Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 65 Life for Life

The person behind him did not make a sound, but rubbed slightly like a little rabbit and huddled in a thick crane. In this peace of mind, Leng Changxi raised an unprecedented satisfaction and satisfaction on his face.

The air near the morning is a little thin, and the temperature in Sheshan is even colder. As Leng Changxi said, the nearest road back has been destroyed by the landslide, and the group can only choose a bumpy path to move forward.

Leng Changxi brought six people. The two opened the way in front. Leng Wu and Leng Changxi walked in the middle. After the two broke, there were two protecting the left and right sides respectively. This is the most common formation in the march, which is very practical.

Leng Changxi is indeed a very cautious and strict person.

Some of the bushes passing by have small thorns. Leng Changxi carefully protected both sides of Qin Yunuan with his big hands to avoid her being scratched. Man'er fell asleep on Leng Wu's back. Now Man'er is the one that Qin Yunuan is most worried about.

After a while, the dense jungle vision suddenly opened up, and there was a rugged mountain road a hundred steps away. There were already two carriages waiting at the foot of the mountain. Only a few more steps to leave the dense forest, but Leng Changxi suddenly freed a hand, five fingers together and pointed forward.

Several of his men immediately understood that this was their internal gesture code, which meant that there might be danger ahead.

Qin Yunuan lay on Leng Changxi's back and watched the drizzling sweat slowly ooze from the junction of Leng Changxi's black mask and hairline, mixed with the unique smell of male sweat and a good smell of grass on Leng Changxi. In a faint sense, she seemed to smell of danger and hostility.

A sudden "whi" arrow sound, which is the crisp sound made when the arrow leaves the string.

Leng Changxi pressed Qin Yunuan, stretched out his hand and pulled Qin Yunuan behind a towering ancient tree embraced by three people. Almost subconsciously, he hugged Qin Yunuan's thin shoulder tightly, and almost put Qin Yunuan close to his arms.

There was the sound of arrows in my ears, as dense as a drum, like a tropical rainstorm, and the crackling sound was the muffled sound of arrows nailed into the trees.

In the Qin family, Qin Yunuan was used to intrigue, but it was the first time he saw such a real gun and arrow. His heart couldn't help trembling, and his fingertips were slightly squeezed into the palm of his hand.

Qin Yunuan's little action to vent his tension completely fell into Leng Changxi's eyes. Among so many women, it was the first time he saw that an unconverted lady like Qin Yunuan could face this fight on the battlefield so safely.

"Don't look, don't listen, you won't be afraid." Coldly, a pair of big hands gently covered Qin Yunuan's ears, and the temperature of the palm of his hand rose slightly with wet sweat, which made Qin Yunuan suddenly warm his heart from his ears.

This is Leng Changxi's hand, gentle and gentle.

This feeling made Qin Yunuan slightly stunned, but soon, the sudden sound of arrows like rain in reality made her safely accept such a shelter.

The time to avoid like this is difficult, but suddenly, the sound of arrows stopped abruptly, and there was no sound outside. Such a situation is like the sudden shooting of the arrow feather, which is unprepared.

Because of Leng Changxi's timely reminder, no one in the group was injured, only the wound was full of blood again because of the bumps when Leng Wu dodged, and everyone came out from behind the tree trunk where they were hiding.

At this time, Qin Yunuan found that she had hidden in Leng Changxi's arms in a posture similar to curling up. She tried to calm herself down, but her face was still involuntarily stained with a faint crimson.

Leng Changxi was very natural. He released Qin Yunuan with the expression of holding the little pet in his arms for a while, and even helped Qin Yunuan get up indifferently.

The blood has flowed back to the limbs. Qin Yunuan has felt that her whole body was warm and took a step back politely: "I can really go now."

Leng Changxi's inquiring eyes shot out of the ink pupils hidden behind the mask again. Almost for a moment, after confirming that Qin Yunuan's face had returned to ruddy, he said "Oh" faintly.

"General, there is a word outside." Someone shouted behind the big tree where Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi were hiding.

Leng Changxi's eyebrows tightened, and Qin Yunuan also quickly followed.

The original thick tree trunk is now full of arrow feathers. At close, it is just a pile of arrows, but as long as you walk ten steps, you can clearly see that the hundreds of arrow feathers are complete and clearly put together into four big words.

——Life for life

Writing with an arrow, such accuracy and speed are simply amazing. Even Leng Wu, who has been following Leng Changxi for many years, couldn't help taking a breath. He knew that even the best archer in the Leng family army could not guarantee a success at once, but the other party did it and knew it earlier. Zhao Huijin, the king of Qin Anyang, is not only a master, but also loves to raise assassins. Now, he doesn't expect that Pingyang is still extraordinary.

Other people under Leng Changxi couldn't help showing the same worries as Leng Wu.

But Leng Changxi didn't think so. He raised his chin slightly, a touch of pride appeared at the corners of his mouth, and his eyes slowly glanced into the distance, as if to greet this difficult opponent: "When people are not desperate, they will not bet on their lives."

Zhao Huijin is the only opponent that Leng Changxi has met in the past 19 years who can recruit so many rounds. Zhao Huijin is a resourceful person, but it is a pity that now he is also forced to be exhausted by Leng Changxi.

"Process all these arrow feathers and don't leave traces." Leng Changxi ordered indifferently.

Looking back, she saw Qin Yunuan, who looked equally calm. Her white cheeks emitted an indescribable faint light in the thin and obscure morning light, as well as the broken hair drifting with the wind, with the unique dew of spring, moist, fresh and bright.

Leng Changxi couldn't help but think of the scene of hiding behind the tree with her.

"Don't look, don't listen, you won't be afraid."

When he finished saying this, he thought that Qin Yunuan would immediately close his eyes and hide himself tightly like an ostrich, but the little woman stubbornly stared at her. Her watery eyes seemed to be able to speak, and there was an indescribable feeling that he had always protected others. It made others feel at ease, but at that moment, Qin Yunuan's eyes suddenly slowed down his heartbeat. The sound of arrow feathers around him was like a fantasy, and only those clear eyes like a pool of water were real.

And at this moment, standing outside with him and looking at Qin Yunuan, who used the words "life for life", seemed to be a little more resolute in her eyes. Unlike other women's panic, her eyes were full of indifference and calmness.

He has questioned why Qin Yunuan's personality is so different from what Zi Zhan described. He once scoffed at Qin Yunuan's small tricks and tricks, and he also appreciated Qin Yunuan's more and more decisive plans and strategies. If he hesitated his feelings for Qin Yunuan in the past, now he is extremely sure.

He doesn't like women who are too stupid, and he deeply feels that those rich sons who are vulgar and ineptible are not worthy of her at all. She and he are the most suitable. What's more, he likes her, which is so simple.

Everything has been dealt with, and the carriage is just around the corner.

Qin Yunuan looked at Leng Wu carefully holding Man'er into the carriage. She also turned around, took off the crane she had been wearing, folded it and handed it to Leng Changxi: "Thank you for saving General Leng's life today."

"Don't thank me," Leng Changxi smiled imperceptiblely. "I know that even if I don't come, you can live." He has never underestimated the tricks and survival skills in this little woman's stomach.

Despite this, Leng Changxi still took over the crane handed over by Qin Yunuan.

Seeing the carriage gradually go away, Leng Changxi stood on the hill with his men, watching the sun gradually climb up from the mountain pass, and the distant sky was rendered with red clouds, like the carefully embroidered haze when the bride got married.

Seeing that Qin Yunuan's carriage was as big as an ant, Leng Changxi turned his head and ordered Leng Wuwu, "Take three more people and continue to protect her." Everyone knows who this "she" refers to.

Leng Wu paused slightly and seemed to have thought about it for a long time, but still opened his mouth to persuade him, "General, Zhao Huijin has many tricks. This time he has made such a great determination. There are only 18 personal guards of the general. Now four more have been transferred, isn't it..."

"Leng Wu, you don't know him very well," Leng Changxi looked far away, as if he wanted to meet Hongxia in the sky. "Zhao Huijin has the ability, but he also cherished his life. Otherwise, he would not have abandoned the city and fled on the day of the siege. Even his so-called beloved Yuanning Princess Weixian did not take it away. A few days ago, In the palace, it was rumored that the nobleman was seriously ill, and the imperial doctors were helpless. It happened that a thousand-year-old Tianshan snow lotus in my Ningwang Mansion could return to spring. Zhao Jin exchanged his life for his life here. He wanted to use Yu Nuan's life as a bet and forced me to take out Tianshan Xuelian to save his lover.

Leng Changxi looked back slightly and glanced at the corners of his eyes with a disdainful sneer: "Do you want to force me? It's ridiculous. I want a woman, and I want medicine. What can he do with me?

At this moment, it is rumored that the nobleman's bedroom, who is seriously ill, is soft and warm. The hall is still burning with fascinating incense. The nobleman is only wearing a cloud veil as thin as cicada wings, and his unclenched waist and limbs are kneaded and smooth, making people more and more salivating.

The beautiful face of the nobleman is still flushed, and his mind is constantly recalling the greatness of last night.

The man beside him moved, and the nobleman immediately stuck on it, and his voice was as charming as if dripping water: "Your Highness, have you woken up?"