Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 95 Range tenderness

The strong handwriting, tough and commanding tone, made Qin Yu warm suddenly.

Qin Yunuan carefully lit the fire folding and burned the letter. While everyone was sleeping soundly during the lunch break, she secretly touched her clothes and put it on. The sun was burning outside the tent. Qin Yunuan had been walking along the shadow of the tent, but after a while, there was still a dense layer of sweat on her forehead.

The shooting range was very quiet at this time. When you approached, you could hear the occasional clear sound. It was the powerful sound of bows and arrows leaving the strings, crisp and clean without any hesitation.

In the hot summer, Leng Changxi is still wearing a heavy armor. The impermeable metal wraps him tightly. Sweat drips directly from his back along the corner of his clothes, but Leng Changxi's hand is still not relaxed. The strong tendons seem to keep sending continuous power to his fingertips, and another arrow hit the heart.

Leng Changxi is the only one at the huge shooting range, but he still strives for excellence. Each arrow is in the heart. The red heart of the target 100 meters away has been filled with arrow feathers, and several arrows are almost cracked. After being practiced by Leng Changxi, the target is usually no longer available. .

"Is it coming?" Leng Changxi noticed the green figure at the gate of the shooting range. In order to cooperate with the hunting, although Qin Yunuan did not have to hunt, she was also dressed very well. The belt around her waist was tightly tied, and her hair was more rolled up than usual, revealing her pearl-like earlobe, which looked more lively and flexible.

"Hmm." Qin Yunuan entered the shooting range, only glanced at the armor on Leng Changxi's body, and said sadly, "Why didn't you take off the armor on such a hot day? Aren't you bored?"

"Take off?" A malicious smile suddenly appeared at the corners of Leng Changxi's mouth, "Okay." After saying that, he quickly pulled off the belt that tied the armor. I don't know why Leng Changxi took off his armor so quickly. Almost in an instant, the armor landed, and the sweaty inner shirt was tightly attached to Leng Changxi's body. The translucent shirt infinitely outlined Leng Changxi's nearly perfect abdominal muscles and slight ups and downs. The chest.

Qin Yunuan didn't expect Leng Changxi to be so fast. When he reacted, Leng Changxi shook his shirt and continued, "It seems that it's still a little hot." After saying that, he made up his way to untie the belt of his shirt and prepare to take off his clothes completely.

"You," Qin Yunuan quickly turned around, and his heart beat more fiercely than the sound of cicadas in this summer. "Put my clothes on."

Leng Changxi shrugged his shoulders: "I'm wearing it. Do you want to look back?"

"I mean..." Qin Yunuan, who had a sharp mouth, found for the first time that she couldn't find words to refute Leng Changxi's scoundrel. "I mean to wear the armor back."

Leng Changxi smiled cunningly and his tone became extremely pitiful: "You obviously asked me to take it off just now, but now let me put it on. Forget it, I will listen to you whether you let me take it off or let me wear it."

Qin Yunuan pointed to the thin coat on a hanger temporarily made by the side of the shooting range: "Put that on."

It's better to hang a dress than to make Leng Changxi sweat like this.

Leng Changxi only glanced and replied lightly, "That dress is not mine."

Will there be someone else in this shooting range?

Qin Yunuan felt surprised and saw a pair of yellow horse boots on the back of the hanger, and the unicorn pattern embroidered on it was full of gold thread. The man hid behind the hanger and did not expect that his shoes had betrayed him.

Who else can there be...

Qin Yu smiled warmly and raised her voice, "I have seen the Fourth Highness."

Sima Han suddenly poked out his head and pouted stubbornly at Qin Yunuan and said, "I'm not here. You didn't see me."

"Ok, Han, come out." Leng Changxi called in a master's tone. Although strictly speaking, Sima Han was a few months older than him.

Sima Han came out reluctantly, lowered his head, and looked at Leng Changxi with timid eyes. He looked like he was afraid of Leng Changxi, the master. He knew that he was not obedient. According to his master's strict and harsh behavior and style, he would definitely punish him for running around.

"Good morning, Master," Sima Han bowed 90 degrees to Leng Changxi, then straightened up and shouted at Qin Yunuan, "Good morning, Master."

"Your Highness..." Usually, Leng Changxi is already a scoundrel, but now Sima Han has begun to shout. Qin Yunuan turned his head and looked at Leng Changxi. Since he is the apprentice he taught, he is in charge of it. If he let others listen to it, how can he be born?

Unexpectedly, Leng Changxi said in a tone of approval, "Well, good, good, it's getting more and more polite."

So you are very happy, right?

Leng Changxi looked at Qin Yunuan's blue and white face and looked very embarrassed. He thought that Qin Yunuan didn't like to see a third person when they were together in private. He waved his hand decisively and ordered Sima Han like greeting a little pet, "Ok, the person also shouted. Go back to rest."

"Oh." Sima Han nodded and was about to leave, but Qin Yunuan was busy retaining him: "Since you have come, why don't you let him see Yuzhao?"

"The four girls of the Qin family are also here?" Leng Changxi asked.

"That's not right," after getting along with and observing in the past few days, Qin Yunuan has been sure that Qin Yuzhao's mind is generally normal, but she doesn't want too many people to know about this relationship with Leng Changxi. Naturally, she has to hide it from Qin Yuzhao, who lives with her. "But I happened to bring a picture of Yuzhao's Xiaoxiang, she pestered me to draw for her before lunch break, and she didn't take it out when she put it in the jacket.

Qin Yunuan said while taking out a neatly folded drawing paper that was only the size of a palm. The girl in the painting had a graceful figure and outstanding eyebrows, especially those big watery eyes, which were more vivid under Qin Yunuan's pen.

"Is this a fairy sister?" Sima Han opened his eyes wide and couldn't take his eyes off.

"What do you think of the Fourth Highness?" Qin Yunuan smiled. In fact, this little image was not brought by her by chance. She has always been worried about the two of them. Now Yuzhao has fallen in love with Sima Han, but she still doesn't know what Sima Han thinks of Yu Zhao. Looking at the current appearance, it seems that this is about to happen.

Sima nodded and almost drooled: "It's beautiful. Can you find this fairy sister for me? I'm going to take it back to the palace to raise it and watch it every day.

"It can be," Qin Yunuan pretended to be mysterious and said, "It's just that the immortals in the sky don't eat the fireworks of the world. Your Highness, there are too many close maids serving in your palace. If this fairy daughter lives in such a mixed environment, she will be less fairy spirit and not so beautiful. ."

The close maid in Qin Yu's mouth is naturally seven or eight maids of honor who have had a cloud and rain relationship with Sima Han.

"Then I will drive them away, and I won't leave any of them, as long as this fairy sister." Sima Han is very decisive.

Qin Yunuan smiled and breathed a sigh of relief: "Since Your Highness has this determination, I also secretly leaked a secret to Your Highness. Your Highness can see this fairy sister in the archery competition this afternoon. Will Your Highness know what to do then?"

As soon as Sima Han heard it, he could see this fairy-like person and clapped his hands happily: "I asked my mother to help me grab her and raise her in my palace."

Looking at Sima Han leaving happily, Leng Changxi turned his head to look at Qin Yunuan, smiled at the corners of his mouth, and his tone rose a little: "Now it's really getting more and more powerful. A few words let Han'er agree to disperse all the beauties in the palace."

"That's what your Highness is willing to do," Qin Yunuan said as he subconsciously pinched his cuffs to wipe off the sweat beads dripping on Leng Changxi's chin. "If they hadn't seen or had feelings before, how could we be so smooth?"

This judgment was only realized when Qin Yunuan occasionally saw the string of old emerald beads around Qin Yuzhao's waist a few days ago. The hair bun of Qin Yuzhao's clothes was never paid attention to, but only the beaded boy was carefully embellished with red rope, and the smallest pendant for decoration underneath It seems that he has deliberately replaced it with a new one. It seems that it has been around for some years.

It's really strange that such a reckless and fragile jade beads can be preserved so well.

Later, Qin Yunuan accidentally remembered that she also saw the same string of emerald beads on Sima Han's waist. On such an important occasion, a noble prince wore such a cheap emerald on his waist. People only regarded Sima Han to be stupid and ignorant, but Qin Yunuan knew that this one and the two of them usually There must be some connection with jade beads whose identities and behaviors are extremely inconsistent.

"One of them pretends to be stupid in the palace, and the other pretends to be stupid in the lieutenant's mansion. Every year, the only chance to meet is the national banquet during the New Year, and it's a quick glimpse," Qin Yunuan sighed. "It's really like a cowherd and a weaver girl."

"So it's better for us. I can always see you when I want to see you." Leng Changxi smiled gently. At this time, the two had left the shooting range from the path and walked halfway along the hillside. From afar, they could see the emperor's side led by the little eunuchs to arrange the shooting range, which was the best preparation for the archery competition.

In the afternoon, Leng Changxi must play.

"Will you be too tired if you don't rest at noon and play in the afternoon?" Qin Yunuan raised her head slightly and asked.

"Who said I didn't have a rest," Leng Changxi suddenly took two steps closer, suddenly bent down and pecked Qin Yunuan's cheek and whispered, "Well, that's enough rest."