Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 67 Secret Message

The ambiguous atmosphere continues to rise, and love is always easy for women to get carried away. Princess Zhaojing narrowed her eyes and enjoyed the joy of this moment.

Early the next morning, as soon as he sent Leng Changxi out of the house, Qin Yunuan received the news.

"Four girls committed suicide by swallowing gold in the small dark room?" Qin Yu warmed up and looked at Xue who came to report. She nodded calmly and said, "Yes, last night, the young lady wanted to go in in the middle of the middle of the night to visit the fourth girl, but she didn't expect that when she entered, the fourth girl's body was already cold, and a golden hairpin poked out of her throat."

"What about Xixia?" Qin Yunuan walked back with her hair in hand and asked.

"The emperor has issued an order to choose Princess Zhaojing to marry in Xixia. I heard that Princess Jing hurriedly entered the palace this morning. When she came out, she was extremely angry and seemed to be fruitless."

Qin Yunuan stopped and said, "It's just killing two birds with one stone." Qin Yunuan turned around and said to the snow, "Believe it or not, the news released by Ning Wangfu must be the sudden illness of the four girls. The maid Chun'er was thinking about her master and followed her martyrdom, and Qin Yuwan was even more angry when she heard the news of the fourth girl's death, which led to miscarriage."

Hearing Xue Tongren suddenly expand, she nodded and said, "The old lady ordered people to release the news like this. The third young lady is really accurate."

Qin Yunuan shook her head and said, "It's not that I'm divine, but what I consider from the perspective of the person who wants to kill the four girls. Killing people finally has a purpose. I guess the biggest purpose of that person is to calm down and find a culprit for everything. Second, it is to send Princess Zhaojing to Xixia."

"But didn't the fourth girl swallow gold and commit suicide?" I don't understand Xue.

"Stupid girl," Qin Yunuan smiled, "Swallow gold? Have you seen four girls wearing gold jewelry for so long?

Listening to Xue's epiphany: "Yes, the four girls can never see gold weapons. They are all wearing jade hairpins."

At this time, a few days ago, he was sent by Qin Yunuan to inquire about the news and came to Qin Yunuan and reported in a low voice: "The maidservant has found out that the potions used by the four girls wearing human skin masks were bought from outside by a coachman, because the four girls had kindness to the handlebars before, so the handlebar Shi is also willing to work for the four girls.

"Where are the people?" Qin Yu warmly frowned. As long as there was a clue, she would not give up.

Man'er shook her head and said, "I'm dead, so I can't find out where the fourth girl's potion was bought."

Seeing that Qin Yunuan's eyebrows suddenly twisted deeper, Man Er was about to kneel down and admit his mistake: "It's the maidservant's fault. It's the maidservant who went late. The person who worked with the handlebar said that the handlebar style was supposed to come back with goods from the suburbs of Beijing yesterday. Unexpectedly, the horse suddenly went crazy on the road, and even the people and the car rolled down the valley. He was rescued, but he died before he was carried into the house.

"That's all," Qin Yunuan quickly helped Man'er up. "It's useless for someone to kill him. If you go, if you go, I'm afraid you will add danger to yourself. As for the four girls, they will be funeral in two days. Although they don't get along well with her, the deceased is big, so I can only recite scriptures and pray for her and pray for her. She will not be born in a rich family in her next life. She will be the daughter of an ordinary farmer, grow up flat, and marry a good man. You can also burn more paper money for her.

Qin Yunuan looked at the people in the distance who were moving out the books in the library of Ningwang Mansion to bask in the sun. Today, the sun is extremely good, and winter is dry, which is the most suitable for drying books. Qin Yunuan watched the people drying books and thought alone that the opponent's movements were really fast, and suddenly Some clues that can be found have been completely destroyed.

It is certain that the person in the palace must have a helper in the Ning Palace, and this helper is not small, but it is impossible for such an eye-catching two people to meet in person. Even if they send people around them to contact each other, it is very eye-catching. How on earth do they convey the news to each other?

It was in amazing that the stewmer in charge of posting books on the other side of the pond suddenly scolded a servant: "Let you be careful. These scriptures were rewarded by the palace. Look, they are now mothed like this by insects. The words are gone. Are they all rice one by one?"

Man'er held Qin Yunuan and said, "Grandma, let's go. The steward's surname is Qiao, a famous poisonous jar, and it's quite unpleasant to scold people."

Qin Yunuan had no intention of leaving, and her eyes had been fixed on the scattered scripture book.

"Let's go and have a look."

Bypassing the small pond, the steweller didn't realize that Qin Yunuan had stood behind him and scolded the wrongdoer fiercely. The only excuse was: "Other books are fine. I really don't know that everything from the palace has been mothed."

"Yo, how dare you talk back, according to what you want, or do you dislike the bad things in this palace?" Qiao stewman cursed strangely. He raised his arm and tried to beat him, but his raised arm was suddenly caught by a stronger thing. Qiao stewer turned around and found that the third young lady of Ningwang Mansion was standing behind him.

"Cold frost, okay, at least he is also a stewerman, and he has to leave some thin noodles, right?" Qin Yunuan smiled at Steer Qiao. Stele Qiao immediately succed and came over with a shy face and said flatteringly, "I don't know what the third young lady has to tell you?"

Qin Yunuan walked to this pile of scriptures. As long as she looked carefully, she could find that several pages of paper on almost every scripture book were mothed by insects, falling into a small hole that happened to be one word. It was really uncomfortable to look at.

Jiao thought that the third young lady wanted to blame her for doing things wrong, but he pushed the youngest servant out: "Grandma the third young lady, it's all these servants who take care of the scriptures seriously. I must teach them a good lesson, definitely."

"Ok," Qin Yunuan had no energy to pay attention to Qiao's steward. "I just heard how hard you tried your servants. Since these books are already like this, if it's convenient, can you lend me to read them for a while? I will definitely return them in half a month."

"This..." Qiao stewer smiled and said, "If the third young lady likes to read scriptures, I can order the stewer to buy a new one for the third young grandma."

"No need." Qin Yunuan turned around and directly told Man'er and Ting Xue, "Move back all the scriptures."

Man'er and Ting Xue bent their knees and followed Qin Yunuan back to the yard with a pile of scriptures.

That night, the lights in Qin Yu's greenhouse lit very late. When Leng Changxi came back, Qin Yunuan was lying on the table, and his thin body was only covered with a thin wool blanket. Except for a candlestick that was about to go out, the table was full of scriptures and a set Chinese characters. Qin Yunuan consulted it locally. , want to compare the missing words in the scriptures in the Sutra Pavilion of King Ning's Mansion one by one. If she guessed correctly, the secret is in these words that seem to be mothed by insects.

The result was indeed not what Qin Yunuan expected, and the recent events in the several phrases she spelled out coincided with what happened in Ning Wangfu.

However, Qin Yunuan took out four words from the latest scripture book, but he never understood the meaning.

These four words are "Zi", "Qiu", "Jing" and "Huai". Leng Changxi looked at these four words for a long time and adjusted the order of the words. Suddenly, his eyes condensed and he called Leng Wu anxiously to come in and asked in and asked in a low voice, "Leng Wu, do you know which other Daqi has a title other than Princess Zhaojing? Does the woman have the word 'quiet' in her title?

Leng Wu thought for a moment and replied, "The thirteen princesses of the former emperor were named Cheng Jing, but the thirteen princesses were scattered in the rebellion and have not been recovered."

"That's it." Leng Changxi blew out the candlelight and carefully carried Qin Yunuan to the bed, which was the cold martial arts standing outside the door. "Let me enter the palace immediately." After saying that, he reluctantly turned around and kissed Qin Yunuan's forehead, and said in apologetically, "I'm sorry, Nuannuan. I always let you take risks and let you face so many anxious things before. This time, sleep well. I'll be back early tomorrow morning."

The next day, when Qin Yunuan woke up, it was already noon. For the first time, she found that she could sleep so well. With a copper basin full of children, she looked at Qin Yunuan, who was still a little sleepy, smiled and said, "It seems that the fragrance that the third young master told me to calm the maidservant is really effective. How can make the third young lady sleep here. Some time."

Anshenxiang? Leng Changxi actually used calm incense for himself? Before he had time to think about it, Qin Yunuan wiped his face with a veil and woke himself up a lot. He asked, "Where's the third young master?"

Man'er combed Qin Yunuan's hair: "I hurried into the palace last night, and I haven't come back yet."

"I'll be back early tomorrow morning."

For some reason, Qin Yunuan's ear always echoed this sentence and was confused. She remembered who said this to him.

Oh no!

Qin Yunuan's heart tightened and quickly sat down a few days before the case. She saw the order of the paper pieces after Leng Changxi was transferred last night, which were "quiet", "wish", "begging" and "child."

"Qi" refers to the seventh prince Sima Qiu. As for "Jing", it mostly refers to the princess Zhaojing, and these four words refer to the intention of framing Princess Zhaojing and the seventh prince Sima Qiu.

After understanding all this, Ting Xue came in and reported breathlessly: "Grandma, there was an accident in the palace. The seventh prince was imprisoned for no reason, and the emperor also had a nameless fire."

It seems that the one in the palace is right to frame Sima Qiu, but Changxi...

Qin Yunuan hurriedly found the few voids left in the scripture and picked together the missing words. Seeing these four words, her heart was as desolate as the autumn wind swept by.

These four words are - "Please enter the urn"