Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 42 Never Forget

Meng Man dusted his body and knocked on the entrance of the tunnel, which seemed to be a signal. Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi immediately heard a more dense thud. It was when Meng Man raised his eyes to observe the environment below that he saw Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan hanging in the air. At this time, Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan were about to It's on the opposite side, and the railing wrapped around the chain is right next to Montman, and the positions of the two sides are now very obvious.

Leng Changxi observed Mengman with his spare light and moved to the end. Although he saved Mengman, he could not guarantee that Monman would do anything against them. After all, he was from Chen Jingrui's side and has always regarded Chen Jingrui as a god.

Sud, another person fell out of the tunnel entrance. He was a senior attendant who had been following Mengman. As soon as he got out of the tunnel entrance, he saw Leng Changxi, and immediately ignited a murderous atmosphere in his eyes. When he saw the black insects all over the floor, he probably knew why Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan did not take a good road. If he wanted to be so dangerous, he saw this entanglement The chain wrapped around the railing, the entourage immediately came forward and prepared to cut off the lifeline of Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan with the steel knife in his hand.

As soon as the knife came out of the sheath, the entourage did not hesitate to cut down towards the chain, but at the critical moment, the entourage's hand was firmly held by Mengman, and the blade was only a finger wide from the chain. The follower was puzzled. He stared at Mengman desperately. Is their young master ready to betray the highest god of their tribe? Question mark

Meng Man glanced at Leng Changxi with his spare light and suddenly kicked the entourage directly to the center of the floor full of insects. In an instant, those black bugs crawled all over the entourage's whole body. He only saw that the entourage was like a bigger black bug twisting painfully on the ground. He was covered with the black bug, and there was nothing at all. You can escape everywhere.

In a faint way, Qin Yunuan could hear the slight tearing sound of flesh separation so far away. After a while, the insect swarm dispersed, and there was only one skeleton left in the original place. Meng Man looked at Leng Changxi and shouted a few words in tribal language.

At this time, Leng Changxi had sent the two safely to their destination with the help of this gap. Leng Changxi rubbed his sore arm and asked Qin Yunuan, "What is he talking about?"

"He said that the kindness he owed you for saving his life has been paid off, and he will be the enemy when we meet in the future." Qin Yunuan took a look at Meng Man, which was meaningful.

"I won't say thank you to him," Leng Changxi didn't reply. "Anyway, I don't owe him." After saying that, he led Qin Yunuan to the empty room in the rock wall. On the other side, the people in the tribe kept sliding down from the tunnel. The last one who came down was Chen Jingrui, whose legs and feet were not good. He could only be carried on his back, but his focused eyes remained unchanged.

Everyone couldn't help but feel cool when they saw the bones in this pile of insects. Mengman just said softly, "This is a lesson. You should remember that the insects here can't be touched."

Chen Jingrui took a look at Mengman without saying anything else and ordered, "Find a way to get there. The stone room opposite is the core space of the whole weapons factory."

At the other end, Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi, who had entered the core space, kept turning along the narrow corridor until a high stone step appeared in front of them and went up the steps until they stepped on the last step. A soft light made them a little uncomfortable.

When I raised my eyes, I found that the decorations in this huge stone room were almost the same as the lobby of a large family, and the soft light came from the chandeliers decorated with night pearls hanging on the top of the stone, at least more than a dozen. Such luxury, even today's emperor I can't enjoy it.

"There is a stone gate here." Qin Yunuan touched a moving board and looked at the candlestick next to the stone gate. Naturally, he understood that since there were already so many night pearls in the lobby, there was no need for a candlestick.

Qin Yunuan twisted the candlestick, and sure enough, the stone door opened, and the light inside was relatively dark. Seeing this, Leng Changxi jumped up directly, took off the largest night pearl from the night pearl chandelier on the head, stretched it in, and the small space was immediately illuminated.

"Go in." After Leng Changxi Hall, compared with the magnificent outside, it is more like a person's study. The long cases are piled with drawings, and there are many bundles of drawing paper in the ceramic barrels beside it, some of which are only half depicted.

Leng Changxi couldn't help opening these drawings. The horizontal and vertical ones are some mechanical internal structures, which should be some powerful weapons in those years.

"Don't move." Qin Yunuan reminded softly, "If these drawings are real, do you think such confidential things will be spread out on the table for you?"

Leng Changxi nodded in agreement and heard Qin Yunuan say, "Chen Guan is a smart woman. What she wants to do and hide will never be so simple. I'm worried that there is something wrong with these drawings."

Speaking of here, suddenly there was a noise outside, which was the sound of the crowd pouring in. If the time was not wrong, it was Chen Jingrui's group of people who came over at a glance. There was no place to hide at all. Leng Changxi looked up and suddenly saw some suddens on the top of this "Study" The stone pillar that came out had an idea.

Outside, when the slaves saw the magnificent night pearl ceiling in the hall, their eyes were about to fall off.

Only Chen Jingrui calmly observed and found that one of the night pearl was missing.

"Monman, you take people around to search. Those two people must have come in. Those two are extremely cunning. You have to be more careful." After saying that, Chen Jingrui looked at Wanyansu, who had been following him. At this time, Wanyansu's face was a little pale because he broke an arm. After a simple dressing, he still insisted on acting with the big team. He has always been very obedicing to Chen Jingrui, but at this moment, the resentment and embogy in his eyes have been revealed.

"I know what you're thinking," Chen Jingrui seemed to disdain Wanyansu's inner pain. "Isn't it just my fault that I used your wife as a pedal and walked through the swarm? So what? Men are all going to do big things. They are trapped by a woman. How can they dominate the world? Do you still remember that you said that you will definitely become a climate and hold power when you return to the capital of Northerndi. I'm just clearing obstacles for you in advance. Don't thank me.

Wanyansu wanted to speak and stopped, and his angry face suffocated the anger. Chen Jingrui looked at him and smiled, "Go and twist the candlestick on the wall. If I remember correctly, it is to turn on the switch of the secret room."

Wanyan Su swallowed his anger. At this time, he was no longer the fourth prince of Beidi Jin. He was just attached to a clown to Chen Jingrui and did the lowest work.

The candlestick was twisted again, and the stone door was opened again. Like Leng Changxi, Chen Jingrui and others were instantly attracted by several full drawings.

Grandma Yu said in a trembling voice, "Oh, my God, we found it. This is the biggest treasure. We found the drawings."

After Grandma Yu finished speaking, Chen Jingrui immediately called an attendants around him and said, "Go and get me all the drawings."

The entourage nodded and came forward to lift one of the drawings. Immediately, a green smoke spewed out violently into the entourage's eyes, accompanied by a scream like a scream from hell. The entourage covered his eyes painfully, and the green smoke seemed to stick to his cheek.

"Bed the water quickly." Grandma Yu ordered the slave behind her to hand over a horn pot with half of the water. Grandma Yu immediately made a decision and splashed water on the entourage's face. On the contrary, the blue smoke not only did not dissipate, but turned into a scorching **. In a short time, the entourage's face had been corroded.

Grandma Yu secretly said that she was not good, but in the process of struggling, this entourage had no intention to tear down the drawings on the case one by one. When the last drawing fell to the ground, a strong green smoke spewed out. It turned out that the case was hollow and placed two things that made this poisonous green smoke. When someone on it moves the drawings, they will set out and mix the two things violently to form a corrosive green smoke, and the density of the green smoke is heavier than the air, so it is lowered and floats along the floor, which does not affect Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan, who have been hiding behind the stone pillar.

Leng Changxi still hid the huge night pearl in his arms. The light below was relatively bright. The two could see the movement below clearly and couldn't help sighing in their hearts. Fortunately, they were not greedy at that time and moved the drawings on the case.

The slave behind didn't know what had happened. He only saw the rolling smoke keep coming out. Some of them had the same idea as Grandma Yu. They wanted to suppress the smoke with water, but they got a worse end. For a while, Chen Jingrui had not obtained anything valuable, and most of them had been damaged. The remaining slaves.

Even Chen Jingrui had to be quickly recited.

There was green smoke at the bottom, but Qin Yunuan, who was above, accidentally looked up and saw something surprising on the top of the stone.

"Changxi, look." Qin Yunuan pointed to the still dark stone roof under the light of Ye Mingzhu. There seemed to be a lot of things engraved on it, not words, but some straight curves and patterns. Qingyan had forced Chen Jingrui to wait for a few people out, and Leng Changxi was not afraid to take out the illuminated Ye Mingzhu to explore.

After Qin Yunuan looked at it for a long time, he made a judgment: "Yes, there is no doubt that the real drawings are depicted on it."

"How can I take it out?" Leng Changxi looked at the treasure engraved on the stone wall and sighed.

"Since Chen Guan carved the drawings on it, she didn't want to be taken out, but you forgot that your wife and I have the ability to never forget." Qin Yunuan said while secretly. Write down these figures one by one.

Leng Changxi lit the night pearl for Qin Yunuan. When it shone on the stone wall behind Qin Yunuan, the careful Leng Changxi found that this stone wall was not the same as the one next to it.

He stretched out his hand and knocked, listening to the crisp sound of the empty space. Leng Changxi smiled: "Nuannuan, behind this stone wall, it is empty."