Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 58 Broken Arm

After Qin Yuwan finished speaking, he looked at Qin Yu's warm eyes and said sharply, "Do you dare to lift your sleeves?"

Qin Yunuan smiled disdainly and stretched out her wrist. Her left arm was as white as snow as a baby's skin, and Qin Yuwan's face was blue and white.

"I want to look at Qingzhu's left hand." Qin Yunuan suddenly made a sound, and her eyes stuck to Qingzhu's body. Seeing that Qingzhu's movement of shrinking her left hand was more obvious, it had attracted the old lady's attention.

The old lady did not say anything, but decisively gave a color to the big maid beside her. The maids around the old lady were all somewhat good. The maid immediately came forward, clasped Qingzhu's left hand, and lifted her sleeve. What could show in front of people was a huge scald scar, spreading the whole arm of Qingzhu. Looking at the white and jade-like skin next to it, people can't help sighing how perfect and delicate this arm should be before being burned.

What makes people suspicious is that this wound is obviously a new wound, and some places are still bleeding, and it hurts.

Princess Ning owed her body and said in a flat tone, "This was accidentally burned when Qingzhu poured tea for me in the afternoon."

"Qingzhu is a big maid. Pouring water and pouring tea should not bother her." Tang came back with a smile.

Princess Ning looked at the Tang family, and a trace of cruelty suddenly flashed in her eyes, and then there was extremely peace: "The tea maid in the yard is ill today, and she will do it for her. What's wrong? Do you still want to look at other people's arms?"

"No," the old lady glanced at everyone here with a look of scrutiny. "Such a little thing, at this time, they are all women and mothers, and they have to study everything. As for Yu Wan..." The old lady prolonged her voice and looked at Qin Yuwan, who knelt on the ground with a sad face. The old lady knew very well that in this whole thing, in fact, the most innocent thing was the second girl of the Qin family who was not scheming but liked the strong, but since she made a scene, she should pay for it.

"According to the family rules, you should have been sent back to your mother's home to reflect for a while, but now you are a person with a body. From today to production, you should not leave the yard and think about what you should do and what you should not do."

"Old lady..." Qin Yuwan was unwilling, but was stopped by the wet nurse beside him.

"Second young grandma, more is better than less than less. Let's go back to the yard honestly." The wet nurse dragged Qin Yuwan's arm desperately in an attempt to calm her down.

"As for Qingzhu," the old lady glanced at Qingzhu and said to Princess Ning, "My arm has been hurt like this, so I don't have to wait with you. Go home to recuperate." I didn't say when to come back, which means never to come back. Qingzhu is the most important helper of Princess Ning. As soon as Qingzhu left, it is not so convenient for Princess Ning to do things in the future.

Looking at the weather, it's not early, and the old lady is also tired. She waved and said, "Oi, that's all for today. Let's go back."

Everyone slowly dispersed one by one. Qin Yuwan's face was full of melancholy. Looking at Qin Yunuan's eyes, her eyes became more and more vicious. Princess Ning had no expression. Only Tang silently and deliberately followed Leng Suxin. When people were about to disperse, they seized the opportunity to say to Leng Suxin, "I said you are thinking about that. Mr. Sun, although he is disabled, the Sun family is rich and has been an official for generations. You did not eat and drink spicy food when you married. You live a comfortable life. In the end, you will definitely thank your mother for me.

"Mother," Lengsu's tone was extremely calm, "I've been eating vegetarian food for ten years, and I don't like fragrant or spicy food."

In order to marry his daughter to a disability who did not understand his character, Qin Yunuan quietly followed them and probably understood why the mother and daughter had always been separated.

Leng Suxin left first. Tang turned his head and saw Qin Yunuan behind him. He seemed a little embarrassed and rubbed his hands and said, "I don't know that the third young lady is also here, which made the third young lady laugh."

Qin Yunuan smiled and was ready to leave, but Tang still chased behind him and said, "I heard that the third young lady has a good relationship with Su Xin recently, and I hope that the third young lady can help persuade her to say a few words. This girl is hard-tempered and difficult to talk. You young people are easy to communicate."

Qin Yunuan politely replied, "I can't interfere in emotional matters. I just feel that the selection of people can't be all based on family background. If my aunt really thinks about the four girls, she should choose a considerate and kind man."

Tang's tone changed: "Don't rely on family background? Humph, if you hadn't married the legitimate son of Ning Wangfu, would you have today? Now he is saying that he can't rely on his family background.

Qin Yunuan paused, turned around, stared at the Tang family and suddenly smiled: "Are you asking me a question? Then I answered that if I hadn't married, I would have today. Even if Changxi is just an ordinary man and a depressed beggar, as long as he is still him, I am willing to marry him, love him, and stay with him for life. After saying that, Qin Yunuan took two steps back, bowed his knees and said, "It's rude. I have something else to do in my yard. I'll go back first."

Looking at Qin Yunuan's back, Tang's words are full of vulgar taste: "It doesn't hurt to stand and talk. My daughter must marry a rich family."

Bypassing the small corridor, Qin Yunuan accelerated her steps. The moonlight was hazy, like a layer of white gauze in the quiet moonlight. After a few steps, Qin Yunuan stopped. She turned her face, looked back behind her, and said slowly, "Since the four girls are waiting for me, what are they hiding?"

A white figure paced out of the bushes next to him, as elegant as a white plum blossom blooming in winter.

"I didn't hide from you," Lengsu's tone was light, as hazy and quiet as the moonlight. "I just really don't want to talk to you."

Qin Yunuan smiled and said, "Leng Si is half a year younger than me. Sure enough, she also speaks with a childish temper."

"Don't think that you can teach me a lesson when you get married," Leng Suxin seemed very resistant. "Let alone think that you are really my third sister-in-law if you married my third brother."

"I know," Qin Yunuan seemed very disapproving. "Didn't you warn me the day after I entered the house?"

The corners of Lengsu's heart and lips moved slightly, but they stopped talking. The two were so deadlocked, and Man'er and Tingxue had left knowingly to be responsible for the wind.

"Miss Leng Si, I believe you don't look for me casually. If there is anything, you'd better say it directly. I don't like to beat around the bush."

Leng Suxin subconsciously bit the corners of his lips. Qin Yunuan knew this action, which showed that there must be something very difficult for Leng Suxin. He thought that Leng Suxin would need more time to adjust himself, but the next moment Leng Suxin said with determination, "I know that the envoys of Xixia came to the palace in two days. A banquet will be held, and all the old women in the capital will be invited to choose. Princess Ping, I want you to help me.

Qin Yu didn't speak quietly, because she still didn't know what Leng Suxin was thinking.

Su Xin slowly moved forward and said slowly, "In the house, there are many people who are eager for me to marry a heartless man early, so that I, a person with an ugly face all day, leave the palace. By the way, I also suffered a little. Only the third brother and the old lady who loved me, but I know that the third brother is guilty, and the old lady is just because I grow up. It's just like a dead aunt. The old lady wants me to be with her for the rest of my life, so she secretly sent someone to remove me from the banquet list, but I know that I must go, go to the banquet, and marry Xixia.

Qin Yunuan looked at Leng Suxin silently. For the first time, she saw a sincere in Leng Suxin's eyes for the first time.

"Can I ask why?" Qin Yunuan said calmly.

"You don't need to know why." Leng Su's heart frowned, showing a trace of boredom.

Qin Yunuan smiled and said, "Then why should I help you? I didn't get anything wrong with the old lady. Am I worth it?"

"I know you have a way out of both ways." Leng Suxin believes in Qin Yunuan's ability, "If you can't even do this, how can the third brother like you?"

Qin Yunuan turned her head and found that every time Leng Suxin talked about "third brother", her eyes always brightened, and even her tone was a little different. Unlike the worship of an ordinary sister for her brother, she was a little superfluous.

"I know," Qin Yunuan stared at Leng Suxin's eyes and said, "You like Changxi. You don't want to marry for her. You want to marry far away is also to stop staying alone in this sad place."

Leng Suxin's pupils dilated in an instant, and his delicate eyebrows twisted into a ball, shook off his sleeves and turned around and said, "What do you know?"

Qin Yunuan knew that she had guessed correctly: "If that's the case, then you can't go to the banquet. In case you are selected to marry Xixia and leave aside the long way, do you know what it means to go to Xixia? The relationship between Xixia and Daqi has always been dark and unclear. If there is any accident, you are a hostage of Xixia. Today, the emperor is cruel and cherishes the world. How can you guarantee that he will not give up you at a critical time?

Leng Suxin looked at the hanging moon, like a silver moon hanging on the treetops, like a lily blooming in the middle of the night, quietly illuminating everyone's heart. But why is her heart still so cold? Except for the slight heat in her heart when she saw Leng Changxi, her heart never jumped again. Over.

"Isn't it better to die?" Leng Su smiled sadly, "Death is the best result for me."

"Four girls." Qin Yunuan wanted to comfort him, but Leng Suxin suddenly turned around and said, "Do you think I really look like me? Do you know what happened ten years ago? Leng Suxin said as she slowly slid on her chin with her slender fingertips, and suddenly picked up a small corner of the skin with her nails.

Qin Yu was shocked. She knew what this was, a human skin mask!