Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 61 Sleeping Beauty

After Qin Yunuan finished speaking, she called the little maid beside her and dragged Lu Wuyi into the room.

Lu Wuyi was placed next to the eldest princess's bed. Qin Yunuan didn't say anything. She didn't need to say anything. Naturally, the two understood that this was the medicine under Lu Wuyi, and naturally he wanted to solve it.

"I can't solve it... seriously... I can't solve it seriously."

"Oh? Is that so?" Qin Yunuan slightly raised the corners of Lu Wuyi's mouth, suddenly pinched Lu Wuyi's chin, stuffed a purple elixir into Lu Wuyi's mouth, raised Lu Wuyi's chin and forced Lu Wuyi to swallow the elixir, and then smiled, "You can solve it."

Lu Wuyi clasped his throat desperately: "What did you eat for me? You crazy woman."

"It's just the poison I can make," Qin Yunuan squinted, and the sound of weapon handing has come from the beam. It seems that the upper head has dried up. Qin Yunuan lowered her eyes and looked at Lu Wuyi, and her eyes were sharp and cold. "It's broken. You are a poisoner. Naturally, you know how powerful this poison is."

"You're lying to me. There's no reason why you know how to make broken intestines. You're just a woman."

Qin Yunuan smiled and said, "Before Chen Guan could create such a magical thing, everyone thought that she was just a woman. How about the woman? If you don't save the eldest princess, aren't you also a dead person?"

Lu Wuyi had no choice but to turn around and take the pulse for the eldest princess, touching the pulse, and a surprised look appeared on his face: "Is there a master who sealed the meridians for the eldest princess?"

"You don't need to care about this, just save people." Qin Yunuan turned sideways and asked the little maid of the post hall to look at Lu Wuyi. Don't let Lu Wuyi do any more tricks. He went to the side room to get his medicine box. Lu Wuyi came in a hurry and must not bring the medicine box. Even if he brought it, Qin Yunuan would worry about whether the things in the medicine box would be tamped.

When Qin Yunuan came back with the medicine box, Leng Changxi and Leng Wu just solved the three people on the beam of the room. The legendary three knives of Xixia were nothing more than that. Leng Wu's arm was hung with color and was cut. Leng Changxi was safe and sound, and one of these people's heart was pierced, and the other was kicked and broken by Leng Changxi. The beam bone fell from the beam and directly cut off its breath. One of them was broken by Leng Wu, and none of them was spared.

"The body has been disposed of." Leng Changxi told Leng Wudao that he didn't want the timid Lu Yichang to find anything wrong.

"How's it going inside?" Leng Changxi wiped the blood stains on the long knife, which he took from the assassin. The three little thieves were not enough for him to show his long gun.

Qin Yunuan held the medicine box and wanted to say a word or two. The little maid inside had already hurried out and shouted, "The eldest princess is awake."

This is undoubtedly good news, but when Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan rushed in, Lu Wuyi had a helpless expression.

"I'm sorry, I tried my best." Lu Wuyi wore a single dress and trembled in the cold wind.

"Didn't you just wake up?" Leng Changxi directly took out the long knife in his hand and put it on Lu Wuyi's neck. "What on earth are you playing?"

"Where am I playing tricks," Lu Wuyi said without tears. "If I want to play tricks, I won't prescribe so many nourishing prescriptions for the eldest princess in advance to reduce the toxicity of blue blood soup that night."

"Blue blood soup?" Qin Yunuan was shocked, "The medicine you gave to the eldest princess is actually blue blood soup?"

Bixue soup is an extremely poisonous poison. After only an hour after taking it, it will pierce the intestines and pierce the belly, and turn into a pool of sewage, flowing out of the mouth and nose, just like the star before her death. The seven orifices are bleeding and hopeless. The body will continue to rot after a long time, until a pool of sewage is slightly blue, which is also green. The origin of the name of blood soup can be said to be invisibly murder.

And Lu Wuyi actually gave such a cruel poison to the eldest princess.

"You already knew Jing Yuanchu's plan, and you knew that Jing Yuanchu was going to attack the eldest princess?" Leng Changxi directly pulled Lu Wuyi's collar, and the cool wind poured into Lu Wuyi's skirt, but it could not resist the cold and piercing chill in Leng Changxi's eyes. This chill could directly kill people.

"I..." Lu Wuyi's voice trembled, "I want to live under the shelter of the thirteenth prince's palace. Is there any other way but to listen to the devil? I have tried my best to avoid it. After knowing that Jingyuan will attack the eldest princess sooner or later, I specially added herbs to protect blood vessels and meridians in the secret recipe of the eldest princess's Anshen soup. I heard that a little maid has died in the post hall, right? The death is bleeding to death, and the death form is exactly the same as that of blue blood soup poisoning, which is why it grows. Is the princess all right? General Leng, think about it, think about it.

Lu Wuyi almost used a pleading tone. He used to be a proud doctor, but in the Thirteenth Prince's Mansion, he had seen too many abuse suffered by people who were unwilling to submit to the Thirteenth Prince. He also seemed to have changed his mentality. There has never been a so-called prosperous and troubled times, seemingly peaceful rule. Shang also surged forward in various undercurrents. He did not want to be swallowed up by the waves, so he could only succumb and rely on the strong step by step to survive.

Leng Changxi pointed to the eldest princess who was still in a coma and said ruthlessly to Lu Wuyi, "Let me think about it? The eldest princess's life and death are still uncertain. How can you let me think about it?

"The eldest princess's life and death are not uncertain," Lu Wuyi hurriedly explained, "My previous herbs have protected her heart, and the toxins have not invaded her inner body. She just fell asleep. She can hear, smell and feel, but she can't speak, open her eyes, and act."

Leng Changxi tried hard, and the long blade had cut Lu Wuyi's neck: "Isn't that the same as the living dead?"

"But she is not dead, General Leng. I'm just a doctor. This is the limit of what I can do." Lu Wuyi pleaded bitterly and choked several times in his tone.

Leng Changxi looked back at Qin Yunuan and shook his head slightly. Leng Changxi let go of the long knife in his hand and looked sideways at Lu Wuyi and said, "You go."

Lu Wuyi was a little stunned, got up suddenly, and left as fast as he crawled.

Immediately heard the sound from the beam. Qin Yunuan can conclude that this is the master who followed the Thirteenth Prince's Mansion all the way, so she asked Leng Changxi to let Lu Wuyi go. Even if Leng Changxi did not kill Lu Wuyi, Lu Wuyi could not walk out of the post hall alive and let Lu Wuyi die under Jing Yuanchu's hands, so that Jing Yuanchu would be more Peace of mind.

Lu Wuyi left, and the little maid was temporarily ordered to leave by Qin Yu Nuan. The whole room became quiet in an instant. The eldest princess lay quietly **, with a quiet and peaceful face, as if she were asleep. Leng Changxi looked at the eldest princess silently, still fantasizing in her heart, maybe next In a moment, the eldest princess will wake up.

"Changxi." Qin Yunuan silently held Leng Changxi's fingertips, and Leng Changxi's fingertips were cold. "Just like Lu Wuyi said, the eldest princess can still hear us talking. If we are sad, she will also feel it."

Leng Changxi nodded, but he wrote down the account.

Sure enough, two days later, the murder of the post hall murder has been reported. In addition to Xing'er, who died in the ear room, there is also a male corpse who died in the alley next to the back door of the post hall. Strangely, in this winter, it was freezing. The male corpse died wearing only one single dress. As for the three assassins solved by Leng Changxi and Leng Wu Because it was buried very well and no flaws were found, Jing Yuanchu could not come to the post hall to ask for someone.

Just almost in an instant, the post hall attracted so much attention that the story of a legendary missing princess in the post hall also spread. The identity of the eldest princess was exposed to everyone, and the existence of Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan became the object of discussion.

On this day, in the court, the ministers were silent. Jing Donghua, who had just recovered from a serious illness, came to the government in person for the first time, and under the golden steps, it was Jing Yuanchu who knelt down.

On the Xixia Jinluan Hall, 16 lacquered gold copper pillars hold up the magnificent roof, and the black marble tiles set off the quiet or standing or kneeling crowd, making the atmosphere in the whole hall more solemn.

"It's the fault of the minister," Jing Yuanchu kowtowed to the ground and put his whole forehead against the ground. The cold on the ground made his fingertips tremble slightly and look more pious. "The minister first thought that his father still needed to recover from illness. He should not be too excited. In addition, after the eldest princess was taken out of the Savage Valley, he was in a trance. When he couldn't speak normally, he wanted to temporarily suppress the matter of finding the eldest princess. Half a month later, he mentioned it again on his father's birthday, but he didn't expect that such a thing would happen in the post hall. The maidservant sent by his son to take care of the eldest princess was innocently killed, and the eldest princess had also been unconscious. Seeing that the father and the old man met was in sight. Before, it was turned into this by my son's extrajugation, and asked my father to be punished.

As soon as Jing Yuanchu finished speaking, a minister immediately came forward to say: "Your Majesty, the thirteenth prince is also filial, so he will be considerate. All these are all evildoers who have bad intentions and have nothing to do with the thirteenth prince."

Even Prince Jing Yuanxiao came forward to interceded with Jing Yuanchu. For a moment, the minister stood on Jing Yuanchu's side. Jing Donghua sat high on the dragon chair and looked down at the underground people from top to bottom. Thinking that the last time he saw Qinghe, he couldn't talk to her well, but now he fainted and couldn't sleep. Wake up, it is inevitable to feel desolate, but looking at Jing Yuanchu, who is full of filial piety, it seems that he can't blame it. He just shakes his head and whispers, "Well, things have happened, and you are also a piece of filial piety. If I blame you, it's unreasonable. Get up."

Jingyuan stood up like an amnesty, but said more respectfully: "I knew that I had made a big mistake and was willing to make up for it with another good news. In fact, while finding the eldest princess, I was sure that the children of the father and the eldest princess were still alive. During this period Come on, I have been painstakingly sending people to look for him. Just this morning, I finally got the news that I found my father's brother who has been separated for many years. Now he is outside the hall and asks my father to summon him.