Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 40 Tomb Collapse

"Changxi?" Qin Yunuan saw that Leng Changxi in the distance suddenly remained motionless and thought that there was an accident. Unexpectedly, Leng Changxi resolutely put his hand into the crystal coffin. According to the custom of burying the dead, the deceased was big, and Leng Changxi was very disrespectful.

But Leng Changxi not only put his hand in and pinched the position of the head of the body. Suddenly, Qin Yunuan was far away and felt cold for a moment. Looking at Leng Changxi's action, it seemed to pull down the head of the body, but what Leng Changxi held in his hand was actually a multi-faced head. Yes, it was multi-faceted.

The workmanship is exquisite, and every detail is vividly depicted. The eyebrows and the tip of the nose are as delicate as a real person, comparable to the human skin mask made by Leng Changxi's men. It is precisely because this head is multifaceted that it will lead to the feeling of being stared at by this face from any direction.

Qin Yunuan was surprised and realized a problem. This body was actually fake. This body, which was so well protected and taken care of by Amo Riri, was actually a fake. If this body is fake, then it is difficult to guarantee that this tomb is not...

At this time, Leng Changxi has jumped back from the central stone platform, still holding the multi-faced head in his hand. Although the three faces on the head are closed, it may be a matter of workmanship. Looking at this head always makes people feel chilling.

Leng Changxi seemed to understand Qin Yunuan's worries. He calmly analyzed, "Don't worry, I don't think this is necessarily a fake tomb. Judging from the workmanship, it is very particular. Although this mountain is big enough, it can't accommodate another tomb. I guess that Chen Guan in those years probably didn't die at all, but Just find a stand-in to replace her.

Qin Yu thought for a moment and agreed, "I think so. How can such a powerful woman die in a weapon factory riot in vain? If she is a fake death, then it is likely that the riot was also premeditated by her to escape for herself. I don't understand. She has everything and nothing is lacking. Why did she create a fake death? What does she want to escape?

"Sometimes there is nothing missing to escape. Some people pursue wealth and some people pursue status, but some people want to escape the brilliance of attention. Maybe, in her heart, there is something more important than these things." Leng Changxi thought hard and put his multi-faced head in the middle of the stone pavilion. Just between this bow, Leng Changxi suddenly felt the ground shaking.

He quickly got up and led Qin Yunuan. Then, the stone platform shook again, and even Qin Yunuan felt it. You know, there is an abyss under here. If something happens, no one can save them at all.

"Changxi." Qin Yunuan was a little flustered.

After Leng Changxi looked around, he decisively hugged Qin Yunuan's waist. The edge of the stone platform had begun to break, revealing a foot-wide opening, and the crack was still expanding. The situation of the two was very critical. Just as the thousand troops broke out, Leng Changxi showed light skills and took Qin Yunuan directly from the edge of the stone platform to a few feet away. On the central platform.

The sound of the broken stone platform was deafening in Qin Yunuan's ear. Qin Yunuan looked down at the huge stones under the suspended feet. They fell into the endless abyss and could not see the bottom, which was frightening.

landed firmly on the stone platform. Leng Changxi's foot was slightly short and almost fell down. After all, he brought one more person, and the place of the jump was not very stable.

"Changxi." Qin Yunuan turned around and quickly grabbed Leng Changxi's arm. Half of Leng Changxi's body was hanging in the air. He gritted his teeth and insisted. The rock wall of the stone platform was very smooth, which made him have no place to settle down at all. He almost mobilized his strength and made him turn over.

On the most central stone platform, Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi watched the slate road they walked along the road fall one by one without leaving a trace of mercy. It was not until the protruding stone platform in front of the broken dragon gate also collapsed, and the huge stone fell to the bottom. It took a long time to hear the sound, and there was a muffled sound. It reminded Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi that they had no way out.

Suddenly, only the most central protruding stone platform was left in the originally complete tomb. No, now it should be called a stone pillar, like a lonely welcome pine. The reason why Leng Changxi knew to come this way was that he thought that although the body was fake, the crystal coffin was real, which was the most precious. Things must be placed in the safest place, and there is no other exit in the whole tomb except the Broken Dragon Gate. As soon as Leng Changxi came in, he began to suspect that this exit might be on the crystal coffin.

Sure enough, when Qin Yunuan was looking at the crystal coffin, she suddenly saw an inconspicuous movable plate at the bottom of the coffin. When she opened the live plate, it turned out to be an iron turntable with very strange characters engraved on it.

Oh, even if you find this key, you may not be able to get out of it if you don't understand it. At this moment, Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan are alone and helpless. If they continue like this, they will be killed by the dark environment of the tomb.

"It's so familiar." Qin Yunuan suddenly said that she seemed to have seen such a symbol in her memory. By the way, it was in the book without a cover that a strange symbol was recorded on it. One corresponds to "1" and the other corresponds to a "2", which is like the shape of a duck. She didn't know where those symbols came from at that time, but she just found it interesting and remembered some.

If you look at it this way, the symbol on the compass is a set of numbers, but what is the password to unlock this set of numbers?

"There are words here." Leng Changxi suddenly pointed to a small stone tablet next to the crystal coffin and said, yes, this stone tablet is really too small. Compared with those who like to show off their great achievements, Chen Guan's stone tablet is like a small symbol.

"The most important day of my life." Leng Changxi read the words out.

I really don't know what the owner wants to express in such an endless sentence, but Qin Yunuan always feels that there is some information here.

"Maybe this is implying that the most important day for Chen Guan is to open the password of this compass?"

is this possible. Leng Changxi nodded.

"But what will be the most important day for a woman? The day of marriage? Or the day of birth? Or the day when she met her love?" Leng Changxi has no research on women.

"Not necessarily." Qin Yunuan looked at the exquisitely made fake corpse in the crystal coffin and experienced the inner world of this generation of chivalrous characters. She gloriously came to this world and changed the pattern and changes of the world with her own wisdom. However, when she was most brilliant, she suddenly hid and looked at the drawings and wisdom left by herself. Hui created extremely powerful firepower, but in the end, she left with a fake death.

"Do you remember when the chaos in the weapons factory was?" Qin Yunuan asked.

"That's a secret, and I don't even know much about it," Leng Changxi shook his head, but he was trying to recall, "However, I remember that on the seventh day of July a few years ago, my father pondered in the yard and said something like a memorial day. At that time, I didn't know that a relative in the family died on that day. Later, I learned that my father was commemorating a good friend who died in an inexplicable disaster. When I took over the investigation of these old events, I found that my father's friend was one of the stewsmen of the weapons factory. Leng Changxi's analytical ability and thinking logic are also watertight.

"That's the seventh day of July." Qin Yunuan also made up her mind. Anyway, she risked her life.

Qin Yunuan stared at the compass and adjusted the compass of the inner circle and the compass of the large circle to the seventh position respectively. With a tinkling sound, they were ready. Both of them looked around nervously, as if nothing had happened. Is it...

Suddenly, there was a sudden movement in the crystal coffin. Is it a fraudulent corpse?

No, this body is fake.

The two came forward and found that the bottom of the crystal coffin suddenly opened. There was a step that could not be seen at a glance. The steps of the bluestone slab looked new. They didn't know whether it was because no one had ever walked through it or was too well protected by the crystal coffin.

Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi looked at each other. Now they have no way back, but to keep moving forward.

Leng Changxi took Qin Yunuan's hand. Because of the reflection of the crystal coffin, the steps were not so dark, but the infinite spread of the head still made the two take a deep breath.

"Are you afraid?" Leng Changxi asked.

Qin Yunuan just clenched her little hand in the palm of Leng Changxi and said firmly, "With you, I'm not afraid."

Because there was no ready-made torch, the two could only move forward with the light reflected by the crystal coffin. As soon as they stepped on the cold stone steps with their right foot, Leng Changxi felt that there was a continuous chill under it, which was close to people's hearts. He loosened his hand holding Qin Yunuan and turned around and said, "Don't move. I'll go down and have a look first." If there is any bad accident below, Qin Yunuan also has enough time to make a judgment. In this situation, Leng Changxi can only use such a modest force to protect his beloved woman.

"No." Qin Yunuan understood what Leng Changxi meant, and he could not let him take risks alone. She took Leng Changxi's hand and refused to relax, "If something happens to you, I will be relieved to have an accident with you. Don't leave me. Now I only have you."

"Fool." Leng Changxi smiled. This silly girl, what does it mean to have an accident together?

In the end, Leng Changxi still did not stick to Qin Yunuan like cowhide candy. The two went down the steps, and the darker the light became. They all relied on Leng Changxi to walk in front of them to explore the road with their feet. Suddenly, Leng Changxi seemed to step on the air and fell down crookedly. Together with Qin Yunuan.