Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 4 The Shopkeeper's Fighting Method

Qin Yunuan nestled in Leng Changxi's arms and was surrounded by Leng Changxi's full love and tenderness. She nodded and seemed to say inadvertently, "I heard that the 19th National Congress sister is getting married next month."

Leng Changxi also replied slowly, "I will give them a big gift."

The two hugged each other for a while, and the green bamboo beside Princess Ning came again, bringing big and small rewards.

"This is Xixia's cordyceps, which is to replenish the body of the third young master. This is the Tianshan snow lotus of Beidi, which is for the third young lady..." As Qingzhu spoke, he introduced Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi with his hand.

"This is even better," Qingzhu smiled and said, "This is a small seed in Maoshan, Jiangnan. It is said that it only weighs more than ten catties a year. The princess doesn't like tea, but she knows that the third young lady likes it, so she sent them all. Don't look at a small catty, but it was bought with a lot of silver."

Qin Yunuan showed a great joy and said to Qingzhu happily, "Then you have to thank your mother for me first. Please say good morning tomorrow, and Yu Nuan will definitely thank you in person."

Qingzhu nodded with a smile and said, "Grandma is really polite."

When everyone in this yard left, Qin Yunuan's face changed from that kind of innocent joy to faint worry.

"What's wrong?" Leng Changxi only glanced at these gifts. He knew Princess Ning's temper. As long as Princess Ning regarded a person as her own, she naturally wanted to share everything together. It was Princess Ning's simple and lovely personality that made King Ning always love her and the old princess was quite satisfied with her daughter-in-law. .

"I've heard of and drunk Zhengshan Xiaozhong." Qin Yunuan alone picked out the can of tea sealed with ceramics, and the rest were received by Man'er in the house. "The small seeds of Zhengshan grow in the deep mountains, and the tea trees are wild. It is really difficult to pick, but I have never heard that the small species in Zhengshan are so expensive. I heard that the Shen family mentioned that the most expensive Zheng Shan Xiaozhong is only 20 or 30 gold per catty. Did you hear Qingzhu say it just now? Princess Ning spent a thousand dollars to buy these. I'm worried..."

"Are you worried that your mother's concubine was deceived by the people below?" Leng Changxi's words.

Qin Yunuan nodded and then thought deeply: "However, as soon as I see my mother's concubine today, I don't think she is the simple and easy to be fooled person in people's mouths. I think the mother's concubine probably also knows that the people under her have the habit of doing things, but she has not found a way to investigate them all. After all, this involves the whole Ning Palace. Expenditure, if I guess correctly, the meaning of the mother concubine gave me the three shops is to create a reason. What she said to exercise me may not be about my business ability, but to see if I can't stand this scene. Do I have the courage?

After saying thoughtfully, Qin Yunuan turned her head to look at Lengxi, as if asking for his opinion, but Leng Changxi only maintained a meaningless smile. After looking at each other for a long time, Qin Yunuan couldn't help it. She gently clenched her pink fist and hammered Leng Changxi's shoulder, with a little coquettish tone: " Do you make sense to say what I said?

Leng Changxi smiled and hugged the little hedgehog and began to seduce gently, "Do you know what this means?"

Qin Yunuan shook her head.

Leng Changxi smiled and bit her gently in Qin Yunuan's ear: "Since the mother concubine let you do it like this, what she means is that you will be the head of the Ning Palace in the future."

Qin Yunuan was shocked and subconsciously wanted to break away from Leng Changxi's arms, but was still tightly surrounded by Leng Changxi.

"Don't be afraid, don't be nervous," Leng Changxi is very calm. He has already expected such an ending. "So many things have proved that the mother's vision is still good. She didn't look at the wrong person. You have this ability. As for the aunts in the East Mansion and the second master in the West Mansion, you don't need to worry about it. What are you afraid of when I'm here?

"Hmm." Qin Yunuan lowered her head and responded sweetly, but she felt that she could not express her inner touch. She raised her head again, gently pecked at Leng Changxi's beautiful and perfect chin, and immediately lowered her head again.

"They are all my people, and they are still so shy. I'm afraid they will be laughed at by our children in the future." Leng Changxi stroked Qin Yunuan's head lovingly.

"In this case, I want to go to the shops in the east of the city tomorrow."

Leng Changxi nodded and kissed Qin Yunuan on the cheek and said, "Well, you must let Leng Shuang accompany you."

Early the next morning, a simple carriage drove out of Ningwangfu and went east along Queer Street towards the three shops under the name of Ningwangfu, but did not stop at the door of the shop, but stayed in a small teahouse opposite the three shops.

A woman dressed as a woman got out of the carriage, with a kind of atmosphere between her hands and feet. Because there were still few people in the teahouse in the morning, the second child who ran the hall was still holding her cheeks on the table and squinting her eyes to take a nap. Listening to the movement, she looked up and was shocked by the nobleness of this lady.

She simply ordered some refreshments and food. Qin Yunuan sat by the window on the second floor and looked at the three newly opened shops opposite. She was surrounded by three men dressed as businessmen. These were the three most capable shopkeepers she selected from the Golden Butterfly Embroidery Village yesterday.

A man from Jingzhou, with a big waist and a round waist, is the most smooth, but he is also down-to-earth, which has made a lot of strength for the expansion of Kingdee Xiuzhuang's business in Jingzhou.

There are also two local shopkeepers in the capital. The young ones are only in their early 20s, but there is a scar on their faces, which look fierce and evil, but they are quite praised by the clerks in the shop. There is also the oldest and experienced one. Before the southeast flood a few days ago, if the old shopkeeper hadn't reminded Qin Yunuan in advance. I'm afraid that Qin Yunuan will also follow many merchants to lose money.

These three can be called the elites of Jindee Xiuzhuang. Now Qin Yunuan has found them, and they are not just drinking tea.

"Big boss, what should we do?" The scar shopkeeper asked.

"You all stare at a shop," Qin Yunuan tilted her eyes slightly and looked at the satin village, jewelry store and rice grain shop opposite. Since she was determined to investigate, of course she had to investigate it carefully. "Look at three o'clock, the flow of people, goods and shipments, and the busy state of the clerks in the shop."

If Qin Yunuan guessed correctly, it was said in the past that these three shops were losing money. Since Princess Ning took over, they began to make money, but it was by no means so simple. These three shops are in a prime location in the capital. I'm afraid that the people under Princess Ning don't know about profits. How much has he concealed? If Qin Yunuan doesn't find out in advance, it will be like a mess when he takes over.

The three shopkeepers were slightly stunned and all nodded. In the past, they had been unconvinced by this woman's big boss, but after a long time, they naturally knew that the concubine's daughter was born in the now noble princess's big boss, and she was also very lucky to work under her.

With the passage of time, it was already a hot sun outside, and it was almost noon. Although the teahouse was cooler, the three shopkeepers have maintained a high degree of concentration and kept recording the operation of the shops they were responsible for with their professional judgment, sweating a lot.

"All the way." Seeing that the time was almost over, Qin Yunuan shouted at the three shopkeepers, "Show me."

When reading the records of the three people, Qin Yu's eyebrows were full of confidence. She nodded, which was exactly the same as she expected: "The business of these three shops is really surprisingly good, and they are about to catch up with our embroidery village."

After reading all the records, the time is almost over. Looking at the sun outside, Qin Yu warmed up and held his hair bun: "It's not too bad. It's time for us to visit the shopkeepers of these three shops."

It was at noon. At this time, fewer people began to come out to buy things. When Qin Yunuan appeared in the first silk village in a dignified and noble dress, she even let the shopkeeper who was guarding the counter keep his eyes and began to talk to the mall familiarly.

"Yo, this lady, do you want to choose materials for yourself or for your husband? Recently, a batch of good materials have been brought into our shop from the Silk Water Village in the south of the Yangtze River. Do you want to come in and have a look?"

Qin Yunuan's eyes squinted slightly: "The silk produced in Baling City, Jiangnan Silk Water Township is indeed the best, but one costs several gold. Can you buy a batch with the profits in your books?"

The shopkeeper's expression tightened, and his tone was respectful, but he was already cautious and conservative: "Look at your words, madam. Our satin farm has been open on the East Street for several years. The reputation is recognized as good. Is it possible that she can't coax the guests with the inferior silk? Madam is really too worried. Why don't I take a few to my husband? Do you want to see?"

"No," Qin Yunuan said faintly, "I know that your silk is real, which only shows that your account book is fake."

The shopkeeper's shrewd eyes blinked and snorted coldly: "It seems that this lady is not good. She is all account books. Let's say it directly."

At this time, a little man recognized the scar shopkeeper who followed Qin Yunuan and reminded his shopkeeper, "Well, don't you think that's the big shopkeeper of Jindie Embroidery Village?"

"Yo, it turned out to be a mess." Nowadays, the business of Kingdee Embroidery Village is getting bigger and bigger, and it is inevitable to oppress the silk and satin villages of these small stores.

The shopkeeper of Satinzhuang looked at Qin Yunuan again with anger: "Madam, since you are from Kingdee Embroidery Village, don't blame Qian for being rude. We don't want to deal with your people in Kingdee Embroidery Village." After saying that, he greeted several strong men to drive away Qin Yunuan and his party.

"Who dares to take another step forward?" Leng Shuang protected Qin Yunuan in time. Just looking at the posture, he knew that he was a practitioner.

Qin Yunuan still smiled gently and said to the shopkeeper of the satin village, "Do you know who I am?"