Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 102 War

Yu Haitang is so straightforward that Bai Liai is a little stunned. It can be seen that his real age is not many. It seems that this Yu Haitang has some eyesight.

Sima Rui immediately came forward and anxiously reported the recent situation to Yu Haitang: "I don't know why Leng Changxi's sword went to the front this time. He sent elite soldiers to sneak attack our barracks without burning food and grass or injuring the soldiers. Instead, he directly sent people to blow up the buried dead pits. There were all the dead soldiers and causes buried there. I don't know what's good for the people who died in order to build a water village?

Sima Rui frowned and thought about it. Yu Haitang just smiled gently and teased the lion-faced monkey on his shoulder: "Buying people's hearts? His move is a little tender. Unless he has already put his eyes on those fools, this is just an empty talk.

Bai Liai's age is only 28 years old, which is known to Sima Rui and Leng Changxi. At the beginning, the appearance of the crane-haired chicken skin was exposed to everyone, which really scared many people.

People who know know that Bai Liai had a strange poison in the early years, and no one can solve this poison. People who have been poison before either can't stand the pain and understand their lives, or spend the last few years of life in pain. There are only a few people like Bai Liai who fight poison with poison.

"The poison on my body was not caused by others. It was my direct brother, Leng Changxi." This is how Bai Liai explained the strange poison on his body to Sima Rui.

At the same time, Leng Changxi just returned to the camp, and Qin Yunuan rested on the soft couch, lying down and talking about some past events.

"The poison on the eldest brother can only be said that he suffered by himself. At that time, the master was preparing for an assessment, and the winner could get his secret scriptures. The eldest brother has been striving to be strong and competitive. He not only studied hard, but even went into the evil way. At that time, he didn't know where he got a kind of ecstasy and wanted to get mixed with me. In the page, who knows that I set up a mechanism in the bookcase to prevent outsiders from turning over my pages. When the eldest brother secretly flipped through my bookcase, the two poisonous powders mixed together, which led to his instant aging now." Leng Changxi said this and shook his head thoughtfully. "I can only say that he is not good at heart and eats the bitter fruits by himself. ."

After listening, Qin Yunuan looked at Leng Changxi with a smile and said, "Are you sure this is an accident?"

After a long silence, Leng Changxi stretched out and said, "It doesn't matter. In fact, I had already guessed that he would be dishonest, so I specially put some good things in the bookcase for him."

Yes, otherwise who will tamper with the books he has to read every day?

"So, in fact, I have always been curious about why Sima Rui uses him so much with his IQ like Bai Liai." Leng Changxi shook his head. For him, Bai Liai was the loser of his subordinates all the time. He had a grand intention and watched the copper pot dripping in the corner gradually rise to a predetermined moment. At this time, soldiers came outside to report that a group of fishermen came outside the barracks, saying that they were coming to surrender.

It was only half a day before Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan left the fishing village, and this plan had such an effect. Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan looked at each other and went out together. Outside the camp gate, the old village head was the leader, followed by Zhang Changzi and some young adults in the fishing village. They were all wearing their most neat clothes, only Are the semi-new straw shoes on their feet or expose their identity? A poor person, according to common sense, can't get close to the barracks.

But each of these people is full of sincerity, but their heads are held high, as if they are proud.

"Zhang lame, let you raise your head a little higher. You are lame and your brain is not bad. Although we are here to ask General Leng, we can't leave our own temperament." The old village head pinned the dry smoke to his waist and looked leisurely at the barracks, with a familiarity in his eyes.

"The general let you in." Leng Wu came out of the camp door, only glanced at the seven or eight people, and directly took them to Leng Changxi's tent. People's comments came from the camp. This is what happened when Leng Changxi and the vice generals were discussing. These military aircraft events should not have been heard by these ordinary fishermen, but they didn't know what happened today. The sound was especially loud. Leng Wu stood outside with these seven or eight people and could hear them clearly.

"I don't agree." This is Tuoba's desireless voice, "Those fishermen are Sima Rui's lackeys. Look at the upstream fishing village, they have been slaughtered. One of them has not been left, and even the big yellow dog who watches the door has been cut off their heads, but what's the result? The more than a thousand people who survived have not honestly entered Sima Rui's barracks, and I don't see that the fishermen downstream are good.

"General Tuoba is a little general," Leng Changxi seems to be reverent and reasonable. "The upstream fishermen are also forced and coerced. Moreover, now that Sima Rui has lost humanity, he actually threw all his bodies into the Sui River, completely ignoring the survival of the downstream people, so as to threaten the downstream fishermen to surrender to him. ."

"I don't care. Naturally, these people around the Suihe River will naturally turn to their princes. If they cooperate with them rashly, they will just set themselves on fire."

What you said inside made the fishermen frown one after another, until the old village head couldn't help lifting the curtain directly and went in. He said, "We are ordinary people, but it doesn't mean that we can't distinguish right from wrong. Sima Rui is imhumane and unhelpful. Naturally, we are not willing to help Zhou. We What I want to help is the teacher of justice, General Leng. All the fishing boats and young people in the 17 villages around us can obey you. This time, as the representative of these 17 villages, I came to surrender to General Leng.

At this time, Qin Yunan personally came in with a pot of Pu'er tea. There were more than a dozen tea cups in the tray, and it seemed that she had expected these people to come back.

"Why do you need to say the word sincerity," Qin Yunuan smiled and said, "Now we are confronting Sima Rui in Suihe. Whether we can march into the capital or not, we will watch the battle of Suihe. Now several village leaders are willing to come to help. It is a cooperative relationship, not Tiaocheng. Everyone is just to fight against the unjust division."

The old village head was a little excited and nodded solemnly: "Tomorrow, just waiting for tomorrow, I will take the fishing boats from our 17 villages to the barracks."

Leng Changxi did not refuse, but nodded and said, "It's hard work."

After Leng Wu sent away the representatives of these fishing villages, Tuoba looked at the calm Suihe River from afar and turned his head and praised: "The general was really scheming to blow up the dead in Sima Rui's barracks. Before the other party could react, he visited the fishing village in person to create public opinion and encourage the fishermen to surrender. When the fishermen followed The general's intention came to the barracks and deliberately played such a play for them to strengthen their integrity. Only then, they were hit by my words and would definitely sell twelve points of strength to prove their sincerity and ability.

Leng Changxi nodded and looked into the distance. The river was steaming, and only faintly could see the high flag raised on the opposite Sima Ruishuizhai.

Seven days later, it was a fine day. From the highest floor of the water village just built by Sima Rui, an organizer, you can see the well-prepared Leng Changxi base camp on the opposite side.

A chatty sound came from the little lion-faced monkey. The little monkey was very clever and knew that he was holding the peanuts in the small plate, peeled them one by one with their fingers, and obediently stuffed them into the mouth of the jade begonia.

Yu Haitang looked at the little monkey with a smile, opened his mouth, and let the little monkey accurately throw the peeled peanuts into Yu Haitang's mouth.

Sima Rui was a little impatient: "Mr. Yu, now, as you said, Leng Changxi has mobilized all the fishermen in the opposite village to help him. If we don't take any more measures, we are afraid that the hearts of the people will be lost."

"The hearts of the people have been lost?" Yu Haitang seemed to snort coldly from his nose, "Since the moment you were ready to rebel, you shouldn't think about the hearts of the people."

Si Ma Rui gave a slight pause. He could only bear the sullenness of his heart and said with a forced smile, "I don't know Mr. Yu, what can I do?"

"Wait." Yu Haitang looked up at the wind direction.

"Wait, wait, always wait." Sima Rui was anxious, "Mr. Yu, the time is not waiting for people. Now it has been more than a year. Although I have been under house arrest for my father in the palace, none of the people outside are looking at it. They are eager to try, just waiting to prove that my father has long been unconscious, so they have rebelled together. At that time, I will be desolated on all sides. How can I return Clean up this cold Changxi when you have time."

"Don't you still have the help of Wan Yansu, the fourth prince of Beidi?" Yu Haitang narrowed his eyes and said, "There are also those scattered assassins under the Dou family and Dongqin Zhao Huijin. Although you only master one tenth of the assassins, those are all first-class. What are you afraid of?"

Sima Rui was indignant and punched the case: "Skiller? Oh, sending out all the killers can't hurt Leng Changxi's hair.

Sima Rui said while looking at the seemingly calm river. Gradually, several small red dots appeared on the river. Immediately, hundreds of Clippers came directly to Sima Rui in the wind and waves. Those were fishing boats, but they were all Xixia soldiers with armor on top, and several large fishing boats also carried thousands of horses. , vast, like duckweed coming with the water, it can swallow Sima Rui's vulnerable water village in an instant.

"Look, I said I won't wait long." A strange smile appeared on Yu Haitang's face, and the lion-faced monkey on his shoulder was also extremely excited and jumped up and down.

Sima Rui quickly ordered the soldiers to prepare for the battle.

The wind is east wind, extremely, like a helper. Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan stood on a big ship led by, speeding like a flying arrow, and the war was imminent.