Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 81 Wilderness

In such a wilderness forest, a group of cavalry suddenly appeared, and the queue was neat and the pace was consistent. It could be seen that they had received extremely strict training. I'm afraid that the people came were not good.

Leng Wu quickly led three horses from the other side and looked at the dust in the distance.

This should not be the backhand of Sima Rui's intervention. It seems that Sima Rui is determined not to let these three people return to the camp successfully, but if the sneaker arranges it like this, I'm afraid it's not right.

Suddenly, Leng Changxi's sharp and cold eyes seemed to see something. He opened his hand holding Qin Yunuan, stepped directly on the tree trunk with a black iron and silver gun on his back, and ran all the way in the direction of the cavalry, as fast as lightning and thunder.

Qin Yunuan thought that Leng Changxi was going to fight alone, but Leng Changxi carried his long gun behind him. In front of his bare hands, the dust raised by the cavalry gradually dissipated. They stopped. From afar, they could see the leading cavalry leader suddenly disembling from the horse, arched his hand to Leng Changxi with great respect and shouted loudly: "Leng family Jiang Hua, deputy general of the army, met General Leng.

Qin Yu's heart was shocked. With Leng Wu coming forward together, he saw that more than a thousand people and horses scattered in this ocean were neatly dressed and energetic Lengjia army. Unexpectedly, these people came faster than expected. Now Leng Changxi's position in the Xixia black family army has just been stabilized. If he could have this group of cold family soldiers. The array must be like a tiger with wings.

"Very good." Leng Changxi Junxiu's face showed a trace of satisfaction, raised his head slightly, and looked at this group of humiliation. Since Sima Rui came to power, he has been scattered all over the country and recruited again.

And Sima Rui, who was deep in the valley in the distance, soon learned the news. He rode on a mature jujube red horse, and his armor glittered in the translucent sunset. He held his head high, a little unruly, and more confident: "Very good, it's also Leng Changxi's ability, and He can recruit the people of the Leng family army, but in those years, he could be defeated and leave Daqi, but what can he do if he is defeated? Now he still needs to rely on the black armored soldiers of Xixia. As long as the relationship between the two is stiffened, what can he do?

Qiu Murong drove his horse beside Sima Rui. His four apprentices whose tongues were cut off are being helped into a carriage behind him. These four are Qiu Murong's beloved disciples. He will definitely avenge this one.

"Your Highness, don't relax your vigilance," Qiu Murong said thoughtfully. "This Leng Changxi is cunning, cruel and tricky. We must come up with a way to kill him."

Sima Rui looked back weakly at Qiu Murong: "Don't you have a 17-year-old daughter?" I remember that you practiced the dementor, didn't you?"

Qiu Murong's body suddenly stiffened. According to Sima Rui, he didn't want to take advantage of his daughter...

No, he could let his daughter take risks. Qiu Murong said with a strong smile, "This rumor outside is a little too much. What a dementor, it's just that the little girl has some ability since she was a child and can better understand people's faces."

"Never mind," Sima Rui's eyes turned forward and seemed to see that after defeating Leng Changxi, the whole world was his own. Of course, Qin Yunuan will also be his own. "With flying pigeons to pass on the book, Qiu Shuihan must appear in front of me within three days."

"Your Highness." Qiu Murong was so excited that he almost got off his horse and knelt down and begged Sima Rui. He has only commanded the Mingyue faction for a few years, and he has made the Mingyue faction do these obscene things in order to survive under Sima Rui's powerful politics. He has paid enough.

"Otherwise, I won't give you your antidote." Sima Rui's tone was always extremely cold, "You know, even if Leng Changxi does not cut off the tongues of your disciples, they will die because of the poison hidden under their tongues. Leng Changxi took their tongues and helped them save their lives, but you may not be so lucky."

After Sima Rui finished speaking, he raised his head, pulled the reins and left across the horse.

The area of Yunlong Canyon is not large, but this wild monkey, which has been rumored to have deterred many people. Tuoba has no desire to take away the nest of wild monkeys. Although the wild monkeys have not been killed because of Leng Changxi's prevention, the rest of the beasts do not dare to offend them. What's more, Leng Changxi now has Qin Yu If you sit in the warm, you won't be afraid.

The army is proceeding at the original speed. Leng Changxi rides a jujube-red tall-headed horse. Although he is not smart and sensible, he can run as fast as the wind. Qin Yunuan's riding skills have been significantly improved under the guidance of Leng Changxi these days. He has changed to a taller, but the more docile hen followed Leng Chang By Xi's side, Leng Wu, Leng Shuang and Yuan Yuan are protecting their masters. They are inevitably out of the branches. Hearing that Xue and Man'er are still in the medical female queue, following the second half of the team slowly.

When he was about to get out of the canyon, the atmosphere suddenly became tense again. Leng Changxi made a gesture to slow down the whole army and subconsciously pulled Qin Yunuan behind him.

The wind blows out from the outside of the canyon. In front of it are two opposite narrow and steep cliffs, which squeezes the road like a line of sky that can only accommodate two carriages. There is no vegetation around it. It is bare loess and dark brown rocks, and the opposite seems to be a layer of fog, white, like a smoke wave south of the Yangtze River. I can't see anything clearly.

"What do you smell?" Leng Changxi stared at the movement in front of him. He mobilized the internal force all over his body and obviously felt that someone outside was moving this way quickly, but he should be more careful when walking in such a big fog. Who would rampage in the fog with this running speed?

Qin Yunuan closed her eyes and had a keen sense of smelling and capturing every trace of breath in the air: "A smell of powder." Qin Yunuan's words fell, and a "life-saving" scream came from the white fog.

Suddenly, a woman in a big red gauze and a white cloak came from the white fog like a flying fairy outside the sky. Her big red gauze danced high, like a butterfly dancing wildly in the rain. Gradually, three tall horses and several big men in hemp clothes chased after each other. With a machete in his hand, the leading one is the most arrogant: "Little lady, it's your blessing that our king can like you. It's good to follow us back to be Mrs. Zai."

"Strong robbery of women?" Tuoba was indignant. He pulled the reins and was ready to come forward, but was stopped by Leng Changxi's words: "Don't act rashly and figure things out."

Tuoba Wuyu was slightly stunned, and his firm eyes did not move much. Although he sat on the horse, he also seemed a little unwilling and impatient.

"General Tuoba, think about it first. This woman is so gorgeously dressed but so embarrassed. She must have escaped from any church or home and trekked all the way to the canyon, but these three horsemen are all big men. Why can't this horseman catch up with this for a long time? What about the weak woman on the mountain road? Qin Yunuan smiled and explained to Tuoba.

Tuoba suddenly realized, but when he looked at the front, the woman suddenly stepped on the corner of her skirt and fell heavily to the ground. The white wrist was cut a big cut at once. What's more terrible is that there happened to be a sharp rock in the place where the woman fell, which directly scratched the woman's face. The beautiful face suddenly became bloody.

The three big men only took a look and said, "This face is ruined. I don't think the king likes it anymore. Just kill it."

After saying that, he danced the long knife in his hand. The long knife flashed coldly. Seeing that the blade was about to cut off the woman's neck, suddenly, a dark purple shadow brushed a few times and cut the wrist of the man with a long knife. The pain made him release the long knife, the blade fell to the ground, and the cold frost stood here coldly. In front of the man: "Three men bully a woman, what a good man."

"Little coquettish woman, do you dare to sneak attack me?" The man who was cut was obviously unconvinced. He was about to teach Leng Shuang a good lesson. Leng Wu had already taken action, and his thick arm directly pulled the man's hand back. "This eldest brother should be gentle with the woman."

"Oi, Leng Wu, bring people here." Leng Changxi glanced at the bloody face of the woman in red, confirmed that her face was indeed cut, and then said to the three men, "There are only three of you. I have 200,000 people. If you are interested, leave quickly."

The three men looked at each other, as if they were really scared, but they still had one more mouth on their face: "The strong dragon does not suppress the ground snake. Sooner or later, I want you to look good."

Leng Changxi nodded slightly: "Okay, I'll wait."

At this time, Leng Wu has brought the injured woman in red to Leng Changxi. The woman is petite and slender, with long waterfall-like hair, which makes these bloody men's blood boil suddenly. If you remove the blood stains on her face and look at the woman's facial features alone, it's really beautiful. Human embryo, bent eyebrows, like night star's eyes, small and tall nose and cherry lips, coupled with this sexy and generous dress, crisp breasts are slightly exposed. Although it is a little too beautiful, this woman still seems to reveal a pure and lovely temperament.

"The little girl was cold. Because her father was framed by a traitor and fell into prison, the little woman was forced to enter the teaching workshop as an official prostitute. Because she refused to sell herself, she ran away and wanted to return to her hometown, but she didn't expect that if she met such a thief outside this canyon, if she hadn't been saved by the general, I'm afraid the little woman would be innocent at this moment." This woman is not only beautiful, but also has a sweet and seductive voice. Every word is enough to be seductive.

Tuoba has forgotten Qin Yunuan's reminder before, but looked at this woman called Shuihan and sighed, "What a kind and simple woman. It's still far from the town, General Leng, otherwise we will take this Shuihan on the road together."