Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 38 The confrontation is imminent

Don't let go of the body? Qin Yunuan looked at the distance, as if he could see the desire and determination in Chen Jingrui's eyes through the stone gate. Was he so determined to enter the weapons factory, not only to get the weapons drawings, but more importantly, to take away Chen Guan's body?

"He is an extremely perverted demon," Amo continued to say viciously. "At that time, in order to get close to his master, he pretended to be an ordinary blacksmith to participate in the work. The purpose was to steal the master's life's blood and force the master to marry him. Later, something happened to the weapons factory and the master also died. He was still unwilling to be in the army. He camped around the factory. He took advantage of the evil poison in the southwest to attack other people who escaped with him, making everyone become a waste that can only eat and can't speak, and he is more and more stupid from generation to generation, and he became the leader of this group of waste, holding his own power in an attempt to enter again.

"Who told you these?" Unlike others, Qin Yunuan's first reaction was to condemn how excessive Chen Jingrui was. She was just curious. Since Amo said that she had never left this tomb, who told her what happened outside?

Amo suddenly stopped talking. She lowered her head and her eyes were a little dodging.

"Actually, you have also gone out, right?" Qin Yunuan lowered her tone a little with some temptation. "You must have gone out, otherwise you won't know so clearly about the external world, and the things here. Although many of them are old bottles that have been used for many years, there is one thing that is new, that is, on your head. Black hairpins will usually go bad in less than three or five years. If you haven't been out for 20 years, how can you explain the new hairpins on your head?

Amo was stunned. Looking at Qin Yunuan, his eyes were a little dull, but he didn't want to explain.

Qin Yunuan tilted her head and looked at Amo with great interest: "The way you look at me reminds me of a person, the ten-niang of the devil city. I have to admit that it's not surprising if the triplets are really born exactly the same, but the eyes and expressions will be a little different after all. Hu Shiniang, how long will you hide it?"

Amo suddenly looked up, his eyes narrowed slightly, with some vigilance: "Don't mention the name of the ungrateful person in front of me."

Qin Yunuan ignored her and continued: "If I guess correctly, Hu Shiniang in the Devil City and the Du family in the capital of Beidi are all Amo. You wrote and directed an excellent farce. While guarding your master's body and exploring the situation outside, you spread about how horrible the Savage Valley is. Rumors are just to prevent people from coming in, right? There are so many organs here, but from the first moment my father-in-law and I came in, you didn't want to hurt us, which means that you know us.

Amo suddenly looked up and looked at the top of the stone above his head with a relieved tone: "But in the end, you are still allowed to come in. As long as there are interests, someone will always find a way to come in. I have been guarding this tomb for 20 years. From the first day of protection, I knew that someone would eventually come in."

Amo also acquiesce that she is the Hu Shiniang of the Devil City and the Du family in Dadu. In this way, Qin Yunuan only feels that she is not simple and can move back and forth between the Savage Valley and the Devil City and Dadu so quickly.

At this time, Leng Changxi, who was guarding the stone gate, suddenly showed his light skills. As soon as he landed, he said to Amo, "They have come here as if there is a way."

"Impossible." Amo couldn't believe that Wang Shui had blocked countless invaders, but he was just a Chen Jingrui. How could he have that ability?

After saying that, Amo hurried towards Shimen. Qin Yunuan followed. Leng Changxi took the time to ask Qin Yunuan, "She solved the poison for you?"

"No," Qin Yunuan shook her head. "It's just that I know something more important." After saying that, Qin Yunuan handed another pill in her hand to Leng Changxi, which was exactly what Amo gave her. She deliberately left an extra moment. If there was really a problem with the air in the tomb, she didn't want Leng Changxi to have an accident.

Amo skillfully explored the stone door, confirmed that the stone door was closed, and opened a very hidden hole in the upper right of the stone door. From this small hole, you can clearly see the situation outside. Out of Amo's expectation, although the king water mixed with nitric acid and sulfuric acid is still slowly flowing, it is composed of human flesh. The bridge is slowly approaching.

There are some corroded branches and dead leaves around. It can be seen that Chen Jingrui must have wanted these things to be put on these corrosive ** at the beginning, but he didn't expect to have nothing to make up for it. Compared with these things, thick human flesh and solid human bones can last longer, so he came up with this cruelty. The way to let those slaves pave a road for him and step on the bloody corpse. Chen Jingrui, surrounded by torches, was not at all uneasy. Every time he went to a blank place, the slaves walking in front of him would be pushed down. With the sad screams, it was this huge team that moved forward again. Moved forward a little bit.

This time, Chen Jingrui will not die without the heart of the Yellow River.

Amo seemed a little unnatural. For the first time, she was a little stressed.

"Can they come to the stone gate?" Qin Yunuan looked at Amo and asked.

"I don't know." While paying attention to the movement outside, Amo is also uneasy. This corridor is extremely long, and it is not easy to finish this road. Although Chen Jingrui's self-injury practice is not good, it is also the fastest way.

"You go in first and go into the crystal coffin." Amo turned his head and said to Leng Changxi.

"What about you?" Qin Yunuan felt that Amo could not be left here alone.

"Of course I have a way," Amo glanced at Qin Yunuan, and a tenderness suddenly appeared in her eyes. She stayed in this tomb for a long time, but few people cared about her, and very few people could think of her in a crisis. "Your poison," Amo sighed helplessly. "I can't solve it."

"What did you say?" Leng Changxi's voice suddenly increased.

"Don't worry." Amo frowned and looked at Leng Changxi. When she was still Hu Shi Niang in the Devil City, she clearly remembered that Leng Changxi was an extremely calm man. At that time, it was precisely because of the unsurprising temperament on Leng Changxi that attracted her. In addition to sympathizing with the two of them to help him, Hu Shi Niang was more or less personal. Here, it was the first time she saw Leng Changxi so nervous, for a woman, which made Amo a little excited and uncomfortable.

"I... I'm fine, and I'm not afraid." Qin Yunuan's voice was very gentle, but her whole body still trembled uncontrollably.

"But your body is very cold," Leng Changxi pinched Qin Yunuan's little face and looked left and right. "Your face is not good, and your whole body is trembling."

"Real?" Qin Yunuan was a little surprised, "But I didn't tremble or be afraid." After Qin Yunuan finished speaking, Leng Changxi only felt that she trembled more.

Looking at Leng Changxi's serious and incredible eyes, Qin Yunuan suddenly thought of something. She lifted her sleeves and saw that the black thin line on her arm had spread from her wrist to her fingertips. She suddenly realized something.

"Is it almost time?" Qin Yu warmly asked.

Leng Changxi didn't say anything, but both of them knew that when it was time to son, Qin Yunuan's poison should attack.