Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 39 Chapter 40 Continuous Flaws

Qin Yunuan hurriedly saluted. After the two were a little familiar with each other, Chungu and Huang Dashi both exited the door and only let them slowly discuss business matters.

"Miss Yang's idea is very bold, but I don't know how sure about this business?"

Qin Yunuan claimed that his surname was Yang. First, it was easy to hide his identity. Second, his embroidery methods and drawings were learned from the notes left by his mother Yang. Qin Yunuan just sorted it out a little. Boss Shen asked this, just to test Qin Yunuan's weight.

Thinking of his previous life, Qin Yun's makeup repeatedly made Qin Yunuan embroider all kinds of flowers and items to the palace to please the queen, and the queen was full of praise. Qin Yunuan gave birth to some confidence. She asked, "Boss Shen has seen my flowers and embroidery products. Boss Shen thinks that I am a little sure?"

Qin Yunuan kicked the ball back well. Boss Shen was slightly stunned, and then laughed loudly unscrupulously: "If I say it, I'm not sure?"

This is obviously a provocation, and Qin Yuwarm smiled at the corners of his mouth: "Then why does Boss Shen ask me out?"

Boss Shen stopped laughing and put his fingertips on the corner of the table and said, "But Miss Yang's 30% profit is too much, but it's just some flowers. It's not worth so much. How can I find a good embroidery?" To be honest, those samples of Qin Yunuan's embroidery are really novel and beautiful. He has never seen them on the market. He has thought about it first, then launch these novel embroidery products, then pretend to be in short supply, and then launch them. In this way, he will definitely make a lot of gold and silver. The only place to suppress the price is Qin Yunuan. .

Time is limited. Qin Yunuan took a certain risk when she came out this time. She didn't want to be involved with Boss Shen too much. She simply said bluntly, "Actually, Boss Shen, you are willing to talk to me, which shows that you know the opportunities in it, and why don't have to go around with me. If you want to reduce the price, 30% profit, one cent It can't be reduced. It's worth it or not. Boss Shen, I'm afraid you know it better than anyone else.

Qin Yunuan said every word in Boss Shen's heart. He played with the bamboo chopsticks at his hand with great interest and looked at Qin Yunuan with a cynical attitude. When he was about to make a sound, there was suddenly a violent collision of bowls, chopsticks, tables and chairs outside, which was mixed with men's scolding.

"His grandmother dares to grab the table with my uncle. I'm tired of living." A rough man just finished saying this, but the next second it turned into a painful sound.

Boss Shen looked very excited. He hurriedly opened the window downstairs: "It seems to be a good show."

Qin Yunuan naturally didn't want to show her face. Even if she was wearing a veil, she still subconsciously wanted to stop it. Unexpectedly, at this time, the window of the opposite elegant seat suddenly opened and poked her head out. He was a man with a beard of about 40, but standing behind him was...

Qin Yunuan condensed and held her breath. In the opposite elegant seat, she looked at the person sitting on, the bat-shaped mask, the cold eyes, and the chilling chills emanating all over her body. Who would that person, not Leng Changxi, be?

Just as the window opened, Leng Changxi almost fixed Qin Yunuan in yellow clothes and veiled in the opposite elegant seat. Somehow, in this crowd, even if Qin Yunuan was covered with a tight veil, he could recognize her at a glance, which seemed It has become an instinct, but who is the man next to her? Why is she alone with a young man in her daughter's family?

In the lower lobby, the strong man, who had just been rudely, had fallen to the ground and shouted in pain, attracting many people to watch, and the originator - a small man who looked weak was just shuttling through the crowd and was eager to leave.

"General Shang?" Leng Changxi restrained himself and couldn't help glaning at Qin Yunuan's eyes and shouted at the man lying by the window to watch the bustle.

"Come and have a look," the man by the window not only did not recover, but led Leng Changxi to the window and pointed to the man who fell on the ground, "What did General Leng see?"

Leng Changxi narrowed his eyes and his eyes became sharper, but for a moment, he saw the catishness. In the eyes of outsiders, this man's arm was just dislocated, but in fact, his arm had been broken, his technique was sophisticated and vicious, and his hands were light and traceless.

His eyes suddenly lit up, which was obviously the technique of the Eastern Qin swordsman. "Xue Si," he turned his head and ordered, "Follow that little man closely." After waiting for so long, the remnants of Dongqin's chaos finally showed some signs.

Xue Si immediately jumped down from the window facing the street. When Leng Changxi looked up again, he found that the window opposite had also been closed. He collected some wandering thoughts and asked General Shang to sit down. His tone was rare and polite. "I don't know what General Shang is thinking about what we just said?"

Shang Xianhua's body was in debt, and his slightly fat body seemed a little burdensome. He squeezed his good daughter Hong and smiled self-deprecatingly: "Everyone said that I have been wandering in the battlefield for so many years, but I am still a five-grade general, incompetent, lazy and luxurious. Now that I am old, even martial arts can't compare with young people. General Leng But the emperor's red man, what kind of general do you want? Why did you choose me?

"This is just a surface," Leng Changxi has always been very confident in his vision. "Others say that General Shang has been in the military for many years and is not valued because of his incompetence, but I found out that because General Shang has never given a gift to General Menghua Meng, so he was excluded by other generals; others said that General Shang spent thousands of money to buy thousands of dollars. A horse is only for watching and having fun, but I found that Shangfu uses more horse palms than General Meng's mansion in a month. General Shang, why are you lazy to practice horsemanship? As for every time you come back to hold a banquet, I think it's just your blindfolding method for General Shang.

Shang Xianhua touched the beard and said with a sarcastic smile, "But General Leng, don't forget that I was driven out of the Meng army because I was drunk in the barracks." Drunkenness in the barracks is a taboo.

"That's because Miss Shangjia offended Princess Yun on the day of the Flower Festival banquet. General Meng vented his anger on his sister and deliberately framed her." Leng Changxi will never waste time on a mediocrity. Similarly, if he takes a fancy to a person, he will definitely take him under his command.

"General Shang, I have made it very clear that Changxi loves talent. General Shang is obviously outstanding, but he wants to be willing to be behind. General Shang, ask yourself, are you willing?" Just like just now, if there is no sharp-eyed reminder from Shang Xianhua, I'm afraid it will take a few more days for Leng Changxi to find out the rest of Dongqin's hiding place.

Are you willing? Are you willing? This question lingered in Shang Xianhua's ears like a magic barrier. After a little meditation, he only arched his hand and said, "I hope General Leng will give me three days. After three days, I will give General Leng a clear answer."

After Shang Xianhua left, Leng Changxi turned his eyes to the elegant seat with closed windows opposite, with some solemn eyes.

He saw her, and he knew that she also saw him. Her eyes were indeed much less defensive and less estranged than before, but the calmness and modesty, after all, had a cold smell, which made him uncomfortable after all.

In the evening, the sunset slowly slipped into the arms of the mountains, and the dusk burned blood red in the sunset. A green curtain carriage stopped steadily at the main gate of the captain's mansion. The person inside stretched out a bare hand to open the carriage curtain. Aunt Xiu rushed out of the door of the house. She grabbed the reins tightly for fear that the carriage would run away. , the face is hard to hide the pride.

And Dou Qing'e and Qin Yunzhuang stood at the door at some point, as if they were waiting for this moment.

The sun shattered on Dou Qing'e's left cheek, which made her oblique smile very obvious. She smiled and said, "Three girl, you are finally back. It's been long enough to go out this time." An official eunuch's daughter who has not left the cabinet went out privately and went to the mixed restaurant on the first floor of the capital. With this alone, she can cure this little hoof.

The people in the carriage seemed to be scared, and their hands shrank in and remained motionless, as if they were dead.

Sure enough, Dou Qing'e became more and more proud: "My mother also knows that a girl's family is in front of so many people and is afraid of losing face. Why don't you come out first and let's talk slowly when we go back."

"Yes," Qin Yunzhuang also pretended to persuade, "Third sister, can you hide in the carriage like this for a while and hide for a lifetime?"

There was still no movement in the carriage. Dou Qing'e was a little anxious. She ordered Aunt Xiu, "The third girl went out without permission, and now she refuses to come down to admit her mistake. Go and invite the third girl down." Dou Qing'e gritted her teeth and deliberately emphasized the word "please". The people here must come out. She has learned enough lessons for the first two times. Seeing that she doesn't catch Qin Yunuan this time, no matter how much she quibbles, it won't be of use.

After listening to Dou Qing'e's order, Aunt Xiu immediately stepped on the car and was ready to pick up the people in the car. Unexpectedly, the people in the car resisted to leave and couldn't pull them out. As soon as Dou Qing'e winced, several little maids immediately came together and dragged the arms of the people in the carriage until the weak and boneless arms were connected. The drag dragged out of the carriage. Everyone worked hard together, and the people in the carriage also fell down. Under the brute force of everyone, they fell directly from the carriage. Their hair was scattered and seemed to be injured.

Dou Qing'e looked proudly, but the nearest aunt suddenly covered her mouth and shouted, "This is not the third girl, it's Aunt Li."