Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 69 Father and son recognize each other

Qin Yunuan also looked at Leng Changxi with a sweet smile. The two seemed to have the same heart and affectionate. They knew the awkward dry cough beside them, which made them notice that Jing Yuanxiao had not arrived soon.

"Old Eleven and his wife are deeply in love, which is really enviable." Jing Yuanxiao smiled slowly. Since he paced forward on the wall and exposed Jing Yuanchu's conspiracy with a porcelain bottle in his hand, no one would think that the prince of Xixia was a coward.

"His Royal Highness and the Crown Princess are also the piano and singing, and the eagles are deeply in love." Qin Yunuan praised back very generously. Jing Yuanxiao lowered his head and smiled, and his face was full of sweetness.

"Your Highness, Mr. Leng, Mrs. Leng, the emperor calls you in." The eunuch in charge came out to report the news. Jing Yuanxiao was about to step forward, but turned around and reminded the eunuch: "Remember, this is no longer Mr. Leng. You should call him His Royal Highness Eleven."

Leng Changxi smiled gently and waved his hand and said, "These don't matter."

When this dialogue happened, the curtain happened to be lifted. Jing Donghua, who was sitting inside, happened to hear the dialogue outside. Some trivial things in his hand had been dealt with. Because Jing Yuanxiao's cooperation and preparation for the rainy day, the loss of this rebellion was minimized. At the same time, the situation in Xiliang City was stable, and there was Bai Shishi, the eldest daughter of the general, does not need to worry about the overall situation.

"It's really time to change it." Jing Donghua raised his head and greeted the three of them to come in.

Jing Yuanxiao, Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan saluted Jing Donghua in turn. Jing Yuanxiao claimed to be his son, while Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan still called themselves "grass people" and "people's women", and they couldn't help but make Jing Donghua frown.

"Didn't you say it all before? This name should be changed. Jing Donghua seemed to feel that giving Leng Changxi a name was a matter of course. "There was also a letter from the palace saying that Qinghe seemed to wake up. It seems that your medicine is very effective." Jing Donghua's words were for Qin Yunuan. Jing Donghua closed the memorial and list in his hand and said to Qin Yunuan with a smile, "When you and Lao Eleven also live in the palace, you will have to take more care of the river. She has been alone in Yueya Mountain for so many years, and there must be many old problems all. After all, that place is too cold. It's cold. As for the two of you, when you return to Beijing and everything settles down, I will tell the world and make Changxi your identity public.

The more Jing Donghua said, the more happy he felt, and the joy between his eyebrows was hard to hide, and Jing Yuanxiao also congratulated him sincerely: "Congratulations on finding his beloved son and giving me a good brother who can do it."

Just when all this was about to be settled by Jing Donghua, Leng Changxi suddenly replied, "Forgive the abruptness of the grass people, the grass people have not thought about correcting the name."

"Hmm?" Jing Donghua didn't seem to believe it. He thought it was just Leng Changxi's modesty and immediately put forward conditions. "It's okay. If you don't want to live in the palace, I can order someone to find a house with seven in and seven exits, so that you can live outside the palace. As long as you miss Qinghe, you can visit your mother at any time."

"Grass people don't mean that." Leng Changxi's tone is firm.

"What does that mean?" Jing Donghua looked up slightly, "Do you want to be awarded the title of title directly? Want to stay away from me? I know that I have treated you and Qinghe badly for more than 20 years. This time, I want to make up for it.

"No," Leng Changxi looked up and said firmly, "The grass people don't like the identity of the eleventh prince of Xixia, let alone the emperor. Show this identity to the world."

As soon as Leng Changxi said, Jing Yuanxiao immediately advised, "Eleventh brother, although Xixia is not as strong as before, the prince's identity is the recognition of your royal bloodline. After so many years, it's time to recognize your ancestors."

Leng Changxi did not look at Jing Yuanxiao, but looked down at Qin Yunuan. He knew that she supported him, and she would understand and support him no matter what he did.

"Your Majesty, please listen to me," Leng Changxi knelt down on one knee and said sincerely to Jing Donghua, "Maybe this identity is very noble, and maybe this status is rare, but for me, this status is not warm. The hometown of the grass people is Daqi, and there is another one in the grass people's family that can open up for their families. After his life, he has taken care of the grass people since he was infated. He may not have given the grass people the status of a supreme prince, but he gave the grass people all the care that his father could give. He found the best master for the grass people. In order to let the masters of the world teach the grass people martial arts, he can take the grass people to kneel in the mountains and fields. Three days and nights in front of the door, there was only one father of the Caomin, who was Leng Zhongxiao, the king of Ning of Daqi.

Jing Donghua was already very unwilling. The corners of his mouth twitched and asked Leng Changxi, "So, are you unwilling to recognize your ancestors? Don't you want to recognize me as a father?"

Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan looked at each other and slowly said to Jing Donghua: "The Cao people are grateful to the emperor for giving Cao people's life, but the government of the Qi Dynasty is now under the control of Sima Rui. Cao Min's father is under great pressure to protect everyone in the Ning Palace. He can't share his father's worries. It is the unfiliality of the Cao people. The emperor However, I have always felt sorry for my mother and the grass people, and asked the emperor to give the grass people a chance to fulfill their filial piety.

"Give?" Jing Donghua's tone was slightly raised, with doubts and a kind of self-deprecation.

He thought that his lost son would be grateful for his arrangement, or at least accepted it frankly, but he did not expect that he would be rejected, or even be rejected so coldly and directly.

"What opportunity do you want?"

"I want to ask the emperor to borrow the 200,000 black armored soldiers of the Caomin to kill Daqi, kill Sima Rui, and give them peace."

"Absurd!" Jing Donghua even stood up directly and said in an extremely serious tone, "The black armor soldiers are the most elite troops in Xixia. Every year, the best soldiers are selected from the army to enter the camp for training. Xixia has a total of 300,000 black armor and 100,000 are stationed in the palace. How can I send all the black armor stationed abroad to you? No Yes!"

"Naturally, it is not all polled by the grass people." Leng Changxi knelt on one knee, clenched his fist with one hand, and respectfully asked, "Sima Rui, the third prince of Daqi, took control of the government, harmed loyalty, house arrest the emperor, condoned his subordinates** to plunder, and exterminate humanity. This is known to everyone in the world. To kill unjust ministers is to return justice in the world. Your Majesty, this is also a way to promote the national prestige of Xixia and help Xixia regain it. It was a good time for the status of a great power.

Jing Donghua slowly sat down, and the yellow cases in front of him were piled up with countless lists and data maps. One of the maps happened to be the map of today's world. Today's situation is that Daqi and Xixia divide the Central Plains, and many small countries, such as Liuli and South Vietnam, are attached to the two countries. Daqi and Xixia The relationship has always been very delicate. Since Daqi got rid of Xixia's control 50 years ago, he has become more and more domineering to sit on an equal footing with Xixia.

However, there is a common contradiction between the two countries, that is, the nomadic regime in the north, Beidi, the culture of Beidi is backward, but the territory is vast, from the south to the edge of the Savage Valley, to Changbai Mountain in the north, from the East China Sea in the east, to Langya Mountain in the west, and Beidi is not as easy to talk as Daqi. Warlike, there is no need for excuses and inducements to start a war. Once you go south, it will sweep away. If this time, it can really help Daqi become allies and take advantage of the newly occupied Eastern Qin Pass to pull out the cancer of Beidi.

Emotionally, Jing Donghua is really unwilling to send troops to help Leng Changxi back to fight back to his hometown, because it means that he will lose his son forever, but rationally, Da Qi is now terminally ill and needs help in the snow. It's so cheap that it's a waste not to pick it up.

"Your Majesty, please think twice." Leng Changxi arched his hand.

"You step back first." Jing Donghua turned his head and didn't want to see Leng Changxi.

After Leng Changxi left with Qin Yunuan, Jing Yuanxiao stayed in the tent. Jing Donghua narrowed his eyes and kneaded his sore eyes with his slender fingers.

"What do you think?" Jing Donghua asked Langlangly.

Jing Yuanxiao thought for a moment and took a deep breath: "It's feasible."

"It seems that this is the general trend?" Jing Donghua seems to be asking himself and Jing Yuanxiao.

Jing Yuanxiao lowered his head slightly and agreed. He was about to leave with a salute. Jing Donghua narrowed his eyes and said leisurely, "It's right to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. Old Thirteen is right. Yuan Xiao, you have also hidden it from me for too long."

The tone was leisurely, but the attitude was solemn. Jing Yuanxiao's fingertips trembled slightly. In fact, this was Jing Donghua's temptation. It depends on how he answered. If he said it, this is the crime of bullying the king. As long as Jing Donghua opened his mouth, he could condemn Jing Yuanxiao and let Jing Yuanxiao never turn over forever. If it was agreed, this It's a good escort.

Fortunately, Jing Yuanxiao had been prepared for a long time. According to Qin Yunuan's advice, he sincerely said, "I know the guilt, but I just want to ask my father. Does my father know why the other four brothers died at a young age?"

Jing Donghua opened his eyes slightly and motioned Jing Yuanchu to continue talking.

"Because of interests, monks have more porridge and less porridge, so there will be rebellion, wolves have more meat and less meat, so there will be competition. There is only one position for the crown prince, but everyone is eagerly watching who will become the target of public criticism once they sit down, but what if you think about it from another perspective? If this position is a waste that is not competitive at all, will everyone focus on this waste or the next person who is more capable of replace it? Jing Yuanxiao put aside a wry smile at the corners of his mouth, "I once regarded every brother as a brother, but in the end, I knew that in the face of interests, brothers and sisters can be broken. In front of power, friendship is impermanent. They strive to climb up, and my ministers pretend to be stupid just to survive."

What a sharp contrast of climbing up and surviving. This sentence deeply hurt Jing Donghua's heart. He also came from the palace struggle. If it hadn't been for the battle for the throne, he would not have left the Qing River in the Crescent Mountain. The bitterness and pain in it was very clear, which was also Qin Yunuan's purpose.

"Ok, you go down."

Jing Yuanxiao saluted and left. As soon as Fang came out of the business, he saw Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan waiting for him outside.