Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 70 Ambush guilty

After all, Shangguanyi is still Shangguanyi. She is wayward, self-centered and self-smart. Every inference of her is around her. It is how Qin Yunzhuang wants to revenge on her and how she wants to revenge on her brother to use this series of conspiracies. Qin Yunuan listened, expressionless, but this is also good. At least it can anger Shangguanyi's potential revenge. It is also terrible for a powerful girl from the Shangguan government to want to revenge.

"I still believe Qin Yun makeup retaliates for your face, but it's for Qin Yuzhao to marry your brother as a concubine," Qin Yunuan raised her eyebrows. "Miss Shangguan, you overestimate the friendship between my eldest sister and my second sister."

Shangyi's idea is naive, immature, but also very hot-blooded.

"Also, don't you think that the eldest sister may just ask your brother to really kill your brother, or Li? Maybe what you hate should be Li's?"

"Humph," Shangguan Yi snorted coldly, "What kind of green onion is Li, relying on her? Dare? My brother also has martial arts. Is Li's weak woman or a weak woman that my brother doesn't like at all? Can she hurt my brother? After saying that, Shangguan Yi came closer and said in a mysterious tone, "Actually, do you know that Qin Yun's makeup mother and daughter are far more powerful than you think. I don't know how many killers are hidden behind them. Everyone's skills are covered with blood."

In fact, these Qin Yunuan knew it for a long time. She glanced at her eyes faintly and looked at Shangguan Yi's gloomy expression. She knew that Shangguan Yi was no longer the lively and wayward Miss Shangguan before.

"Thank you for sending someone to inform me in time before," Shangguan Yi's tone improved a few tones. "But I also made fake letters according to your instructions. The real one was indeed burned by my brother after being seen, so it was even. I will continue to show evidence in court later. I will look at Qin Yun's makeup. How did that little bitch go to hell? Shangguan Yi said as she took a step back and smiled, "Looking forward to our second cooperation."

"There won't be a second time," Qin Yu warmly turned around coldly and said, "I don't cooperate with madman."

Out of the yard, Qin Yunuan took a look at Tingxue, who was guarding outside. Tingxue immediately followed, and looked back at Shangguan Yi, who was still standing in place: "Miss Shangguan seems to be a little different, becoming..."

"It's terrible, isn't it?" Qin Yu's warm head did not return. "Shangguanyi's heart has been filled with hatred. She is only immersed in her own judgment and reverie. No one can pull her out. Sooner or later, she will bind herself like Qin Yun's makeup, so stay away from her."

Listening to Xue, Nuonuo nodded. I don't know when the two had gone to the back hall where Li Qi was temporarily imprisoned. Under the shade of the trees, they saw a familiar figure flashing out of the door from afar.

It's Qin...

Qin Yunuan subconsciously hid behind a Hehuan flower tree and watched Qin Zhi lock his eyebrows and quickly walk out of the room. After a look in private, he hurried out of the yard.

Qin quality? Li Qi?

Qin Zhi, can't he finally sit still?

rose to the hall again, and the atmosphere was a little strange. Qin Yun makeup leaned on Qin Linfeng's arms with a lost look. Shangguan Yi has been looking at her with dark and complicated eyes.

After looking at it, Fang wanted to open his mouth, and a female voice with a mysterious atmosphere echoed in the lobby.

"Your Excellency, I plead guilty."

It was Li Qi who spoke.

It seemed a little unexpected, but Qin Zhi and Qin Yunuan's faces seemed very calm. Qin Yunuan leaned and continued to listen to what Li Yu said.

"I killed the man, and I also made an appointment with Mr. Shangguan. I have loved Mr. Shangguan for a long time, but unfortunately I have married him as a wife. I want to get together with him for the last time before Mr. Shangguan married the second girl. Unexpectedly, Mr. Shangguan's heart was pure and upright, he refused to accept my heart, and he also insulted me for not keeping the woman. I I was so angry that I killed him.

Li Qiqi was as angry as a silk, but what she said was clearly, but she had been hanging her head, and some messy hair covered her eyes, and she couldn't see the color in her eyes.

She looks so helpless.

Qin Yunuan knew that these must have been what Qin Zhi asked Li Qi to say. He used some unknown things as bargaining chips to force Li Qi to make such untrue testimony. Li Yuqi is a concubine, but Qin Yun makeup is indeed a legitimate daughter. It is most obvious who to sacrifice and save anyone at the critical time. At the same time, it can also give Shangguan Yuan a He explained that even the sins of the "private meeting" of the two were borne by Li Qi, and Shangguan Rang suddenly became an upright gentleman.

It is obvious that the severe punishment of C will not be so easy to let go. He asked seriously, "Li Shi, you said that you killed Mr. Shangguan. Where is the murder weapon? Where did you abandon the murder weapon? What kind of murder weapon did it kill?

Li Qiqi skipped a bleak bitter smile from the corners of his mouth: "A pointed dagger with a pair of silver flying swallow wings at the handle. The dagger is six inches long, cut iron like mud, and blows his hair immediately. I threw it behind a big stone 100 meters east of the hut."

Unexpectedly...all? This is consistent with the dagger, position and details found in the hut just now.

Qin Yunuan looked at Qin Zi and severely punished C for inviting Qin Zhi and Shangguan Yuan to speak in the inner hall, mostly in order to find the murder weapon. Daqi's statute stipulates that the officials in charge of the audience have the responsibility to participate in, assist and monitor the whole process of the trial of the case, but they did not expect that Qin Zhi, in order to ensure the direct daughter of the Qin family for a while Fame, take advantage of his position and let Li Qi make false testimony.

Someone is always responsible for this matter. Qin Yunuan looked at Li Qian, who was not far from her death, and then looked at Qin Yun makeup with tears on her face and resentful eyes. What she wanted has been exceeded.

"Lord Yan, Mr. Shangguan, seriously, I killed him." Li Qi said with a wry smile.

"Impossible," Shangguan Yi shouted first, "How can you kill my brother with your skills?"

"I attacked while he didn't pay attention. Mr. Shangguan didn't have the heart to defend me, so it's easy to get it."

"Lord Yan" Qin Zhi slowly turned his head and could not see his joy or anger. "The matter is already clear. Do you still need to retrial?" He said to Li Qi, "Women, watery poplars, shameless, and have committed murders. The face of the Qin family has been lost to you. Lord Shangguan, don't worry, our Qin family will never tolerate such a bitch, and she will be at the disposal of all."

Qin Yu warmed the corners of her mouth contemptuously and sold others to send favors. I'm afraid that her good father has done a lot of this matter.

Strictly punished C frowned: "Lord Qin, now there is only one side of Li's words, I'm afraid," the eyes of severely punishing C and Qin quality met in the condensed air, but at that moment, the severely punished C took a picture of the shocking wood and made a decision, "to escort Li for retrial."

In the face of the obvious provocative behavior of severely punishing C, Qin Zhi did not object, but just bowed his hand to Shangguan Yuan with a straight face and said, "Your Excellency Shangguan, don't worry, I will never shield anyone in the Qin family."

Near dusk, a serious trial ended with such an ending, which was a little frustrating. However, the fast-mouthed village woman had long spread Qin Yun's performance in the court, shouting, falselying her sister, and had letters with the son of the Shangguan family before she came out of the cabinet. The rumors were detained by Qin Yun. Qin Linfeng is the most angry on the head of the makeup.

"What are you looking at? Get out of here." When he got into the carriage and returned home, Qin Linfeng looked at the instructions around him to Qin Yun's makeup, like a cow protecting his sister.

At first, Li Qi was only awaiting trial, but now she is a guilty woman. Naturally, she has to move from the room pending trial to the prison.

"Eat." The jailer sent a bowl of white rice, with a few vegetable leaves drooping above and a little yellow soup at the bottom. It was excellent to eat white rice in the prison, but Li Qi had no appetite at all.

She leaned against the cold and wet prison door and looked at the slightly red sunset outside the high small window, which fell into this single cage and turned into a strange picture.

Suddenly, this light and shadow picture disappeared and was replaced by a delicate black figure. Li Qi was stunned and suddenly turned around.

"Three girls?"

"It's me." Qin Yunuan came out of the intertwined corner and looked back at Ting Xue who followed her. Hearing Xue, she immediately turned around and went out and deliberately chatted with the jailer outside the door to cover for them.

Li Qi smiled sadly: "It's really an honor for the third girl to come to see me with such a thought."

Qin Yunuan slowly squatted down, leveled with Li Qi, and said, "I'm here to find you just because you still have the value to use."

Li Qi pointed to the futile walls in the prison and laughed, "Use value? Third girl, are you kidding?

Qin Yunuan: "Let me ask you, what is the poison on the dagger? Is it unique to Eastern Qin? You have seen the wound of Shangguan Jean, and you must know it.

On the way, when the carriage was about to return to the house, Huang Dashi suddenly stopped his carriage and said that Man'er's wound suddenly deteriorated, and the poisonous blood, which had been almost clear, began to emerge again. His face was blue and purple, and she looked very uncomfortable. Qin Yunuan immediately turned the head of the car and ran back to the county magistrate.

She knew that Li Qi must know, because she never felt that Li Qi's identity was so simple.

"The three girls praise me too much," Li Qiang turned her head. "I'm a woman from a brothel. I can't do anything except laugh and sing songs. How can I know any poison?"

Qin Yunuan snorted coldly: "I have sent someone to check it. You said that when you sang in Sufu, you changed your name to Xiaoli, and today's magic doctor, Sun Miaoyang, Su's cousin's master, has a female disciple, also known as Xiao Baihe. You are so affectionate to my cousin. Chong, he resolutely left home to study medicine. How could you not follow him? On the first night of your marriage to the Qin family, you cling to the eyes of cousin Su. In fact, you are not reluctant and nostalgic. I'm afraid, surprise and doubt, more.