Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 13 is a threat

"Return everything you took from my mother in front of my father." Qin Yunuan took a look at Qin Zhi and was not scared by Qin Zhi's condensed eyes, but became more firm.

"Yu Nuan, do you have to make such a mess with the family when you come back?" Because of Leng Changxi's existence, Qin Zhi has been suppressing his anger, but this low roar is already a little angry.

"Father, it has never been Yu Nuan who wants to make trouble." Qin Yunuan glanced at Qin Zhi, and her eyes seemed to be looking at an extremely strange person. She had always been curious about why a man like Qin Zhi, who did not hesitate to use marriage for benefits, would marry an embroidered woman with low status under pressure. She once thought that this showed that Qin Zhi was really happy with her mother. Love, but he was wrong.

Qin married Yang in order to take advantage of the last indifference and abandonment, just because it could not be used.

"I don't know where those things are. I really don't know." Qin Yun makeup cried. She really didn't know. She only knew that Qin Yunuan did everything. If she couldn't take it out, the evidence would definitely be sent to the palace.

"It doesn't matter," Qin Yunuan took a deep breath, and the spearhead seemed to have shifted from Qin Yun's makeup to Qin Zhi. "Big sister, you don't know, father must know."

"Nonsense!" Qin Zhi slapped the case, and his strength was so strong that the tea cup on the case was almost shocked. "Did you treat me as your father and dare to question me like this?"

To be honest, for a father like Qin Zhi, Qin Yunuan's feelings had long been indifferent: "If I hadn't regarded you as my father, I would have sent someone to search the house."

A shocking thunder made Qin Zhi fall fiercely: "F bastard! How dare you!"

"I dare." Leng Changxi opened his mouth slowly, and his indifferent eyes and careless look formed a sharp contrast with Qin Zhi's anger. In front of Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi, Qin Zhi was like a clown who did not know how to control his temper.

"It's very simple," Qin Yunuan took a step forward and said, "Father, as long as you take out the relics left by your mother to me, I will prevent the evidence from being sent to the empress dowager. As long as the evidence does not fall into the hands of the empress dowager, the Qin family is still the Zhongming Ding food family of Daqi, and my father is still the example of all officials."

Qin's fist has been clenched tightly. I'm afraid he never thought that Qin Yunuan would talk to him in this tone in his life. He stared at Qin Yunuan with his eyes wide. Every time Qin Zhi was angry, it would be like this. Whether in the court or in the captain's mansion, everyone saw Qin Zhi's expression. We all know that Qin Zhi's anger has reached its peak, but he will obediently not provoke Qin Zhi.

"Are you threatening me?"

Qin Yu smiled gently, as beautiful as a water hibiscus: "Yes, father, I'm threatening you."

"What are you for?" Qin Zhi's eyes have shown a scarlet color, but Leng Changxi has been protecting Qin Yunuan with his body, so that Qin Zhi's almost fury anger can only be endured in his heart. "You are my daughter. Everything you have to listen to me. The love of birth and nourishment is greater than heaven. In order to protect the reputation of the Qin family, even if you sacrifice your life, you You can't say half a 'no'. How dare you bargain with me now?

"Is the feeling of birth and nourishing greater than the sky?" Qin Yunuan raised her head and smiled presumptuously, "Father, I will still call you father. It was my mother who gave birth to me and Liao's mother who raised me. Father, have you ever been to the back room to visit me and Baochuan from beginning to end? Where was your father when Dou bullied our sister and brother?

Qin Zhi was choking, and before he could speak again, Qin Yunuan coldly pulled away an indifferent smile: "Father, you'd better make a decision quickly. If you hesitate for a long time, even if the best person in Daqi Qinggong chases after him, it won't be useless." After Qin Yunuan finished speaking, he looked at Leng Changxi. Leng Changxi blinked his eyes and said solemnly, "I won't chase him."

Well, Leng Changxi is the best of Daqi Qinggong.

"Father, the fate of the Qin family is in your hands." Qin Yunuan slightly blessed her body and looked obedient and sensible, but in fact, she had forced Qin Zhi to a dead corner. She knew Qin Zhi's temper and knew Qin Zhi's last choice without guessing.

Time suddenly became very slow, and the surroundings seemed to be frozen. The whole flower hall looked at Qin Zhi, as if waiting for Qin Zhi to say a word, and this sentence was enough to determine the future fate and glory of the lieutenant's mansion.

It's okay to let her know Yang's real identity, after all...

Qin Zhi was thinking carefully: "Yes, I'll give it, but you must first send someone to stop the people entering the palace."

"No," Qin Yunuan did not give in at all. "Father, take out your things first, and I'll send someone to stop you."

"You..." Qin Zhi was dumb. Was he really treated obediently by a little girl?

"Father, time is not waiting for anyone." Qin Yunuan glanced at the sun outside.

"Thank you, housekeeper, go and take out the black box in my room." Qin Zhi fell into the chair and lost. He actually lost to a 15-year-old concubine who entered the secular world as a new woman.

After a while, Housekeeper Xie personally came in with a black sandalwood box and respectfully held it in front of Qin Zhi.

Qin Zhi narrowed his eyes impatiently, only glanced at him, and said angrily to Qin Yunuan, "That's it. Your mother's things are in it."

"Cold frost, take it." As soon as Qin Yunuan spoke, the agile Leng Shuang raised her arm and easily took the wooden box from the housekeeper Xie. The heavy sandalwood fell into Leng Shuang's hand as light as a feather.

There is no intention to open the box, because Qin Yunuan knows that Qin Zhi dares not tamp on it again, and there is nothing fishy.

"Now! Immediately! Immediately! Send someone to stop the people who entered the palace. Qin Zhi seemed to have some confidence and roared at Qin Yunuan with some orders.

"What stopped it?" Qin Yunuan looked blank.

"Do you want to play and vomit?" Qin Zhi's eyes suddenly became fierce. In the court, he had a good temper and was friendly, but it did not mean that he could be held by others. If not, he would not have stood in the court for so many years.

"No, Yu Nuan never keeps his word, but," Qin Yunuan raised his eyebrows and said, "Has father forgotten that today is the day of closing the palace, and no one is allowed to enter the palace gate, not to mention the little maidservant beside Yu Nuan?"

Black eat black? Qin Zhi was so angry that he stood up directly from the seat and rushed to Qin Yunuan. He subconsciously wanted to raise his palm and slap Qin Yunuan fiercely, but his arm suddenly stopped in the air. Qin Zhi was suddenly shocked by Leng Changxi's cold eyes like a sharp dagger. This feeling seemed to be cold behind him. It was countless steel knives on his neck.

"Father-in-law," Leng Changxi said coldly, "You said that on the day you return to the door, you have to be kind."

How can Qin Zhi be peaceful now? It is said that Jiang is old and spicy, but today, Qin Zhi is really fooled by Qin Yunuan, a little fox.

"Qin Yunuan, you are an empty-handed white wolf!" Thinking that it turned out to be a false alarm, Qin Yunuan did not send the evidence to the palace at all, but she still admitted so many things stupidly. Qin Yun makeup was extremely angry and extremely uncomfortable.

"That's right," Qin Yunuan was very calm. "I'm an empty-handed white wolf, how about it?"

"You..." Qin Yun makeup was excited for a moment and was ready to rush to argue with Qin Yunuan, but after a few steps, his arm was suddenly pulled by the sudden cold frost.

"My hand!"

A burst of tingling came. Qin Yunzhuang had never suffered such pain, and immediately began to cover his wrists and cry.

"Nothing," Leng Shuang turned around and said lightly, "It's just dislocated."

"Qin Yunuan, you are obviously here to look for trouble." Qin Linfeng was heartbroken when he saw that Qin Yun's makeup was injured. He actually forgot that it was in front of everyone. He quickly picked up Qin Yun's makeup and placed Qin Yun's makeup on the chair next to him while comforting it.

"I don't dare to look for trouble," Qin Yunuan nodded slightly. "I'm just here to take Baochuan away."

"No, your mother's relics can be given to you. Yunzhuang did something wrong before. Even if you hurt her hand, I don't care about you. As for Baochuan, he is the concubine of the Qin family. How can you live in Ningwang Mansion with you?" In this regard, Qin Zhi has his own stubborn persistence. If others know that Baochuan left his house to live with Qin Yunuan, he will definitely talk behind his back and feel that the Qin family has treated Qin Baochuan badly.

"Baochuan is not only your son, but also my brother, but I have always regarded Baochuan as my most precious brother, but father, you may not regard Baochuan as your own son." Qin Yu warms an inch of land. Now she is going to start to deal with the affairs of the Ningwang Mansion. The Qin family now has Qin Linfeng and Qin Yun makeup. An aunt Chang can't fully guarantee the safety of Baochuan at all. She has made up her mind to take Baochuan back.

"Presumptuous, is this the tone you talk to your elders?" Qin Zhi can no longer stand Qin Yunuan's disregard for his own tone. Whether Leng Changxi is not present, he just wants to reshape his image as the head of the Qin family.

"Father, have you forgotten?" Qin Yunuan smiled coldly, "I've just been presumptuated. Anyway, I must take Baochuan away when I come back today."

"You unfilial daughter!" Qin Zhi shouted angrily, "Yes, you can leave the Qin family, and you can take Baochuan with you. As long as you two walk out of the door of my Qin family, I will completely remove the names of you and Baochuan from my Qin family. Your sister and brother will no longer be my Qin family."