Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 90 Inexplicable Black Hand

Watching Jin Zhi retreat, Qin Yunuan slowly turned around and said to the noble concubine Yun, "Your concubine, Yu Nuan doesn't know which little man with an unclean mouth she believes that Yu Nuan looks down on the noble concubine, and even pretends to pass on the decree. Now that the Empress takes the duties of the queen and manages the six palaces, the people in the harem praise her incomparable. My mother acted decisively, and so did Yu Nuan. She would never say half of the bad words of the noble concubine. After saying that, Qin Yunuan's eyes remained on Sun Baozhen again, and Yun Guifei also cast a suspicious look at Sun Baozhen.

For good, Sun Baozhen's acting skills are outstanding. His tearful eyes and three or two words put him in a harmless position.

The time of the yellow flower array is also coming. Concubine Yun has no intention to struggle with this little thing again. If she goes to the Empress Dowager's place, it will only outweigh the loss.

"Is the third young lady participating?" Listening to Xue ask while cleaning up her cloak for Qin Yunuan.

Qin Yunuan saw that Sun Baozhen, not far away, still picked the most beautiful one in the silk tray with joy like an unmarried girl. Qin Yunuan did not expect that Sun Baozhen would follow the same path as Princess Ning. She was virtuous and loyal on her face and secretly made a black hand, but she did not expect that Sun Baozhen is good at pretending to be innocent and deceiving sympathy, staving you with a knife again and again, making you unpreventable.

Qin Yunuan didn't want to participate, but when she saw that Sun Baozhen took the initiative to join the maze, she also casually picked a silk flower from the tray: "Participate, remember, let Leng Shuang follow me secretly."

"The third young lady is worried..." I'm a little worried about Xue.

Qin Yunuan put silk flowers on her bun with her backhand: "Just in case."

The new yellow flower array was built in the southeast corner of Meiyuan, using green bricks that are warm in winter and cool in summer in the south of the Yangtze River. The wall is higher than that of an ordinary woman, and there is only one entrance. In order not to make this game too difficult, Yun Guifei specially planted plum blossoms in the dead end and told the people who entered the dead end to find other exits as soon as possible. .

At the sign of Concubine Yun, the eldest prince Sima Ruo followed the eunuch into the small pavilion in the middle of the yellow flower array first. Concubine Yun sat leisurely on the high platform on the other side, which not only avoided the trouble of winding along the maze, but also could see the maze game clearly.

Just as this group of women wearing yellow flowers were eager to try at the entrance of the maze, Yun Guifei said again: "This year, I specially built a new maze for the Yellow Flower Festival. Naturally, there will be a new rule. As usual, we are the fastest to walk out of the maze. It's really a little boring. Now everyone happens to wear it. Silk flowers, in this way, if anyone's silk flowers fall to the ground in this process, they will be disqualified, so everyone will not only have to walk in the maze, but also reduce the resistance if they meet a competing opponent halfway and can pick off the other party's silk flowers. What do you think?

What a strange rule. Qin Yunuan looked at the smiling Concubine Yun in the stands. In doing so, she just wanted to increase the competition among women. Women were small-minded. Although it was just a game, if she took off someone's silk flowers and offended whom in this process, it would be like letting the other party keep remembering. , the former dynasty and the back house have always held a hair and moved the whole body, and this trick of Concubine Yun made it really wonderful.

Everyone is just getting more and more excited about Yun Guifei's proposal. Women and noble women who usually have a gap are even more eager to try.

The game announced the beginning, and the noble women who walked in the front had already rushed to the entrance, but Qin Yunuan walked at the end without slowness.

"The third young lady was not in a hurry." Suddenly, there was a leisurely female voice behind her. Qin Yunuan turned around. This was not who Sun Baozhen was.

"Isn't the side concubine also very leisurely?" Qin Yunuan turned around and looked at Sun Baozhen, who was already looking good. "The side concubine is not feeling well today and insists on participating in the yellow flower array, but she has a special preference for the yellow flower array." Qin Yunuan clearly remembered Sun Baozhen's bleak face when she came to Kwai Shui in the carriage.

Sun Baozhen's tone was also light: "I'm already well." At a fork in time, Sun Baozhen turned around and smiled at Qin Yunuan: "Grandma, which way are you going?"

Qin Yunuan looked at her and said, "I let you go to the side where you don't leave."

Sun Baozhen smiled and didn't say much. She turned to a corner on the left. Qin Yunuan naturally went to the right. Although Qin Yunuan was not interested in this yellow flower array, she remembered the route of the maze early when she followed Yun Guifei to the stage for sightseeing. She didn't see it. Her ability to forget is really unabated. She knows very well that there are seven routes to the maze to the central pavilion.

But she was not ready to run around for the reward. With the memory of the maze in her mind, she chose a route that could be close to Sun Baozhen. Sun Baozhen would not have thought that Qin Yunuan was almost only separated from her along the way.

Qin Yunuan doesn't believe that Sun Baozhen's participation in this yellow flower array is just for fun. A woman like Sun Baozhen, who comes out of the big family with such a heavy task, will have a deeper purpose in everything.

Because there was cold frost gestures in the dark, Qin Yunuan knew Sun Baozhen's route very well. Sun Baozhen walked with a good purpose, not like testing the route in the maze, but as if she had already known the route and headed in a fixed direction.

Suddenly, Leng Shuang made a dangerous gesture. Qin Yunuan was stunned and turned a fork and happened to see two girls fighting together. One of them looked familiar. She was the daughter of Shang Xianhua's family, the Shang Chunxiu, a Shang girl who had some connections with Qin Yunuan.

At this time, Shang Chunxiu was desperately fighting to seize the silk flower on the head of another petite noble woman. Between her fists, it was obvious that Shang Chunxiu's full foundation of kung fu was the daughter of General Shang, quite a woman. The weak woman was not Shang Chunxiu's opponent at all, and Shang Chunxiu took the silk flowers three or two times.

"It's vulnerable." Shang Chunxiu shook the silk flower in her hand. If Qin Yunuan was right, Shang Chunxiu already had three silk flowers in her hand, and the yellow flower array began to be nothing more than a cup of tea. Shang Chunxiu took the opportunity to seize the three noble women with her martial arts.

"Get out of here." The noble woman who was robbed of silk flowers was obviously not as good as Shang Chunxiu. She was angry and did not dare to shout. She just covered her face and left with a sob.

Shang Chunxiu clapped his palm cleanly and neatly, flicked away the dust that had just been stained, and was very different from the submissiveness that had kowtoed to Concubine Yun at the banquet. As soon as he turned around, Shang Chunxiu saw Qin Yunu, who had been watching the battle in the corner.

Shang Chunxiu's eyes were still angry. He slowly approached Qin Yunuan and glanced at the silk flowers on Qin Yunuan's head. The fierce light in his eyes eased slightly, but his tone was still aggressive: "Is that you? Did you force your maid to our Shang family?

Qin Yunuan looked at her and suddenly smiled: "Miss Shang is so good at pretending, but she often pretends to be delicate in martial arts."

"It's none of your business." Shang Chunxiu was a little disgusted, "That time was just for my father. At that time, our Shang family relied on the Meng family. I was willing to kowtow to Yun Guifei, but for a woman like you who only relied on means and tricks, I, Shang Chunxiu looked down on you."

"Isn't Princess Yun the same?" Qin Yunuan said with a little sarcery, "Your Shang family used to rely on the Meng family, but now it depends on the Leng family. You can be obedient to Concubine Yun before. I advise you that you'd better be polite to me."

"That's different." Shang Chunxiu said firmly, "Now that General Leng values my father, my father will definitely achieve great things, and you are just a beauty disaster that interferes with General Leng's becoming a big man, which should be eliminated!"

Women know women's minds best. Qin Yunuan slowly approached until the monk Chunxiu only had a fist and suddenly smiled: "I know what you are thinking. You like Changxi."

Shang Chunxiu's face was embarrassed and he only turned his head and said, "I just don't think you deserve him."

Qin Yunuan suddenly took down the silk flower on her head and shook it in front of Shang Chunxiu. Her hand was loosened, and the silk flower fell down. But quickly, Qin Yunuan firmly took it before it landed: "Do you know what it means?"

Shang Chunxiu was stunned and did not answer.

"The rules said by the noble concubine Yun, as long as this silk flower does not fall to fall, it is not disqualification. As long as I am still the third young lady of the Ning Palace, you will think less about what you should not think about. Whether Changxi wins or defeats in the future, the people accompanying him will always be me, and it will only be me, Shang girl, I miss you. Young, I know that you sent the news about Mr. Li's painting my portraits in the painting hall. I just hope that there will be no next time, because I don't know if I will show mercy to you next time.

Shang Chunxiu was stunned. She always thought that she had done it very secretly, but she was still penetrated by Qin Yunuan. She turned around and only said, "I don't need you to show mercy to me. Anyway, you are an extremely cold-blooded person." After saying that, he left without looking back.

Qin Yunuan took a deep breath and had some doubts. Such a cautious person as Leng Shuang was just two beauties fighting, and Shang Chunxiu did not pose much threat to Qin Yunuan. Why did Leng Shuang make dangerous gestures?

Qin Yunuan looked at the hiding place of Leng Shuang, but found that Leng Shuang had disappeared. Suddenly, she seemed to see a purple figure running towards her. At the same time, a bright light flashed in front of Qin Yunuan's eyelashes, which was an extremely sharp dagger.

Qin Yunuan happened to be in a dead corner of vision, a corner that could not be seen in the stands and the small pavilion. Qin Yunuan quickly dodged the first assassination, and then a sunflower-shaped hidden weapon had shot straight at Qin Yunuan's door.