Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 55 The Mystery of the King's Mansion

King Ning? To the eldest princess?

Qin Yunuan frowned. She never thought that the woman King Ning, who loved Princess Ning all her life, would be the eldest princess.

Sima Qiu continued: "The world only knows that at that time, as soon as the eldest princess and her team arrived at Niutouling at the junction of Xixia and Daqi, they were plundered by thieves. The team was killed and injured, and even the eldest princess herself was unknown. King Ning searched within 50 miles, and the emperor also sent an army. The team searched, and even Xixia, who had been arrogant, increased the search manpower, but never found it.

Sima Qiu said this and smiled, "Isn't anyone surprised? Niutouling is just a few hills, but the three parties searched day and night but found nothing.

"Did someone hide the eldest princess on purpose?" Qin Yunuan boldly guessed that although it was rumored that the eldest princess must have fallen to a cliff, the bones were missing, so she couldn't find it.

"Princess Ping is really smart." Sima Qiu nodded and said, "At that time, the person who hid the eldest princess was none other than Jing Donghua, the prince at that time and now the monarch of Xixia."

"Why?" Qin Yunuan was puzzled. The eldest princess and Jing Donghua had never met at that time and had no interest. In addition, at that time, the eldest princess was going to marry the old emperor of Xixia, which was Jing Donghua's father's woman.

Sima Qiu hummed gently: "Don't you know, Princess Ping? A man is willing to deceive his father and bet on his future for a woman for two reasons, either he has greater interests in this woman, or he falls madly in love with this woman.

Qin Yu warmed her eyebrows. She had guessed that Jing Donghua must be the latter to the eldest princess.

"And then?"

Sima Qiu paused, took a sip of tea, and continued: "This thing came cleverly. At that time, Xixia was in the Qianyuan Rebellion. In the first year of Qianyuan, the old emperor of Xixia died and his three sons seized his throne. For the throne, Jing Donghua and his two brothers met in the capital and had a confrontation for three months. At this time, Chang The princess was finally found by King Ning, who had been pursuing his whereabouts, and took him back to the palace.

"Are you sure?" Qin Yunuan raised her voice, "It is rumored that the eldest princess has died in Xixia, and since it has been found, why don't you tell the good news to the world?"

"Because she was already pregnant at that time." Leng Changxi suddenly said that in fact, he had almost investigated what happened 23 years ago, but he could not say it as carefully and in detail as Sima Qiu.

"Yes," Sima Qiu said, "the proudest eldest princess of Daqi, dignified and elegant, extremely noble, disappeared for no reason but inexplicably came back with a wild seed. If this is known to the world, not to mention that the royal family of Daqi is not guaranteed, this cannot be explained to Xixia, but at that time, no one knew that the so-called wild in this belly It is the bloodline of Jing Donghua and the eldest princess of the Western Xia Kingdom today, which is extremely noble. Sima Qiu said as he shook his head and sighed endlessly, subconsciously to please Leng Changxi.

Leng Changxi was calm, and there was no change on his face. He took a sip of tea and said lightly, "Since no one knows, how do you know?"

Sima Qiu lowered his head and said, "Didn't I say that? My mother and the eldest princess have a good relationship and have nothing to say.

Leng Changxi raised his head silently, and his eagle-like eyes were tightly nailed to Sima Qiu's body: "Seventh Prince, my patience with lies is zero. Don't challenge at will."

Yes, even Qin Yunuan clearly knows that no matter how much Princess Shufei is favored by the emperor, she can't come into contact with the eldest princess who is so well protected.

Sima Qiu sighed, and his momentum suddenly weakened: "I said that my hearing was beyond ordinary people. At that time, my mother's palace was adjacent to the Weiyang Palace. I could often hear women crying in the middle of the night. At first, the maids and eunuchs thought they were ghosts who died unjustly in the palace, and invited many Taoists to do it and didn't let me When I went out in the middle of the night, I followed the crying and found that the eldest princess, who had died in Xixia, actually sobbed alone in the middle of the night in the Weiyang Palace. The names in her mouths were all 'Donghua'.

After Sima Qiu finished speaking, he sighed infinitely, but Leng Changxi's face suddenly condensed into a piece of ice. Qin Yunuan quietly took his hand under the table, but only heard Leng Changxi's cold words: "Go out."

Sima Qiu was stunned and didn't say much. He got up and wanted to leave. Qin Yunuan sighed softly, thinking that Leng Changxi must have wanted to be quiet alone at this time. Fang remembered, but he was suddenly pulled by Leng Changxi and fell into his arms. I don't know when Leng Changxi's mask was taken off again, and his cold and weakened chin against Qin Yunuan Thin shoulders and some cold lips kissed Qin Yu's warm white neck.

Qin Yunuan didn't know how to comfort Leng Changxi, so she could only raise her hand, slowly stroke Leng Changxi's back and said, "I'm here."

She thought in vain that Leng Changxi was just sighing about her background. Unexpectedly, Leng Changxi just looked up and sighed affectionately: "When I was away, my mother must have suffered a lot."

Yes, Leng Changxi was ten years old at the time of the fire in Weiyang Palace, but she has been living as the legitimate son of King Ning's Mansion. She has never seen her biological mother, Princess Qinghe. In the past ten years, Princess Qinghe has not only suffered from lovesickness for her lover, but also her separation between flesh and blood.

Then Princess Ning...

Qin Yunuan's eyes were full of doubt. Leng Changxi understood in an instant and explained, "I was taken back to my house by my father. From the beginning, the mother-concubine knew that I was not her own son, and I didn't even know where I came from. At that time, she had just had a minor labor and was in a low mood, that is, she kept me as her own son. Over the years, she has been nurturing me.

When he said the last sentence, Leng Changxi's tone was extremely light. It seemed that although he had feelings for Princess Ning, he was more suspicious.

This reminded Qin Yunuan of what Cao sidefei said to her when she left, saying that in fact, Princess Ning is a stone girl. From the beginning of pregnancy to misdeparture, it was to frame Cao sidefei. What kind of person is Princess Ning? If she wants to harm Leng Changxi, why should she carefully raise her for so many years?


Qin Yu's heart tightened. Did Princess Ning just want to harm herself?

"What are you thinking about?" Leng Changxi picked up Qin Yunuan's chin and let Qin Yunuan's big watery eyes only stare at him.

"Nothing." Qin Yunuan smiled, suddenly hugged Leng Changxi and said softly, "It's time for us to go back."

When he went out, Sima Qiu was still waiting outside. Leng Changxi glanced at him indifferently and did not give him a definite answer. He just said, "If you want to cooperate, you can, just let me see first. What else can you do besides eavesdropping with your ears?"

For Sima Qiu, Leng Changxi did not refuse, which was the first step to his success.

When I returned to Ningwang Mansion, it was about to dawn. Because it was escorted through the back door, no one knew that Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi had gone out except for a few intimate maids in the yard.

Counting the time, it was almost time to say hi to Princess Ning. The two were not sleepy. After washing, they changed their clothes and left the courtyard early and went to Princess Ning's twilight residence.

Along the way, Qin Yunuan rarely spoke. Leng Changxi had been holding her hand tightly and never let go.

The maids got up early to trim the branches and flowers in the courtyard. As soon as they entered the yard, they happened to hear the steward's maids scolding the two maids working under their hands: "I said, what do you do? This Concubine Cao has been gone for so long, and she also put this green begonia in Princess Ning's yard, isn't it for nothing to make Princess Ning unhappy? Get off! Get out!"

Cao Bianfei's favorite green begonia before her death, and she held a begonia flower banquet before her death. No wonder the steward mother avoided it.

"Wait," Qin Yunuan suddenly came forward to interrupt the Mother's reprimand and looked at a pot of green begonias carried by the two little ones. The soil in the tile basin was darker than other soil in the yard, using mud dedicated to green begonias. "How many days does this soil change?"

When the stewender saw that it was Qin Yunuan, she immediately bowed over with a smile and explained, "Yo, you don't know about the third young lady. This green begonia is delicate. The mud here can neither be changed more nor change it. It's no more or less. It happens to be changed every 15 days."

Fifteen days... Qin Yunuan pondered carefully: "Ok, you go down first. Since you know that your mother will be upset when you see these, don't put it in the yard."

Looking at the Mama and the little runner go far away, what happened 15 days ago appeared in front of Qin Yunuan one by one.

"What's wrong?" Leng Changxi asked.

Qin Yunuan frowned and lowered her voice and said, "I remember the eldest prince once said that the reason why he guessed that those assassins would attack the emperor was that they were stained with the mud for breeding green begonias under their feet, and only Yongchang Palace had green begonias in the palace, but we ignored a detail."

Leng Changxi took a breath and slowly exhaled: "That is, in fact, there are also green begonias in the Ning Palace, and fifteen days ago, it happened to be a few days before the emperor was assassinated."

Qin Yunuan nodded. At this time, Qingzhu, the maid beside Princess Ning, came to inform that Princess Ning had got up and said that the second young lady Qin Yuwan had also come. It seemed that there was any good news.

Entering the room, Qin Yuwan really arrived early. Her smiling face completely disappeared from the awkwardness of the last banquet. As soon as Princess Ning saw Qin Yunuan, she smiled gently and pointed to Qin Yuwan and said, "Come on, your second sister is very good. What about it?

"Oh?" Qin Yunuan sat down sideways and heard Qin Yuwan's charming and shrill voice: "Yes, third sister, I'm pregnant."