Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 112 Internal and External Worry

Inexplicably, it is obviously a dead thing, how can it suddenly disappear? Qin Yunuan followed Leng Shuang into the barracks, and the atmosphere inside seemed to be a little solemn. When people saw that the lonely team was the only one without Leng Changxi, they all seemed to be suspicious.

After looking around indifferently for a week, Qin Yunuan quietly ordered to the cold frost, "Prepare hot water. The general must be tired when he comes back later." Qin Yunuan spoke very calmly, as if Leng Changxi had just delayed coming back for a while. Qin Yunuan's calmness and calmness gave everyone enough confidence.

Approaching the outside of the tent that was originally parked by Sima Rui's body, Qin Yunuan's nose moved and seemed to smell something strange. Leng Shuang was about to lift the curtain and go in, but was stopped by Qin Yunuan. She only called the mandarin duck that had been guarding in front of the tent and was responsible for protecting the scene. She signaled her eyes inside, and the mandarin duck retreated. He picked up a long branch from the ground at will, first gently picked up the tent, and his sharp eyes poked in. He suddenly opened the tent and rustled twice. This was the sound of arrows coming out of the sheath. The mandarin duck sensitively pushed Qin Yunuan aside, and the two short arrows brushed Qin Yunuan's side in an instant, almost only that. Just a millimeter distance can directly wipe Qin Yu's cheek.

Several figures immediately flashed in it, and the mandarin duck and the cold frost looked at each other.

"Chasing!" The two were about to run out, but were stopped by Leng Wu, "You stay here to protect your wife. I'll go."

Leng Wu answered and left. Also, Leng Wu's light skills were only under Leng Changxi, and his experience and strength were better than Leng Shuang and Mandarin ducks. Qin Yunuan looked at Man'er, who had been rescued but had been unconscious, shook her head, and took everyone into the camp.

As soon as she entered the tent, Qin Yunuan immediately opened her life. After taking a deep breath, she issued orders one after another: "Muanyuan, you take someone to put Man'er in the next tent first. She is seriously dehydrated now. You remember that every sip of tea, feed her some salt water, cold frost, and you bring some light work. Go back along the mark I left to find the general.

As soon as Qin Yunuan finished speaking, Leng Shuang and the mandarin duck were ordered to go out, but they were stopped by Qin Yunuan again: "Wait a minute."

Qin Yunuan took a deep look at Leng Shuang and said, "It's still Leng Shuang, mandarin duck, go and take someone to find the general."

"Why?" This is the first time that Leng Shuang has questioned and questioned Qin Yunuan's order, "Isn't it better for me to go? I can know how Black Hawk is doing soon.

Qin Yunuan's inner lines are not allowed to go because they can't let you know the current situation of Black Hawk.

"No, you are familiar with Man'er and can take better care of him. On the Black Hawk side, with the general, are you still worried that something will happen?" Qin Yunuan's undeniable tone made Leng Shuang a little doubtful. Yes, who is the general? Will Leng Changxi, who has never failed, even save the life of a follower?

Leng Shuang nodded. Qin Yunuan turned her head. Leng Shuang was worried about the black eagle. She was worried about Leng Changxi, but it was a pity that now there must be someone guarding it in the army. Time passed quickly. In a blink of an eye, it was night, but the mandarin duck still did not come back, and there was no news from the people who went to explore. Leng Wu Instead, he chased back the two people who were lying in the tent and preparing to attack Qin Yunuan, but unfortunately, one had bit his tongue and killed himself, and the other had been stopped, but his mouth was also very hard and refused to say anything.

Although Leng Shuangren stayed by Man'er's side to take care of him, he was obviously absent-minded. Mu Qingyu came once and probably also asked about some situation. Qin Yunuan has been afraid to tell Mu Qingyu. Leng Changxi's life and death are uncertain, which is too terrible news.

But when the willows were on the moon, Mu Qingyu still came over, wearing a light gray casual dress, very simple, and did not look like Xixia's most favored princess at all, but like a village woman, but the innate nobleness and an unspeakable between her eyebrows

Sugness shows her uniqueness.

"Is there no news yet?" Mu Qingyu was also straightforward and didn't say a word.

At this time, Qin Yunuan was lying under the oil lamp and was a little distracted. There was originally a soldier holding it outside. I'm afraid that it was also because Mu Qingyu, who came in, avoided notification from the soldiers, so he came in directly.

Qin Yunuan looked at the letter paper that had been painted by her. She didn't know what she wanted to write, as if she just wanted to relieve her worried and uncomfortable mood.

"What?" Qin Yunuan straightened up and pretended to be very indifferent.

"Are you still going to lie to me?" Mu Qingyu approached to make sure that no one outside could hear the conversation inside. "Everyone is a woman. I can see it at a glance. Tell me, is there something wrong in the barracks?"

Qin Yunuan's eyes remained calm. She took a sip of herbal tea on the table and glanced quickly and said, "No."

"Mrs. Leng." Mu Qingyu was a little angry, and her delicate eyes trembled. "Why do you have to be so strong? Everyone is on the same boat. What's the matter? You should tell me directly. If you are carrying such a person, you don't regard me as your own. Tell me, is there something wrong with General Leng? And that Mr. Cang? Have they never come back?

Qin Yunuan took another sip of tea, looking as indifferent as ice and water. She only stared at Mu Qingyu and did not say anything for a long time, "I want you to tell you, but the princess also has to answer me a question."

Mu Qingyu paused slightly and then said, "You said."

"Okay," Qin Yunuan stood up, took off the jacket that had been wearing, put it on the back of the chair, and bounced the dust on his head without hesitation. "It was raining outside, and the roads in the camp were full of mud. I just asked the princess why the princess came in a hurry, but the shoes were extremely clean. Is the princess's light work too much, or has the princess been hiding from the side and never leaving since she came to this tent last time?

Mu Qingyu**ed the corners of his mouth: "What do you mean?"

"I've said it very tactfully," Qin Yunuan looked at Mu Qingyu. "Do you want me to ask directly why the princess has a hobby of eavesdropping? Is that okay?"

"You are presumptuous." Mu Qingyu finally picked up the princess's air, and his face was full of misunderstood grievances and unwillingness. "Why did the princess eavesdrop?"

Qin Yunuan also did not give up at all, and did not accommodate and retreat at all because the other party's identity was a princess: "Why has the princess never cared about how to deal with Sima Rui's army after she came? But just asking about the internal affairs over and over again?"

Qin Yunuan's eyes are open, covered with blood, and her tired eyes are extremely excited and high at this moment: "Princess, after all? Are these 200,000 people really here as reinforcements? Or..." Qin Yunuan took a deep breath and narrowed her eyes slightly, "Or are you going to completely hit us under house arrest after you prove that we borrowed troops from Xixia with other plans?" Bring it back to Xiliang?"

"You..." Mu Qingyu was dumbfounded. The hand that was raised to accuse Qin Yunuan couldn't help putting it down. She sighed, "How can you feel that way?"

"Because that's the truth." Qin Yunuan has risked. Now that Leng Changxi's situation is unknown, she is not going to deal with Mu Qingyu any more. "Although the mandarin duck is a maid, she has been following the old princess before. In addition to walking in the world for many years, she can save my two maids for me in troubled times and bring them out of the same way. It can be seen that she has no ability. In general, it's just to let her go out to find someone. How come she hasn't come back yet," Qin Yunuan looked straight at Mu Qingyu. "Princess, to be honest, are you the one who has been with me?"

Mu Qingyu turned his head: "What if I say no?"

Qin Yunuan smiled coldly: "I won't believe it."

"Yes, I made a bet, so what?" Mu Qingyu is not a person who will give up. In her past life, she has been growing up under glory and favor. Although she is not as spoiled and unreasonable as other noble ladies, her traditional family education has allowed her to have her own idea. No one can change this idea. "After all, your recent behavior is too It's weird. Do you know how worried the emperor is in Beijing? Although General Leng is the emperor's biological son, and the eldest princess of Daqi is also in Xiliang City, after all, General Leng and the emperor have never got along with each other and have no emotional foundation. Coupled with the inshens of the Wenwu minister of the Manchu Dynasty, the emperor is also helpless.

"The most actively encouraged among them must be the princess's father." Qin Yunuan turned her head slightly and looked at Mu Qingyu, "I trust the princess, but people are unpredictable. I'm afraid it's ambition to let the princess lead 200,000 people to the front line so well."

Mu Qingyu shook his head repeatedly: "How can it be that my father has done his best for Xixia all his life?"

"It's because he has devoted himself all his life but still can't get what he thinks he deserves." Qin Yunuan skimmed a sneer at the corners of his mouth. Whether it is Sima Rui or Wanyan Su, or the prince of Xixia, none of them is in power. They have got everything they can get. Their lovely desires are endless. If they get these good things, they want better. "The throne, your father hasn't got the throne yet. How can he do it? I'm willing."

"You..." Mu Qingyu subconsciously covered his mouth, "You mean, it's impossible. No one knows his father better than me. His father is Xixia's great meritorious official, and he won't..."

At this time, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside, like a group of people and horses surrounding the camp with broken steps. At this time, a low voice came from the outside: "Princess, hasn't the demon girl inside been cleaned up yet?"