Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 79 Enemy Meet

Just as Man'er didn't know the meaning of mandarin ducks and cold frost, a dark shadow has directly and lightly jumped onto the tent of Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan. This black shadow is agile and is one of the best masters. He quickly took out a small bamboo tube as thick as a pen in his hand, which was filled with a highly poisonous arrow, just in him. He gently cut a small opening into the tent, just enough to shoot the poison arrow in, and a cold dagger was already on his throat.

"I'm afraid it's not good for you to be on other people's tents in the middle of the night." Leng Shuangyan looked at the man in black with a slight pause in his hand. The mandarin duck sent a signal underneath. Suddenly, the black armor soldiers ambushed around and Leng Wu took people to catch the three people in black around.

Leng Changxi lifted the curtain and came out of the camp curtain. Qin Yunuan followed closely and looked at the four people who were tied tightly. Leng Changxi looked back and nodded to Qin Yunuan, "You expected it to be really good. It seems that those little thieves are not the only want to harm us."

The thief in Leng Changxi's mouth was in the evening, discussing how to revenge on several black armored soldiers who were unwilling to repay Leng Changxi for Tuoba. In fact, they came early, but they had long been seen through by the mandarin ducks and Leng Shuang who were ambushed around them, and captured them effortlessly. In the end, they also became Leng Changxi to capture this group. A spectator of top masters.

These black armor soldiers who wanted to make bad lowered their heads and seemed to regret their ignorant behavior. On the other hand, after being found, they must be the most severe punishment. They have seen Leng Changxi's ability and know that they must have some skills in their stomachs to catch these first-class masters so easily. People.

Leng Changxi looked up at the four people in front of him, only glanced at them, and said with a full of heart, "Mantis Zhang, foreign boxing master, Tie Sha Qiao, fist master, floating on the snow, light skill first, shadowless, no one has ever dodged your hidden weapon," Leng Changxi saw through the identity of these four people at a glance. It seems that it must have taken a lot of effort to invite you. Tell me, if you don't complete the task, who will he send?

Leng Changxi can definitely judge that these four people were sent by Sima Rui, because the dispatch method of Sima Rui's assassins is completely copied the organization mode of the Eastern Qin assassin, that is, according to Zhao Huijin's assassin organization method, an assassin was sent out to prevent too much contact from leading to the assassin's body. Exposure, the assassin has great autonomy outside, but once the assassin has exceeded the time and does not come back, regardless of the result of the task, the organization will send additional personnel to continue to complete the task, all to ensure the effectiveness of the completion of the task.

The movement here soon attracted Tuoba Wuyu. He took a look at these strangely dressed assassins and knew what was going on, but when he saw several dejected black armored soldiers on one side, he didn't understand.

"General Leng, what do you...what does this mean?" Although Tuoba has no desire to submit to Leng Changxi's profound martial arts, it does not mean that he will swallow his anger and let Leng Changxi bully his people.

"Let them say it themselves." Leng Changxi didn't even raise his eyes.

After listening to these little thieves plead guilty, Tuoba raised his foot and kicked one of the leaders' knees with a violent temper. The leader suddenly softened his legs and knelt on the ground.

"General Tuoba, your own people, deal with them by yourself. As for these four people, leave them to me. You have no objection."

The people under him did such a thing, and Tuoba Wuyu dared to have a problem. It was lucky that Leng Changxi did not directly ask him to cut off the heads of these people on the spot.

After Tuoba Wuyu lowered his head and honestly dragged these people away, Leng Changxi looked at the four people in front of him. The four of them were stuffed with rags in their mouths to prevent them from biting their tongues and killed themselves.

"General, I see that four people can't stay for a long time." Leng Wu arched his hand.

Leng Changxi thought that if he stayed, it was just a burden, but if he easily let them back, whether he would let the tiger go back to the mountain? If he killed them, Sima Rui would definitely keep sending killers to make trouble.

Qin Yunuan still has a foresight. She can judge from the previous incident of the innocent increase of wild monkeys in Yunlong Canyon that there must be human factors in Yunlong Canyon in recent years, and it can be seen from the direction in which the trees and trees that have been cut down in Yunlong Canyon have been transferred, these trees have been transported in the direction of Daqi. Look Come on, there must be a base near here that Daqi or Sima Rui had arranged earlier. Perhaps, the every move of 200,000 black armored soldiers at this moment falls into these Daqi's eyes.

Leng Changxi looked at the four people and smiled and said, "Well, which of you will be the first to say what I want, I will give you the antidote. I know that you have been killed in the 14th day. This is Sima Rui's usual trick, but I said it first. The first one has the antidote, and the other three, no. "

The four people looked at each other. Qin Yunuan raised her head slightly and looked at the expressions of the four people carefully, knowing that the four of them were actually hesitating. No matter who said it first, it was unfavorable to the other three people. Instead, it was better for the four people to die without saying anything, and they could be exempted from punishment from Sima Rui.

Without waiting for these four people to speak, Qin Yunuan already pointed to one of them with a smile: "You are good at light skills and don't need to touch the ground all the way, and the soil on your sole is deeper than the other three people. It is a kind of crimson acid soil, which is the easiest to grow tea trees, that is, the one east of Yunlong Canyon. A piece of tea forest, you came from there, right?

There was a thrill floating all over the snow, but looking at Qin Yunuan, whose face was gentle and her mouth was extremely sharp. This little woman couldn't look at Er. This analysis was so powerful that she actually said a word.

Looking at the man's hesitation, Qin Yunuan wanted to say something, but the man suddenly knelt in front of Leng Changxi. Although his mouth was stuffed with cloth, his eyes and movements were telling Leng Changxi that he was willing to say.

In an instant, the other three people looked angrily at the snow, especially this irritable foreign boxer. Unexpectedly, despite being tied up, they raised their legs and went to kick the guy who ate inside and out.

"Very good." Leng Changxi floated on the snow kneeling at his feet, and his face was calm. "You are the only one who can get the antidote."

Things seemed to have come to an end, and the crowd gradually dispersed. At the same time, a dark shadow hidden in the woods suddenly frowned. Immediately, it turned around and disappeared into the deep and rich tree shadow. The dark shadow shuttled freely among the lush branches, and his light skills were light. Faster than the bound snow.

After a while, it was almost half a cup of tea. The man went to a simple hut on the edge of the canyon. The hut was heavily guarded. In fact, he was closely monitored all the way, and the hut was heavily guarded. From the door to the backyard, from the window to the roof, he didn't know. Who cherishes his life so much? Those who invite them are all top masters.

There seems to be someone discussing in the room, and one of the older voices is swearing: "Please rest assured that my four apprentices are outstanding and will definitely bring back Leng Changxi's head for Your Highness and send the beauty in your heart back safely, and completely return to Zhao."

Listen, like an old man, talking to him was a teenager in a jujube-red golden suit, who was only in his twenties, but the golden crown on his head and the jade wrench in his hand had already foreshadowed his noble identity. He raised his head slightly and looked out of the window with a very proud selfishness. He was proud He came from a miserable background. Everything he has now can be said to be done little by himself. Of course, there is no lack of stepping on other people's blood and corpses during this period, but he doesn't care to achieve his goal.

Three short and three long signals came from outside the door, and the old man immediately became excited: "It must be that my fifth apprentice has returned. They must have done something."

The old man immediately came forward and was ready to open the door of the hut. The teenager just turned his head slightly and looked calm, but suddenly, his right eyelid jumped coldly, which was a bad omen.

Sure enough, when the door of the hut was slowly opened, it was not the five apprentices who came back with good news that appeared at the door, but Leng Changxi, who was smiling, dressed in uniform and standing at the door in high spirits. After taking off the mask, his face was resolute and handsome, with an innate nobleness between his eyebrows. The teenager looked cold Changxi's true face suddenly shook, and his eyes immediately became alert, but soon, his eyes were immediately lit up by Qin Yunuan, who was standing beside Leng Changxi. The most suitable wife in his mind, he hasn't seen him for a long time.

"Long time no see." Leng Changxi slowly opened his mouth and inadvertently said the lines in the teenager's heart. Even though behind Leng Changxi were countless guards and masters in a preparatory battle, it did not prevent him from slowly pushing open the main door of the hut and sitting in with a smile.

"Third Prince." Leng Changxi sat upright on the rattan chair, which was exactly where Sima Rui sat before.

"Come on, who let these traitorous sinners come in?" The old man next to Sima Rui is none other than Qiu Murong, the head of the Mingyue School of Daqi First Gate School. I really didn't expect that the Mingyue School, which has always been known for its loyalty and courage, has also become Sima Rui's lackey. Qiu Murong, the head, not only followed Sima Rui everywhere, but also used his apprentice as Sima Rui's personal guard. This Daqi should be in a mess.

"Treason and the enemy? What evidence do you have to prove that I treasoned against the enemy? Leng Changxi raised his eyebrows and looked at Sima Rui, "What country did I betray? Which enemy did you have an affair with again?"

This is the first meeting between Sima Rui and Leng Changxi since their long confrontation, and Qin Yunuan is still there. Sima Rui can't let himself lose a penny. Sima Rui held his head slightly. Now he is in power and is not afraid of Leng Changxi at all.

"The eldest prince of Beidi has been recruited during his house arrest, and you and his secret letters have also been found in his house. This matter is known to Beidi Khan and his father."