Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 98 Who is the mole

"Three cousins." Dou Mei shrank his neck and looked pitiful.

"If your cousin has enough, leave," Qin Yunuan has her own tone of seeing the guests off. "As for the second sister, I won't help her, and you, your cousin, don't go to that muddy water."

"Since the third cousin refuses to resolve the misunderstanding with her cousin, I also..." Dou Mei shook his head cowardly and sighed. After saying that, he left.

At this time, Leng Changxi came down and returned. She happened to see Dou Meis who left in a hurry in the yard. Dou Mei saw Leng Changxi at a glance. In an instant, her eyes sparkled, but she quickly adjusted her mood. Her eyes were red and covered her handkerchief. She didn't know how she thought Qin Yunuan bullied. Dou Mei Shuang, Leng Changxi frowned slightly, only glanced at Dou Mei, and entered the room.

As soon as she entered the room, Qin Yunuan was ordered to bring the old duck soup that had been warm on the stove.

"I cooked it myself and tried it." Qin Yunuan handed over the spoon and opened the lid with the other hand. The duck meat with the fragrance of lotus leaves exuded a seductive smell in the golden soup.

"Why do you have to work so hard?" As Leng Changxi smiled and took the spoon, he pinched Qin Yunuan's little face, which is now getting more and more round. Maybe it was born and raised in winter. Now Qin Yunuan has inexplicably gained a circle, white and tender, and feels good.

Old duck soup is absolutely delicious. Leng Changxi likes it very much. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Man'er waiting beside him: "Recently, there are a lot of affairs in the court. Leng Wu is more busy. Help me and ruin your two newlyweds. No wonder."

These words are full of humanity.

Man'er bent his knees and thanked him: "The general loves his father-in-law so that he will be promoted more. As a wife, it's too late to be happy."

Leng Changxi nodded: "Ceng Wu married a sensible man."

The idle people and others all retreated, leaving Ting Xue and Xi'er looking outside. Qin Yunuan wiped the corners of his mouth with a little soup stains for Leng Changxi: "How's the Sun family?"

Leng Changxi frowned: "People have almost dealt with it. The Sun family is a female household, most of whom are women, and the resistance to processing is relatively small. However, after searching all over the Sun family, I didn't find the three maps."

Qin Yunuan sighed. The Sun family took three maps alone. This time, many eyes must be staring at the treasure. If Leng Changxi finds it, I'm afraid it will cause more trouble. If he doesn't find it, Xu is also a good thing.

"Money confuses people," Qin Yunuan shook her head and said, "It seems that the fall of the Sun family this time will definitely cause another bloody storm."

"Stupid girl," Leng Changxi dotingly knocked on Qin Yu's warm forehead, "It's not such a treasure, but 30 million taels of gold. With your ability to make money, you have earned it back in more than ten years. What's more, money is important, but for 30 million taels of gold, the four families have fought for so long, Jiang Do you think it's worth fighting and killing people on the lake for so many years?

Qin Yunuan suddenly understood. At first, she felt that the old lady seemed to exaggerate the value of the treasure, but she did not know the secret behind it.

Leng Changxi continued: "Those who know fur for the first time naturally think that these 30 million taels of gold are only 30 million taels of gold. Only those who know the inside story know what the late emperor did after getting these 30 million taels of gold."

"In the previous dynasty, there was a woman named Chen Guan, who was quick-thinking and capable. What's more, she managed her husband's water transportation. The former dynasty was seriously engaged in the sea and often plundered the merchant's fleet, which caused heavy losses and caused a dilemma that no one dared to go to sea. Chen Guan did not know where to learn the whim. In a brilliant idea, she designed a kind of ship, which not only sails as fast as a flying arrow, but also has cannons on both sides of the ship. When she meets those ghost ships, if they are powerful on the ship, they will drive at full power. Ordinary ghost ships can't catch up at all. If the distance is appropriate, they will fire guns and attack. They have never failed, known as Thunderbolt boats.

"The ship is indeed a good ship." Qin Yunuan nodded, "But why hasn't it been passed down?"

"Humph," Leng Changxi snorted coldly, "This is the woman's shrewdness. She is afraid that her invention will be abused by others, so her design drawings are painted in a very mysterious way. Looking at it plainly, it is a piece of white paper. Only by knowing the method can she understand the mystery. Later, Chen Guan was innocently buried in the sea of fire. The monarch of the previous dynasty tried his best to get this drawing, but it was never useful. In the end, he could only die of depression.

Leng Changxi shook his head and then said, "But in the generation of the ancestors, I happened to meet a master and solve this drawing. I was surprised to find that there were not only the shipbuilding method and design structure of the Thunderbolt ship, but also many novel weapon design and structural drawings. Chen Guan, this woman is really a god."

"So," Qin Yunuan guessed, "the former emperor actually built a weapons factory with 30 million taels of gold?" Qin Yunuan suddenly understood the history books, which recorded how the ancestors reversed the world and won more with less. It seems that most of them rely on these mysterious weapons.

Leng Changxi nodded: "Today, it is an era of force. One of the four major families in those years is extremely rich. The only thing that lacks is sufficient military strength and weapons. If you can find the weapons factory, you can use this power to fly to the sky."

The so-called flying to the sky is to rebel and become the emperor.

The original four families inevitably had distractions, and it is no wonder that today's empress dowager would have thought of such a way to disintegrate the power of the four families.

Qin Yunuan frowned and said, "But since there is a weapons factory, there must be workers. Have these workers been isolated from the world? Also, if these workers steal the construction drawings..."

"No," Leng Changxi shook his head and said, "The former emperor's method is sharp, and the method of thunder is beyond your imagination. At the beginning, all workers who can enter the weapons factory signed a death agreement. Each of them can only work for three years. When the time is full, they will commit suicide in the dead and sacrifice the blade with blood. On the one hand, it is to prevent these people from bringing out the news. On the other hand, they have only worked for a year, and each production step is separate. They have no time to understand the construction process of the whole weapon. When the former emperor died, they had brought out the last batch of workers and buried them in the imperial mausoleum.

"But even today, many years later, the mysterious weapons factory is still overwhelming, because having it is equivalent to having the most powerful army on land and sea." Qin Yunuan came to a conclusion and couldn't help sighing, "This Chen Guan is really a god."

"Speaking of military strength," Leng Changxi put down the spoon in his hand, and the old duck soup in the warm cup had been wiped out by him. "There is another thing, except the three maps that have not been found, there is nothing that should have been in Sun's."


Leng Changxi frowned: "The military charm of Jinling."

The talisman of Jinling is jointly kept by the Marquis of Jinling and the Sun family, and then the military envoy sent by the emperor gives orders to the army, which not only ensures the ability of local military forces to adapt to changes, but also ensures the central government's control over the local area. However, the talisman kept in the Sun family has disappeared.

"Maybe it was taken by Mrs. Sun and Mrs. Sun?"

"No, it's all searched." Leng Changxi is serious.

Qin Yunuan is well aware of the seriousness of this matter, just because the Sun family secretly raised a group of troops. As long as there is the military charm of the Sun family, it can be dispatched at will without the cooperation of the little marquis of Jinling or the central military envoy. Jinling is located in the northernmost part of the Yangtze River, only 500 miles away from Kyoto. If it starts from Jinling It only takes two days to drive the army to Kyoto. Although there are 100,000 central forbidden troops in Kyoto, they are all a group of arrogant and luxurious officials, and their combat effectiveness is negligible.

At this moment, Ting Xue outside the door hurried in, holding a letter in her hand.

"Grandma, this was sent urgently from Jinling for 500 miles."

Qin Yunuan took the letter. She remembered that the handwriting was Fang Ziying's and shook off the letter paper. Qin Yunuan glanced quickly and her heart tightened, which confirmed the worst guess in her heart.

"How about it?" Leng Changxi asked.

Qin Yunuan handed him the letter: "Sister Fang said that she received my message and asked the little marquis to help investigate secretly. Sure enough, she found that the third prince had appeared in Jinling."

Sima Rui, he is really not dead.

Suddenly, Qin Yunuan suddenly thought of the three maps that disappeared for no reason. He looked at Leng Changxi and still had a bold guess in his heart. If it really came to Sima Rui, there was also the military charm. At that time, Sima Rui had an army and the best weapons. Qin Yu Nuan believed that killing his father and took the throne. Sima Rui can definitely do it.

"Do you need to notify the emperor?" Qin Yunuan asked.

Leng Changxi shook his head and shook his head: "The emperor has been in poor health since last time. I'm afraid that Sima Rui had already planned to do two things. Sun Miaoyang went to see it and said that the ecstasy fragrance was mixed with some other poisonous herbs, which had greatly destroyed the emperor's soul. Now as long as the wind blows a little and cools down, the emperor will definitely be all. My body is sore and infected with wind and cold.

"Sima Rui, he is really an extremely horrible person."

Leng Changxi narrowed his eyes and said, "He doesn't talk about the bottom line, so he has never been afraid."

Qin Yunuan thought thoughtfully: "Yes, now that the queen and Yun Guifei have passed away, who is the concubine who has been accompanying the emperor?"

"Who else?" Leng Changxi said lightly, "It's not the Yang family who was just sealed by Concubine Rong a while ago."

"It's really her." Qin Yu warmly frowned, "At that time, I felt that she was not a simple, a small talent, and she actually had such courage at that critical moment. If she was really attached to Yun's imperial concubine, why did her position and honor rise after Yun's death?"

"Do you think she and Sima Rui...?"

"It's not clear yet," Qin Yu's warm eyes narrowed slightly. "All I know is that it's time for me to go to the palace to meet this Concubine Yang."