Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 100 Deep into the hearts of the people

Sima Rui led the army outside, and the figure in the capital was actually Yu Haitang, a figure only found in history books.

In the evening, Qin Yunuan prepared a bucket of hot water for Leng Changxi, sprinkled with some herbs that help people's peace of mind. Soaking in such a traditional Chinese medicine soup can best relieve Leng Changxi's recent tight nerves.

Qin Yunuan washed her hands and soaked them in sour vinegar to make their fingers softer before massaging the acupuncture points for Leng Changxi.

"I don't understand," Qin Yunuan shook her head and thought of what happened in the camp in the evening. "What ability does Sima Rui have? Yu Haitang is the national teacher of Beidi's former dynasty of Northern Liao. Why is he willing to be his subordinate and stationed in Kyoto for him? Moreover, he also stopped the news of Kyoto. Leak."

Speaking of this, Qin Yunuan suddenly thought of Shangguan Yuan telling her that King Ning had broken his arm. Her fingertips paused slightly, and Leng Changxi immediately noticed something strange.

"What's wrong?" Leng Changxi turned around and looked at Qin Yunuan's steaming little face through the hazy water vapor.

Qin Yunuan hesitated for a moment before telling the truth about the current situation of King Ning. Leng Changxi's body suddenly stiffened for a long time. After a long time, he lowered his head and whispered, "Actually, I knew it for a long time. When Black Hawk came, he had already told me this news."

"Father." Qin Yunuan is a little hesitant

"It will be all right." Leng Changxi took a deep breath, and the steaming water came to his face, making his mood more uncomfortable. "It will be fine." This sentence is persuading Qin Yunuan, but also persuading himself.

Faced with the last barrier straight to Kyoto, the Xixia army seems to have new problems.

In the early morning, the 15,000 people who were sent out to pretend to chase came back, which also brought some movement about Sima Rui.

"At present, Sima Rui is stationed in 100 cities on the opposite bank of the Sui River. Baicheng is rich in products and has always been the economic center of the surrounding counties. Now Sima Rui has such a strong grain reserve, I'm afraid this battle is dangerous."

"Moreover, our soldiers don't know how to be watery, which is the real problem, general." Tuoba Wuyu put down the scroll of the map in his hand and said with a sad face, "Xixia has less water and more mountains. If we climb mountains compared with those little rabbits, who are we afraid of? But if we are more than the water, we are simply a dry duck."

"And, we don't have a boat." Black Hawk also added, "However, even if there is a boat, we lack people at the helm, paddlers, and water people."

Speaking of it, it's still an old problem.

"It may not be impossible without a boat." Qin Yunuan suddenly had an idea, " By the way, how far is our camp from the nearest township?"

"Roughly, it's only 30 miles."

"It will arrive on that day." Qin Yunuan secretly estimated in his heart, "Even if we don't have a boat and no helmsman, the people around Suihe can. What's more, they live around Suihe all year round. Naturally, they know the water situation and reefs of Suihe better than Sima Rui and others. If we can persuade the local people to help us, won't we get twice the result with half the effort?"

This is not a good idea, but it is a good idea to use the people. On the one Hand, it will labor the people and the money. On the other Hand, who knows whether Sima Rui will take the opportunity to mess with his own people in this group of people. If so, isn't it be a big loss?

"But we are the army of Xixia," Tuoba Wuyu also found this, "Will those people of Daqi be willing to help us?"

Qin Yu raised her eyebrows, and the corners of her cunning mouth seemed to be brewing a trick. Suddenly, she smiled and said, "Wh if we like it or not, it depends on how we arrange it."

By the Suihe River, fishing boats and manned ferries returned one by one. The sunset freely sprinkled its golden light. The water of the Sui River is the best gift to the people around them. How many children have been raised by the winding Sui River. The people by the Sui River live next to the Sui River, and they can't live without food, clothing, housing and transportation. Suihe, each of them is full of a special feeling for Suihe.

A group of fishermen who have just returned from fishing are nagging and talking about the strange things that happened today.

"Well, don't you think it's strange? In the past, no matter how bad the weather was, you could catch half a net of fish. In the past few days, I really stepped on the Temple of the King of Heaven. It has been three days, and I am generally not satisfied with half of the net. Where has this fish gone?"

"Yo, I said lame, you won't be a new wife recently. You work hard at night and lose your physical strength. Don't blame this river uncle. Be careful that the river uncle is angry at night and flooded your thatch house and disturbs you and your daughter-in-law." The man on the shore laughed, and an old man next to him was silent. It was not until everyone finished laughing that he knocked on the cigarette rod of the dry smoke gun in his hand.

"I said that you descendants knew it was noisy, but I didn't know that something big happened upstream."

As soon as the old man spoke, the others immediately came over barefoot: "Village head, please talk about it."

This old man is the village head of this fishing village. Since he is the head of a village, he is naturally the most knowledgeable and capable one. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the river flowing down the river that was much more muddy than usual, and then he said, "There are some treacherous things blocking the river upstream, so that the fish can't go downstream. Come on, so there are fewer fish these days.

It seems to be even more evil.

"Old village head, what kind of evil thing is this? This shouldn't be haunted." After the lame said that, he trembled.

The old village head pretended to be mysterious and did not say anything. He knew that next to the river bank, a young man with some faces took down the hat on his head and said bluntly, "Half a month ago, the troops of Sima Rui, the third prince of Daqi, had just crossed the Sui River and set up camp on the other side of the river. During this period, countless water camps were built and hundreds of warships were transported. Train soldiers to drain in the river, and so many people and boats are blocked upstream, how can they not let the downstream fish be less? I think the evil things mentioned by the old village head are those big ships blocked in the mouth of the river.

The old village head nodded and said, "As the young man said."

"I said, who are you? I've never seen you before. Why did you suddenly appear in our small fishing village?" Zhang crippled his legs and rubbed against the young man, completely ignoring the fact that his own ospreys had launched an offensive against the sparse little fish.

Suddenly, someone in front of him pointed to the river and exclaimed loudly: "Oh, my God, the river is red, and the river is angry."