Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 105 Deadly Weason

When Sima Rui heard that something had happened here, he hurried over. When the people came, there were already circles of people outside.

"What are you standing for? Isn't it said that there is a group of wild wolves in the east of the camp? If you have this leisure, go and chase the wolf. Sima Rui lifted the curtain and went in. The white tent was torn open. Xu Ji under the bed curtain was as thin as a pile of dried white bones. Her skin was as thin as a layer of kite paper, which was broken as soon as she poked. Her facial features were deeply sunken, and she could no longer see the original beauty, like a fairy beauty, even if she was During Xu Ji's serious illness, because of Bai Liai's careful care, his appearance was still as warm as jade, but now...

Si Ma Rui looked at such a terrible skeleton-like Xu Ji lying on **, and there was not only a disgusting smell in his heart. At this time, a wheelchair slowly pushed over from outside the bed, and it was the little book boy-like person who pushed Yu Haitang out.

"Is it you again?" Because there are still so many people outside, Sima Rui has tried his best to lower his voice, "How many times have I said that you sucked her skills, but Xu Ji, do you know how much time I spent to find Xu Ji?"

"But what about now?" Yu Haitang's appearance seems to be much more energetic than in the morning. Although his hair is still as pale as snow, it has a lot of luster. "Even if I don't lie for you except him, he will waste your medicinal materials and manpower. You should thank me."

"You," Sima Rui's absolute authority was challenged for the first time. No, it was the second time. He always remembered Leng Changxi's face, "Mr. Yu, I invite you to treat you as a guest, but don't be too casual."

Yu Haitang just glanced at Sima Rui and said, "Third prince, I don't take your skills, and I just see that you still have a trace of use value. Don't be too casual."

Looking at Yu Haitang leaving, Sima Rui actually had a kind of helplessness in his heart that he was stabbed without making people shouting.

"Your Highness, look." The attendants around him immediately came forward and pointed to the shapeless body of Xu Ji, "What should I do with this?"

Sima Rui didn't want to look at Xu Ji more: "Just drag it out and bury it. Remember, cover people's eyes and ears, and say that Vice General Xu is terminally ill and can't be cured."

After quickly ordering the incident, Sima Rui returned to his tent. Compared with Luguan, Pingcheng is like a small county town. Naturally, there is no palace as big as Yunying Hall for him to live in. This narrow and small tent is not the main reason why Sima Rui is depressed.

Sima Rui thought of her again - Qin Yunuan.

Si Ma Rui saw her sticking to Leng Changxi like a little white rabbit. He saw her cheer for Leng Changxi's victory, as happy as a child. He watched her watch Leng Changxi leap up the towering camp wall on a green horse and worried. Her eyes were full of the damn Leng Changxi, and there was no one else.

"Daw." Sima Rui clenched his fist, and the desire for unpeace and possession in his heart became stronger and stronger. It was really strange. The more the little white rabbit ignored him, the more he wanted to get her. Sima Rui wanted to watch Qin Yunuan worry about himself. Sima Rui not only wanted to conquer Qin Yunuan, but also to conquer Qin Yunuan's heart. What Leng Changxi could do, he You must also do it.

Compared with the panic on Sima Rui's side, Leng Changxi Shuizhai is busy.

Although the old village head said that he helped Leng Changxi cross the Sui River, Zhang Changzi and others strongly demanded to join Leng Changxi's army. In addition, 17 surrounding villages and the young adults in the villages that had been forcibly conscripted before all came to conscript.

Some of them are not used to Sima Rui's usurpation of the throne, some are just to avenge their families, and some admire Leng Changxi's courage and want to follow General Leng, but Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan also tried their best to select soldiers to join the army.

First, don't leave only one child in the family. Second, don't have children in a family. Third, don't have children in the next line that need to be raised.

The war has caused a loss of life, and Qin Yunuan and Leng Changxi do not hope, resulting in the breakdown of more families that could have been saved.

The team requesting to join the army originally lined up. After listening to these three requirements, most people shook their heads and were a little hesitant, but only seven or eight people at the end of the team jumped up. They were tall and strong, but their clothes were ragged, like beggars, led by a The bearded man, the black and messy beard covered half of his face, and he couldn't see his original appearance.

"Isn't it just these three conditions? The family and this group of brothers all meet. We have no mother, we are all orphans, two daughters-in-law, no children, no relatives, and no relatives and children. If the people in front of you don't go, we will take our brothers with us."

The man said rudely, and someone immediately recognized them.

"Well, aren't they the group of monks who escaped from the Bailong Temple after killing the abbot? Why did you join the army now? Isn't it looking for death to be so ostentatious?

Rumors were everywhere, and rumors swept in like fallen leaves by the west wind. After listening to Qin Yunuan, who came to send Jiang Tang to the soldiers in charge of the recruitment, she put down the spoon in her hand and just looked at the black crowd from afar.

The soldiers next to him immediately comforted Qin Yunuan's ear, "Madam, don't worry. This group of people will be over. How can this person who killed people enter our barracks?"

The words are flattering, but unfortunately, they clicked the wrong place. Qin Yunuan turned her head and said lightly, "Look at the people in our barracks, which one has never killed anyone? Let someone bring them to me to have a look."

This soldier is still a little puzzled. Qin Yunuan has turned into the camp next to him for conscription registration. Leng Shuang took a look and ordered, "Why don't you do it?"

Qin Yunuan sat in a cold tent, which was very simple, but a few thick wooden sticks were used as supports and built at will, and the cool breeze could be directly poured in and cold.

Man'er next to her warmed her cloak for Qin Yu, and a rough greeting came from outside: "General's wife, I'm here with my brothers."

Man'er frowned and looked at the seven or eight big-waist sweat without any etiquette. She was very rude and shouted, "Presumptuous, you can't be polite when you see the general's wife!"

"That's all," Qin Yunuan waved his hand and stopped, thinking that these people didn't know how to salute. "Those false gifts will be avoided."

The man who claimed to be the head of the family smiled and said, "Look, I know that the general's wife is the most reasonable, not like the people outside. It's strange to say that the family and brothers are murderers. It's strange to bring us to justice. His third prince, Sima Rui rebelled. He is still alive. It's really strange that we killed several stinky monks who bullied the people down the mountain in Bailong Temple.

"I've heard about the White Dragon Temple." Qin Yunuan nodded and said, "Those abbots did secretly rent the fields belonging to the temples to merchants to earn higher rents for usury. In order to force farmers to hand over the fields in their hands, they even arbitrarily raised the farmland tax and forced them to disperse their homes."

"Look, I said those people should be killed! The general's wife still understands the truth."

"But." Qin Yunuan's words turned around, and the man was already robbing Bai Bai, "What else is there? The general's wife doesn't believe in the kung fu of her family and brothers?"

The man looked around blankly and looked at a thick wooden stick used to build the tent, which was probably as thick as his hands folded. The man strode over and only let one brother carry the thick wooden stick. With luck, he chopped it directly with one palm. The thick wooden stick was neatly cut off. The mouth is as neat as a knife.

Not to mention the skill of this fist, it also requires the cooperation of two or three soldiers to carry this wooden stick, but it is not easy to carry this unattractive man alone.

"Mrs. General, now you believe us."

Qin Yunuan couldn't help admiring that these people's kung fu was absolutely home. Otherwise, it would have been almost a year since the abbot of Bailong Temple was killed. How could these seven or eight people not be caught?

Even so, Qin Yunuan just smiled kindly: "Although I admire heroes, there are no rules. If heroes want to join our barracks, they must abide by the rules of our barracks." While talking, Leng Shuang had already taken out several sets of clothes that had just prepared. These clothes were a little strange, not like Xixia's clothes or Daqi Zhongyuan's clothes. Looking at them, they looked like the clothes of Kunlun slaves in South Vietnam. Does Qin Yunuan want them to be slaves?

The leading man frowned: "General's wife, what do you mean?"

"Heroes, don't get me wrong," Qin Yunuan said without hurry. "It's just that several people are murdered. If I take you into the barracks at this time, although I know that several heroes are killing the people, it is inevitable that others will say something to several people. I think they are very similar to the Kunlun slaves in the southern barbaric land. No one will doubt the appearance of Kunlunnu.

This man still hesitates. In fact, their brothers are also selfish to join Leng Changxi's army. Their crimes were determined by Sima Rui in cooperation with Dali Temple. If they can reverse Sima Rui this time, atone for his sins, and they don't have to live a life of hiding. At least they can shave back.

"A man can bend and stretch." Qin Yunuan gave a look and asked Leng Shuang to put her clothes on the ground and slowly came out of the camp. "Heroes, think about it."

Out of the camp, Man was a little puzzled and asked in a low voice, "Madam, why did you take in these people? It looks terrible."

Qin Yunuan smiled: "Don't think they are unruly, but they are the magic weapon I use to deal with Yu Haitang."