Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 78 First Move

On the eighth day of February, the early spring weather was chilled with snow, and cotton-like eddelweiss piled up on the branches of trees, like a group of happy and naughty children climbing on the tree and refused to come down.

The banquet has already been arranged. The old lady who has not been shipped to the incense courtyard for a long time arrived very early today. When the red glow dyed the western sky, the banquet was probably full.

"Old lady, the Sun family is coming." The mandarin duck beside the old lady whispered, the old lady and Qin Yunuan looked at each other and heard that the little man at the door had shouted his reputation.

Everyone looked sideways, and the two wives of the Sun family, who stepped in from the corner gate, suddenly became the focus of attention.

There is a very unique place in the Sun family, that is, the men of the Sun family have short lives, and the longest one cannot live to be 30 years old, so the Sun family has become a family of women as the head of the family. In a dynasty with a deep-rooted concept of male superiority and female inferiority like Daqi, this is undoubtedly a satire, but the old lady and doctor of the Sun family As two widows, they managed the Sun family well.

In terms of business, the Sun family's canal transportation is all over Jinling, and along the canal, controlling a quarter of the water transportation hub. In terms of reading, although the Sun family is short-lived, the Sun family's ancestors are famous scholarly and many talented poets, but it is probably because the Sun family is a woman in power, so the Sun family Although the power is strong, its reputation and voice are far less prosperous than the four major families in the south of the Yangtze River, but their influence is really first-class.

There have always been women in the Sun family who don't leave Jinling, unless they marry far away like Princess Ning. This time, the four wives of the Sun family came at once, which is enough to prove how much the Sun family attaches great importance to the marriage between Sun Baozhen and Ning Wangfu.

The leader is the old lady of the Sun family, who is about the same age as the old lady of the Ningwang Mansion, but she looks weaker than the old lady of the Ningwang Mansion and speaks softly, while Mrs. Sun, who holds the old lady aside, is different. She lost her husband at the age of 24 and cooperates with the old lady to control the Sun family for 20 years. So many Nian's strength and decisiveness have long been a cold face, and a pair of heroic sword eyebrows have made her a little less feminine and more decisive than a man.

At the end, the woman with a beautiful veil must be Sun Baozhen. Qin Yunuan pretended to pick up the fish bones in the small golden plate and looked at the young woman who was about to become the mother of the Ningwang Mansion with the afterglight.

With a slender waist and bare hands, he looks like an elegant person who can only embroider in boudoir and listen to snow cooking tea. If it hadn't been recognized by Leng Shuang, others would never have connected Sun Baozhen with the first female disciple of Kongmingshan.

Sun Baozhen was accompanied by a young boy. He looked thin and weak, and his skin was nearly transparent milky white, as if he had never basked in the sun. Sun Baozhen protected the little boy closely all the way. I'm afraid it was the first time he had seen so many people, and his eyes were timid and almost close. Sun Baozhen's thighs came all the way.

"Mrs. Sun, please take your seat." King Ning seemed to be very solemn and arranged a seat for the Sun family in an orderly manner to announce the official start of the banquet.

"Cable and dance, get up."

The sound of the piano flowed between the cups. Qin Yunuan poured a spoonful of delicious soup on the picked fish and pushed it to Leng Changxi, and then picked out a chopsticks of fish meat and picked up the fish bone for Baochuan sitting on the other side. Unexpectedly, Baochuan looked eagerly at the fish that he thought was for himself into Leng Changxi's plate. In Zili, it turned out to be a young man who sighed.

"What are you doing with the appearance of an old scholar at a young age," Qin Yunuan smiled shallowly and said while holding the fish bone, "Isn't it really stupid to learn?"

Qin Baochuan touched his head and just sighed: "Well, I just thought that there was a folk saying that married a daughter-in-law and forgot his mother. Now it's just to describe his sister, but he married Lang Jun and forgot his brother."

"Where is it?" Qin Yunuan smiled angrly, "Where did you learn this greasy mouth now?"

The dialogue between the two has fallen into Leng Changxi's ears. He naturally put the fish into his mouth and chewed it deliciously. He only looked sideways at Qin Baochuan: "Marry Lang Jun and forgot his brother? Although that's right, you can only understand such a simple truth. Tut, it seems that you can't see all the military tactics.

He was despised by his idol brother-in-law. Master Qin said he was very depressed. He bowed his head. At this time, the big maid Qin Baochuan served came to remind Qin Baochuan that it was time to review his lessons. Qin Baochuan bowed to King Ning and the old lady and went back honestly.

"With such a good banquet, this young master Qin can still study calmly and must be a talent in the future." Mrs. Sun nodded and praised, and said humbly, "We really can't do it. We are always so naughty." After saying that, the old lady looked in the direction of the little boy of the Sun family, but she didn't even see anyone.

"Where are the people?" Mrs. Sun asked Sun Baozhen.

Sun Baozhen shook her head innocently: "It was still there when I fed him glutinous rice porridge just now. It's just a turn around. Xiangqiu, why don't you go and find the young master quickly? A petite maid next to Sun Baozhen immediately received the order, with her hands and feet lightly.

Qin Yunuan immediately wink, and then the cold frost around him immediately followed.

A garden outside the banquet was extremely quiet, and only the sound of melting snow falling and the slight movement of floating ice breaking on the pool.

Qin Baochuan wore a fox Qiu scarf newly made for him by Qin Yunuan. When he walked to the corner door of the yard, he saw a small figure standing by the small pond, wearing a cyan cloak, and his snow-like skin seemed to be integrated with the snow scene.

Qin Baochuan remembered that this was the little boy he saw at the banquet, the young master of the Sun family.

"Tinger, what do you think he is doing standing there?" Qin Baochuan pointed to Sun Chengzhen's figure.

"I don't know." Tan'er inquired and said cautiously, "But the maidservant still advises the young master not to get too close to the young master. I'm afraid it will cause trouble."

Qin Baochuan just waved his hand. He approached the little boy cautiously. For some reason, he always felt that the little boy had a special smell that attracted him, like a butterfly infatuated with flowers and a moth pounced on the candlelight.

At that moment, Qin Baochuan was even a little confused and even lost himself.

"Young master, be careful!" The detective behind him suddenly exclaimed, but failed to stop Qin Baochuan from stepping on the ice. Seeing Qin Baochuan's left foot empty, his whole body was about to fall into the bone-piercing cold pool. A purple figure swept over the lake, fished it with one hand, and pulled Qin Baochuan out of the lake. The action was so fast that he only let Qin Bao Chuan's trousers were wet, and the others were undamaged.

"Young master, are you all right?" Tan'er immediately greeted her, and tears were about to come out. "Young master, what happened to you just now? You seem to have lost your soul. Shouldn't this be evil?"

Tan'er's eyes were frightened. After all, Qin Baochuan's strange performance just now made her too scared.

"Tinger, don't say something you shouldn't say." Leng Shuang scolded Tan Er coldly and said softly to Qin Baochuan, "Ok, let's go back and rest first."

Qin Baochuan looked like waking up from a dream. When he learned from the detective that he had just stepped into the deep and cold pool, he was even more afraid. When he left, he only dared to look at Sun Chengzhen with his spare light. This little boy was really terrible.

Leng Shuang glanced at Sun Chengzhen, who seemed to be nothing from beginning to end, and quickly explored the little boy from the inside out: "Your sister and grandmother are looking for you. Don't run around."

The little boy still looked at the rotten fallen leaves in the pond without hearing it, and suddenly said, "It's strange that you adults want me to come here, but you say you are looking for me everywhere." After saying that, he went back in the direction of the banquet without looking back.

At the banquet, it was the time for the most harmonious atmosphere.

The old lady of Ning Wangfu smiled kindly: "I've heard for a long time that the eldest girl of the Sun can play a good kite, but I don't know if there is such a blessing to hear it today."

"The old lady praised it," Sun Baozhen nod her head and smiled, looking decent and graceful and graceful. This is exactly the temperament needed by the mother of the Ning Palace. "It's just that after a few years of rough study, if the old lady likes to listen, the younger generation will be ugly, but the song "Qing Ping Le" that the younger generation is best at comes from the plum blossom dance, and it happens to be It's winter, and the plum blossoms are the right scene. The younger generation heard that the three young ladies in Ningwang Mansion are talented, but I don't know if there is such an honor to invite the third young grandma to dance a song.

Let Qin Yunuan dance?

For a while, people echoed and agreed. After all, Qin Yunuan's reputation was really a little loud. Everyone thought that Princess Ping must be all good, and those women who knew that Qin Yunuan had never danced were even happier, waiting to see Qin Yunuan's jokes.

Nowadays, the situation is a little difficult.

"Warm is inconvenient." Leng Changxi rejected Sun Baozhen very decisively and gave no face at all.

"Is it inconvenient?" Aunt Tang said strangely, "Isn't this pregnant again?" So it's inconvenient." She knew about Qin Yunuan's "small birth", but she had not yet stabbed her heart.

Leng Changxi didn't even look at Aunt Tang: "Isn't this a matter of time?"

"Since there is no inconvenience," Sun Baozhen made an invitation gesture at the right time, "Grandma, please."

Qin Yunuan was still a little hesitant, but he saw Leng Shuang coming back from the corner door and nodded to Qin Yunuan, which was a signal between the two.

"Okay, I may not have practiced dancing for a long time. If there is anything bad, please ask Mrs. Sun and the old lady to take care of it." Qin Yunuan wanted to get up, but was pulled by Leng Changxi.

"Don't force yourself if you don't want to jump. Are you still afraid of her if I'm here?" Leng Changxi said seriously.

"I'm not afraid." Qin Yunuan smiled and shook her head at Leng Changxi. As long as Leng Changxi was around, she was not afraid of anything.

Changed a plain water-sleeved dance skirt, which completely set off Qin Yunuan's refined temperament. Sun Baozhen sat on the mat with a brocade mat next to her, smiled at the corners of her mouth, picked up her fingertips, and the first note bounced out.