Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 50 Double Repayment

Xie Ruying under the morning light is beautiful and touching, like a beauty in the painting. No one can see that her real face has been so damaged.

Qin Yunuan approached. Before Xie Ruying could speak, she was preemptive and said coldly, "I won't tell anyone about Miss Xie's secret, no matter here." Qin Yunuan stared at Xie Ruying's cheek, then lowered her eyes and glanced at Xie Ruying's lower abdomen. "I won't say anything about the secret there."

Seeing that Qin Yunuan was about to leave, Xie Ruying grabbed Qin Yunuan's sleeve and said urgently, "How do you know? I hid it so well. In the past two months, I have deliberately sprinkled chicken blood on my trousers. So far, no one has found anything strange except you, a monster.

"Miss Xie," Man'er and Ting Xue retreated early and quietly guarded at the entrance and exit of the stone bridge to prevent people from approaching, and Qin Yunuan did not need to care about anything. "Is this a begging attitude? Huh?"

"Who said I asked you?"

Qin Yunuan's quiet and clear eyes swept Xie Ruying's face and sneered: "Didn't Miss Xie come to ask me who hurt your face?"

"It's need to say that it's not you, a poisonous woman." Xie Ruying is still angry.

"Humph," Qin Yunuan turned her head and watched the fiery fallen leaves on the maple trees on the shore fall into the water, turning and ripples. "If it were me, I would naturally think of whose wild seed it was in my stomach first."

Xie Ruying lost her voice: "It's the second lady."

Qin Yu warmly raised her eyebrows. She only knew that Xie Ruying was pregnant, which all depended on Sun Miaoyang. The magic doctor was worthy of being a magic doctor. With just one glance, she could conclude that Xie Ruying had been pregnant for two months, but Qin Yu Nuan didn't know which child Xie Ruying was pregnant with. Xie Ruying was not Yes, but Qin Yunuan didn't expect that Xie Ruying actually had an affair with the second master of Xifu, who was more than 20 years older than she thought, which seemed to be more wonderful than expected.

Qin Yunuan silently looked at Xie Ruying's face with more and more anger.

"I knew it must be her," Xie Ruying said to herself. "She usually doesn't like me. Now, she has ruined my appearance in such a vicious way. I must make her pay it twice."

Qin Yunuan turned her head and didn't look at her. Her tone was faint, as if to dissuade her: "When will the revenge be? Miss Xie, I'm afraid that you haven't revenged yourself, but you have put more in it. It's not worth it."

Xie Ruying took a fierce look at Qin Yunuan, and only said, "This is my own business", and left angrily.

Watching Xie Ruying go far away, Man Er came up and put on a silver rat coat for Qin Yunuan. If it gets cooler today, the weather in late autumn is a little bleak.

Why did the third young lady make Miss Xie so cheap? What's the good for us to remind her so clearly?" Xi'er is young and hasn't figured out the truth yet.

Qin Yu warmly put her clothes and continued to walk back. She looked at Xi'er and said with a smile, "First, even if I told her, with her ability, it is impossible to knock down a main room. What she did was just do was useless work. Second, I did not indicate from beginning to end that the second lady of the West Mansion had harmed her. It was her wishful thinking. What's more, I know that she is pregnant with a wild seed. Even if she is found out, she dares not drag me into the water. Third, it is also the most important point." Qin Yunuan took her hair and said leisurely, "It's not the second lady who harmed her at all."

"This...?" This time, I don't even understand.

You can already see the yard from afar. Qin Yunuan's footsteps slowed down a little: "Although the second lady of Xifu has sharp teeth and meanness, it's all the behavior of a little woman. She can't do such a thing as disfigurement and has no ability to do it. The one who looks the most elegant in the royal palace may be the biggest behind the scenes. Black hands, Man'er, Tingxue and Xi'er, you are the most trusted maids around me. Learn to speak and do things in the future. Remember, look at people, don't look at faces, but look at your heart.

The three maids responded honestly. At this time, they walked to the door of the yard. Liao's mother did not guard the inner courtyard as usual. Instead, she had been waiting at the door and looked anxiously. Seeing Qin Yunuan's figure, she immediately greeted her.

"Why is Liao's mother in such a hurry? Isn't today the day of the national prison? Baochuan should be back soon, and I still want to make him mung bean cakes. Speaking of Baochuan, Qin Yunuan's tired face burst into a few bright smiles.

When Liao's mother looked around and saw no one, she lowered her voice and said, "Grandma, do you still remember those brocade boxes brought back by the third young master last night?"

Qin Yunuan nodded: "I remember that my father-in-law entered the palace yesterday and brought back a lot of tributes with Baihua Yulu."

Liao's mother took over and said, "This morning, when the little maid was packing up, she overturned one of the brocade boxes. In addition to an inkstone, an arm-square painting fell out."

As he spoke, he had already entered the room. As soon as he heard the snow close the door, Liao's mother immediately took out the painting from the sleeve cage. It was a good tiger-skin rice paper with ink dancing on it. It could be seen that he was a good painter, but the content was a little strange. It was a group of cattle and sheep being kept in a fence full of thorns. The corners of her eyes were full of tears, and outside the fence, there was a graceful lady with a sharp knife in her hand, which seemed to kill the herd of cattle and sheep.

"What a strange painting." Man'er looked aside and said, "Should it be the butcher who kills cattle and sheep? Why such a beautiful and noble lady?

Qin Yunuan lowered his eyebrows: "Which brocade box did this fall from?"

Liao's mother immediately brought over the brocade box with the precious blue gold thread hook. Man Er took a look and immediately said, "I remember that this should have been given by Yang Cairen from Haili Palace."

"Yang Cairen? Yang Cairen and I just met a few times at the banquet. Why did she ask her father-in-law to bring something to me when she entered the palace? Qin Yunuan thought to herself, and suddenly her eyes lit up and whispered, "I know that the eldest prince is in trouble in the palace. He is asking for help from me and my father-in-law."

Qin Yunuan looked at the painting carefully again. When she waited for Leng Changxi to come back at night, she took out her conjecture and this strange content and studied it with Leng Changxi. She was sleepless all night, but then, both of them behaved as usual, as if nothing had happened and saw nothing in the yard. The other maids also didn't say anything.

Seven days later, it was the day when the emperor entertained the envoys of Beidi, in the intention of celebrating the official establishment of diplomatic relations between Beidi and Daqi, ending the 50-year war and smoke. Naturally, Leng Changxi and his wife were invited.

At the banquet, the preparations were staggered, but this time it was not Wanyansu, the seventh prince of the Northern Di, but the most powerful competitor to the throne of Northern Di, Wanyan Ba, the great prince of Northern Di. Since the old Khan of Beidi was seriously ill, Wanyan Ba has been taking care of the Northern Di court, and this time the establishment of diplomatic relations, Wanyan Ba is also the most powerful promoter and the main advocate.

is different from Wanyansu's Chinese elegance. Wanyan Ba, like its name, behaves extremely rough and heroic at the banquet. He drinks a large bowl and eats meat in a big bowl, completely regardless of his strict rules and etiquette in the Central Plains.

"Emperor of Daqi, the woman here is really beautiful. My favorite is the one opposite." Wanyan Ba suddenly pointed to Qin Yunuan. The ** charming vision was a kind of the desire of the evil wolf to see the prey. Wanyan Ba smacked his tongue and couldn't help admiring, "Look, this small nose and mouth are still white, like a white tofu. It's really much better than our women in Beidi who can only ride horses and fight. Really It makes people love it. They want to see it again after watching it.

Emperor Zhaoxuan still had time to say anything in the future. Suddenly, an ivory carved gold chopstick shot straight from the opposite side of Wanyanba. Looking at the fact that he was about to hit Wanyan Ba's left eye, he suddenly tilted and shot into the big red pillar behind Wanyan Ba and entered the wood. You can imagine the hand of the person who tossing chopsticks. How horrible it is.

"Prince of Beidi," Leng Changxi opened his mouth leisurely, and his hands throwing chopsticks have been elegantly and leisurely put on a golden wine cup again. "This is our palace in Daqi. You look at my Leng Changxi's woman. What you drink is rice wine made from the grain produced by the people of Daqi. What are you say? It's better to look at the place, otherwise, I can't guarantee that my chopsticks won't be so biased. Leng Changxi drank half of the drink, looked up at Wanyan Ba coldly, and stared straight at his left eyeball, as if he was looking at a booty.

Wanyanba only felt a burst of heat in his left eye and was about to get up, but he was persuaded by the civil servants around him.

"The eldest prince, have you forgotten our defeat in Jialingguan? At that time, it was the cold general who led the army in front of him. The 200,000 troops destroyed all the 50,000 remnants of the soldiers. The eldest prince, think twice.

Wanyanba stared at Leng Changxi fiercely for a long time, patted the table and said to Emperor Zhaoxuan, "Well, the emperor of Daqi, it's really God to have such a talent in Daqi. However, I just want to see my little sister I married far away, our Khan's favorite little princess. This requirement is not too much. ."

When Qin Yunuan heard this, her hand stopped, and then she heard Empress Chen laugh and relieve the siege, "It's really unfortunate. Now that Sai Chun is pregnant and vomiting, she hasn't left Jingxi Palace for more than half a month. Well, even the eldest prince has been with her and hasn't left the palace for half a step."

"Then I can go to your palace to see her." Wanyanba is a little impatient.

"This is not appropriate," Empress Chen explained. "Now that Princess Saichun is the imperial concubine of Daqi, she is the wife in the palace, and she can't meet the men outside the palace at will."

At this time, Qin Yunuan had left the banquet for reasons of physical discomfort and rushed to a place where there were few people. She knew that someone must be waiting for her.