Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 104 Back House Storm

Yes, in this way, Duanfei suddenly "dead herself" and left Sima Han alone. In addition, the evidence that Duanfei killed Shufei is conclusive. Sima Han's current situation is really in a dilemma.

Leng Wu subconsciously glanced at Qin Yuzhao and said in a sinking voice, "Now the fourth prince is clamoring in front of the emperor to move out of the palace and start his own business. The emperor is comforting him that the fourth prince is not married."

The princes have all had examples of adult fiefs and titles of self-supporting their own mansions, but this dynasty is coincidental. Concubine Yun and Empress Chen are reluctant to give up Sima Ruo and Sima Rui under their knees, so they have been procrastinating, and Duan Concubine is no exception. What's more, from the perspective of the stupid appearance of the fourth prince, it is not a good way to move out alone.

"No marriage?" Qin Yunuan raised his eyebrows and took Qin Yuzhao's little hand in his right hand. "Since you didn't marry, just marry one."

It's easier said than done.

When Qin Yuuan took Qin Yuzhao to the outside of Sima Xiu's tent, it was full of excitement. There were not many ministers who came with Sima Xiu. In addition, the left prime minister Guanyuan and Qin Zi had to represent some major affairs in the court during the emperor's siege and hunting, so that these accompanying them were old-fashioned cabinet elders and old-fashioned national supervisors, such as Now it is the classics to explain the imperability of this marriage proposed by Sima Han.

"Marry a wife and marry a virtuous person. Weichen really doesn't think there is anything good about the four girls in Qin Taiwei's mansion."

"Weichen also agrees with Lord Ma that the fourth prince is the prince born from a large family like the Empress Shu and the emperor's dragon vein, but not to mention that Miss Qin's mind is still a child. Her identity alone is far from worthy of the fourth prince with a good bloodline."

Sima Han's voice immediately sounded anxiously: "What kind of bloodline is not bloodline? The horse pays attention to bloodline. I, the prince is a man, not a horse."

Sima Han's voice was just a little anxious. Immediately, a kneeling voice echoed with an old and humble voice: "The fourth prince is angry."

"Alas, you," Sima was impatient. "It's really a group of antiques. I won't tell you. I told my father, I just like that fairy sister. In the afternoon, as soon as I told my mother that I wanted to marry a fairy sister, she asked someone to lock me up. Father, will you also send someone to wake me up? Then I... then I...," Sima Han's voice suddenly timidly, but suddenly raised loudly, "Then I also want to marry her."

was such a turning point, which seemed to make Sima Xiu laugh and his voice was refreshing: "Do you really like the four girls of the Qin family so much?"

At this time, Qin Yunuan only wink at the little eunuch who had just received her money at the door, and the little eunuch immediately lifted the curtain and went in to report that the third girl of the Qin family and the fourth girl of the Qin family had come.

Sima Han's eyes immediately lit up. Sima Xiu squeezed the corners of his mouth and narrowed his eyes slightly. He had just clearly told him not to come in and report if there were no important things and people outside. He took a look at the little eunuch and knew that Qin Yuhan must have been accommodated in it, which was also smooth. If he really did a cold and long Xi's wife can also help Leng Changxi when she enters the Ningwang Mansion.

"Let them in." Sima Xiu waved his hand.

Qin Yuzhao led Qin Yunuan to go in together, but Qin Yunuan silently let go of Qin Yuzhao's hand and said with a smile, "Yuzhao, you'd better go in by yourself. Don't be afraid." She just glanced and found Man'er hidden behind the opposite tent, until Man'er must have something important to say. What's more, she knew that although Sima Han and Qin Yuzhao looked stupid, they could see it more clearly than anyone else. She didn't need to worry about it.

"Don't the third sister go in? Yuzhao wants to be with his third sister. Qin Yuzhao said with his mouth.

"Happiness depends on yourself," Qin Yunuan touched Qin Yuzhao's fluffy temples with a smile. "Go in, the fourth prince is waiting for you."

Qin Yuzhao's eyes were unconsciously covered with a layer of misty water mist, which made his crystal clear eyes more and pure. No one ever told her that happiness depends on herself. Since she was seriously ill at the age of four, her mother told her that it was done by her mother, and the purpose was to kill her. She can't say anything or know too much in the future, otherwise she will die immediately.

At that time, her little heart was dusted by the sudden secular dirt, and her future was wiped out of life by the struggle and blood of the inner house. From then on, she decided to pretend to be stupid. As long as she was stupid enough to relax her vigilance, she could live longer with her own eyes. Seeing the behind-the-scenes of all kinds of deaths and deaths in the lieutenant's mansion, she no longer dares to show people head-on.

But now in front of Qin Yunuan, she is so safe.

"Third sister, in fact, the death of Aunt Yang... and other hidden feelings." Qin Yuzhao suddenly raised this topic. She was grateful to Qin Yunuan, so she decided to boldly take off her mask and tell Qin Yunuan about some things she happened to see in those years. Although it might temporarily hurt Qin Yunuan's feelings, she didn't want Qin Yunuan to be deceived by the so-called truth again.

"I know." Qin Yunuan lowered her head slightly and said that Qin Yuzhao did not know that Li Qi had told her everything, and she had also found out the context of the incident in that year. Those who dared to harm her mother were doomed to have no good end.

Qin Yuzhao nodded and did not doubt Qin Yunuan's words. She had always known the ability of this concubine. She just stared at Qin Yunuan for a long time, turned her head, and followed the little eunuch leading the way into the account.

Qin Yunuan watched Qin Yuzhao's back disappear into the heavy yellow mantle, took a deep breath, and touched it in the direction of Man'er.

Man'er has been waiting for a long time, and now he is sweating profusely.

"What happened? Is there any news from the lieutenant's office? Qin Yunuan asked, this time she came out with Man'er and Tong'er out of a very clear division of labor. Tong'er was responsible for taking care of Qin Yuzhao, and Man'er was responsible for following her and contacting Liao's mother who stayed in the captain's mansion with Tingxue. Now Man'er suddenly came to find her. I'm afraid it was some news from Liao's mother and Ting Xue's side.

"Three girls," Man'er's expression was a little solemn. "I just received a letter pigeon from the captain's mansion and said that his wife was crazy."

Is Dou crazy? Qin Yunuan curled her lips. No, it should be said that Dou was finally crazy.

Man'er looked at Qin Yunuan's silent meditation and continued, "This is in the first letter, and the second one is more detailed. It is said that as soon as the wife opened her eyes this morning and shouted 'I didn't kill you', Aunt Xiu can't stop it, but the master has been in the court, and no one can control his wife, but now At that time, the master should also go back to his house. I don't know what the situation is in the house.

"Naturally, it's a chicken and a dog jump." Qin Yunuan's eyes became murderous and full of scheming. Is Dou Shi crazy? I sent people to pretend to be ghosts in your yard at night, imitated the appearance of the dead Aunt He and your mother, and bought most of your maids to hide the jewelry your mother wore before she died under your makeup box and pillow, so that it was not just your madness.

Blood debts are to be paid with blood!

Because of the temporary assassin's incident, this hunting was also a great disaster. In addition, Ma Rui, the boss, was injured, and many noble ladies have left with the acquiescence of Queen Chen and the emperor, far away from this place of right and wrong.

Qin Yunuan looked at the carriage of several maids in Beijing who were packing up the carriage on the way back, and suddenly sighed, but her tone was with some expectation: "Man'er, mother is crazy. It seems that we should go back to visit our mother quickly and fulfill our filial piety."

When Qin Yuzhao came out of the tent again, he was with Sima Han. The two were obviously excited and happy, but the long-term disguise made them look simple and stupid in the eyes of everyone. Many people also talked about it in private. The fourth prince Sima Han was indeed a fool, and his mother was Shufei's wife. His mother was killed by Duan Fei, and he has been living under Duan Fei for so many years, but now that Duan Fei is gone, he can actually laugh.

Except for Qin Yuzhao, no one knows how much effort Sima Han spent studying pharmacology to solve the chronic poisonous flowers that Duanfei sent people to his diet every day. It is not a big problem to take a small amount of this kind of powder, but if it is taken for a long time, it will make people slow to respond and lose their intelligence. Ma Han is really stupid, even Duan Fei, but no one knows that his heart is actually extremely clear.

"Big sister," Sima Han shouted to Qin Yunuan, his face full of tenderness and innocence. "I tell you, just now my father made me the king of blessing, so he lives in the capital and doesn't go to fief the land. I will buy a big house and offer up the fairy sister. At that time, I will invite you to play." With that, Sima Han's tone faded again, "It's just that my father said that the fairy sister can only be a side concubine. Although I don't know what the side concubine is, there must be something better than the side concubine. At that time, I must grab one for the fairy sister."

Sima Han looked at Qin Yuzhao and smiled stupidly, and his eyes were full of happiness.

"It's good to be together." Qin Yunuan looked at them with a smile.

According to the etiquette, Qin Yunuan first asked the emperor's superior Ma Xiu and Empress Chen for instructions before taking Qin Yuzhao on the road. The joy on Qin Yuzhao's face has not faded, just like the brightest star in the north and will never fall.

The carriage was bumpy. Qin Yu was tired for a long time and rested against the pillow wrapped in jade, but the coachman suddenly stopped the carriage and made her tremble.

"What's wrong?" Qin Yunuan pressed against the window of the carriage and asked the man outside.

"It's the carriage of the third prince," Man'er replied in a low voice. "I guess he is in a hurry to bring the third prince back to the palace for treatment. If it hadn't been for the timely rein, I'm afraid he would have hit him."

So urgent? Qin Yunuan opened the curtain and could only see the dust rising in front of him. It seemed that Sima Rui's carriage had gone far away.

Qin Yunuan thought about it and smiled gently at the corners of her mouth: "Can you still withstand such bumps with a sword? It seems that Sima Rui is eager to do something else.