Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 53 Celebrating the Birthday of the Concubine

Qin Yu warmly smiled and said, "General Leng said that it's my cousin. Earlier, I heard that Cousin Su and General Leng have some friendship. My cousin has also kept saying that one day when it's free, I will ask General Leng to go to the first floor of the capital to order a pot of good tea, order a plate of tea, rice and fruit, and have a good talk about the past."

Leng Changxi's eyes slowly stretched out to the distance; "Did he really say that?"

"Of course," Qin Yunuan said with a smile, "In the future, my cousin's business will rely more on the care of General Leng."

"You care about your cousin very much and think about him," Leng Changxi's tone seems to be mixed with five flavors, all of which are sour and sweet. "It's just a pity that good tea is good, rice and fruit are fine. I don't like sweet food."

Smart people have always stopped talking. Qin Yunuan stopped their sound. The two just stood quietly on the corridor and looked at the full moon washed out of the purest spring in the south of the Yangtze River in the distance. There was a slight wind. The wind was also mixed with the fragrance of grass blowing from the other side of the pond, and the voices in the outer hall were also obviously lively. Come on.

It's time to go back to the banquet. Leng Changxi deliberately asked Qin Yunuan to take a step forward. After half a column of incense, he turned around and left. The wound that didn't feel pain at this moment was faintly powerful and scraping bones to cure poison. Sure enough, ordinary people can't stand it.

When Qin Yunuan entered the table, the guests were already full, all with semi-familiar faces, which were seen during the Flower Festival or when praying for blessings. Naturally, Fang Ziying also attended with her father. The seat was arranged into a huge "concave" character, and in the middle was a platform for performing songs and dances. Fang Ziying was just sitting far away. Opposite Qin Yunuan.

As soon as Qin Yunuan sat down, Fang Ziying opposite looked at this side with great joy. Qin Yunuan also smiled happily. There was still half a check at the beginning of the banquet. Qin Zi sat in the first seat and kept greeting his colleagues, and Dou Qing'e, who was supposed to set out to Guoan Temple, was now dressed in an emerald double mandarin. The skirt, wearing a golden hairpin and swaying step by step, is graceful and elegant, greeting the guests with Qin Zhi, especially for the special enthusiasm of Sima Rui, who can be arranged on the side of Qin Yun's makeup, holding the family with a smile, and seems to completely forget the protagonist Qin Linfeng of today's banquet sitting at the next head.

Qin Linfeng looked a little anxious, and his eyes always unconsciously glanced at the shy Qin Yun makeup and the handsome and elegant Sima Rui. The more Dou Qing'e talked about the two, the more subtle movements of Qin Linfeng became. He kept kowtolling at the corner of the table or holding a wine cup, and couldn't help answering the guests' greetings. Heart.

This is an interesting phenomenon. Qin Yu sat quietly on the table, but her eyes never left the mother and son who loved acting. Seeing that Qin Linfeng became more and more uneasy, her smile became brighter and brighter.

"Yes," Dou Qing'e seemed to notice the existence of Qin Yunuan at this time. "What about Baochuan? Why didn't you come? Today is the master's birthday. It's not good to be late.

Qin Yunuan made a proper pause, with a gentle smile on her beautiful face: "Mother, don't worry, wait a moment, Baochuan has been thinking about it for a long time and wants to surprise his father."

After Qin Yunuan finished speaking, it seemed that she could hear Qin Linfeng's disdainful sneer. In Qin Linfeng's heart, Qin Yunuan's lie was so rude that he didn't say anything and didn't even fall into the well. He wanted to see how this embroidered concubine's daughter would come back.

"Really?" Dou Qing'e's voice slightly raised several tones. It seemed that she unintentionally poked the end of the tea with the teacup cover and said, "Sum, I haven't attended several family banquets and reunions in Baochuan. Isn't this... a serious illness?"

Qin Yunuan looked at Dou Qing'e, who had provocative eyes, and looked at Qin Zhi, who did not speak but was silently observing the movement here. He smiled and said, "Baochuan was indeed infected with wind and cold in the yard in the back seat before, but now he has moved to Fuxiyuan, and the room is not leak, and the food is getting better, such as I don't know how strong it is now."

What a sharp-mouthed girl, Dou Qing'e's eyes narrowed slightly, and she turned over her past accounts again.

Aunt Chang also took over and said, "The third girl is really right. My lord, I have seen Baochuan twice these days, and I'm really more and more cute."

Qin Zhi did not refute or have much joy, but said "um" plainly. His memory of this concubine has been very faint. Since his Lian Niang suddenly died six years ago, Zhao's mother-in-law calculated that it was entirely because the birth of this concubine killed He Lian, he seemed to pay little attention to this inconspicuous. In addition to knowing that the concubine grabbed a jade version when he caught Zhou, his understanding of this concubine is basically zero.

With the sound of the salute, the banquet began, and the surrounding lights dimmed, leaving only the large platform in the center of the banquet. A burst of women's fragrance came. Eight dancers came from both sides of the banquet. In April, they wore thin gauze skirts, showing their shaved waists and covered with scattered colors like clouds. The musician played the flute, and the Qing singer played the kite and sang a small song from the south of the Yangtze River. In the flying dance of the clouds and flowing water, the gauze was wrapped, as if it was flowing in the hearts of the hearts of the music.

Between the colorful veil flying, Leng Changxi did not know when he had sat down. His position was second only to Qin Zhi and Shangguan Yuan and Sima Rui. He raised his hand to play with the wine bottle in his hand, and his eyes showed an unspeakable laziness. It was not until he glanced at Qin Yunuan, who was not far away that his eyes changed from a wandering state to stagnant, and suddenly With a gentle smile, he silently looked away.

Qin Yunuan was not unaware. She felt Leng Changxi's cold or hot eyes. She could only try her best to keep it as if nothing had happened. Tonight, she still has more important things to do.

The song and dance had come to an end. Just as the dancers were about to retreat, then there was a sonorous and powerful children's reading sound at the end of the banquet. Although they were young, every word seemed to have exhausted all their piety and sincerity.

"Baochuan wishes his father a long life, like the rising sun, the stars shining, and the glory."

The words are loud, and the sentences are smooth and smooth.

And Qin Linfeng's face turned pale almost in an instant, and his face was full of disbelief. What he let the bitch named Tinghe put down can make people's intestines. Why can this little bastard appear at the banquet like a nothing wrong? He was deceived by listening to He? No, it's impossible! At that time, the girl was full of thinking about how to be an aunt, not to mention that it was not good for her to move her.

After brushing, Qin Linfeng almost stared at Qin Yunuan with a kind of cannibal anger. It was her! It must be her! Earlier, I heard from my mother that this girl is not the same as before, but she didn't expect that she was so shrewd.

At the end of the banquet, Qin Baochuan wore a moon-white shirt and took advantage of a bamboo-colored robe and a two-finger-wide belt around his waist. He looked energetic and radiant. Along the way, the guests opened their eyes wide. They had never heard of such a handsome young master in the lieutenant's mansion.

"Father, this is a birthday gift from Baochuan." Qin Baochuan walked to Qin Zhi and bowed his hands. Just when Qin Zhi was still a little surprised, the copper behind Qin Baochuan had already handed over the scroll in his hand.

Qin Yunuan took over in time and said, "This is an ink painting made by Baochuan with a lot of effort. I hope my father will accept it."

It turned out to be just a painting, but it was better to have a heart at this young age. Qin Zhi showed a rare smile and waved to ask Housekeeper Xie to put away the scroll for the time being.

"Didn't father look at it?" Qin Yunuan turned her head and smiled.

"Well, how can a six-year-old concubine's painting be made ugly at will?" Qin Yun makeup sneered in his heart, but his tone was so soft that it was dripping out of water. "My father put it away for the sake of the sake of his second brother's face. In front of so many famous pictures sent by great human rights, second brother, why do you have to do more and let people compare plainly?"

Qin Baochuan's face was slightly stiff and seemed to be a little scared. He looked at Qin Yunuan for help, but saw that his sister only cast a positive look. Qin Baochuan, who was encouraged, held his breath and continued to arch his hand and said, "Please also ask your father to read the picture scroll. Baochuan guarantees that this ink painting must be ingenious and satisfy his father."

Qin seems to be a little uncomfortable with Qin Baochuan's sudden enthusiasm: "Ok, I have received this gift."

Before Qin Yunuan opened her mouth to speak, the next leisurely voice said, "I also want to see how ingenious this ink painting is."

Qin Zhi looked at Leng Changxi, who spoke, with a smile on his face: "Since General Leng appreciates the face, come and open the scroll."

With an order, the two servants immediately came forward, one holding the scroll, and the other slowly unfolded the rolled picture scroll.

When the three-meter-long picture scroll unfolded and the mountains and rivers in the picture were displayed vividly, Qin Yunuan seemed to be able to feel the sound of Qin Zhi's deep inhaling and muttered a question: "Is this?"

Qin Baochuan, like a little adult, is very experienced and said, "I heard my sister talk about my father's reading story earlier, and I also heard from the sisters in the house that my father has been away from home for more than 20 years and went out to seek office. What I miss most is the thatched house built at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain when he was studying hard in the cold window, suffering from busy government affairs. There is no time to return to his hometown. Father, Baochuan drew the thatched hut in your memory. Although there is something different from the thatched hut in my father's heart, I also hope that my father can take over this piece of Baochuan's heart.

A three-meter-long picture scroll, with mountains and water on it, mountains and rocks are realistic, and a waterfall flowing down from the mountains and rocks, which makes Qin Zhi recall the mountain spring in front of Xiaoxuan's window at that time. On the picture scroll, pines, cypresses and bamboo forests are stacked with green trees. A small but unique thatched hut is located on the mountainside. On the thatched hut, there are also hovering two immortals. The crane seems to imply that the students who read loudly will go to high school.

It's hard to believe that such a painter and such a composition came from a six-year-old child.