Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 3 Mutual Benefit and Win-Win

Leng Changxi stopped and stopped his hand on the door panel. He didn't use any effort, but the door opened automatically. Leng Changxi protected Qin Yunuan behind him, but he saw a row of people standing neatly under the loofah vine in the yard. In the middle, he sat on Qin Yunuan's ordinary embroidered rattan chair. He was extraordinary and saw Qin Yunuan. He and Leng Changxi smiled as if they saw two old friends and said, "General of Daqi, princess of Daqi, we haven't seen each other for a while."

Sitting in the center, it was none other than Wan Yansu. He smiled and got up, his eyes around Leng Changxi, fell directly on the white veil where Qin Yu warmly tied his eyes, and said with concern, "Your eyes? Not ready yet."

Qin Yunuan turned sideways and said with courtesy, "It's better. Don't worry about Prince Wanyan."

Although Wan Yansu can't be seen, Qin Yunuan knows who it is just by listening to the voice, and who else will know their true identities?

Wanyan Su ordered the servant beside him to move out two chairs for Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan and let them sit down, but Leng Changxi just waved and said, "Prince Wanyan has something to say."

"Very good," Wanyansu said with a smile, "I know that General Leng went to the samurai selection in the Great Prince's Mansion today, and I don't know why he didn't play. I think that General Leng is good at it. If he comes on the stage, he will be able to fight alone. It's a pity that General Leng and my eldest brother are out of the same time, and I am short of General Leng here. Talent, I don't know, General Leng is willing to..."

"I don't want to." Before Wan Yansu finished speaking, Leng Changxi gently turned his head and said, "Prince Wanyan, please come back."

"I haven't finished speaking yet. Why did General Leng refuse so quickly?" Wanyansu smiled gently, but his tone became extremely cold. "In terms of strength, General Leng, you don't have a soldier at hand. Even if there are still 3,000 Leng soldiers living in the world, you have become defeated soldiers and can't become a climate. And Princess Ping, you have given me all three business roads in your hand. Now we have power. The relationship only leaves the ready-to-wear and cloth produced by Kingdee Embroidery Village. You have no deterrent to me. I advise you to be more knowledgeable.

"Real?" Qin Yunuan stepped forward and smiled, "Since there is no use value, why has Prince Wanyan been sending people to follow us since we entered Beidi? From Luguan to Devil City, Prince Wanyan, your eyes are everywhere. We haven't argued with Your Highness about this yet.

Wanyan was slightly embarrassed, and Qin Yunuan continued with a smile, "And as for the deterrent power your Highness said? Oh, if His Royal Highness walks the three commercial roads smoothly, His Royal Highness is really happy with the rice and grain business, and His Royal Highness's ready-made clothes and cloth of Kingdee Embroidery Village are still normal, why does His Highness come to our small places to wait? Moreover, you know that in Beidi, except for your 90-year-old Qigong Tianshi, who can compete with Changxi, no one can win Changxi. What you call gives us a way to live, in fact, you are still making profits for yourself and want Changxi to work for you? Your Highness, you should look at how many catties you are. Are you qualified?

Wanyan Su was blocked by Qin Yunuan's words and couldn't say a word. Qin Yunuan was right. In fact, he should have thought that a shrewd woman like Qin Yunuan could give up three business roads so easily?

In fact, Qin Yunuan had already made preparations. None of the three commercial roads went smoothly. Either the halfway checkpoint was blocked or caused trouble by the local residents. The official he sent to buy the rice grain watched the white upper-class rice loaded into the carriage, which could be shipped to , they are all a pile of moldy yellow rice that no one is willing to deal with. You go to ask Boss Shen named Shen Xun in Jiangnan, but they say that there is something wrong with your transportation process. After all, it is seen as the loading of the car, Wanyan Su has no way at all. As for Kingdee Embroidery Village, it has also been repeatedly dragged by natural disasters due to shortage. For this reason, Wanyansu has compensated a lot of liquidated damages to the shop on Beidi's side. He wants to ask for an explanation. Jindiexiuzhuang took out the original agreement signed, and wrote clearly on black and white paper, "If there is an unpredictable natural disaster and man-made disasters that leads to shortage of goods and cannot deliver the goods as scheduled, Kingdee Xiuzhuang does not bear any responsibility.

However, in just half a month, Wanyan Su had become anxious from the beginning of his confidence to take over. He finally understood that Qin Yunuan gave him these things so confidently that he had determined that these businesses between Beidi and Daqi could not be transferred without her. Sooner or later, he The prince will also kowtow to beg her.

"Your mouth is very powerful," Wanyansu slowly approached. "But you know, as a wife, it's better not to be too powerful," Wanyansu said while looking at Leng Changxi. "Otherwise, it will only make your man very useless."

To provoke discord? Qin Yunuan raised her eyebrows and was about to open her mouth. Leng Changxi's cold voice sounded: "I just like Nuannuan's mouth, and it has proved that I have the ability to marry her. Prince Wanyan, if you don't buy loofah, go back."

Leng Changxi's slender fingers pointed to several unformed loofahs formed on the loofah vine, looking at Wanyan Su, and completely looking like a forced sale.

Wanyansu grinned at the corners of his mouth: "I'll buy it. Who said I won't buy it? I'll buy all these loofahs at a price."

Qin Yunuan's fingertips trembled in Leng Changxi's palm and smiled, "No more, no less. There are about five or six small loofahs on this loofah vine, each 100 taels of silver. Your Highness, we only accept cash. If not, forget it."

Obviously, there were only two people, but Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi spoke confidently, forcing Wan Yansu, the Northern Emperor, to be speechless and unable to use force, because these two people were just scoundrels and not provocative.

"But I'll buy a few loofahs." Wanyansu motioned his men with his eyes to hand over a few ingots of Jin Kezi to Leng Changxi's hand, "Is these enough?"

Although Qin Yunuan couldn't see it, she naturally knew that Wanyansu would only give more but not less. She smiled and said, "No change, this is also my style."

Wanyansu shook his sleeve and said, "If you don't look for it, you won't look for it. I just want to ask you about the three business roads and the food. Now it's a critical moment. I can't be surprised at all." Wanyansu gritted his teeth and became more humble and gentle. "Please ask Mrs. Leng to raise your hand and let me do it."

Wanyansu changed his name and his mentality. Originally, he thought that Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan were weak in Beidi. He was already expected that they could not successfully reach Xixia with their ability, and he deliberately lit a special spice in the carriage when Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi fled, which would make Qin Yunuan's eyes good. Extremely slow, the weaker they are, the more he has the capital to negotiate, but he is wrong. After all, he is not as bold and careful as these Central Plains people.

"1%?" Qin Yunuan's tone was sarcastic, as if he was satirizing Wanyan Su's insatiable greed and self-righteousness.

Wanyansu gritted his teeth: "Well, I only want those three commercial roads and rice grains to successfully meet Beidi, and the rest will be as usual."

Qin Yu warmed the corners of her mouth and smiled: "Everything is as usual?"

The corners of Wanyansu's mouth twitched slightly, and his eyes were no longer as awe-inspiring as when he first came. The most obvious thing was that he was moving up and down at a high frequency in the throat knot, and he was about to touch his bottom line.

"Mrs. Leng, please make an offer."

At this time, Qin Yunuan retreated behind Leng Changxi, and the bird leaned on Leng Changxi's arm: "I listen to my father-in-law."

Leng Changxi was also rude and said, "In addition to this loofah money, we also want to cooperate with Prince Wanyan."

If he had talked about cooperation earlier, Wanyansu might have only regarded the two as his subordinates, but Qin Yunuan patiently waited for him to find it in person. This cooperation was not that simple.

Leng Changxi said and smiled: "Prince Wanyan doesn't have to be nervous. I also know that although Prince Wanyan has been excluded by the eldest prince and has been guarding the border all year round, he is sure about the position of the crown prince of Beidi. If not, he will not be so actively risking danger and warm cooperation to open a business road in order to prepare for military resources and enter the big Mi, in order to prepare military food, buy ready-to-wear clothes, and prepare winter clothes for soldiers in the cold winter of Beidi. Prince Wanyan, you have spent so much time preparing for the position of this crown prince, and you should not want to be defeated in these two or three months.

Leng Changxi turned around and continued, "Now, Beidi's Khan is old, and the only outstanding sons under his knees are the eldest prince Wanyanba and the fourth prince, and Sima Rui has been colliding with Wanyanba. After calculation, Wanyanba is our common enemy, so we can cooperate. You have the determination to become a crown prince. With the counselor, Nuannuan has an endless supply of commercial resources and materials, and I have advanced military training methods and close combat skills. Prince Wanyan, don't you think that these three are indispensable? And I don't want much. I just need the customs clearance disc to Savage Valley and Xixia after it's done.

Wanyansu suddenly asked cautiously, "What are you doing in Savage Valley?"

Savage Valley is the dividing line between Beidi and the small glazed country. Twenty years ago, it was still the territory of Daqi. This place is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Since it was captured by Beidi 20 years ago, Daqi's many attacks have been defeated. Beidi's imperial court only thought that it was because of the legend that the source of Daqi's dragon vein was here that Daqi was close to each other. And it also aroused Beidi's defense of the Savage Valley, but in recent years, the movement of Daqi has become smaller, and Beidi has naturally relaxed some vigilance.

"The fourth prince doesn't need to ask, just say this condition, can you agree?"

Wanyan Su hesitated a little, and Leng Changxi said, "One throne, change two discs, this business, it's not a loss."

"Wait for me to think about it," Wanyansu said calmly. "Since the successive events in the Savage Valley seven years ago, the sweat has been furious and will never allow people to enter the valley again. The disc you mentioned is like asking me to challenge the authority of Khan."