Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 77 The Way to Rule the Army

The sound of the flute was like helping me. The black armored soldiers immediately counterattacked and waved the swords and halberds wantonly. At this time, the monkeys that showed their prototypes were like lambs to be slaughtered, and were solved one by one by these agile butchers.

However, Leng Changxi's eyes were always fixed on the person standing far away on the hillside playing the flute, dressed in light purple clothes, a perfectly petite side face, and the white jade hands kneading the mouth of the flute.

is warm.

A battle that has been deadlocked for a whole day was completely solved because of Qin Yunuan's appearance. Leng Wu was responsible for dealing with these aftermath. During this period, he caught a lot of wild monkeys alive. I have to say that the wild monkey was quite spiritual. After being caught, either learned from the crying of a child or the whimper of a learned woman. The crying caused a trace of sympathy in the heart of the general who escorted the wild monkey.

"Everyone, plug your ears with cotton." Leng Wu stuffed a cotton into each soldier in charge of the escort, which was exactly the size of an ear hole.

On the other side, on a remote hillside, Leng Changxi was dressed in a uniform and his face was full of sadness, but when he saw Qin Yunuan, who was angry with his little mouth, the corners of his mouth instantly became gentle.

"Warm..." Before the next word "warm" blurted out, Qin Yunuan actually came with an arrow. First, he slapped Leng Changxi fiercely in the face angrily, which sounded to the extreme. Suddenly, it rushed into Leng Changxi's arms and nestled the whole person between Leng Changxi's arms, and the pink fists couldn't help beating the hard armor in front of Leng Changxi's chest.

"Idiot! Fool! Thousands of knives! You deserve to leave me. Look, without me, you haven't been trapped here for so long and read so many military tactics in vain. Although it was to blame Leng Changxi's words, after all, it was an angry word. Leng Changxi could hear that the words were full of care and worry.

Leng Changxi held Qin Yunuan's little fist: "Don't hit it. My armor is made of black iron, and the knife and gun are invulnerable. What can you do if you hurt your hand?"

Qin Yunuan took the opportunity to grasp Leng Changxi's exposed face. On this expedition, Leng Changxi no longer wore a mask. His handsome face was suddenly transformed by Qin Yunuan. Qin Yunuan gently pinched Leng Changxi's face and said angrily, "Then there is no armor here. Can I pinch it?"

Leng Changxi was helpless. He just shrugged his shoulders and pouted in the other direction: "Look at the meeting between Leng Wu and Xiao, can't you be gentle?"

Qin Yunuan took the opportunity to look at it. It was precisely when she saw Leng Wucai get out of those complicated afterths handling that, so she pulled Man'er to hug each other tightly in an empty ancient pine, which was inseparable.

Qin Yunuan pouted and said, "If Leng Wu also drugged Man'er one day, how will Man'er torture this guy? Will there be the current grinding of the ears?"

Leng Changxi knew that Qin Yunuan still hated that matter in her heart, so he finally lowered his head and said to Qin Yunuan, "Nuannuan, I'm sorry."

In a word, Qin Yunuan suddenly calmed down. She leaned on Leng Changxi's chest and replied in a low voice: "Forget, I don't blame you. As long as you agree, in the future, no matter whether it's for good or not, you can't leave me, because you are not me. You don't know that as long as you are with you, I It's the best and most reassuring thing. Let me live a good life apart from you, and I'm also unstable.

Leng Changxi hugged Qin Yunuan and nodded heavily: "I know."

Then he learned that Qin Yunuan's method of playing the flute to win was also learned from ancient books, and the selection of materials of this flute was extremely exquisite, requiring old jade seeds, and the flute had to be played every day for more than ten years before it could be integrated with people, just like Tiancheng. In order to find the flute, Qin Yunuan took a lot of effort, the most Later, Bai Shishi bought it at a high price from an old eunuch in the palace. When the old eunuch was bought away, he held the table legs and cried for a long time, but the flute was wanted by today's imperial concubine and could not help it.

Suddenly, there was a noise on the other side of the hillside. Leng Changxi led Qin Yunuan and ran directly, but found that a group of black armored soldiers were coming with a string of wild monkeys tied with cowhide ropes. These wild monkeys were chirping crookedly and could not learn from human voices. They looked like ordinary monkeys in the mountains and forests.

"What's going on?" Leng Changxi asked Tuoba Wuyu, the general of the black armored soldiers. Tuoba Wuyu is a distant relative of the queen's family and a relative of the emperor. At that time, he was also successfully elected as the general leading 200,000 black armored soldiers through various selection and martial arts competition. Now, Tuoba Wuyu is naturally unconvinced by this airborne general. Qi, coupled with his tall figure, half a head taller than Leng Changxi, as strong as an iron cow, an arm thicker than Qin Yunuan's thigh, and his speech is even more rude.

"General Leng, aren't you awesome? Guess for yourself." Tuoba is not polite.

Qin Yu's warm heart sank slightly. Sure enough, because of Leng Changxi's impatience in route selection, the people in the army were unconvinced by him.

Leng Changxi didn't say much, but after hearing the news, Leng Wu came back to report: "General, it was this group of people who took advantage of the victory to follow some remaining wild monkeys to find their nest and capture some underage wild monkeys in the nest alive. What is the general going to do?"

"Of course, it's all killed," Tuoba's desireless tone is unquestionable. "These monsters are born without human beings and ghosts. Who knows if they will harm others one day and kill them all, which is also a kind of killing them for the people."

"You can't be so reckless." Qin Yunuan grabbed his voice and slowly reasoned, "Every species has its existence. The number of wild monkeys has increased sharply in recent years. I think it must be a man-made reason. It is likely that someone deliberately trains and breeds these wild monkeys to prevent us from walking through the Yunlong Canyon to enter Daqi, but blindly put these wild monkeys. If the slaughter is exhausted, I'm afraid it's not good for others.

"Yo, who is this? Is it also a minister suddenly appointed by the emperor? I haven't heard that we have a female minister in Xixia. Tuoba had no desire to look down on Leng Changxi, but now Qin Yunuan, who suddenly speaks, is still such a petite and weak woman, which makes him even more disdainful.

Leng Changxi arched his hand and said, "This is the general's insider, which made the general laugh. However, what the insider said is not unreasonable. Look at the thorns and cut traces all over the mountains. Didn't we also see the scene of these wild monkeys planting trees when we first entered the canyon for the first time? I think that if these creatures hadn't maintained the balance of the canyon, maybe today's Yunlong Canyon might not have such a good scenery, and these wild monkeys are not yet successful and don't know how to confuse people's hearts, so why...

"Come on, kill!" Tuoba Wuyu didn't listen to Leng Changxi's nonsense at all and directly ordered his subordinates to die.

The black armored soldier started quickly. After a while, a wild monkey died under the knife halberd of the black armored soldier. Leng Changxi only winked at Leng Wu and Leng Shuang. The two of them came forward, one with a halberd and the other with a soft sword, abruptly stopped the two machetes that wanted to cut down the neck of the wild monkey. He also came forward and picked out the long gun in one of his hands with a soft whip.

"General Leng, what do you mean?" Tuoba has no desire to use "you" instead of "you". It seems that he suddenly respects him, but it is actually a question.

"We can now safely pass through the canyon. Why do we need to spend energy on such boring things? We have been delayed for a long time. Now we should move forward at full speed."

In the face of Leng Changxi's persuasion, Tuoba Wuyi just held his head high and replied singlely, "I'm happy, how can I be a general, but it's just that the emperor saw that you are Daqi's down-and-out dog that you gave you such a position. What a Daqi god of war is invincible. About your legends, I am one I don't believe it. And didn't Mrs. Leng just say that? These monsters were deliberately trained to breed to prevent us from successfully passing through the canyon. Who else doesn't want us to cross the canyon? It's not the pirate prince of your Daqi. After all, it's not that you Daqi people fight Daqi people by yourself. Why do our brothers have to suffer with you? I just saw this group of monsters unhappy and killed them. Kill it, what? Are you unconvinced? Then let's make two moves? If you win, I will listen to you in the future.

Tuoba Wuyu said this, raised his head proudly, looked around, found that everyone was listening to him carefully, and became more confident: "But if I win, I have to listen to how to march and how to fight in the future. When I take my 200,000 brothers into your capital of Qi, you still You have to be responsible for recruiting the defenders of the city, opening the gate for me, and welcoming me into the city, okay?

This is undoubtedly a condition for losing power and humiliating the country. No matter how good the relationship between Xixia and Daqi is, there is no such thing as opening the city gate. Leng Changxi turned sideways to Tuoba without desire: "Okay, good, I'm just afraid..."

"Are you afraid?" Tuoba's desireless martial arts are as outstanding among the black armored soldiers, which makes him speak and do things more arrogantly. "Yo, look, this is Daqi's God of War. Before he fight, he is actually afraid."

"No," Leng Changxi said coldly, "I'm afraid that you will lose too badly and lose face in front of your brother."

This sentence immediately angered Tuoba Wuyu. Tuoba Wuyu used two axes, each of which was 100 catties heavy, sharp and powerful. Tuoba Wuyu waved the double axe, and shouted rudely to Leng Changxi, "I won't chop you into mud today. I'll take your last name."

Leng Changxi took the opportunity to push Qin Yunuan aside. Xixia advocated force and had no desire to win Tuoba. Maybe it was the best way to convince these 200,000 black armored soldiers.

"Cold and lustless? This name is not very pleasant." Leng Changxi continued to provoke Tuoba's desirelessness, and Tuoba's desirelessness was anxious. A pair of axes danced vigorously and smashed all the way towards Leng Changxi.