Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 53 in the dying disease


"Queen! Come on, the queen fainted!"

For a while, everyone rushed up like a tide. The palace eunuchs rushed to spread the message. Although Queen Chen fainted, her ears were still clear, and her heart clearly knew that she had been calculated by Sima Rui, the white-eyed wolf who had raised for ten years.

Si Ma Rui's obedience in front of her, and all her humbleness turned into nothing at this moment. She grinned and smiled sadly. The ecstasy in the tea cup once again plundered her consciousness, and she completely lost consciousness.

Si Ma Rui was excited and was about to move forward, but was stopped by Leng Wu. Sima Rui's right hand trembled slightly, but he still resisted, just staring at Leng Changxi with a cold expression.

"The Empress is emotional and her physical condition is unknown. I advise the third prince not to approach her easily." Leng Changxi raised his head slightly. How could he give Sima Rui a chance to approach Queen Chen? Leng Changxi had asked someone to check Sima Rui before, but Sima Rui hid too deeply, but recently Leng Changxi has asked the old palace girl living in the suburbs of Beijing in the mouth of Liu Shangshu.

Sima Rui! At the time of the fire in Weiyang Palace, it was clear that he was only ten years old and hurriedly left the scene.

Thinking of this, Leng Changxi's fingertips couldn't help trembling. Qin Yunuan just gently took Leng Changxi's hand, which hurt Sima Rui's eyes again.

"With the magic doctor Sun Miaoyang, the third prince can rest assured," Qin Yunuan smiled and said to Sima Rui, but his eyes seemed to be a kind of sarcasm. "Doctor Sun will definitely make the queen safe."

Are you safe and sound? This is the last thing Sima Rui wants to see.

The Queen's Fushou Palace has always been a quiet and peaceful place, but today, the air seems to spread infinitely with an awe-inspiring smell.

Sun Miaoyang was still treating Empress Chen in his bedroom, and Emperor Zhaoxuan recruited the large and small stewuls and eunuchs in the Fushou Palace to the side hall and asked one by one with a serious expression.

But these people all seem to have a unified caliber. They either serve in the outer hall and don't know the situation inside, or the Empress's daily ceremony. There is no abnormality. In their mouth, Empress Chen is a dignified and virtuous queen without any harm.

Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi are waiting on one side, with Sima Ruo and Sima Rui beside them. Sai Chun has been sent back to Jingxi Palace to rest. Now for Sai Chun, the most important thing is to keep the child in his belly.

"Go down." Emperor Zhaoxuan pinched the bridge of his nose and was a little tired.

All the maids and eunuchs went down, but only the maid dressed as a third-class maid did not leave. When everyone else withdrew from the inner hall, she suddenly turned her head and kowtowed to the emperor.

"What is this?" The emperor frowned.

The palace girl had a long face, her appearance was not good, and her skin was a little rough. She looked like a rough maid doing rough work, but the more she kowtowed, the more she trembled. Until her head was swollen, she looked up and said, "I have seen something that I shouldn't have seen, so I have been living a life of fear, afraid of being killed. Now I only hope that the emperor will bless me, protect my slaves and maidservants, and I will say everything.

Emperor Zhaoxuan's voice was powerful and loud: "Just say that no one can hurt you in Daqi."

The long-faced maid immediately said, "Just a while ago, the maidservant was so tired when she was sweeping in the garden that she lay behind the rockery and fell asleep. Who knew that when she woke up in the middle of the night, she heard a man and a woman talking in front of the rockery. There were few people there. At first, the maidservant thought it was a eunuch maid to eat. , but after accidentally hearing their content...

After a pause, the maid continued to lean down and said, "I saw that the maid was the sister of Chun'er, the maid next to the empress. At that time, she took out a few yellow paper bags from her cuffs and gave them to a face-to-face eunuch. She also told her which bags were in the diet of the imperial concubine Yun and which were in the diet of the eldest princess. She also specially told that the Empress meant that she must not let Princess Yun get better, and she must not let the eldest prince and the eldest princess go in and out of the palace.

"Come on, bring Chun'er."

Things seemed to move steadily in one direction step by step. Qin Yunuan leaned against Leng Changxi and lowered her voice and said, "I'm afraid it's difficult for me to protect myself this time."

Leng Changxi tilted his head slightly and still looked straight ahead: "I never care about Queen Chen. Her life and death have nothing to do with me. I'm just a little surprised by Sima Rui's viciousness, but it is understandable that a person who has lived under the domineering and autocratic control of Queen Chen for a long time is inevitable. Some perverts."

Qin Yunuan couldn't help smiling at the corners of her mouth, and then felt a focused and cold look at him. It was Sima Rui. He was looking at Qin Yunuan with a look at his prey. Qin Yunuan looked back as if he didn't know it, and at this time, Chun'er had also brought it.

Chun'er was born beautiful and didn't know anything about the long-faced maid's words, but for a moment, some drugs found in Chun'er's room that made people unconscious and unfavorable to the fetus had made things unable to recover.

"Your Majesty, this is not made by the maidservant, but by the empress forced the maidservant, Your Majesty." In the face of a series of evidence, Chun'er desperately pushed everything to the queen.

"The evidence is conclusive, and there is nothing else to deny." Emperor Zhaoxuan was furious. He has always valued and respected Empress Chen. He has always regarded her as his good helper and a virtuous helper, but now she has become a vicious woman who mutilated the harem concubine, poisoned his unborn grandson, and even found a killer to kill herself.

At this time, Sun Miaoyang sent a maidservant to inform her, saying that Empress Chen had woken up, but she could not speak, and her mood was a little unstable, but she wanted to see the emperor.

Emperor Zhaoxuan clenched his fist: "I don't want to see her," and then stood up. "To pass on my will, the queen was overly frightened at the banquet, her heart palpitated, and needed to rest. The people in the Fushou Palace dispersed. From then on, the empress is not allowed to go out of the palace. From now on, no one is allowed to see her." After saying that, he looked at Sima Rui angrily and said, "You'd better wake me up and don't look like your mother."

Sima Rui quickly knelt down and responded repeatedly, looking like a filial son. After Emperor Zhaoxuan left, Sima Ruo silently walked to Sima Rui and looked a little sad. Qin Yunuan subconsciously wanted to come forward, but was stopped by Leng Changxi: "The eldest prince has his own measure."

Sima Rui slowly raised his head with false tears on his face. Before he could speak, he was slapped by Sima Ruo fiercely.

After the fight, Sima Ruo's hands were trembling: "This slap was done for the mother, and there is also a slap for Sai Chun. Third brother, I know who did this, do you know? God, you will remember that you will have retribution.

Si Ma Rui still knelt on the ground with a wry smile. He looked at Sima Ruo's back and muttered to himself, "Retribution? Yes, retribution is coming soon."

On the carriage back home, Qin Yunuan seemed a little absent-minded. She always knew that the eldest prince and Leng Changxi were the same person, and the two had been silently helping each other, so this time the eldest prince asked for help, she also told Leng Changxi at the first time, but she did not expect that their opponent Sima Rui had such a move and abandoned the pawn. The car is so neat and neat.

A note was suddenly handed over outside. It was the news from the palace. Leng Changxi only glanced at it and said in a low voice, "Queen Chen committed suicide."

Qin Yu was shocked and just looked directly at Leng Changxi.

Leng Changxi took off his mask. When no one was around, he would try to get along with Qin Yunuan with a real face. Leng Changxi rubbed his temples: "Do you believe it?"

Qin Yu thought for a moment and shook her head and said, "I don't believe that Empress Chen is such a calculating woman. She can adopt a child who has no blood relationship with her for her career, promote him and cultivate him. This time, she will definitely not give up. There will definitely be other things to do. Fa continued to get up, and He Ku ended his life like this.

Leng Changxi nodded. He was very sure of Qin Yunuan's analysis: "Yes, the spy also reported one thing," Leng Changxi paused. "Just before Queen Chen's death, Sima Rui once entered the queen's bedroom on the grounds of serving the last filial piety. After a sting of incense, the news came the queen's suicide."

"Doesn't anyone doubt the third prince?"

"There will be, but what's the use of that?" Leng Changxi shook his head indifferently, "The tree fell and scattered. The emperor has this attitude towards Empress Chen. Empress Chen has done such a heinous thing. Will there be any difference between dying early and late?"

Infinite sigh, and a few days later, news came from the palace that Yun Guifei's health had improved, and Yang Cairen and other people jointly explained an old story to the emperor. The emperor Longyan was furious and ordered that the body after Queen Chen's death could not be buried in the imperial mausoleum. The mother of a country could not enter the royal mausoleum after her death. Tomb, this is undoubtedly the greatest insult and irony.

When Qin Yunuan heard the news, she was sewing a cloak for Leng Changxi. If it was cold today, Leng Changxi had to visit the barracks three times a month. After a long journey, Qin Yunuan was worried that he would catch a cold.

"What happened in the past?" Qin Yunuan finished the last shot, "What the hell is going on?"

It was Leng Shuang who came to report the news, and her tone was flat: "I only inquired about it, like a case where the Empress Shufei committed suicide ten years ago."

Ten years ago? Qin Yunuan frowned slightly. The case of the fire in Weiyang Palace that Leng Changxi had been investigating was also ten years ago. Will there be any involvement between the two?