inexplicably a little flustered.

"Yes," Su Chenghai raised his eyebrows and said lightly, "I'm entrusted to bring you a letter, so I dare not delay." After saying that, he took out a letter from his arms, which said "Miss Qin San's personal enlightenment" and the inscription said "Shangguan Rang", which was still Shangguan Rang's invitation to visit the White Horse Academy with Qin Yunuan a month later.

Qin Yunuan frowned slightly, but Su Chenghai said to himself: "I had heard that this Shangguan was romantic, and he was even more generous about fireworks. It was common to throw a lot of money on him, so many women rushed to make him take so bothered to write such a sentimental letter to him. It's really rare for a woman, cousin Yu Nuan, isn't he sincere to you?

"Is my cousin joking me?" Qin Yunuan said lightly, "It is precisely because Shangguan is romantic and knows a lot about the world, that I don't like him. A man either fights on the battlefield, makes contributions, or takes a pen as a sword, and becomes a loyal minister. Yu Nuan, who was born with a golden key, doesn't like any of them."

Su Chenghai listened and looked at Qin Yunuan's eyes getting deeper and deeper. In his mind, Qin Yunuan's words seemed to be playing back. A flash of joy appeared on his face, but soon calmed down: "Yu Nuan's cousin is really not an ordinary woman."

Qin Yunuan smiled lightly: "It's getting late. Yu Nuan should go back." After all, lonely men and women, although they are cousins, always have to avoid suspicion at night.

Su Chenghai didn't say much. When he was about to walk down the steps, he turned to Qin Yunuan and said, "In addition to bringing four scriptures to his aunt from Wan'an Temple, did Yu Nuan also get a book of the Miaofa Lianhua Sutra? Or is it after Master Huineng's handwritten annotation?

Qin Yunuan was silent for a while. She didn't know how Su Chenghai got the news. After all, in order to be cautious, in addition to the copper Man'er around her, there is also Fang Ziying who sent the book. No one knows about it, but this matter is so grand that people can't hold the handle. He nodded and said, "Yes, how did my cousin know?"

Su Chenghai smiled and said, "I happen to know that I have always admired Master Huineng's wonderful Buddhism. I don't know if my cousin can lend me a read?"

"Naturally," Qin Yunuan smiled and said, "I asked Tong'er to send the scriptures to my cousin's yard later, and Yu Nuan is not in a hurry to read it. My cousin can read it slowly and carefully."

The language is modest and polite, the behavior is follow the rules, and the practice is decent and ruthless. However, Qin Yunuan's rigid practice gradually caused some ripples in Su Chenghai's heart. He didn't know what he was worried about, because he had never felt like this.

Su Chenghai returned to the wing room and did not immediately rest. Looking at the mountain of copywriting on the table, he knew that it was another sleepless night.

After a cup of tea, someone knocked on the door, and it was indeed copper and sent it with a scripture.

"Master, I will put this Lotus Sutra on the bookshelf for you."

"What are you doing there? Pingbai occupies the place. Su Chenghai casually turned over the copywriting on the table. With only a glance, his eyes sank, as if something bad was going to happen.

"But master, didn't you say you should look at it slowly and carefully?" Xiao Si is an honest person.

Su Chenghai slowed down his hand and slowly turned his head to look at Xiao Si. His tone was as cold as an ice awl: "Let's keep this book at the bottom of the box."

Tonight, Su Chenghai was not the only one who was awake. When Qin Yunuan arrived early in Shunchangyuan early to greet Qin, she happened to see Qin Yun makeup coming out of the room with her head down.

Now Qin Yun's face injury has been mostly healed, but he is still wearing a veil. His eyes seem to have just cried, red and swollen like peach nuclei. No matter how much rouge he applied, he can't hide the haggardness on his face. His original exquisite figure has become more and thinner, even this A honey pigment snow silk cloud-shaped thousand-water skirt with a tight and narrow waist also looks loose on her body. It seems that she has been really not doing well for half a month.