Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 45 Hibiscus Horror

Qin was still immersed in the past, and another M Mother came in outside the door to report that an inexplicable incense wood box had been dug out under the root of a dead willow tree by the lotus pool.

Housekeeper Xie took over the wooden box in the mother's hand, slowly opened it at the sign of Qin, and then opened a small mouth. A pungent smell gushed out, which made the housekeeper Xie frown, and the whole room was filled with this strong and stuffy fragrance.

"Sir, it's musk." Thank the housekeeper for reporting.

As soon as the words came out, several women in the room couldn't help stepping back. The musk can be used as spices or medicine, but the musk with such a strong fishy smell is extremely harmful to women, especially pregnant women.

Looking at the old color of the incense wood box, the interface has been a little swollen by the wet water vapor of the lotus pond, buried under the root of the tree for some years.

"Sir, I don't know if I should say a sentence," Chang, who was beside her, interrupted at the right time. "When I was a girl at home, one of my father's aunts accidentally used musk drugs, which eventually led to a stillbirth and two lives. Later, I heard the doctor that this musk can not only guide As a result of dystocia, if pregnant women use too much on weekdays, it will also lead to no clothes and it is difficult to get pregnant. In those years, the master's love for Sister He was seen by several sisters, but Sister He has never been pregnant, isn't it a little strange?

Qin Yunuan suddenly said, "Use the incense wood box to cover the fishy smell of musk in it, and then bury the box in Aunt He's favorite lotus pool. After accumulating over the years, it is hard to guarantee that it will not be harmful to Aunt He's body."

"Joke," Dou Qing'e seemed so disdainful and understated, "Isn't it too hasty to conclude that Sister He has been poisoned just by an inexplicable box? Also, since this box is buried under the root of the tree, how can it be dug out so easily?

The Mother who sent the box nod and said, "This box should have been buried for some time. The maid guessed that it was during this period that the roots of the tree kept coiling and prolonged and pushed the box out of the ground."

Qin Zhi slightly loosened Li's hand, and his eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of fog. In his heart, only Lian Niang was the person he had sincerely loved in his life. At this time, the old things were like the crystal gravel left on the beach after the ebb tide, which made his eyes hurt and his heart hurt.

"Housekeeper Xie," Qin's voice was cold, "I'll give you three days to find the maid who served the He family, and find the mother-in-law of the Zhao family in the east of the city." Regardless of whether there is any conspiracy behind his Lian Niang's death, this box of musk alone is enough to show that this yard has never been peaceful.

The mother-in-law of the Zhao family was the bare-foot woman in those years. Her husband's surname is Zhao, and she is known as Mrs. Zhao. She has done psychics, midwife, exorcism and cured diseases, and she still has some reputation in the suburbs of the city. In those years, it was precisely because of the woman's false name that Dou Qing'e invited this woman when Aunt He was dying and Yaoshi had no spirit. What she came to was the conclusion that made Qin Zhi hate Qin Baochuan for six years.

It's time to disperse. Li Qi was temporarily arranged in an attic in the back room, only half a cup of tea from Fuxiyuan.

Dou Qing'e's face was not as red as the original, with a silky pale but still full of energy. Fang turned around, but was slipped by something, and her body obviously raised back.

"Mother, there is water on the ground, be careful." Qin Yunuan made the momentum to help Dou Qing'e. The water on the ground was left by the maid with wet clothes just now. Dou Qing'e stepped back several steps, as if she was afraid that the water would follow.

"You don't have to help me." Dou Qing'e abruptly pushed away and only held Qin Yunzhuang's hand. She didn't believe that today's incident had nothing to do with Qin Yunuan. Six years, and the matter had calmed down for six years. At that time, when she started, she thought about how the master would thoroughly investigate countless times and how decisively he would find the murderer to avenge the little bitch, but she was lucky. Well, at that time, the court was in chaos. Even if Qin Zhi had any scruples about her, the Dou family was still there, and the power of the Dou family was still there. Forgive Qin Zhi did not dare to do too much.

But today is different. Her friendship with Qin Zhi has never been very strong. In the letter from her father the day before yesterday, he said that when Qin Zhi recommended Xiaolian a few days ago, he seemed to deliberately avoid the people of the Dou family and asked her to pay more attention to it. This is how to raise an ambitious wolf. You think it can open the way for you when it is old, and wait Its teeth are sharp and its claws are sharp. The first person to fight back is the person who once domesticated it as a beast.

"Cui'e!" Dou Qing'e called Cui'e out of the door frame with great dissatisfaction.

Cui'e's face was burning, sweating, and her whole body was powerless. After listening to Dou Qing'e's call, she quickly followed her master. When she left, her eyes fluttered left and right, and she was always worried about what ghosts would emerge in the Hibiscus courtyard. Her footsteps were deep and shallow, and she seemed to walk unsteadily.

The moonlight gradually faded, and a slight red glow appeared in the east, like the blush on the cheeks of the Huaichun girl. After all, Qin Yu's warm body was a little tired. She slowly walked on the bluestone road back, and the air was wet with moisture. I don't know when it rained like a cow's hair.

Qin Yunuan raised her head slightly, and the rain fell on her slender and thick eyelashes, condensed into beads of water. Suddenly, the vast sky was covered by an oil paper umbrella with a faint masculine atmosphere. The people behind her smiled, and the hot breath sprayed thinly on Qin Yu's white neck.

"It's raining, don't you know how to hurry back?" This is Su Chenghai's voice, warm and beautiful, with the breath of spring breeze.

Qin Yunuan looked back at Su Chenghai holding the handle of an umbrella, pointed to the scattered rain and smiled, "Look, there is rain between the clouds and rivers in the sky and the ground. If you walk fast and slowly, you have to get wet. What does it matter if you walk slowly?"

"Alas," Su Chenghai sighed weakly, "there's nothing I can do about you."

Is there really nothing I can do about you? Qin Yunuan was stunned. This sentence was quite spoiled. She slightly glanced at Su Chenghai, who was dedicated to holding an umbrella for herself. When did her relationship with him become so intimate?

I don't know how long it took, the drizzle gradually stopped, and the early sun fell like gold.

"You have arrived." At the door of Fuxi Courtyard, Su Chenghai put away the twenty-bone green bamboo umbrella and paper umbrella, gently knocked twice next to the rockery next to the courtyard gate, and shook down the drops of water on the umbrella.

"I didn't have a good rest last night. Is my cousin going out again?" Qin Yunuan asked softly.

Su Chenghai smiled and said, "My life in the capital is still shallow. I have to supervise a lot of business in person and can't relax."

Qin Yunuan noddled and smiled lightly: "As today, it is said that General Leng Changxi is very busy with the affairs of Dongqin. In my opinion, my cousin is busier than General Leng."

Su Chenghai hesitated a little, and the warm orange sunlight gradually expanded with the rise of the sun, reflecting Su Chenghai's half of his face as if there was a layer of gold edges, and a smile from the corners of his mouth, like a boat slowly walking through the waves of the world, rippled out a circle of beautiful and gentle ripples.

"I should go." Su Chenghai collected the umbrella and put his hands behind him.

Just in time, Copper came out to meet the door, but saw Qin Yunuan standing at the door.

"Three girls." Tong'er just opened her mouth to say hi, but was refreshed by Qin Yunuan's next sentence.

"Keep up." Qin Yunuan coldly told Tonger, "Follow the young master and see where he has gone, but don't force him to follow. If he is found, come back immediately."

When Su Chenghai approached, Qin Yunuan's uneasy heart was finally frozen. She did not reject Su Chenghai's kind kindness. It was not that she accepted or acquiesced to Su Chenghai's behavior towards her, but the smell of Su Chenghai.

When the warm male breath came like a tide, an inexplicable sense of déjà vu cheered Qin Yunuan, with some chill and the freshness of grass in the confusion. She has always had a keen sense of smell and excellent memory. She will never forget such a smell.

There is also the cocoon at the tiger's mouth in Su Chenghai's palm. According to say, if the person who plans to coil up all year round, the cocoon should be at his fingertips, and only those who hold the sword and blade all year round will grind out such a cocoon.

Qin Yunuan believes in his character, but he can't fully believe his identity as obscure as the deep sea.

After resting on the bed for less than half an hour, Qin Yunuan was called up by Liao's mother, and a noise could be heard far and near.

In the Furong courtyard, Housekeeper Xie led a group of servants to form an impenetrable circle. In the center, it was Cui'e with a sad and frightened face. At her feet were half-burned yellow paper, and the light ashes were blown by the wind and instantly melted into the cold spring wind.

"You are so bold," Housekeeper Xie had already received the wind. He also waited all night in this Furong courtyard last night. Sure enough, when it was almost dawn, he let him wait for Cui'e, who came to worship with yellow paper. "Say, in the middle of the night, why did you come to this Furong courtyard alone to burn paper money?"

Cui'e used to be a generous and clever maid, but now she stared at the thick dark circles and her eyes were erratic. She just shook her head in panic and muttered to herself, "I didn't do it. I really didn't do it. Aunt He, don't come to me when you appear. Go to that woman."

asked several times in a row, but Cui'e still repeated the sentence, as if she had lost her soul.

The little man next to him carefully came forward and said, "Thank you, butler, isn't this Cui'e crazy?"

Housekeeper Xie stared at him fiercely and only ordered in a low voice, "Go to Shunchangyuan to inform the master, and then go to Cuixuanyuan to inform his wife." Housekeeper Xie is very good at life. First of all, he guarded the yard under the order of the master. Naturally, he should put Qin quality first, but after all, Dou Qing'e is the person who has been in charge of the Qin family's backyard for a long time. This face must be given. Even if he is an old man of the Qin family, he has to rely on Dou Qing's three-point thin noodles to eat.

"No need." Although the voice is gentle and pleasant, the tone still has the taste of being unkind.

Dou Qing'e didn't know when she had appeared behind everyone. She hurriedly applied powder but still couldn't hide her haggard look. When she was sure that the middle of the crowd was really Cui'e beside her, her eyes were even more murderous.